Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Mar 1924, p. 4

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COMMISSIONER, CON VEYANCER. ETC. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE MUV H LLAND & SMYTH Agent fur the PELHAM NURSER COMPANY â€"-Richm0nd Hill, \Ves Vaughan and King Townships All Varieties of Fruit and Ornnmen' Tl‘Pe~, Roses, Shrubs. and Bulbs. Slnndaid Stuck. I will mkr- care (if yunr interests and give yu-u :x Squale Dem]. Canadian Tenor and Uhuir Leader. Solniel, NuI-lh Parkdule Methodist Church, is prepared to leceive pupils in Rivh w-nd Hill on Thursdays. Studio, Mrs. N. J. Glass, 2nd dnm nmlh MPlh'IdiSL Church Particulars -n he frghlained by call. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Tux-onto Offir‘e : 2498 Yunge St. l’hnne Hudson 3408. Richmm-d Hill Office : \Veslr-y Bnyn- ton s Real Estate Office. Yonge St. A member of the firm will be in Richmond Hm every Tuesday. 26-Om Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. \DLudiO ‘Homewood Hall.‘ Thornhill, Ont 30 tf {lig’bnuue 22 Ring 11. ifie .‘Ifiutual £ife fisSurance Company IS n Canadian Institution, and is the prnpczty uf the Policy Holders them- selvefi. This fact ennhles you to secure LifP InsuI-um‘e at Cosh There is No Substitute fur Life In- sumnce. Enquiries solicited. C. H. BYAM. Agent. Maple, Ont. 226m Phone 232 ELOC UT ION Miss Marguerite Boyle Artxsl, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Hunloutous Sketches, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice, and at. reasonable rates. 35-1m JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 L. BOO Phone 99.]. BOOK YOUR. ORDERS Fun u DELIVERY. 24% DEPOSIT WITH ORDER 25 Chicks 50 Chicks 100 Chicks Day - J. EDWARD FRANCIS 1N” OTA RY PUBLIC 21 Um Cor. Arnold & Yonge. Potatoes Bought, and Sold. Farmerl Produce Taken to Market, Furniture Moved‘ Trucking of all description. Servion unexcelled. BUILDERS SUPPLIES Custom Hatching $7.50 per Tray 150 bggs C. 11. BX’A I‘I TRUCKING Tar paper Roofing: Rough and Dreued Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath ’ Doors Cedar Shingles 8:1 h III 15 rod to Lay S. C. White Leghorns J. T. SAIGEON Maple Thornhill. '0 H - Markham St. Richmond Hill, Ont. M. J. BURKE Patronage solicited Wm. C. Ruttan Building paper Old Chicks hone . J. Glass, 2nd ddm MelhudisL Church he nhlained by rall. 232. MAPLE. ONT RICHMOND HlLL Wallboard F0 H l‘ UTL Gyprock 0 6.00 11.00 20.00 '29- It is folly to say that the present Government in bringing on a plebiscite is prompted by the wishes of the electors. It is true, a few ix remists like Col. Currie and Mr. \1( Causland have been clamoring for a change in the Act, but the bulk of rrsponSible expressions has been in favor of giving a fair chance to the ac'. The ()rillia Packet, Conservative. his a strong editorial in favor ofa Continuance ot‘ the present law, clas- ing with the following paragraph Before the last Provincial election Hon. Mr. Ferguson stated publicly that there would be no change in the Ontario Temperance Act, until it was demanded by public opinion. The complain: when the Drury Govern- ment Was in power was not that the Act was not; a good one. but than it was not properly enforced. < In 1911 the United States Govern- ment offered to admit all natural producss of Canada frpe' including wheat, on cnnditlon that Canada would reciprocate in alloxiving all mlllt‘ai products, including (30 ul, from n r, i Snares to enter Canada free Our v‘vcmra rvjected the offer, and n few days agu President Coolidge in- cr ased the duny on wheat entering the United States to 42 cents a lushel. Thais move will raise the u ‘ce of flour to American consumers, and will have a tendency to keep “Nobad \' who can recall conditions prior to 1916 will be easily persuadcd that prohihiiion has failed to work a revolution fur the bmer, and Lie electors a e not gmng to he tricked into giving up ils solid advantages for the shadow of government con- trolI by specious argumean trmn “moderationists” whose zeal for “true temperance" did not awaken till the bars and the liquor shops had been closed.” 