Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Mar 1924, p. 3

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Tanlac Saved Life Says Ottawa-“ Care-worn, neweâ€"exhaustedeomen need Euro-Phosphate, a. pure organic phosphate" dispensed by druggists that New York and Paris physicians pre- scribe to increase weight and strength and to revive youthful looks and feel- ingS. Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical 00., 25 Front St. East, Toronto. Ont. Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a nttla "Freezone" on an aching corn, 1n- stantly that com stops hurting. then ihortly you lift It right of! with fingers. ‘That I am alive and in good health to-day I can attribute to nothing but Tanlac," is the remarkable statement recently made by Mrs. Eva Varalo, 233 Cumberland SL, Ottawa, Ontario, Can- Ida; Your druggist sells a. tiny bottle of “Freezone” for a. few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft com, or corn between the toes, and the toot cauuses. without soreness or irritation. The Home of History. ‘ No. 10 Downing Street has been the official residence of British Prime} Ministers for nearly two hundredl years. It. 15 well call-ed "the centre of“ the British Empire,” for many fateful decisions have been made within itsl walls. is the quickest and best relief for ains in the back and the many other ndications of kidney trouble. Sold for 50 years. Satisfaction in every bottle. At your dmggist. or direct from WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES CO. Toronto For two long years I suffered ter- ribly from indigestion, constipation. extreme nervousness, sileeplessness, palpitation of the heart, almosxt con- tinuous sick headaches and shortness of breath, until lite seemed a burden to Look Yaunggr Lift Offâ€"N0 Pain! Few people are aware that Downing ' P rs. Varalo Tells of Recovery From Complication of Trou- j Hesâ€"Gives Tanlac Full: Credit. nest. and 1 Re Should her strength And is “131:. of housework. lupsct by t In such cases, what you need is someâ€" find that. thing to ut more igonjnto vou: blgod. energy 11m Nunted ron contammlflmthem At. not realize ti me and I had given up hopes of ever regaining my health. "But Tanlac helped me the very first day I took it, and now after using seven bottles my health and strength are as fine as can be, and everyone remarks how well I look. I eat hearti- I 1y, my food digests jus-t perfectly, my nerves are steady, I sleep sound. my heart never troubles me and work is like play. Really. the way the treat- ment restored me to perfect health seems almost miraculous. Tanlac is simply grand." T'anlac is for sale by all good drug- glsts. ,Accept no substitute. Over 40 mlllion bottles sold. Do not eat between meals. You may overwork your stomach. Street is named after a man named Georg-e Downing. who went to America at the age of fifteen, afterwards re- turning and entering Parliament. He became a baron-et. and was a great favorite of Charles II., who gave him the land in.Whitehal-1 upon which he built the famous street. Sir Robert Walpole was the first Prime Minister to occupy No. 10. This was in 1731, and since that time most of his successors have lived there. Among the strange birds, beasts, and fish discovered in Brazil are vam- pire bats, flat fish with a poison spike in their tails, and vultures which make noises very like dogs barking. Every time you crowd into the memory what you do not expect it to retain, you weaken its powers, and you lose your authority to command its services. It is impossible to tell the quality of tea by the appearance of the leaf. A rough, coarse, unevenly rolled tea may taste much better in the cup than a closely rolled, well tipped tea that LOOKS much finer. The only way to be sure of getting tea. of reliable quality is to buy a tea like “SALADA,” whose goodness and purity are guar- anteed. When sending money by mail use Dominion Express Money Orders. Safer than sending bills. Keep Mlnard'u Llnlment In the house. of Us FEET SORE ? RECOMMENDED 5501» BY DRUGGKSTS bOPTlCIANS wun um "x:- n’l CM! MOI MUMNB cacmcawyu lay 0V€rwu1n yuuL uwunauu. Use I'OR EYES IRRITATE D BY SUN.WIND.DUST 6CINDERS Take Tanlac Vegetable P1113 YOU CANNOT JUDGE BY APPEARANCE. Rub every night with Mlnard'n It relieves inflammation. aoothes and heals. l}: beiterr you feel .pplga, anglvlike The invisible ear drum invented by A. 0. Leonard. which is a miniature megaphone, fitting inside the ear en- tirely out of sight. is restoring the hearing of hundreds of people in New York city. