Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Apr 1924, p. 4

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‘ Notice of Application for Divorce ‘ v...â€" hereby NOTICE is _ luhank, “ Alexiinder CI‘IIIC Toronto, in the t) . Province of Ontario. apply to the I’ the present Se. ' Divorce from his Wife, Uruickshunk, of the Toronto. on the ground o (lesertlon. ’ ungA’I‘El) at Toronto. in the Provrnpe of Ontario. this 21st day of _M:ii(:h._]§--l. ALEXANDER CRUlChb‘HAl‘tlt, lIV his Stilicltiil's. _ GERMAN n i.E.\'.\'o.\. 302 Buy St... Toronto. Ont. f adultery Elli-ll Notice of Application ior Divorce m NOTICE is hei-vliy given that Alice MOOH‘. of the. City oi Toronto, in the County of York, in the lfiuxince of ' Ontario, lllill'l‘lr‘d \\‘tllll:lll, “'1” apply to the. Pillllilillelll of Cuiiiidi, iit_ the present session tlieieof for it Bill oi Divorce from her liusliniid Murk Moore, of the Silld City of Toronto. hfichaiiic, 0n the grounds of adultery iind deserti Ill- _ DATED at Toronto. this litli day ( f March, A. I). 1921. ALICE MOORE, by her Solicitors MURPHY it: DONALD ‘ 302 Buy Eti-cct.'lfioioiito. 89-43 Notice of Application for Divorce p.“ NOTICE .is hereby given _ that Louise. Elizabeth Smith, of the City of Toronto. in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Married Womim. will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at, the present session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her husband \Villiaiii Geoige Smith. Collector, of the City of Toronto, on the grounds of adultery and desertion. DATED tit Toronto, this 26th day of March. A. D. 1924. LOUISA ELIZABETH SMITH by her Solicitors MURPHY 8: DONALD 302 Bay Street. Toronto. Notice of Application for Divorce “I NOI‘ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Francis Albert Armstrong, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, Lather. will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at. the present session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce fiom his wife, Elizabeth Charlotte Armstrong. of the 40-44 ‘ Blid City of Toronto, on the grounds of adultery and desertion. DATED Al‘ TORONTO. this 25th day of February, A. D., 1921. FRANCIS ALBERT ARMSTRONG by his Solicitors, MURPHY & DONALD. ‘302 Bay Street, Toront 38-42 W Notice of Application for Divorce # NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thiit Onetm Irene Sleeiiian. of the City oi Toronto in the. County of York in the Province of Ontario. Married Wouiiin, will apply to the Parliament of Canndu at the present Session thi-ieof for a Bill of Din-roe from her husband George Sli'eiiiun of the snid City of Toronto, on the giound of adultery and desertioii, - DATED at. Toronto, in the Province of Ontario; this 12th day of March, 1924. ‘ Onettii. Irene Sleoinuii, ’hy her lSoliciinia GERMAN k LENNUX, 802 Bay St... Toronto, Ont. 33-42 Notice of Application for Divorce | W NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ihnt W'illiiuii john Tnylur, of the City rf Toronto, in the County of York, in the. Province of Ontario, street car Conductor. will apply to the Parlia- ment of Canada. at the present Session thereof for n Bill of Divine.