0 'C8 of flour to Ame and will have a t 0111: Candaian wheat. 5.. - t u b ws. That may be, but some n! H e States of our southern neighbors louk nh disf'avor on u e habit The , ws-upel‘s repnrt th‘ut, a few weeks at», a gill stul nt, 18 years of age, in Lanslng. M‘ch., was refu~ed re- admittu ce to 1' llege on account (.f her szn‘ king cigarettes upon the 9"9ets. Gnod advice to girls is “don’t smoke.” NO DEMAND FOR PLEBISCITE It is improbable lbut the 17 hours of O. T. A. discuSSion in the Legidature 1485 week changed the vote n-f a single memher when it, Came to a division un {he Government’s O. T. A. I’lvhisvitv Bill. Al hast, no Conservativ? mumhur c -nceded o mvcrsiun l0 Lhe duclrine nf the LEgislutul‘e'S light (0 1e2i>lnte (m the kind I f rrfen-ndum lo hr mbmim d, and {hey n11 voted brhiml the Premier, who mainly defended the Government's bill. Some people 100k upc Cigareues by young girls less pastime. They drg girls have ac much right, I L The Liberals expressed views in the debate whirh were not always in cun- cuxd. The Cunservatives swung in hw- hind the treasury benches and ex- pressed the views that had been ex- pleSSPd by their leaders. Replying to Attorney General Nickle, the Liberal lender, \V. E. N. Sinclair, K. 0., enunciated :L p: inriple that consul Hit-S one of tho lnain (lithium-es in Liln 1'4] and Conservative thought so far, at all events as the LPgiSliUUle is conceined. and that is, that no "big stick" had been used on the. Liberal member, not would he while he was its lvuder. He twitted the Attorney General with having a mind whirl] Was probany incapable of understanding the Liberal principle of freednm, uf thnughc and action, and held up in contrast the ultra-Tory sp-ctacle of a Premier standing up in the Legislature, 5 Premier Fmgnsnn had a few days previous, and urging his followers to get into the Causexvulive voting line. 2. ‘4.) did hear the Premir lummmy. Mr. S objection that nn telligenlly disruss n of great public imp‘ hour’s notice. and cuesions of the men out his cancemiun. He brought the ( oratnrs hack tn can er that hydlo was I the interest solelv live party, but w and heritage of al_ u'- r ,, The Hydro debate was precipitated without the sl‘ghtest opportunity being given to memhers of the Legislature to studvur even lend the report of the Gregan Commission. zithnugh they did hear the Premlvr’s reading of the lummmy. Mr. Sinclair mud» the objection that nn member could in. telligenlty disruss what was a matter of great public importance without an hour’s notice. and the rumbling dis“l cu<sions of the memhels, he said. hme out: his canteminn. He brought the C :nselvative hydro Weekly Letter March 15, 1924 3 C mseuvative hydrol arth wilh the H'mind-3 910‘. the creaLiun “1' ’IV of the Conserva. was the handiwork I. he peo;1.~ of the ‘k upon smoking ggn‘ls as a ham]- y argue that the right. to smoke as ,v be. but some n! lâ€"Herald. r in North ' NOTICE is hereby given that \Vilhelmine Christina. Slater. of In“ City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario. Married \Vnnmn, will apply to the Parliament of Canada. nbthe next, session thereof. for A Bill of Divorce from her husband. Hurold George Slater. of the City of Toronto, ; in the County uf York, Musician, on 1 {hp grnnnd bf adultery and dcsertion. DATED m Tornnm. in the Province nf Ontmin, this 5le day of February, I 1921. ' O RENTâ€"Six room house, wilh cellar. Wtuod shed, hen house. snmll ggldeli, soft and hard water at. Thom- mll. R. CASELY, Colbm-ue St. 37-38 0R SALEâ€"Incnhator made by The Chmlea Cyphms 00. of Buffnln, hnk‘h‘a hundred and tWr-ntv ngs hm nnly been used six times. will sell fur $21.00. Also ladie-S’ Water proof (mat. new, has new-w been \vm-n, hHav. ier than 1' nped, good for anlUl'illgl wa< expensivp, will Sell for $12.00. Apply tn A. L. \V. Bux ~15. 