Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Mar 1924, p. 4

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WELOCUTION Expression, Reading, Dram- atm and Humoulous Sketcnes, Cunndian Tenor and Choir Leader Soloist, Nurth Parkdule Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupils in Richmnnd Hill on Thuudays. Studio, Mrs. N. J. Ginsu, 2nd dum- north nt‘ Methodist Churrh Particulars mm he nbtained by ml]- ing. Phone 22 Ring [1. 29- MULHOLLAND & SMXTH Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 30 tf BAREIBTEES. Souox'rons. E-rc. Toronto Office : 2498 Yonge St. Phone Hudson 8408. Richmond Hill Olfice : Wesley Bnyn- [on 3 Real Eamte Office. Yonge St. A member of the firm will be in Richmond Hill every Tuesday. 26-Om Agont for the PELHAM NURSER COMPANY â€"â€"Ricbmond Hill, “795' Vaughan and King Townships All Varieties of Fruit and Ornamen' 'I‘wes, Roses, Shrubs, and Bulbs. Stnndmd Stock. I will take care of your interests and give you .1 Square Deni. 21.6m Phone 232. MAPLE. ONT The next. meeti Municipality held in MONDAY . APRIL 7, yfie JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 IS a. Canadian Institution. and is the property of the Policy Holders them. «has. This fact enables you to «euro Life Inlurance at Cost. There is No Substitute for Life In- cumnce. Enquiries solicited. C. H. BYAM. Agent, anle. Ont. 22-6u1 Phone 233 NOTICE il hereby given um M0019, of the Cityof Toronto, ‘1') me Provi County of York, 1 Ontario, marrin woman, willal the Pallinment of Canada, .- ‘on thereof for a. Mark] City of Toronto. Me: on the g1 ound delertinn. DATED at Toronto. this 17th March, A. D. 1924. ALICE MOORE, by her Solicitors MURPHY & DONALD 302 Bay Shea, Toronto. Notice of Application for Divorce of Ouhu-io. this 215t ALEXANDER O by his So GERMAN & 302 Bay St... Tor NOTICE Alexander Cl” Toronto, in th Province 0‘ apply m “’9 thu present 5 DiynruP fl'On] ()ruickshank. Toronto. 011 and desertion- DATED agj Ca. Arnold 8K Yonge. Notice of Application for Divorce BUILDERS SUPPLIES Roofing: Tar paper Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath Doors Cedar Shingles Sash )TICE in hereby given that Alice LE, of the City of Toronto, in the my of York, in \he Province of win, married woman, will apply lo Pallinment of Canada, at the ant, session thereof for a. Bill of me from her husband Mark Moon, u- said City nf Toronto. Mechanic, the glounds of adultery and Mutual 1317:: Insurance Company ‘ICE is hereby Ider Cruickshankn ,0, in the Uounty 01 as of Ontario. to the_PaIliumenL Lan meeting of the Council of the pality of Vaughan will be i in the Town Hall, Vellore. m) Wm. C. Ruttan at 10.80 oclock J. B. MCLEAN. Clerk) Building paper Bis Solicitors. "“' “â€" Ili‘NN' a; Torontp. is hereby g ruickshank, of the Oily n-f he Uoun-Ly of YOILK, in the Ontario. Esquire, will a Palliument of Cunudn at. Session thereof fur a Bill ) his wife, 7mm Louise of the said City of b the ground of adultery élst-dn‘f o liORUl CKS fflnrch. 19‘ HANK BYADI Tox‘ofito. 0m- {'11:}! N 0X. this 17th day Wallboard in the Province . .m. Gyprock ch. 1924. 1924 39-44 For Local] Sacrificeâ€"Individual Line; frnm $25.63 to $30.00 per anhum. Two to Four Party Line: from $23,153 to $2500 per annum. IN THE MATTER of the Application of the Woodbridge and Vaughan Telephone Company, Limited, for authority to increase thp charges for telephone service, as followi : For Rural Party Line Service : from $18.38 _to SZZ._50 pgr anyugx._ ‘ I'- These chm-gel to he payahle half- yeally in advanc. and to he subject to u di\cnunt of 20 per cent. on all amounts paid within thirty days from the dale ol rendering the account for auu‘. Appointment for Haring Th» Onlariu Railway and Municipal BOHId, having directed Francis Ding- i, aniiiw, Supervisor of Telephone- iystvms, Kn enquire- und mporl upnn lu- almve nmLt’or, doth appoint Thurs- hi“. the 'l‘wnlh Day of Apiil, A.D. " 5‘4, at. lhv hour of len o’cinck in the folvnoon, in the Community Hall, Maple, for the- holding of such enquiry, at which time and place all persons having an Interest in the matter and flashing to be heard are directed to atlrnd. The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board B E C AREF‘UL TO-DAY The question of personal safety is svinetimes lost sight of in the rash and bustle of these times. Nothing but good can come of a general effort to