Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Mar 1924, p. 1

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China, Cut Glass, IGroceries and Confectlons A large stock of Funeral Furnishing ' Kept at the above places Fiffine Trer WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and‘Embalmers RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE SIMEON JOYCE, L.C.A.M ~â€" AT THE â€" RICHMOND HILLgARENA Wednesday and Saturday Evenings Band in Attendance ADMISSION PRICES: Wednesday Evenings~Adults 250.; ' Children 150. Saturday Evenings â€" 25 (‘ents for all skaters. Remninsnpen all yen-u- and ad- mits students at any tium. Serig domxmd for our graduates all the time. RighL‘now Is a splendid lime to commence :1 course- hem, Thmu ough preparation i: uhsolulply necessary {0-day and It always pays to n‘ltend n snictly [inst-cl nss schuol and nnLnn imilnliun (me. High Grade Instruction Only! “ELLIOTT/7 A _ ‘ Now accepting pupils. Studio at the home of Miss Heise. Pupil of Josef Lhevinnn and Frank S. \Velsmnn Studio: Over Mr. E. R. Fortner’s 'l‘uilm' Store. PHONE 95 Wlile 10-day \V. j . ELLIOTT Yonge & Challes Sts VOL. XLVI. Dr. L. R. BELL PELHAM CIIAFFEY TENOR TEACHER OF SINGING “Royal Grafton Willow” pattern, in cups and sancers, plates, sugar and creams, etc. An assortment of novelties suitable for card parties; Our stcck of Groceries always fresh, and prices right. Bruce’s Higthlass Chocolates End Candies. Have just received a crate of "Royal Grafton China” in latest colours, “Primrose and “Plum” in solid colours. Primrose, Apple Green and Pale Blue in a broad band with black scroll round top and b:ttom of band . DENTIST Trench Black. two doors north of Stundnld Bank. IIcursQu.ln. In 5.30 n.m. ‘HOIR-LEADER AND ORGANIST I‘RESBYTERIAN CHURCH Yonge and Cenire Sis. SKATING PIANO and THEORY McLEAN, Chairman Richmond Hill Arena ‘ 30-:r .50 per annum, in advance. 'l‘rlr hone p r fme culalngue p. m. RINCIPAI ‘nron t u . STEEN ’ EGGS FOR HATCHING day NOTII‘E lS HEREBY GIVEN that meis Albert Armstrong, of the City of Tux-onto. in the County of Yolk, Lntlwr. will apply to the Palliument of Canada, at the pretenl sesfinn Ihervuf, fur a Bill of l)lvm(e flnm his wife, Elizabeth ()lmrlolte Armstrong. of the ‘aid Civy of 'l'urunm, an the grounds of adultery and desm-tinn. FRAN(‘IS_ Apiéhlifi’I‘NXRSISTRONG NORTH YONUE S'r.. RICHMOND HILL DR. ROLPH l". LANGSTAFF; Office 1101115 8 : 10 mm. and 6 : 8 p.m Leghoan J. W. BOWMAN Yorkshires STOP 29 YUNGE (5t, PHONE «14 r11 R. R.. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. SPECIAL PRICES ()N LARGE ORDERS (ALL EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID) BABY CHICKS- Notice of Application for Divorce Coda! posts and telephone poles sale. T. COUSINS, Custom Hatching $5 00 per 100 eggs Unmpanv, Lt'd. have on hand for sale. Cement, drain‘ tile. 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. Culver: tile 1:3. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand or vael sold by the load 01 in car lots. The Maple Sand, Gravel and Onmpanv, Lt'd. have on hand f( Cement, drain‘ tile. 3, 4, 5. 6 am Culvert tile 1:3. 15. 18 and ‘2 Single Comb White Leghorns Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick DH. .IJ LLIA_N C. LANGS'I‘AFF DATED 0. l. RUDDELL, D.C. Ph.C OUR CAPACITY IS 5,280 EG EVERY TH REE \VEEKS . ....