See Our All-W001 Odd Trousers, in good Heavy Tweed, at from 84.00 to $5.00. Sweaters, in Pull-Over and Coat Style, priced at from $2 50 to $7.00. Heavy Rubbers, from $3.65 to $5.50â€"the very best. All-Wool Ribbed Underwear, per suit, 33.7 0. All-Wool Ribbed Underwear, Combination 3.50. We also have Fleece-Linediand Penman’s. 95c. Fawnes High-Class Gloves,:Neck Scarfs, etc. HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. . TheRICHMOND HILL FURNISHING STORE (Veterinary Sulgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veterin ary College. All clases (If animnls treated. Day and night culls prompt- }y attended. “Otï¬Ã©gvï¬rndr rpsidencp north side Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. Telephan 13, Ring 2. W. HEWISON RICHMOND STREET. RICHIwND HILL Representing The Mutual i lfe Insurance Company of New York . INQUIRIES SOLICITED From the Tux-onto Conservatory of Music. will aCCept. a number of pupils in Piano, Vocal and -: Theory. -:- Richmond Hill, Friday and Saturday For information Phone “0. MRS. MYLKS. JNO . STAL LIBRAS Iglephone 91 J. Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M. patronage. Having spent the greater part, of my life in the building trade. I feel 1 am fully competent, to give sutibfaction. To any one proposing o nuild, I will give entimatrsiand hereby solieic their ily. R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc. The nnndelsigned purposes to en. age in the building and contracting usiuess in Richmond Hill and vicin- AMBROSE L. PHIPPS Attention Householders ! “MWWOMMWâ€OO 6m. .6066 Robinson Block 'RICHMOND HILL CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS . IN CO-OPERleON WITH ONTARIO GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF COLONIZATION WILL AGAIN ASSIST FARMERS IN SECURING FARM HELP. Blouses year. If you necd farm help apply early. The CanadiJn National Railways Colonization and Dcv«~lopmcnt Dupurtâ€" ment, through its rvprcsentativcs in Great Britain, Scandinavian and other European countries, offers a free service to fanm-rs. Order your farm help as early as possible in order that they will reach Canada in time for Spring. THERE will be an urgent demand all over Canada.this Rainbow Specialty Shoppe FARM HELP Norman 3'. Glass. BLANK APPLICATIONS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM ANY CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS AGENT DEPARTMENT OF COLONIZATIDN AND DEVELOPMENT CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS MONTREAL. QUE. I)resses The Liberal for School Books NAUGHTON & JENKINS, R5 Rit-hmond Strre', \Vesr, Toronto Solicitors for the said Administrators. Dated at Toronto, [his 2711) day nf Februalg . 1924. 36-38 such last mentioned ‘date the said Soliâ€" citOIs for the Administrators will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en- till (i then-to. having regard only Lu cl‘ai‘ms ot which they shall then have notice, and hat the said Solicitors fm the Administrators will not be liable for the said assets or any pal ti thereof to any person or persons of whose claim nutice shall not have been re- ceived by them at: the time of such distribution. NUTIUE is herehy given pursuant [0 Section 56 of the Trustees Act, R.‘S. 0.. 1914. Chapler 121, and Amending Acts, that all creditors and when-s having claims or (lemnncL «'I‘zuinst, thP Estate uf the said William H. Graham, who died on or about the llith day of January. 1924, at the Vil- lage of Richmond Hill. are required on or befom the 71h day of Apiil, IQZJ, tosend by post prepaid, or de» liver to Naughlon & Jenkins, Solici- Inrs for the Adminisn-atm-s of th Estate of the said Deceased, Amy G. Graham and John Phillips, their Christian names and surnames. ud- drcsses and descriptions, the full pur- ticularsin writing of their claims, a Slalement, oflheir accounts, and the nature of the security, if any," held by them. AND- TAKE NOTICE that after luteuflhe Villuge of Richmond Hill. in the County uf York, Builder. pe- veased. - - Modern Dancing Taught, by IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Notice to Creditors Studio : Centre St. W. STAN. WOODHEAD DANCING William H. Graham Tel ms on Application) Skirts ! uneun. Tornnm PI-fvince wi l a Canndmp: for a Bill | Henrge S will apply to t} Canmh at the pres for a Bill of Divurcs Henrge Slvenmn of Toronto, on the grm dv sex-Linn. Onetln Executor will distribute the assets among the parties enti"-d tlwreto, hlving l-Pgmd nnly. ‘ \ hcluims he shall then have l‘EH‘f‘l‘ d nntice. DATED at Toronto, this lï¬lh day of March. 