reduce the losses due to aceidente in this country and the idea "be careful to-day" should be as vied throughout the land, . flute are too many accidents, Iome eel one and many slight, but all cestly in some form or other and nearly all preventable by the exerâ€" cise of ordinary care and caution. Most of us are inclined to take chances of various kinds in an effort to save a few seconds which might better be spent in taking time tube careful. An average of over two hundred accidents each day re- ported by industry for the past year to the Workmen’s Compensation Board of this Province is the ample evidence of the need for more care, for contrary to general belief, mast of these accidents do not involve con- tact with machinery. It is a. fact that about one-third only of the accidents reported to the Compensa- r'on Board are mechanical accidents; the other two thirds being non- mechanical, such as‘ falls, burns, scratches. strains, etc. showin cleeily the personal {actor in acci- «ie e nd demonstrating the need for more thought. The advis "l e careful to-day, for to-morrow may be too late" is well worth taking. Dated It Toronto this Day of MAI-ch, AD. 1624. (‘t 510M GRINDING AND ROLLING Maple Loaf and Aurora brand. of fl: m. We have all kinds of poultry t- (d, rnashes und Buratch feeds. wady mixed: also different feeds to mix them at. home. Why sprout osts P Buy Alfaler meal. “’0 have grit, shell and chm-con}. Uull nnd put our prices. Sm ‘ OBIS, THE MILL BURR, Phone 82 W Are You Interested in Improving Conditions on Your Farm and Making the Endless Tasks of Farm Life Easier for Your Family? The Home is the Place for Comfort. Health and HKppiness. THE CARON LIGHT, WATER AND POWER PLANT will do more to provide these than anything else on th. farm. PL'RELY MADE-IS-CANADA PRODUCT. Sup- plies electric lizht, running water and belt Powar for every need everywhere. Engine has only three mov- ing parts. no gears. no valves. no oilers, no loss of pnwer. no slipning of bel‘s. as the different unit: are all within itself. per year. I will be pleased to call and talk the matter over with you. or call at our Garage and see for yourself. Remember. this outfit is much cheaper than other: of the same size. See it before you buy. There is no red tape about it: you don’t sign any agreement for 30 years,'nor do you pay $50.00 or $60.00 service thug. G. W. BAKER SMALL. SECIITABY. w. 9037) \\ fl §V Ninoteenth B.& S. Phone 6304 -â€" SOLD BY â€" UR SALEâ€"A valuable team of mares. young and sound, weight 3.000 lbs. One is regiatol'ed. BBDFORD PARK FLORAL Co, LIMITED. 394,! N OVVâ€"Urdvr your wire fence. gates. ban-h wire. brace wiro, staples, Now. Our Harms Are Chili) with the m-dev. Put your order in early, before the spring rth starts. JOHN EBPEY. Elgin Mins. Phone 128â€"3 Richmond Hm 83.42 OR SALEâ€"3 Buckeye _100 chick portable dLDuming broom-rs, (No. 21); 1 new portable Clone-Loâ€" Nature oil burning broader (100 chick). 8036 A. BRILLINGEB, Phuno Stouffville 403. 39-41 only been aged Iiiltjlilgl. \hll ‘8?“ for 0R SALEâ€"A good 800 acre Alberta. farm, near gnud town, on C.P.R.. with good I'Uldl, splendidly watered by Little Red River, fine new stock. barn with well and pump house. fin. bunch of Olydasdnla horses; 3130 other stock. 100 acres good hush. with splendid pasture. Churches and school convenient. Bunk reference for en- quivy. HENRY MOYLE. Richmond Hill, 39.40 u... .n _. _.. I ~‘-‘â€"-- -- â€" r m . 824.00. Also ladies' water ploof coat. new, has never been worn. hem- ier than 1 need, good for motoring, was expensive, will sell for $12.00. Apply [u A. L. \V. an 43. ThnrnhiH, Ont. ~ 88-89 OR RENjfâ€"Six room house, corner nf Yunge and Wright Sis. P. O. HULL. Richmond Hill‘ 38-39 H m OR SALEâ€"Incubator made by The Chm-Isl Cyphera Co. of Bufinlo, holds a hundred and twantymeggel klus OR SALEâ€"Ford Touring car, in good running order, will sell cheap. Apply 0. H. SANDERSON. Rose- view Ava, Richmond Hill. Phone 121 W. 89-40 Hill.- FOR SALEâ€"1918 Ford Touring car. In good running condition. Apply at HILL'S GARAGE, Richmond Hill. 39-40 UR RENTâ€"Six room house on Richmond St. also flat. Apply Amos J. WRIGHT. 38-40 UR SALEâ€"Comfortable frame hOusr; Int 40 x140feet. Apply MRS. A. ENDEAN, Centre SL. West, Richmond Hill, Phone (11 W. 37-39 ORK WANTEDâ€"Export st dder, grade-r and gardener, Wanls work by the day. GEO. HALLIGAN, Hunt's Ave, Telephone 69]. 