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it does this so successfully that no one could tell he is a deaf man. It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated or wholly destroyed natural drums. A request for information to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth avenue. New York city, will be given In prompt reply. 11th LEEALTHY 'CHLLDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL A Newly Discovered Tune. The saying about the little one half of the world knows of how the other half lives is as true in musical matters as ln others, and an amusing confirms, tlon of it occurred a few months ago. A famous foreign violinist and com- poser, who had been visiting the Bri- tlsh Isles frequently during a period of twenty years or so, was walking in the streets of Edinburgh when he heard a boy, who evidently was uncul- tured and uni-earned, whistling a tune that was obviously a folksong. This, thought the artist, was a real dis- covery, and giving the boy a subs-tan- tial ti'p, he made him nepeat the tune till he himself had fixed it in his mind. Returning to his hotel h-e arranged it as a piece for violin or piano. and his press agent sent ’round to the papers the good news of his discovery. And then it turn-ed out that the tune was the “Londonderry Air,” which, for many years past had been one of the most popular both as a song and as a theme for bigger works! And the violinist did not know it! The healthy child sleeps well and during its waking hours is never cross but always happy and laughing. It is olny the sickly child thatis cross and peevish. Mothers, if your children do not sleep well; if they are cross and cry a great deal, give them Baby's Own Tablets and they will soon be well and happy again. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stom- ach. banish constipation, colic and in- digestion and promote healthful sleep. They are absolutely guaranteed tree from opiates and may be given to the newâ€"born babe with perfect safety. The new sales tax will not increase the price of Baby’s Own Tablets, as the company pays the tax. You can still obtain the Tablets through any medicine dealer at 25 cents a box, or by mail, post paid, from the Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. arour go after keep on sense of Life would be frightf out obstacles to overcc get about anything in th arc firer c hearing York cl drum tl Ask for Mlnard'a and take no other The first part of the trick is to place the coin so that it will stay in position after the card is reâ€" moved. That is not very difficult. To remove the card, strike the edge of the card with the other pencil so that it will fly away. it the card is struck a straight blow, it will slip from under the coin and the tri’ck will be accomplished. (Clip thts out and paste (t. with other of the series, in a scrapbookJ For this puzzle, two lead pen- cils, a playing card and a halt dollar are used. The playing card is placed on the unsharpened end of one of the pencils. 0n the card, directly over the end of the pencil. the half dollar is placed. The problem is to remove the playing card without removing the coin. rife would be frightfuIIy dull with- obstacles to overcome. We can about anything in this world if we after it. All we have to do is to p our hands, our minds, and our se of humor working. Opportunity c just around the cornerâ€"but it’s and the next corner tooâ€"and and the corner after that! And, it you should happen to live Where re are no corners,â€"weli, it’s there . the sameâ€"E. A. Paddock. His Hearing Restored. EASY TRICKS No. 382 A Simple Problem ness renders us agree BY Addi Some years ago the French Govern- ment presented a Sevres vase to the British Museum. It is a. magnificent specimen, and very valuable. Ancient weapons, such as guns, swords, and so on, are fairly comm-on gift) from one country to another. That which Is known as "Queen Eliza.- beth’a pocket pistol" was a. gift to Great Britain from the Netherlands. It was cast as long ago as 1644. He Who builds according to every man’s advice will have a crooked house. the heart. Spain has recently made Great Br!