1924. NAUGHTON & JENKINS, 85 Richmond St. \V«st. Tomntn Solicitors for the Executor Donald Roy McDonald. 38 40 him of the Village of Rich'mm-d Hill, in the Cour-Ly of Y0] k, Labourer. Pursuant to the Statutes in that be- half, notice. ie hereby given thAt all parties having claims or demands against, ‘ the Estate of Nelson E Maynard who died on m- alnht Ihv 230th day of Fehrumy, 1924. are rpqnired on or before the 14th day Of April 1924, to 59nd Ln the undelsignvd, full particulars uf thrir claims and the nature of securities. if any he 1d by them. And take funther notice that al‘br euch llst mentioned date. thr- Executor will distribute the assets nuvmg the parties Flltl"‘ d thm-c-to, hn‘ing x-Pgmd unly. ‘ ~ hcluims he shall then have rave-1' d untice. DATED at, Tux-unto, this 1511) day of SR. IlIâ€"Xlurguwt Dllncnn, John Wllsom Mauricv Patton. James Kans- Will. I. Sanderson, RUan Wrmdheud, Marjorie Graingpr, Donald annlon, Huleu Brillinger. lluzd (leuwll, Nelda. Dav 8. Alice Innes, Dorothy Mason. Aunn Phipps, Jenn Hall M. Thompson, (Kulph ï¬lm-Kip,†Beatlice (‘aldwll‘ HjllllJ Gumt, ln‘us, B. San-lel-mn, ’l‘oddy Bummltfl‘ Cool l‘m'k. llill‘L'ld R0 xkvf Mary Kirkland,* lsolwl M Lean. L-n :nd (,‘Leary. ll'vnv Dwadmnnf Lillian Petclm "Absenlâ€"mw or Inva exmuinabinns. F. E. RICHARDSON. teacher. Repmtnf Room II ' JR. IVâ€"Gem-ge Hard, (Agne-s Robin- sow, Fred Sanders equal), Vera Morris, \V. Rember. Lucy Savage. Fessie Sal-vpnvr. Chas. Lendrum. Laverne “’14:?th T. Coveyduukï¬ Nessie SA 1- vpnun Laverne \Vrighr Vern-1 .\II~LL-an.* The Richmond Hill hockey girls sur- prised their most ardent supporters on Friday evening last when they held the Parliament Buildings Girls team of To- rnnto to a 3-1 score in an hour's play. Most of the local girls had never taken part in a hockey game before, and even the handling of a hockey stick was new to some of them. They brought credit to themselves and the town in their ï¬rst game, and bid fair to make an excellent showing next season. The following young ladies took part in the game: Misses G. M. Welsh, Mary Topper. Mabel Patton. Bertha Ireland, Daisy Hart, Vic Hunt, Lillian Harding, Mar- jory Tyndall, Dorothy McDonald. Olive Mortson, Mrs. Middleton, and Missel Findlay and Smillie of Thornhill. A double-header took place at the lncal ice Avena on Monday evening last. The ï¬rst game was played between Thornhill and Aurora midgets, and was won by Aurora by a score of 3-1. The beautiful Sterling Bank cup goes lo the winner for the present yenr. Thorn- hill’s defence is a splendid one. but the forward line can stand all kinds of im- pruvement 'lhe second game was the ï¬rst of home-and-home games for the junior championship of the Metropoli- tan League. the contesting teams being Richmond Hill and Aurora. The score resulted in a tie. 2 all. The return game will be played at Aurora to-mor- row (Friday) night. Followsthe boys and cheer them on to victory. Richmond Hill Public School Report otice of Application for Divorce A big treatisin store for hockey fans ‘ at the Arena tvnight (Thursday) in the form of a burlesque hockey match and box social, but the box social will be no burlesque. The affair pry mises to be the hut circus visiting li-chlnond Hill this war, and one price will take you all the way through. See bills. and don’t miss the "big noise.†The Richmond Hill Seniors won the ï¬rst of the home and home games. fvr possns on of the York Radial (‘up and the ch1mpionship,o‘n Thursday evening list. at the local Arena, defeating Aurora by a score of 3 to 2. The boys deserx ed to win on the evening’s play The willâ€! game, and thv ï¬nal one wa played at Aurma last night, (\Vedne-r day) re:ulting in a score of lll-l in fllVOI' of Aurora. they winning the round. th‘ cup. and the champion-hp by a score if 12 to 3. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th DATED Ontaril IN THE MATTER of the mate of Nelson E. Maynard You will be interected in seeing the To- ronto Senior Championship Girls in action at the Alena tomorrow (Fridavl evening. They will meet a Picked Team of Girls from Richmond Hill and Thornhill. four from each town. The affair is in aid of the R. H. Young Ladies Hockey Club. See ads. in thi‘ iuue ; also small billl. Wychwood Girls will be in town to- morrow (Friday) night. Notice to Creditors Sporting Notes Onetm Ir RM «N x e Sloeman the Conntv Ontario. M in the ; 'l‘or this ‘. L- 0 :nd (J'Leary. * Lillian Fetch “1‘â€!!le exmuinations. RICHARDSON, teacher. |e Parliament of PM $935k)" thprnrf * from her husband the Said City of .md of adultery and n the IY’l'iE Pa r1 of H Of Y( 9 City M inrthe mmn. "it Special attention given to sales 0! every description. Farms and farm ~.U)l'k sales specially. Burmslmngh and sold on commission. AIISHh-s :ll 'ended to on shm'test notice. and con- ducth by the mustapproved methuds. Patronage solicited. CA†by phone or otherwise promptly FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO JOHN R. CAMPBELL 85 Rit-hmund St, West. Ofï¬ces . Tm onto. Naughton Block, Aurora. Solic1t0r for : Aurora and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King. VVhitchurch ~md Markham. Walter S. Jenkins Res. Phone “11. 5048 Arthur A. Mucdnnald Frank Denton Laura Dentnn. B. A. Denton, Macdonala 6: Benton 24 KING ST. \VEST. TORONTO, CANADA. T. H. EAEDWABE & SflPPUES Limited Tornntn Ofï¬ce, 816 Fodm-afBuiIding. ut 85 Richmond Street. \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoun. Maplv, Thursday afternnon. \Voodbridqe, Saturday forenoon. MonPy to Loan at )un-ent, Rate BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Phone 33 Bring Your Business to Me and Gethervice 1 Ply - $1.95 2 Ply - 2.45 3 Ply I - 2.95 Agents for Shérwin-Willia ms Paints VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘h'ornhill. Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephoue Adelaide 2108 LICENSED AUCTIONEER GORDON COOK @WL BRAND ROOFING , NAUGHTON 8: JENKINS PERFECTION OIL STOVES Two Burner - $23-00 T-hree Burner - 28.00 Four Burner - 36.00 Ovens $6.75 and $9.00 Prompt Adjustments of Claims and Prompt Service 415 Balliol St. Toronto. Phone Hudson 1347 w RICHMOND HILL T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES LIMITED Barristers, Solictnrs. &r‘ MANNING ARCADE. TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: "Dedo WILLIAM COOK Phone 33. We Are Known In All Lines of insurance FIRE v PLATE GLASS LIFE AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT BURGLARY SICKNESS and GUARANTEE 0 Prentice . SAVAGE, General Agent j. Harry Nanzhtnn Res. Elgin Mills RPS. Phone 44.4 THOMAS DELANY AT THE POST-OFFICE BUILDING General Agents for Farm Machin- ery, Pumps, Etc. We can also supply your wants on Furnace repairs and pipes. I‘f you are considering the furnace question come in and let us show you our lines. No House too large. No 1101139 too small. We have a size and model for every oneâ€"and the prices are rlght. Thornhill, Ont. TEETZEL BROS Omm‘Sâ€"Sllitf’ 5]] McKinnon Bldg.. (for. Jordon and Melinda Sts., Toronto. Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK . A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will he at. The Liberal Oï¬ice. Richmond Hill. every Tuesday :lfLE'l'llOUh. MacNaughton & Campbell Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. O u 1" ROLFE BRAND DUBBIN It beats the O. T. A. to a frazzel. It absolutely keeps out the wet element. It is made and sold only at The Rolfe Shoe Repair 256. per tin. Thornhil], Ont “namith and General Agents PHONE 87 \V FURNACES PLATE GLASS AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY and GUARANTEE OF BONDS! AND REPAIRS: Have you tried The No Charge for Advice