-.VuuLan'- (diseases offiwgmen n'nd children.) Office hnurs 1 :3 p. m.’ I)L Phone, IOU BRGGKLANDS i'l‘EDV AI‘ TORONTO. this 135th of February, A. D‘, 1924. OFFICE RICHMOND HII PA LN 15 Hon rs TRADE MARK REGISTERED $10.00 per 100’ 100% Fertility GumantePd ‘ons "5' hi9 Snlicitm‘s, MURPHY & DONALD 302 Hay Sheet, Toronto. DRS. LANGSTAFF $25 00 per 100 till end of April $20.00 per 100 rest of season 100% Live Arrival Guaranteed lrs: 2‘10 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. Except \Vednesduy PHONE 117 ullntion Free at the Of‘ficr Richmond Hil R. CHIROPRACTOR A nnvE DAVIES S'rom u 1,; Essentials, Unity: Manager EGGS 38-42 Brick for ung run. 1mg, r. M In‘hl‘ldg - prupnsed a Lusmt. tn uur [mm and hostess. which was hem-Lily cl-lll‘llll'l‘d in by alland which “his I'Pplied tn hv Mr. Davies in his usual happy manner. AfLPI' sing- ing “Anld Lang Synr” and"‘God Save the King," the curlers lefty fortheir several homes. feeling that. h; was a guod thing to get together and a good place :0 go and hoping that this was but the beginu‘g nf social gather- ings such us the une they had left. GEO. UUWIE Semetary. PIT'rsâ€"At Aurora, Ont. on Monday, Marh lle, Florence Louisa Pitt“. widow of the: late Daniel Harris Pitts. of Halifax. N. S. Fuueml Wndnesday, March 19th| to Thornhill Cemulcnyg was hem-Lily which “'45 re his usu»] hn ink "Anld Ln the King," 1 Nuhh, was unable tn be- present and her essmy was [mad hy Miss Rose Robinson. A bearly \‘nlr‘ nf Ihunk- '\\':Is given to the entertainers. Annihwi- inn-resting meeting is prmniwd next. Monday night when Mrs. A. E, Armstrong. 4 f Tux-nut“, recenlly reburnvd from the Orient. is to give a. talk nn Indin, ilinxtrated with lantern slides. Thy public will he wplcomed at this meet- ing. The Oluh Banquet is to be hklli (in Monday, March 3151‘. Thv Y. P. S. of tho Presbytmizm Church. hr'ld :1 very interesting “we is- ing on Monday night, with Rum-Ht Ralf» presiding, in the absence of the Pwsidvnt. The progrmnmv (‘nnqislvd of three papers on [)ickon's "'J‘nl-I of [Wu Cities.” These wwe prepare-d by Miss Madeline Cowper, Mi~s Mnly Batty and Miss I. MuN .hh. Miss Mc- Nuhh, was unable tn be- present and her hem-Ly vote 'of thanks for hiéVinstrllr‘ tive address. There was :1 good andiencp in the School Rnnui 0f the Methodist Church Tnesday evening when Prof. Neileon, of Vineland. Ont, guv:3 a demonstr’al- ed address on grafting fruit-traps With his pocket-knife and hand-saw the professor demonstrated cleft grafting, side-grafting, etc., and he made his wolk so simple that even the young boys and girls were much in- terested Mr. Nrilson pointed out that, in grafting, care should be taken to {112109 the scion between the cam- hiumâ€"which intervenes between the last formed lays-rs of woodâ€"and the bark. The profrssvr was accorded a Tuesday afternoon :1 small quantity of wood alvulml was spilled in the dia- pensnry hf Sloan‘s Drug Stole. A match was applied to burn it nfl’, but apparently some of the burning nlcnhol WOlkEd through the flour. setting fire to some wonden boxes in the cellar. Water was dashed on the flames. bqt as it. was difficult to tell the extent of the fire the hose was turned on, and the fire soon extinguished. The damage was