- tain a present of a model of the Santa Maria, we ship in which Odlum-bus saHed to America, and the gift recalls others given at various times by one country to another. Evgrybody has heard of the famous Liberty Statue in New York. This was presented to America. by France in 1884. Unless you see the name “Beyer Cross" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer As- pirin proved safe by millions and pre- scribed by physicians over twenty- three years (or Colds Headache Toothache Lumbaxo Neuritis Rheumatism Neuralgla Pain. Pain Accept “Bayer Tablets oi Aspirin” only. Each unbroken package con- tains proven directions. Handy boxes at twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacoticacidester of Salicylicacld. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to assist the public against imitations. the Tab- lets oi Bayer Company Will be stamp~ ed with their general trade mark. the “Beyer Cross." Beware of Imitationsl What comes from the fieart goes to How to Prevent Biiiousness Doctors warn against remedies containing powerful drugs and alcohol. “The Extract of Roots, long known as Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, has no Ccpo or strong ingredients: it chases away indigestion, biliousness and constipation. Can be had at any drug store." Get the genuine at your druggist Gifts of the Nations. “Tobacco 0f Quality” @fiflfl KG TGBACQG to brlng you the full richness and mellow sweetness of thisâ€" Manufactured by IMPERIALTOBACCO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED '(‘XuE’JF' 7? Moml'rfimf Inch ry Mani! plptf IS FOUR TIMES SEALED I: 17:75:! 1r mm ' V Rejects accepted for limited time only. Apply Georgetown Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. A redwood tree cut recently in northern California scaled about : quarter of a million feet of lumber. It was seventy feet in circumference and three hundred feet high, and two men worked seven days to fell it. 1' wire and zinc screening, all sizes: For Vices, write J. A. Graham, 201 Lang ois Ava, Windsor, Ont. Mother Tells How Her Daughter Suffered and Was Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Vancouver, B.C.â€"“ My daughter isg young girl who has been having severe pains and weak and dizzy feelings for some time and had lost her appetite. Through an older daughter who had heard of a woman who was taking it for the same trouble, we were told of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Ve etable Com-v ound. My daughter has een taking it or several months and is quite all right now. It has done all it was represented to do and we have told a number of friends about it. I am never withou a bottle of it in the house, for I my take it for that weak, tired, worn-cu feeling which sometimes comes to us all. I find it is building me up and I strongly recommend it to women who are suffer- ing as l and my daughter have.”â€"Mrs. J. MCDONALHD, A2947 26th Ave. East, conditions. thee Many a pain and 0R SALEâ€"FANNING MILL win: and air”! cornp‘nina- a" mien: ‘v OOLGROVIERSâ€"COTTS AND Rp‘lpr-t: nnnAnfod fnr "mH'nll YWNG DAUGHTER MADE WELL For every purpose of the toilet and bath Cuticura. Soap, Ointment and Talcum are wonderfully good. Bunpla Sub has 11 Inn. Address: “I. mum. Med, 354 st Paul t, W., Montreal." old ev - where. Soap 25c. Ointment E and 50c. Talcmn Cuticun Soup shaves without mug. “ The trouble lasted three months before I‘heard of Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and after using three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two and a half boxes of Cuticura Ointment the eczema was healed." (Signed) Miss Eva. E. Belliveau, 338 Highfield Sn, Moncton‘ New Brunswick. “Eczema began with a rash on my hands and I could not put my hands in water. It grew worse every day and my hands and fingers all cracked which made them covered with eruptions. I lost sleep with the itcrring. 1nd Classified Advertisements [CZEMA IN RASH 0N HANDS Fingers Cracked. Lost Sleep. Cuficura Heals. Tom the E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- 5 especially adapted for such be age of twelve a girl needs all a thoughtful mother can give. woman has suffered years of miseryâ€"the victim of thought~ or ignorance of the mother who we guided her during this time. complains of headaches, aim! [Ck and lower limbs, ori you ‘slqwngss of thgught, negvous~ ISSU E No. 12â€"24 y on tbe'pai-t f you!

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