TERMS:â€"Ten per cunt of the pur- chase price as a depnait at the time of sale. and the bulmee in thirty days, For {Ul'lher terms and cduditinus of sale, apply to Naughton & Jenkins, 85 Richmond St. West, Toruntu, Salicitors for the Mortgage. The property will he offered for sale, subject, to u reserved bid. for the Mnrtgage. DATED at Turunto, this 15th day of March, 192 I. 39-42 The pmperty is siHmZed on the East sida nf the Fourth Concession load in the Village nf Maple. This is oneuf the main highways of the County of York, with a good road system to the Oil y nf Tumntu. (M the said pmpelty in greeted n brick and frame house, se-ren rnoms, pnniry. summer kitchen. collar, hoc air flu-Inca, Plecuin light and fixtures, hard water and soft water (fluwing well). frame garage, electric wired driving shed and horse stalvlv. Also one frame house-‘six looms with cellar. ) High Grade Instruction Only! Remains open all year mits Students at any time demnnd for our gI-nduut time. Right now Is a sph to cummeuce a course he ough preparation is necessary twduy and It M to Miami n strictly ï¬lst-r and nntun imiuuion one. Mortgage Sale Phone 99.) Oxford Street Phone 128- r12 SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER TERMS:â€"T‘e Ofï¬ce Trench Block. two'donrs north of \ Stande Bzmk. Hem-39:1.m. to 5.30 pm. Telephone 32 SIMEON JOYCE, L.C.A.M. Write to-dny fnr free catalog!“ Potatoes Bought and Sold. Farmers Produce Taken in Market Furniture Moved. Trucking of all description. Service unexcelled. Of Valuable Houses In the Village of Maple Now accepting pupils. Studio at. the home of M Pupil of Josef Lhevinnt- and Frank S. \Velsmzm Studio: Over Mr. E. R. Ful'll Tuildr Store. F‘me 1-: ! Von. Dr. L. R. BELL TRUCKING PELHAM CUAFFEY CHOIR-LEADER AND URGAXIST I’RESBYTERIAN CHURCH TENOR TEACHER OF SINGING ELLIOTT PIANO and THEORY M. J. BURKE & Charles Sts .50 per annum, in advance.] DENT‘ST RICHMOND HILL RINCII’AI R. Furtuer's PHONE 95 ‘m-ontu Strung Hoise Store next to Village Clerk's Office G. HILL, Oak RidgesP Boot and Shoe Repairer SAMPLES FR EE PAINTING, DECORATING Phone306, King, All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanship Prompt Service Shop in Winterton's Old Stand, Yonge St. NORTH YONGE ST., Rxcmxoxn HILL DR. ROLPH L LANGSTAFF. ()ï¬â€˜iue bouts b" : )0 3.112. and 6 :8 p.m DELLILLIAAN C. LANGS'I‘AFF. 0630;: hours 10 to 1‘2 a.m. and 6t08p. m. Ofl‘ice and residenceâ€"Gentle and Church Streets Richmond Hill Phone No.28. 2574 YONGE ST. PHONE HLSDi (i777 Some of the things he welds daily Ire stove parts, {mm implements. bah; carriages, washing machine parts, and bicyEles. At the Rolfe Shoe Repair Did it ever occur tn you (hilt many thousands of dollars are wasted an- nually by people thlnwihg away valuable household utensils and gar- den tuols made of metal which, having bl-nken, seemed wurthlwdJ If it is made of metal of any kind, no matter what siZP, 5113139, or style, Jim can weld it ._--_. VA‘.-~- (diseases of \Vdnhmx an?! children.) Office hours I :3 p. m.’ Phune lUU. Wall Hangings - of - Artistic Charm Village Council, Isl; Mondny Board of Educatinu, 1st. Munday Board of Trade, 2nd Monday Hnrticultnrnl Sneiety, 3rd Tneac Public Libraryâ€"Oan Tuesday Sntmday evenings from 7 to 9 u’ch DR. M. B. WELLWOOD 0. l. RUDDELL, D.C. Ph.C. You Can an ï¬nin kinda thPy can he re “reasonahl Yon can also get on ï¬tting and l be an PLU GEO. KIDD OFFICE Hours Hours: 2 h) 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. Except Wednesday PHONE 117 Consultation Free at the Ofï¬ce LISTEN! GARRETT MOTOR Oflicezâ€"Ceutre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Ofï¬ce Hours: 10-12; 6-8. uw about that old JOIS. or shoes that. St around ? PALMER CHIROPRACTOR DRS. LANGSTAFF UMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS RICHMONL THORNHILL, ONT‘ Irred to you that act nf ecunumy them repaired '3 Let Jim WeEd It .J. P. WILSON . HENDERSON. Regu'ar Meetings ABOVE DAVIES STORE HAS Ipaired at a 9 rate. expert advise epuirs for all :md shoes H d pair of is m 3rd Tneadnv. I Tuesday and 7 to 9 o’clock, u have get "I . will he lepral the t’VEHIl)g Masonic Hall A part of the prngiamme of Rural Trustees Section, 0. E. A. on Tuesday Apri122. 1924‘ is a debate an u. live subject. Tluea of the ratepayers frmn uur village are taking purL'in the debate. “Resolved, that Consoli- dacion is the mast, pracLiCnhle Solution (If [he Pruhlem of Rum] Educaliun." Affirmutivo, H, D. Ulemiuson, \Vel- lmgum; Lindsay 0. Brown. Britannia Heights; Negative, Harvey F. Col- laid and Louis L. Nichols, of Gormley R. H. No.2. The judge for negative E], M. Hitchcock. also of Gurmlay. Debate to take place in Auditoriqu Central Technical School. 'l‘oxome, at 2.30 p.111. boy was lut‘hed m the Sick Chiliren’s Hospital, and an X ray taken, when it. was found that 11).: inside shell was crackvd. The patient is expected home in u few days. but. he will be kept quiet for a few weeks. a sewer» accident a few days ago. H? was climbing from the stuhle duOI‘ to the burn. “hen he frll tn the ceuwnl pavement fracturing his skull. The Uomisky vs. Vandel-hurghâ€"Claim fur money loaned $160. The defence was that money was given to help pay a ï¬ne. Judgment. for plaintiff. McNeil ss. Powersâ€"Adjnnrned. French vs. Becket arid Pennyâ€"- Adjuul'nvd. - Jones vs. “Whenâ€"\Vage: $64. judg~ ment $1]. Bone v~‘. Dunneml ~ Claim $20 damngps done by cows. Counter chin) $2.3, damages hy pl nintiff’s cows. judgment. fur plaintiff 315‘ Counter- claim diunissed. Thu-e judgment, summonses were also heard. Edgar. the 9 year nld snn (zf Mr. \V. B. Heise, uf_Victwriz_1 Square, met wiLh Palmer vs. Comiskyâ€"For stack of hay $85.00. Judgment for plaintiff $74.50. Thorn vs. Lockhead, H. E. P. O. â€" Repairing mntnr. Judgment for Primary Creditor. Stnnehouse vs. Ashâ€"Adjourned. Lunau vs. Hislop et a1 â€"â€" Judgment, fur plaintiff. Shearduwn vs. Clark ; Trivett, gar, adjourned. His Honour, Judge O’Connell preâ€" sided at court here cu Tuesday. Francis vs. McTague, H. E. P. C. garsâ€"Claim fur rent. Judgment, for Primary Creditor. SR. IIâ€"Noreen HnWm-Ih, Dorothy Duncan, Morlpy Sanders, Elpnnnr Dun-y, \Valzor Young. Adele Savage, May Plewman, Elizabeth Rumble, Mary Fortuk, Reggie ‘on-ren. Trddy Philpot, Humld Horton. May Sthhexd Mac Tennyson, Betty Williams. F. M‘ BROWN, teacher. Next court the 3rd of September The W.C.T. U. are 59ndng a donation of eggs to the Orphanage for the children for Easter. and will he gldd of help from any one interested. Those wishing to contribute will kindly send eggs to the home of Mrs. \V. A. Wright, nnL later