'l‘hnrnhill, Ont. 3839 O LETâ€"Three room suite $12.00, 4 rrmm su W $16.00 per month, Apply T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES, Limited Thornhill. Ont. 37-40 OR SALEâ€"(‘onfim'tablc frame housv; Int 40 x140frvt. Apply MRS, A. ENDEAN, Omnre St., West, Richmond Hlll, Phr nw (i1 W. 37-39 Phone Maple 1068 cmd 0R SALEâ€"A quantity nf Timothy hay. Wheat. straw. white Wavv SPI'd oats and 2 hmhvls red clover sevd. GEO. HARDING, Richmond Hill. 38â€"39 Huldy, and Nu. 1 (J‘Uvuuuwul Slandul'd, filsl class sample. Apply [1- FRANK TEASDALE. Concord OR SALEâ€"Colony hunm', 10 x 8, height 8 x7, with lean to, annex and wire lun, $31.00. Alm u. gnnd bred R. R. (Jockmel, O. A. (7. stmin and 3 dncKs and Unl‘Plfllf‘d drukr, Mammoth Pekin. Apply MISS J. UHE\\'. H. R. No. l. Hichnmnd Hill. slup 37-38 Owing to large increase of stock [shall erl gmden display Collectinns of select varieties as fulluws: 6 bulbs nf 0‘ different cnlms. 36 in all. all cmrm-t‘ly labelled ful' $2.00, prepaid in (Humdn. These are prizx' winners. Glut, the best. Unlonville, Out. MRS. G. A. M. DAVISON 32-” [shall srl select vu different labelled f V O\Vâ€"Urdvr ynur wire fence. gateS‘. ; ban-h \VilP, brace wire. stupivs, Now. Our terms me with with the order. Put yum nrder in early, before [he splillg Lush sums. JOHN ESPEY Elgin Mills. Plum: 123â€"3 Rihhuund Hill. 33-42 1â€"1 from tested deSâ€"l a; mnnths uld, 1 3 m: nthe oh month old, 1 hum Man‘h 9‘ l’licvd tn sell. REDMAN BROS mm. "‘Ieep well dear father until file The runsnnwd of Kingdom enmes. lhe Lord shuIl Lhr-‘n ll-‘Llll'l‘l and He sh411 hid the? wake" out, uf film-'p. A u. way of life and luvvly honw it there. lhml deul- hem-L will! juy shwll wqu lhelenn, up, up until perfectiunk "fly ie “701., \thn (hnre nhnll he no sin nor any death, whvn Gnd’s dear hm d shall wipe all Wars away. Homl night dPuI' fflthl'l' twill not he lung. 1m. 35 : 8-10: Rev. 21 :4. â€"[nsertod hy He regretted that. $500000 ’3 money hud ever be-n purl, which let; I, was when Province, of the people expv-nded In get, fl re the pruvince just Where i the commission was appointed. ivif}: and dunghtv OR SALEâ€"Small hm hen hnuse. Apply Richmond Hill. {mime Junction 0072. Leave Orders at Glenn’s Drug Store; Richmond Hill. In ever devp and brunt-e of my dear hu: Wm. Curtis. who divé 1918 All mail orders will rece- attention. :7 0R RENTâ€"Six Notice of Applicahon for Divorce 378 Bénesfm-d Ave.._ “ffgfjoruntt‘. H. A. N10110th NOTARY PUBLIC Commissinner, Cnnveyancer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate '1' WENT‘Y-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE LFALFA «SEFD FOR SALE-â€" HOI(‘E U LADIOLUS BULBS? FLETCH ER KERR, 304 Bay St., Toronto, Solicitor for Applicant. JOHN T. ANDERSON OLSTEIN BULLS FOR SALE. - 7 ~ 4 1 mm or) OUSE FOR SALEâ€"Enqune n GEO. S. Snzs. Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL R RENTâ€"Six room hnnsw mn-nvr nf Yungt‘ and Wright Hts. HILL. Richmond Hill. 38-39 W‘ an t- In Memory of Wm PIANO TUNER {éstgdâ€" damsâ€"1 age 1 3 mxnthe old. Sum” ham, 30 )5 H}: and and loving remem- - husband and fatlwr, died March the 13H), Ads Cutis ive prompt 9. 