The pluy "The Minister's Bride"pre- wanted by the Young People of Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian church wan enjoyed by all who were present. All the pnrtl were well taken. Mr. Jas. Rose went to Hamilton on Thursday to attend the funeral of bin brother, Mr. Rich-1rd Rue who passed away in CalifBrain. The house occupied by Fred (hope-1‘ and family, narrowly escaped bring destroyed by ï¬re on Friday. The ï¬le began undura shed at, the rear, but this was pulled away and the bum: navel. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Wilson enter- tuined a numva of their friends at a progressive ouchre puny last Friday avg-ping. 7 Mr. Jud Mrs. \V. B. Gram, of \Ves- tnn, spent Saturday with friends in the vill_age._ Mr. T. H. Keys is serving on jury in Tomato. in Cash and an Ever-Sharp Silver Pen- cil will be given away absolutely FREE at the New Arena on Fliday evening. The names of all those paying admis- sion will be placed in a box. The ï¬rst four names pulled therefrom by the Reeve will receive the gifts in the order mentioned abnve. Support the girls by your attendance ; you may be a winner. “If the rich open to their affair. No: de There was A good attendance at the monthly meeting of the \me-m' In- stitute at the home «If Mrs. T. H. Keys on Wednesday of last Week. At- tor an intereiling programme, Mrs. Kavs sen ved refreshments. down brfbre the Lord;-()Vu:x-i-rl\l;l.n';r."’ England's drink hill, noiwithatandl in: her unmnpluyment. is £7, 9 8. per head of the population! No wonder Ramsay MacDonald said, when Hp pealed to to oppow- a Local Optiin Bill. on the ground that the rich man can have his wine-c9ller:â€" “If the rich Want [0 kPep the road open to their mvn less, [but is their affair. Nu: denim-racy ought not, In my ‘Because one class has such and suvh a right. ull chases ought. Ln claim the same right.’ It, is not, worth it“ Lot in see in it that the rights the Democracy (fllllll: that the rights the woxking 1:1 nses (-laim, ,nre rights wnnh having, and um rights that cull]? with disease and canker and vice in their truin . . . . . . The right. to go wrmm, to go down, in go nsLl-ayâ€"well we will make a present nf lhvse lights Lunnynne who wants lhvm. The Minister will preach at 11 and 7 o'clock. Mmaing subject. “Be PiLiflJ. ’ Eveningâ€"“People who Urucify Christâ€" PouLius Piluu.†hunt“ $2.00, $2.00, and $1.00 would disnppmu' hy mugiv, etc., but all went we“, and since-wthanks nf tlw (‘hlldH'n are give-n [u lhvse kind anIl-uwn fur plnviding such a rare treat. Al<u Ihe B-unl wf Dilemma wish to thank them for the kind interest, in the 11':th «mm. DuuuLiuns received with many lhank< Mt'. Dihhs, Jefferson, lug potatoes, bag Llu nin. m 1 g: M r Services in March 23. 1924. 10 a. [ILâ€"Mnr 11 a. m.â€""1‘h Through the kindness of Mpszre J. Shpul'duwn. L. smug, and C. Gmham‘ 108 ans nnd Gil-ls wew {aim-n n d:- lightful sleigh ride last Friday. Thi~ treat bud lye-en ’ Innked fnrwmd to fur some time and when the day x-vallv arrived everyone “ms on the Lip tor-s nf expenlutiun, fearing the wind would bluw l0) strung, or that the‘ snow pomtnes, hug Public SP Valentine: fn M r. M 0 LI ah Mr. Frank M. Dunlnp was nperuled on Tuesday at the \Vt-’]lt‘519y Hospital. The wound caused by an accident he met, with last July ut, Kirkï¬eld had not; prupelly hauled. Dr. Luckwtmd advised an immediate operation which is reputed successful. the