JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 902 Bay 5 IS a. Canadian Institution, and is [hp property nf {he Pulicy Holders them- selves. This fact. enables you to secure L"? Inlurunco at, Cost. There is No Suhstimte fur Life In- suuucv. Enquiries solicited. C. H. BYAM. Agent. Maple. Ont. 23-001 Phnne 232 Cor. Arnold & Yonge. “VG-Liam]: and King Townships All Varieties of Fruit and Ornamen‘ Treei. Roses, Shrnbl. Ind Bulbs. Stnndald Stock. 1 will take- care of your interests and give you :3 Square Deal. 21.6m - Phone 232. MAPLE. ONT gï¬e Mutual L‘I'fe ï¬ssurance Company 21â€"6111 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Onetta lwm Sim-man, of the City of Toronto in the County (If Yurk in lhe Province of Ontario, Married anun. will apply to the PurliumPnt uf Canada ut- the present Session therenf for a Bill of DiVuI‘CP from her husband Geuwge Sleenmn nf the fluid (lity uf Toronto, on the ground of adultery and desertion. Agent for the PELHAM NURSER COMPANY â€"-Ric_l'§mmlfl Hm, )va DATED at. Tel‘ of Ontariu, this 1924. “D‘Kf'ï¬ï¬ ' iii“ To ROT‘ITO. this 25m day of Fahrunry, A. D., 1924. FRANCIS ALBEART “ARMSTRONG Notiae of Application for Divorce Francis Amen Armstrong. of the City of Toronto, in the County of Ymk, Lather. will apply to the Parliament of Cunadu, at. the present session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce flom his wife, Elizabeth Chnllolle Armstrong. of [he slid Oily of Toronto, on the grounds of aduljgry grid deserwn. m.nn-umn .L', ng‘L NOTICE is hereby given that Louise Elizabeth Smith, hf the City of Toronto, in tha Dummy oI York, in Ihe Prnviuce uf Ontario, Married \Vnmun, will apply to the Parlimuentuf Canada, at. the Dre-sent session therenf fur a Bill of Divnrce from her husband William Gelplge Smith. Cnllectur, of the City of Tumult», ()n the grounds of udulterv and desertilm. DATED at 'I‘n'ronto, this 26th day of March. A. D. 192%. LOUISA ELIZAIIETH SMITH Notice of Applicatlon for Divorce Notice of Application for Divorce the rauuauncuL u. v....._«,, present, wession thereof for A Bill of Divorce from her husband Mark Mum-e, « t' the said City (If 'l‘m-onln. Mechanic, on the grounds of adultery and desertiun. DATED at Tqrpnto. this 17th day of NOTICE in lwrrhy given that Alice Moon», uf the City of Tm‘nntn, in [he Coumy of York, in the Pruvince of Ontario, mun-19d woman, will apply [0 the Paulidment of Cam: (I. at the ' ‘ ‘ L'»~ .- I’JJI] of Mix-Eh: A. I): 1923 Notice of Application for Divorce BUILDERS SUPPLIES N DATED at Tm of Ontario. this? ALEXANDER NOTICE is hereby Alexander Cruiukshunk,‘ Toronto, in the Unnnty ni Plovince of Ontario. apply In lhe Parliament the presem Session the: Divmee frnm his wifp, ‘ (Jruickshunk. of Lht' : Toronto. «on the gmund and dwswrllon. Notiae of Application for Divorce Noer IS HEREBY GIYEN gm Tar paper Eardwood Flooring Pine Lnth D Cedu Shinglu é Rooï¬ng: Rough 3nd Dru-ed Lumber 302 Buy MUR’PHY '3: DONALD. 302 Buy Sheet, by her Solicitm‘s MURPHY & DONALD 302 Bay Street, Toronto. 40-“ ALICE MOORE, by her Solicitors MURPHY 81 DONALD 3U? Buy Street,’[monto. 