89 h‘OR‘SALEâ€"Fiftyfive dollar course in first-class Business ()nllng. Rpâ€" dm'ed rule. Apply 0. M ARTIN, Thorn. hill, or Sterling Bunk, Ricbmund Hill. on An r vIsland Red choice $4.00. E stuff ARRED ROCK EGGS for Sett $1.00 per Setting of 13. J \VA’I‘SON, Box 221. Richmond Hill. A good description of a canoe trip taken in the Kiamika lake district, Quebec, with a. map showing the the route, and full details concerning trip, in written by J. Jenkins in the April issue of ROD AND GUN IN CANADA. The other regular depart- ments contain much of interest, and the April issue will be enjoyed by all those interested in Onnadlan sport. FOR SALEâ€"Emu; vgry fine Rhoda OUSE GEO GORMLEY Rod And Gun F037 SALEâ€"Enquire of S, SIMS. Richmond Hill. ;d Cockérels. Your E. W. MOYLE. Lang- 89â€"40 w UUAALI .unWUV much of interest,- nnd will be enjoyed by all in Canadian sport. Setting. 3940 89-42 Pcl‘ U'nb uUWH, IIIIHIIU. I" 0U ul,.. Funny, MARCH 28â€"Auction sale of . . “rm implements. etc" I“ 25. cou‘ 2’ bale at 2.30 p. m. J. T. Salgeon. Auct. Walt; York Tawnnbip, the property of â€"-oo.â€"â€"â€"â€" W. J. Davey. Sale at 1 o'clock. - 0R SALEâ€"Small burn, 30 x 16, nd Term: 7 months. Prentice & hen houui Apply P. U. HILL, Prvntice. nut-ts. . . SATURDAY, MARCH 29â€"A fine R'°h"’°"d H'H' 38'” residential property in the Village ‘ ~ . . nf Unionville. the property of thel 0R SALEâ€"A q“""“ty“fT”““thy late Rom. Harringtun. Sale at 2l hHY- “limit straw, white wave u.“an (m plemisem Tmma made seed outs anthushels reclclnverseed. kndwn on day “f “It Prwtice & GEO. HARDING, Richmond Hill. 38-39 Prentice, Aucts. SATURDAY, APRIL 5â€"Aucl.ion sale of Notice of Application for Divorce touls and equipment at the Pump House, Willow-dale. Terms cash Sale at ‘2 o‘clock. Prentice & NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Pl‘PntiCP, Ancts. Onetta lreno Sleeman, of the City of SATURDAY, APRIL 5â€"â€"Anatitvn sale 'nf J Tux-onto in the County of York in the a house und lot, carpenter's tools, i Province of Ontario, Married Wmnan. etc..Uhurcb St..Richumnd Hill. the will apply to the Parliament of pioperty belongingr tn the. estate .-f l Canada. at the present Session thereof [ha lute \‘Vln. Graham. Sale It 1 for a Bill of Divm-mâ€" from her husband u'ulnck. Terms for chuttrls. cash; George Sloenmn of the suid (Jity U! for house and lot, nnlde known on Toronto, on the ground of adultery and day of sale. Jr ’1‘. Suigeon. Auct. deseltinn. r SATURDAY, APRIL 5â€"Auction Sillr‘ (if DATED at Toronto, in the Provian household ful‘nltlll‘9,CEI|tlt‘5L Eht. nf Ontmio. this 12th day of March, Richmond Hill, the properly (If E. 1924. hâ€"n Brawler. Sale at 3 u'clnck. Terms Onetta, Ire-n9 Sleemnn, cash. The house and lot will nlsu he by her SOIiCl'UI3' offered for sale. subject. to a r-uerV- llGERMAN & L INNOX, rd hid. J. 1‘. Saigenn, Auct. 3012 de Sh. ’l‘nrontn, Ont, 38-42 CHAMPION r SPECIAL TOURING AND SPECIAL SEDAN IN ADDITION TO REGULAR MODELS You are cordially invited to visit our Showroom: and to inspect those models, now on display. RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. Star Car Models for 1924, now ready for delivery, are the outstand- ing achievement of the motor car industry thil year. The “New Series” Star Car is as great an advance in the progress of motor transportation as the original Star Car introduced last year. The "NewSeries" Star Car has all the advantages of the old. There is ample proof of performance ability. Although introduced only last year, the original Star Car has demonstrated its merits in the service of over 120,000 owners all over the world. And the “New Series” Star Car has greater claim to popularity than the old. The “New Series” Star Canada’s lowest priced, quality closed car With doors front and rear. The most useful motor car on wheels --- quickly con- vertible from business car to family sedan. Auction Sale Register THE ARISTOCRAT 0F LOW-PRICED CARS . M. PALMER 8: SONS Richmond Hill 1.0.b. factory Torontoâ€"Taxes extra. $945 SATURDAY, APRIL lQâ€"Mortgaae sale of two bnulcs in Maple. Terms 10 per cent, down, balance in 30 days. Sale “2.30 p. m. J. T. Saigeon. Auct. 0R SALEâ€"A quantity nf Timothy hay, whom: straw. white wave seed outs and ‘2 hushels red clover seed. GEO. HARDING, Richmond Hill. 38-39

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