patient, doing as well us can be ex- pected. Goon FRIDAY, April 18th. Presby- tm-in Choir Supper and Concel'l. Keep the dnte free. Cum:- and spend am anâ€" joyable evening with your friends. B41. Fl_'unk MifISugy-ï¬ â€œ3M Qpengted Mr. \V. Michael. M Detroit, to sand 3 fvw days with hi» brother and ulster. Mr. G. G. Willis has cunnected him- self wilh the W. G. Baldnck Limitvd. and will not» as Fm-d salesman and handle all their uucessoriex Skating after the ladies hockey game Friday evening. Go and enjoy yourself. Wychwood Girls -â€" vs. â€" Picked Team ' 10 a. NLâ€"M‘H'Hinfl‘ clasn. 11a. m.â€"“1‘be Valuation of Man.†2445â€"8. S. and Bible Ulnsses. 7 p. ULâ€"“jvsus and Lbe Tree-Climber," "UulllP, let us \Vorship and how M r. '1‘. ' w ' R. h d H'll PleEd Team alrfd r113:1):21nmi‘u Richmond Hill Arena Friday Evening Admission 25¢. Ind 15c. Richmond Hill Hockey Girls Free ‘. '1‘. \V. Sephelw, Aurora, ‘2 b'lgi rues, hug tulnips. hliu Svhuul, Richmond Hill. mine: for evvry child. '. MoMahun, 25 school banks and 3 mines. -. Morden. chocolates. and 10 pair L. T. B. and Orange Home METHODIST CHURCH Presbyterian Services Ramsay MacDonald Mflhndisn Senior Champs of Toronto Church is hume mother, David Hill. Dealer, Richmond Hill Tenders will he received up until the 31st, of March for the digging of a cellar drain from the Methndist, Parsonnge, in a north easterly dirPclinn, about 501) ft. lilv to he laid. and drnin tn be filled, in a workmnnlike manner. Also (:lr‘l drnin taken up as far as rund- line. The walk to he done as early in April as possible. Tenders can he left, with Mr. Gen. Rvmmnpr w'th the Sec. M r‘ Gm. Gee. newesc’and‘bopuiar s'tiiés in BREE; 'wili mix}; cKBIEeQ£6"sJi;'yULxé'iIm. and will alter- hats MADE lll‘ SOLD by US. _ . _UURSE1‘Sâ€"â€"A lu Grace and \Vurners, none better. also full llne nt BOSIERY â€" Holepronf. Mercury, and other well-known makes of Us]: Silk and Silk and “700]. VVOOLS â€" Lady Ramsav in all the newest shades, double knitting, flosu, and yarn for hnsierv. NECK WEAR â€" Lingerie, fancy gnods, silks and D. M. C. for working. A beautiful line of ginghmusund trimmings, curtuns. linPns. linen roller und tea. towelliug, prints, em. Hons $1.50 per setting. Pullete “.00 per setting. N.B.â€"All from large producersmo warranty expressed, or implied as to result. QUALITY SHOPPE Millinery, Dry Goods, Ladies Wear The lowest- 0r necussmily acrepted. Tenders Wanted Brassieres‘ that is advertised as: Butter Liv. Stnrk Tm n, will stop uL Maple Station, 0. N. R., Saturday, Ap!“ 8. at 1p. :27. There will he car loads of high (:lwss stock and poultry with special denn. “ti-Minn and lectule cars comfuituhlv hnnted. There will be dennRh'Htinns and lectures on hurses, beef cattle. dairy cattle, sheep, swine, poultry etc. The whnle should he imam-sting and instructive to fan men's and others. $5.00 in Ouh and an Ever-Sharp Silver Pencil will be given away to the Patrons of tho Ladies Hockey Match to-morrow (Fliday) eveningâ€" Wychwood Girls, senior champions of Toronto, vs. a Plck- ed Team of Richmond Hill and 'l‘horn- hill Girls. Adults 25o: children lï¬c. Hatching Eggs Something for Nothing “QUALITY AND SERVICE,†our Moltn. WVe do not 56“ at. cost; it cun'c he dnnv, hut we. can, and “ i1! meet any honest competition. -â€"~TRY US â€" RHODE ISLAND REDS Sprxr‘xg Mill'inef‘y n_ow_or}_dlspluy. _\Ve are ready with a full line of the Trench Blcck