than Friday nighn. Ed that, they can be packed and shipped to [he Orphanage on Saturday. Help along}, good cause Richmond Hifl Public School Report U m'ty ; in VICTORIA SQUARE Division Court Eggs N tan-Essentials ynung peuple The Drama nuud Hi.l on Nth, iu the . Liberty ,- Yonge St., RICHMOND HILU I. D. Ramer Rough cast bone acres on Mill Street exgbt: roc frontage. kinds of This is a $525 will buy a splendid building lot on the West side of Church 3:. Rough cast house stable and 1 acres on Mill Street. A bargain. A good cheap Brick Clad How and three acres on Lucas Street. All kinds: of Lumber. Lath and Shin-fI gles. Fluoring, Sidings. Mouldings. etc. I Winde Frames. Sash and Doors ade. to order. Dealers In Gyproc and Fi re- I Board. Asphalt Rooï¬ng. Shingles. I Felts, Etc. You will be pleased with' our prices and promptdeliveny. Let u! have your enquiries. Quotations gladly furnished on request. HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, Ere. Toronto Office : "3493 Yonge St. Phone Hudson 3108. Richmond Hill Office : \Vesle-y Boyn- tun’s Real Estate Ofï¬ce. Yonge St. A member of the firm will be in Richmond Hill every Tuesday. 26-6m MULHOLLAND & SMYTH W. HE‘WESON Dominion and Provincial Be Sold or Exchanged. Mortgage Loans Arranged Mutual Life Assurance Co of Canada J.R.HERRHNGTON List too large to fully advertise. No charge for transfers. Loans,1nsurance, Notarial Work $4 600 OFFICE; CHURCH STREET ‘ELEPHoxE 11M RICHMOND HILL Service and Satisfaction Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond Street Richmond Hill FIRE, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS. AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE . Innes & Sons The Real Estate Man . A. Nicholls will buy on easy terms an m brick house, lot 100 feet garage, good garden, all fruit on Richmond Street. real good buy. cast house stable and 171 REPRESENTING â€"â€" ALSO â€" PHONES :â€"Ofï¬ce. 87.! Yald, 13-8 For ’rovincial Bonds Bought -__AJ 58 i Leghorns: J. W. BOWMAN Yorkshire: BABY CHICKS: 'me winter A full supply of Puri‘y, Maple Leaf and Royal Household and Pastry Flour, Bran, Shorts, Gluten, Crack Corn and Scratch Feed always on hand. Chick Feet, Purnia Chowder and Blatchford Egg Mash. and Tile alw SPEHAL Pmcazs ON LARGE ORDERS (ALL EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID) EGGS FOR HATCHI N G Custom Hatching COMMISSIONER, CONVEYAxth, 11 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Single Comb White Leghorns Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest. notice. and at reasonable rates. Richmond Hill, Friday and For information Phone MRS. MYLKS. From the Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosaiind Bush L T. C. M. STOP 29 YONGE bt. PHONE 411-11 R. R., RICHMOND HILL, Ox'r. The very best Hard Coal in Nut, we, Egg and Pen. Now is the me to order your Coal for next mer. AT THE ELEVATOR OUR CAPACITY IS 5,280 EGGS EVER Y THREE W'EEKS BROOKLANDS EDWARD FRANCISS NOTARY PUBLIC TRADE MARK REGISTERED $10.00 per 100 1007;; Fertility Guaranteed NOTICE 10f; Live $.35 00 per isgllflq per Thornhill. $5.00 per 100 eggs Patronage solicited [Single copies, 3 cts. . T. SAIGE 01V Maple Hardwall Plaster, Lime vays in stock. 100 till end of April 100 rest of season An ival Guaranteed ay and Saturday Ne. 110. ETC