89-43 Onetta Irene Sigemnn, by her Soliciluu ERMAN & LENNOX, Stu; Turonm. Olit. HERMAN & LENM) BHV ST“. Toroan Unf ll. BY'ANI Building paper by: his Sn]i_qi£q1"§. at Tornntn, in the Provim-e this 12th day of Much, I {u Tmontu. in the rx-ovuuz. lhis‘llsl day of MN! ch, 1921 NDER CRUICKSHAN K, by KN Solicilurs. _ ï¬--.n\\v Torbnt. ' is hereby given tlmt uiukahnnk, hi the (Jin of w Unnnly of Yolk. in the Ontario. Enquire, will Parliament of Cunudn 11L Session there’uf fur a Bill his wifv, zmu Louisa 0f thv said City hf the gruund (.f adulLPry I'C'ENNOX. Wallboard Gyprock Door: the Province Sash 3842 38-42 30-44 Special attention given to sales of every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bnught and sold on commission. Alix-mien at- tended to an shortest: notice. and con- ducted by the mustnpproved methods. PMronage solicited. Cedar pix-‘3 and telephone pole. for sale. T. COUSINS, LICENSED‘ AUCTIONEER won comma? or YORK AND oxnmo The Map!» Sand. Gravel and Bl'ii‘k ihunpuuv. Lt'd, harp on hand for sale. Cement drain tile». 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culver: tile 12. )5. 18 and 20 inch (3U inches in length) Also Cement. Brick Sand 01- Gravel sold by the load or in car lots. LPt we see where was I 2' Oh yes! I remember. I Was in a. hoot. store. A man comm in and I hem-d him any that he wanted to low: aL smue hunks as he thought about buying an. pair. [L m. hnppened that the sloreker‘pfl‘ wu just «hunt to remedy some trifling de- tect. he had nuticed in‘my position in the Winduw_ The man, who was unnding nv-n; saw me and my male. and said tbutwe war-r a fine Ion-king pair. He said It Wuuld try m nu. IL so hnppeuwl [h ‘l we fitted him vary ounxfox-Luldy m n- Iidering our newnesn It can hardly be imagined. seeing me now. that I occupied a prominent. plane ‘in the window uf the finest and must up Lu dale bunt store in the village, but it was 00. and not so long «go either. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick I gue'ss folks will be asking what businuas‘ it is of mine, and whltnn old bout, is snppnsvd to know about such thing. Nut, much I must confess, so I had better conï¬ne myme to my own troubles. The people with whom I have been abiding imagine that I (n bout) have no sole. but let me say that a greater mistake wan never made. Of course I've a sale. but it is not what it should be. It's nut to be expected under the circumstances. . Is it any wonder that. I feel my present, pasition very ucuLeh. Sim'e l havu been nut. here with the old tins. and other things, I hnve ln-en thinking Ihat I desvrved a better tale, Ah €le Its no ust- worrying about things that I cannut alter. it,“ a â€".._V, What. a breeding plnce. Ideal I would call it. It seems to me that, fulksdnsume very funny things without thinking i suppose, Here is one of lheul. They provide places for flies to hrevd. bay ullmv [hem necesi m theirhomesâ€" althuugh they umke u pretence uf keeping thvm out by the use Of sctemw, but they get in all the same), and swarm m-er everything. And then the-y swat. them. It appears tn um that the obvious thing to do is to do away with the breeding places. It cixuld easily be manage by burning all relusw, or gath- age, cartons etc. Tins. or cans, that have contained fruit. or fish, ahnuld be burnt out. tau and placed in u box and COVCIPd over. This wnuld plevenLruin,ornt.her Water. from gvlling into them. This Witter, humming stagnant, i»; a fine breeding thCe fur mosquiwes and gngts. ‘ I have bad to endure treatment, that wo_u_ld~cau_se guy sole m wilt. Oh dear! I cinuut help but, sigh fur th_e duys_thap_m:e past. 7 l I}- isn’t being discarded thnL 1 nnna 50 muchI nnâ€"iL was the (-onlempmuus ‘mannwr um! plucc whme 1 “us dis- Cul'dod that hurls. On looking round I flml that my resting pluue is in the \icinity nf n gmbnge can which is wholly inadequate In meet. the. demands nmlle upon it, for I am surloumled by quite a cullvclion of HMS and carton-.