HARRY MOYLE RICHMOND HILL 88-41 Attention, Farmers 7h “5‘ 11 _ 6 com are a Autorzrmbilcps with MCLAth11n~Buick FOR SALE “They compare all umcr~ Falls with Niagara, Apply to Mrs. Norman Batty any Tender not 33 39 lflllflflflffliflflflll Telephone girls sell goods S o m e grocers use the same method. May we help you apply it to your business ? In one store with over 100 telephone operators, each takes telephone orders, acting as shop- pers for the telephone customer. In this store as many as 3,000 tele- phone orders will be re- ceived in one day. [A 'small store in a small town can train one or two of its own girls (or men) to take telephone orders on advertised goods, as the big stores do. Every Bel! Telephone (.1 1 Long Distance Station Phone 53 llllllfllllllllmlm IIIH Ilillillll they can |~v repairs-d at. a. reasonable rate. You can also gel: expel t adviw1 on ï¬tting and l?[mil’< for all kind< of hunts and ShUl'S. Store next to Village Clerk’s Ofï¬ce MOOMW‘WWW u All ready-to-wear suits or trousers altered to ï¬t you free of charge. Odd trousers from $3 .50 up. Ladies blue serge skirts made to order irom $7.50 I am prepared to meet your spring demand for suits and overcoats with the latest spring goodl, either in ready-to-wear or tailored to your measure, Right Here, No Factory \Vork. Richmond Hill At the Rolfe Shoe Repair New Spring Suits W. G. BEDFORD, To Everyman THE ï¬rst ant who desires that of successf the formation c A reserve is no How about that books. or shpes Lh around il nccurred tn ynn that it m beau arr. nf e-(zunnmy to g thom rpnaired ? LISTEN! C. N . COOPER On any farm of average size at least one hour a dayâ€"36% ten hour working days a yearâ€"are spent in the irksome, wearying task of pumping water. 36% days which one of my Toronto Windmills will give you for profitable work, rest or recreationâ€"besides supplying running water wherever you want it. The one bothersome task. that of oiling the windmill in all kinds of weather. is overcome in the Toronto Self-Oiler. which requires fresh oil only "once a year." Friction and wear are practically abolished. Toronto windmills, too, can be made absolutely self-regulating in operation. . The “Toronto†Tower will stand for a lifetime because it is the heaviest, strongest and best-braced one built for any windmill. Let me explain why I believe this is one of the biggest conveniences you can have. Ladies suits of blue serge made-to-order 825.00. CLEANING AND PRESSING SATISFACTORY DONE 1%“ Running Water! When and Where You Want It E. R. FORTNER Skates, Hockey Sticks Pucks and everything for the skater Come in and look them over -_..-._ w..- v. _V\...Ju.uu 1 who desires to sueeeea'should be the same a: that of successful business and ï¬nancial housesâ€" the formation of a Reserve Fund. A reserve is not only invaluable when reverses or emergencnes arise, but it is a guarantee of strength and promotes self-conï¬dence. THE HE ï¬rst and most important aim of Everyman ...L.‘ J-.‘:___ L- U, I I I \ I .u HAS BARSVAINS GR ANITEWARE STAN BAN K J. Lunua, Agent, Richmond Hill 1% A. rs: L: C. N. COOP RICHMOND HILL BRANCH. old pair of ‘It you have Ladies and Gents’ Clothicr and Tailor. PHONE 93 or CANADA All Kinds of Boot and Shcg Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanship Prompt Service Shop in Winterton's Old Stand, Yonge St. Boot and Shqe Repairer GEO. KIDD Richmond Hill Phone Manager.