1924 .51., (Jon- m His 3288 H lLI. 37-38 38- 39 lhe propth of Jns. Firth. Sale at l o'vlock. Tel-".88 (mouths. Prentice & Premier. Aucts. SATURDAY. MARCH 22â€"me stock, implrments etc., lot. 10. cnn. 7, Markham, the property of W. A. Buylnglon. Suleat‘lZo'ulock. Tu-ms 8 months. [’Jentice 61 Pleutice. "‘HEVROLET (JARâ€"A Chrvrnlwt, 1923 special touting car in A 1 condition, for 531?. $450 cash. I“. J. MANSBRIDGE. 36 38 FRIDAY, MARCH 21â€"Farm stock. im- plements etc., Thurnhill, Yonge St., [he prqpmlv of Jns. Firth. Sulpfll Aucts. SATURDAY. MARCH 22â€"Am-tinn SHIP of household furniture. 1; mil- 5 west of Richmond Hill, the pmpelLy «t Hem-y Espey. Sale at ‘2 o'cluck. Tel-ms : Cash. J. T. SAIGEUN, Aucl TUESDAY, MARCH 25â€"Fm-xu Stuck, implements etc, Int 14, con. 8, Markham, the prnperly of Alex. Douglas. Sale atlnl-loek. Terms 8 mnnths. PrPuliCe & Prentice, OR RENTâ€"Six room house (:11 Richmond St. also flat. Apply AMOS J. WRIGHT. 38-40 8 mnnths. Prentice & Prenuce, Auctions-em. WEDNESDAY. MARCH Zfiâ€"Crrdit sale of farm stuck, implements, etc. lot 8. con. 6. Murkhum. the pmperly of Fred Rattle. Sale at 1 o'clock. 8 gonths credit. Prentice & Prentice, ucls. THURSDAY, MARCH 2Tâ€"â€"Thirty head uf flesh milk cuws, calves by side. and springers, lot 2. con. 7. Markham, the property of j. S. Honey. Sale an 7 I ' ' n‘ (I r r , .L._ 1 lu’clnck. Terms 8 months. Prentice & Plentice. Aucls. FRIDAY, MARCH 28â€"Aln-lion Sule- If farm implements, eta, Int. 25. 1‘0“. ‘2, West York Township, the property of W. J. Davey. Sale at l o‘cknck. J'I‘elms 7 un nths. l’lentice & J'I‘elms 7 uunths. l’lentice 6; Prentice. nucls. SATURDAY, MARCH 29â€"A fine- l'esidentiul prnpm'ty in [he Village of Unionvillp. (he prnpexty of the law Rnhl. Hal‘l'ingtul‘. Snle at 2 o'clock on plemises. Telms [mule O L a 1 Car “NEW SERIES” MODELS N OW on Display RICHMOND HILL MOT/‘ORS; Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont” We take pleasure in Announcing to the people of Richmond Hill and Vicinity that we have been Appointed Auction Sale Register Announcement Are You interested in Improving Conditions on Your Farm and Making the Endless Tasks of Farm Life Easier for Your Family ? The Home is the Place for Comfort, Health and Happiness. THE CARON LIGHT, WATER AND POWER PLANT will do more to provide these than anything else on the farm. PL'RELY MADE-IN-CANADA PRODUCT. Sup- plies electric light, running water and belt power for every need everywhere. Engine has only three mov- ing parts. no gears. no valves. no oilers, no loss of power.‘ no slipp-ing of belts, as the different units are an within itsélf Iwill be pleased to call and talk the matter over with you, or call at our Garage and see for yourself. Remember. this outfit is much cheaper than other: of the samo size. Set it before you buy. There is no red tape about it; you don’t sign any agreement for 20 years, nor do you pay $50.00 or $60.00 service charge per yeu‘. DEALERS The . W. BAKER 27â€"Thirty head of calves by side. and con. 7. Markham, S. Honey. Sale at rum 8 months. 3.81 8. Phone 6304 â€"- SOLD BY â€"- for Sun Life : : : Assurance Company {: : : of Canada The Leading Life Company of the Dominion Fe ts. Etc. You will be pleased with our prices and p on ptdrlixeny Let u havb- your enquiries. Quotations gladly furnished on request. All kinds of Lumber, Lath and Shir.- gles. Fluoring, Sidings. Mouldings. etc. Window Frames Sash and Duors made to order. Dealers m Gyproc and Fibre- Board,_ Asphalt Roofing. Shinglgs; Service and Satisfaction L. Innes & Sons known on day of sale. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. YORK COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond Street Richmond Hill JOHN SUMNER GORMLEY ThornhiIl PHONES :â€"0tfice. 57 J. Ymd, 13-3.

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