- from his wife Ethel May Taylor, of the City of Toronto, in the County of Ymk, in the Piloviiir-pof Ontario. on the grounds of udulteiy und (IeSt’iIliill. DATED Ht the t‘ity UfTUl'OIIl“, in the County of Yoik, in the Prmim-n of Ontario. this Sth dziy of Apiil. I‘J‘ll. lllEYD. IIEYI), SIIOREY it NEWMAN. 514â€"510 (.‘iinfeilerntiuii Lifi- Building, Toronto. . Solicitors for William ~lnhii Tiiyloi‘, the above named applicant. 41-45 JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 l l l l i BUILDE RS SUPPLIES I i .j Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine. Lath Doors Cedar Shingles Sllhi) ll Roofings Gyprork f for paper Wallborird ‘ | Building paper Cor. Arnold 8: Triage. l i l given that ‘ f the City of . ounty of York. in the i Esquire, Wlll , ailinnirnt 0t" Cziiiiidii at ssion thereof for n lel Zettii LtilllSH said City U5 The Soliloquy of a Boot \Vani; Ads. (BY A. ROLFE) l and one Arliiin fanni wagon. (Continued from list week.) The Sltll‘t‘kevpt'l‘ knew his business. He had not been idle. Oh no. Hi- m..- m. “.mmâ€" tolill the 'lllilll lot iiliiiiitruirin;idr5 “HM (rum Apply to l,. 'H. aiii outsuli-s \\lll\‘ll so iii-lighter lhi- (.LRHENT' Richmmld HI“. l)h”n(.iglfi‘ man that he bought us. \Ve were Wm“, 42 \Vlttppt‘tl up and taken home ll)" UH' ...M“”" ,‘()R SALE~Olle Hoosier “'arzrin. E.l WELDIHCK, lot 13. con. 4, I‘lill‘khflltL! OR SA LEâ€"‘30 hugs of early potatoes, â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_._..â€"_ M l iiiaii. r‘fil‘i siippe-r he took tho 0“ §A[l[.;_A (“whiny of('l<\\‘t‘l”llay.! \vruppers mi and showed IIF to his am] 31 MM...“ Muiqiiis \\l’lt‘1li]_l wife, )iuisiiig us llio While. Ho H, 51) 051.jpg GEE, Rii‘hiiionr v , v v , , , _ ’ v ‘ , ..,,..,,,.,,,‘_,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,.,,I “0 $11410 4 . J 42“ 711E or LOllâ€"Flilf 1:1) CANS I'xLi lied the coiilouis ol out fruit-punts. ) -mWâ€"awm I“; 0 lie celiilim-ntitl on tin- Sliilillt‘SStil win ‘0“ S,-\l.l“.~(im>(l SiHL'l“ hI‘IS“? Q _. Whistlinc. Ilt‘ lu't‘flllll‘tlllllt' ll)‘.\‘(i']'llul 10,.“ ir will i-xrhniis" flil‘ l . l .. over the suiigness iil'iiiii- xiiiiips,:iiiii buggy and homes“. GEU- TAVUIR‘ Was holding l'iiiili tlll lht‘\[tlillllyul Richmond hi” Hirliiiinini llill. 43-44 ,our coiiiiti‘is and hook siinps, wlii-ii li a ~~ " ' '1 . Wilt-‘irho liui horn il \"‘l\‘ utlriiliii “R SAlli‘i”~‘U"'”[ 3” 5th.“ “f llSlt'llel‘, mode :1 lt‘llli‘llk tliui roused F tiliilioi, illtl't-iiiil lengths. JUN): his oil-minil‘eii-iit'u [.i \‘isilily ilii‘iiuiso, H1:.\ll,\.\l, llll'lillH'lld Illll- 4‘ “\\'liy Henry," she sold, what i: “’T“fifԤf}wiflifi:‘(‘7:le 0’0“ng \plt’litlltl hilleslili‘lll )ull Would iiinlu- OI ‘ » Hymn Mm. 43 ions li.\l.l 1 ~ on HALF.»- ‘4 ll;!lll. APE‘IY You sllrllllsi' llli', \\'.\\. mil .