very slight. The regular monthly nwnting of the Home and School Club will he held in the Public School, on Tuesday, Mulch 25th, at. 8 o’clock. An interPnLing ud- dleSS will be given on "Northern Ontario," by W. \V. A. Trench, I.P.S. All welcome. A Box Social will b9 held at Hupv Church, Saturday evening. Mainh 22. There- will be music by Maple Chm-u] Society, a debate by Inca! fipvukel'fi. and readings by Miss Jean McDonald, clocutionist, Th'ornhill. Gents 35 cents, . ONT" THURSDAY MARCH 20, 1924 Young People’s Society Home and School Club Curlegs Banquelled Address on Grafting Box in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity.” DEATHB Small Fire Social at Hope sed COLLECTIONS Made ESTATES Managed LOANS Executed CON VEYANCI NG D 3:16 Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL: 1. D. Ramelf I NSURA NCE Effected RLABS, cut into 12-inch lengths, delivered, $10.75. Hardwood, $12. J. SHEARDGWN Best Hard Coalâ€"Stove, Egg and Nunâ€"at the C. N. R. Station. PEARSE 8; MILLS Plumbing, Heating and Sheet \Metal Work . Richmond Hill, Phone 84 J. 1” "ON TIM’E'é OUR M015â€" 1 AND. "FAIR PLAY?- (WHATS How WE MAKE Tflj Pusmgsigevm TJLKS sny wfine and leL fair p]. .pulaliun. It must ;an ’s a pxelly gund ( hi'h In hast) an a ;al's 8, plOllV gund (‘thllllliliihn upnn hi 'h [u hflSP an app -,.1 fur ymu Jmnagv. \Ve wanl ynu Lu invtsti- ule us and then employ H‘s. The oldest; Real Estate Agency in the Vicinity Reiu'a- Meetings Villugvp ()nunr;il,1sb.‘dm.d y Board of Edurntinu, let Mammy Board of Trade, 2rd Munday Horticultural Suciety, 3d Tuesd PLUMBING AND TINS‘MITHING HOT WATER. HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS _ THORNHILL, ONT. H, A. Nicholls A. C. HENDERSON COAL The Real Estate Man $15.75 1t nuft ’SUflkP you that ne ulwnn on Lfme p] ly n «ur business “hi 37-40 I). L_ &W. Scranton Coal in Egg Stove and Nut sizes, screened before deliverv. Cut Slabs, Cut Hard wood, Best Gradel Pocahontas Egg Coal @: $12.00 by the Ton delivered. A few tons of Pt, Credit and Cardinal Glutin Feed on hand, also a. good supply of Bran and Shorts. A special price by ‘the ton. Western :1 cwt. Royal ll SAMPLES FREE PAINTING, DECORATING Phone 306, King. Call and see me before buyix‘ save you hundreds of dollars. $3.700 buys 6 roomed house, furnace, electlic lights. $5.000 buys 6 roouled brick housv, all conveniences. $2.800 buys 4 nmmed cottage, and stable. one half acre of land, just out- side Riohmond Hill. $6300 buys one of the finest hmuesi n the Village, also in number of fine large homes from $6.500 up to $7.500. SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER“ HANGER and PAINTER Oxford Street Phone 128- r 12 PHONE 121 J. RICHMOND HILL 34-38 Otficz: hours 8 to 10 mm. 1 to 2 and to 8 p. In. Office and res'idenceâ€"Centre and Church Streets Richmond Hill Phone No. 24. H. WESLEY BOYNTON . HILL, Oak Ridges P. O.‘ Wall Hangings - of -’ Artistic Charm DR. M. B. WELLWOOD Public Notice Oflicezâ€"Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Office Hours: 10-12; 6-8. m Oats, Scratch Fezd, $2.50 Purity, Maple Leaf, and Household F lom‘, Polar Bear Pastry in 24 lbs. ('2‘ 80c. Properties For Sale AT THE ELEVATOR [Single copies, 3 cts. .J. P. WILSON Apply No. 38 can

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