- nll lmuiug vividly coloured labels. Ht‘lL‘ on my right] we a carton [renting the pictura ufu lovely gill. wilh allusions in some- body's rnisilw. At my left I iloliceA Lin containing. if the smell is any criterion. the wumins uf some kinds of fish. while jam] and Marmalade tins am quite nunwruus. 1 am thankful lhut the wenther is rather can), else there would bellies garlqre aroupd hglc‘. uuu. I can‘t, with any trulh,s:ly1hntl In) in any way surprised. It had u» happen synpeiime l suppusu. 1, 1 Al‘n. 1 "Ant! Wollâ€"so it but! com cur-dad. Onatntf. Th: the vulgu‘ longuth' out." With the Strongest Tower Built If) the “Toronto†Self-Cilia; Windmillâ€"requiring “oil only once um". Augunopcratein a bub of special oil tffectcd by neither but not coldâ€"every bearing and working put thoroughly md tutomaticnlly lubricated. If you have I “Toronto†Windmill now. you can obuin (hi: tau-oiling future by interchmging the had And using your palm: wheel. Most Toronto Windmills. too. an be nude theolutely oelf-reguluting in operation. Th: “Toronto†Tova will shad for a lifetime beau-e it {a the he:va mouse-t md best-bum! one built for my vrindm'll. Su‘hhvaiflmâ€"orgctmy booklat. (Tu be numinnvd next. week.) H5 Buliinl Sh, annnto. Phone Hudson 1347 w SELF -OlLlNGâ€"-â€" SELF -REGULATING ~ The Soliloquy of a Boat (BY A. RULFE) it. has come at lust. Dis- Lit off. Thrmvn away. In Immueaâ€"“l mu chucked .. . w...“ , . discarded thnL I mind \‘us me (-nnlemplmms Vcc whme I “'us dis- reucice J. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill Mung"- I ‘ 1 Rhode Island Reds. Hens $150 per arming Bulk-ls $1.00 per uruing. N. B.â€"-All {mm huge pruducelm; no warranty expressvd, Ur implied an to l‘t-sull. Apply to HARRY Moer; Kichmmm Kb“. 3841 HA'IUHING EGGS FOR SALFâ€" O\Vâ€"Ordvr ymn' wire fencv, galofl. barb wire, brute wire. staples, NOW. Our terms we Cnuh with tho order. Put you: order in early. befn" the lpring rush stuns. 101m 8892!. Elgin Mills. Phone 123â€"3 Richmond Hill. 83-41 OR SALEâ€"A Valuable team u! mares. young and suuud, weigh‘ 3,000 lhs, One is I’eglatexed. BEUFURD PARK FLORAL Cc, LIMITED. 39-1.! ‘ UR SALE~A good 800 ncle Alhel'Id 1‘ fun“, uedr gumd town, on U.P.R.. with good wads. splendidly wa‘eled by Link: Red Kivrr, ï¬nenow stuck, burn “ith we‘ll and pump Ilnuse, fine bunch of Ulydrsdule horses: also other stock. IUU acres guod huah. with splendid pashue. Churches’und school «:unveuiem. Bank referent-e fur en- quiry. HENRY MOYLE. Richmond Hill. 39-44 FOR SALE-3 Buckr‘ye lUO chick pnanth nilâ€"hunting mood-Its, (N0. 21); 1 new pm-tul 1e Closeâ€"Lnâ€" L\nlul‘c ml burning hrnedrr (100 chick). Roy A. BR1LLINGER,PIIHII& swuffville 403. 39-41 1mm Ban-red Hmk and single comb, white Leghorn. lnrd lo luv. L. HAWUKTH, May A\e., Stop 24 Yunge Slleet. (“42 LFALFA SEEDâ€"“'9 specialize in growing Alfalfa seed of a. hardy strain that dues not winter kill. “'rilo fer price and sample. R. F. HICKS & SON, Newton Brnu'k. 41-44 ‘ BED GHA1N~Fur sale, a quantity 5 of seed Banner oatauquantily on seed b1ll|?y. and a quuuuty of spring rye. GEO. T. MCNAIR,Jeffc-Ison P. 0. um. 0H SALEâ€"Utility Baned Ruck eggs, 7?) per setting. Good wintu’luyeu. T. PHILPUTT, Stop 24, Ynngohurst Road. 40-43 7‘ EEI) FOB SALEâ€"U‘A.C. No. 72 b unis. and U.A.U. No. ‘21 barley. R. F. Kuncx, H. R. ‘2. Gormlay, Pbune Smufhiue 4911. 