-i\\’ lll‘ that win know nun-h :i‘ioni llillil‘, “Hemy rt‘iileil. stunt-“lint In iiilmsli Cvilli',” l ;iiii nl‘iuiil lllviv :iit‘ l lStil things I klltl\\ lliul you Jtlt‘ lllll :l\V/ll(‘ of. “Oh! siid liis‘ \\llt‘ tillll what on they pin-Ly?” l\'i-\i-i you iiiiiul, said Henry, iiiid so Illt' lll:illt‘|‘ eiiili‘d. That night, and mun)" Sllt':'tt'tllllg nights, we wu-o our-tutly piii Hun), on .llmi in \iv- :iw‘l stinll l.ii:i-:it.\i. ()i-i'ii R. 41? ,_,_,,,_-,____,.,,,,...W-. *0” svlf inn Virtoiiu iliiil~:iili plants, Hill slt'anlr‘l'ly iliiiliuili Phillis nt. l3 i'i‘iits t‘itl‘ll. 0t; :1“er pi‘r (lumen. oi 3H iii-i'liiini’lii'd. nsii'iiwui s 1““ i‘Hi' 541:3”, llusiilii iiv i':|7|(2\'râ€"]tl(l[) We had ii good time, the In III inking $1.10”. “15... Hun-nughiueil Scott-l1 ‘ giwit car-cot us, [i dl‘lllllgflnll Illlillllig' (MW. "(Wt mule (ii-g $111.0“. JUHN ' 'N 42-13} until we fuiily shiiiit‘, luii the iiievitan u “my”... itjijin ,\lill~'. W...” W- miiiie. :is it iii\‘:iii:iti|_\' docs. Uiil‘ tl.‘l\ m the man \Vns our on nosinr», and ii ‘ ASOHNI‘) ENGINE-“3“ wind was ruining pretty lmd, an \\‘i' got eill gasoline lmml’ll‘fl “"3-1'”“- with \\'£".tc(l up. By the tiine the iii.iii )iwl; t'illllllllt'tt‘. 1“ f-Z““‘l "li‘l‘w' PIN“ Iiirircd home we felt all out of shape, $25. A lmrgain. L. ('iiAIiiiAN, Lang-.- uiitl like :1 wet rug. stufi‘. 41-43 The Han took lls" ol'r‘, looked us over, mr ’ . - a“ " opt‘ncd the oven tltUl'. nilil lllt't‘\\' 11> [ OLV‘HE F0“ SALhâ€"A (“mtm'tablp lllSldt’, ft'l‘LLlllilLt‘ly lt'étVlIJg the (1001‘ hm“? hon“): ‘HI' 4‘! by Hf). Open Apply Miis. lCNiiimN, Centre 5". However we were not theta very “WL th‘" “1 W' “43 long, for just then the man's wife 1, Como in, and seeing him without. his boots on, said "\thi'u are your boots Henry. they must he wet.“ Yes they are wet it.“ right. l have put them in the oven, replied Ileiii-y. Good grucnius, said his wife, tliats I no place to put boots, and fetching us out she put us under the sink. \Vt‘lll that was no place to put us Either, hut we made no remark. \Vhat WHS the use? \Vhiit should have been done is this: The man. when he ariived home and found us so very Wet, ought to have taken some old newspaper and wiped us as diy its possible, then taken us nl’f and filled our insides with some more old paper. then warming us slightly applied. with a piece of rug or an old tooth brush, Some of the “Rolfe Biand VViitorpt-oot' Duhhin” and then put. us away in it dry Corner. In the morning he would have found us all ready to put on again. nice and dry, pliable and shapely. The old paper inside serving a. twofold pur- pUSPâ€"keeping us in shape and absorbâ€" \V. BOWMAN, Biiiokhinrls, Stop Yonge Slice-t. Phone 44 I" ll. Ill-if. h‘UK §A1115*S\’§‘(l Iieltl pense. 2‘8, AR'I‘AGEâ€"I um plr'pill‘t’d to dtl‘Hll kinds of (anti-Iago on short. notice. F. LEI’ARI), Elgi’n Mills. Phone 110 r 12. 41-44 l LF‘ALFA SEEDâ€"1V9 specialize in _ _ growing Alfalfa. seed ofa hardy strain that does not winter kill. \‘Vrite for price. and Sample. R. F. HICKS & SUN, Newton Brook. 