40-41 ‘OR SALEâ€"One fresh milch cow. with 02' without calf. Quiet and easy to milk. J'; H. HEISE.1(-t3, can. 3, ‘Whitchnrch, Gurmley, phone S‘louffvma 63H. 41. AHHI‘J) ROCK EGGS fur Setting. $1M, pm' Setliug of 13. J. R. \\ A’I‘suN, Brx 221. Richmond Hill. 39-42 jRTAGEâ€"I am plepared to do all kinds of curlagg on short, nmice. F. LEPARD, Elgin Mills, Pbune 116 A1112, H b‘ORWSALEâ€"Seed field pPase. . W. BOWMAN, Brnoklunds, Stnp 29, Yonge Street. Phone 44 r 11. 414E. Thmnbilf 1 ‘ frame rhouise: Int 40 by 140. Apply MRS. ENDEAN, Centre St. \Veit. Phone (31 W. 41-43 k] gasoline pumpng en ine, with jack cmnplete, in good ï¬ner. Price $25. A bargain. L. CHAPMAN, Lang,- ufaff. 4143 OR SALE:A quantity nf No. 1 Alfalfa need. Apply WESLEY PEARSON, Langstnï¬â€™, Phon. E Notice of Application for Divorce 514â€"516 Confedm'utinn Life Bmldmg, ’l‘urnnm. Solicitors for William John Taylor, the above named applicant. 41-45 FOR SAEEâ€"iinï¬'et and six chairs. _ Apply LlRER-AL OFFICE. 41 ATCHING EGGSâ€"SLUUKPN‘ 1_8, OL'SE FOR SALI~IIqmre of ,UEO. I. SIMS. Richmond Hill. OUSE FOR SALEâ€"A comfortable ORSEâ€"Hurso for salsa, around 1,200 lbs. 0. J. ROBESON. Maple. ASOLINE EN(}INE~â€"_A 20.99 Want: Ads. Lire Building, 41.44 4142 Surging, irresistible power lives in the bigger new Overland en‘lne, Power ma: sweep: you up me sliï¬'est hills. Power mu fascinates you! Action and energy shat give you conï¬dence wherever you drive. Oceans of powerâ€"end worlds of satisfaction '. The big, robust Overland engine is faithnt as me tides. And amazingly lean on gasoline and oil. Every dollar of ‘he Overland price buy the biggen possible dollar’s worth of vlgor and endurance. You cannat eqnul Overland power and reliability M anywhere near the money 3 CHnudian ’I‘ennr and Chair fodder Snlnisc, Nunh Pmkdule Mathndisl Church, is prepared to wceive pupils in Richmnnd Hill on Thursdays, Studio, Mrs. N. Ginsu, 2nd dunr nuth of Mechudist Church Particulars can be uhtained by call. ing. Phone a Ring 11. 29- Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thomhill. Ont 30 tf ELO C UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. SPECIAL TOURING AND SPECIAL SEDAN IN Am);me TO REGULAR MODELS You are cordially invifed to visit our Showrooms and to inspect these models, now on display. Star Car Models for 1921, now ready for delivery, are the outstandâ€" lng achievement of the motor car industry this year. The "New Series†Starter is as great an advance in the progress of motor transportation as the original Star Car introduced last year. The “New Series†Star Car has all the advantages of the old. There is ample proof of performance ability. Although introduced only last year, the original Star Car has demonstrated its merits in the service of over 120,000 owners all over the world. And the “New Series†Star Car has greater claim to popularity than the old. C. M. PALMER 8: SON Cor. Arnold and Yonge Sts., Richmond Hill Call in and look over the new modoln at our show room Wm. C. Ruttan “New Series†Star THE ARISTOCRAT OF LOW-PRICED CARS Oceans of Power! Bra Auction Sale Register