41-44 OR SALEâ€"Utility Barred Rock eggs, '75 per setting. Good winter layers. '1‘. PHILPUTT. Stop 2+, Yongehiirst Road. 'i 40-43 EED GHAanl-Tor Sale, a quantity of seed Bulinet‘ (\ilt.$',:t quantity oi seed hallt'y, and a quantity of spring rye. GEO. T. MCNAIR. Jetfoi'son P. O 4041’. ins the "list-Lire. l ATCHING EGGSâ€"$1.00 per 18, Efficiently simple isn't it, yetfliiiiv from Barred Rock and single conili, white Leghorn. bred to luv. L. HAWORTH, Mny Aie., Stop 21 Yonge Street. 40â€"42 ARRED ROCK EGGS for Setting. many bother to do it? Not very many. It’s too much trouble in this age of iinpatienCe liusi ls. And there are those who don’t know. Another occasion I remember when ‘ the [mm W," lucin us u ' the] c $1.00 per Setting of 13. i J. R. hmka Did he semi: for “puew pal-tr; WATSON, Box 2‘21. Richmond Hill. He did not. He tied H. knot in the 39’” broken hice, and in trying to pull the knot throuuh one of in e elets ull (1 out the Perrt. y y ' p e fnrui. near guild town, on O.P.R.. The he“, 1...... “n themnrketm,” In, with good roads, splendidly watered bought, in [ho “Hung 5m", Re,,,,,-,."|Iy Littli- lied Hirer. llllt’llP\V stock, Sim-e" for m OH,” a pair, 5,, why goi huln \\i\h Well and pump house, tine luinch of Clydesdale horses: also other 0R SA LEwâ€"A good 800 aci 9 Alberta around with knots in the hires. IV” . self-iespectiiig than would go in ““‘“k-. m“ ""93 g‘md huhh' “'Mh business “ill, km,” in hi, jaws. "t splendid pilsLllH‘. Churchcsnnd school , Bunk If'ft‘rt‘llt'b' fur eti- least I shouldn't think so. "-"".‘""““‘"'- About this time I began to “I’llt‘ir ‘l"i'.V- HENRY MUYLE‘ RiCh'mind that. I, Mlltl my mate, wue getting it H‘H' “"44 bit. Wobhiy, and ith‘I‘ sit the side. 7 ~ The men IliilII'L leive "W'hiw ‘U’iil‘ll‘tTdAlg'Timfz igill:'ihidtviileiiglii W s. ‘ â€" - I I‘ - i ' ' rung. “r‘ iiiiiily put us on mni immnm. Um, mwgblwed' UHUPURD nti‘, lily l).iy allui “ULâ€"-(‘illllt' hliiiiirâ€"Luok us after day this htppe-ioil. day we \rers- gettiiig \roise. PARK FLORAL (To, Lini'rrzii. 39-” \ ()\Vâ€"t)rder your wire fence. gates, flu heimnlinurd) 1 bull) wire, limo-c wire. FUIPIM. NUW'. Ulll‘ Iel‘lus tile Cifih with till" WRIGHT BROS order. Put you! 'rirder in cull“- hefl'rP the spring»;r iush starts. jiiHN EsPEY. Elgin Mills. Phone 12843 ltichiiiniid Hill. , 33-42 UUSE FUR. SALEâ€"~15riilii'le 0f (inn. S. 51318, Kicuuitud Hill. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at» the above places The Greatest SerViceâ€" The Least Attention There's no piece of farm equipment that giyes so much service ova- so long a period With 'so little attention as a good windmill. That 3 why I recommend the Toronto Selfâ€" Oiling Windmill so highly. Lots of Toronto Windmills have given from eighteen to tWenty years' service with practically no attention outside an occasional oiling and are still operating satisfactorily eVery day. n the Toronto Self-Oiling Windmill all gears operate in a bath of special oil affected by neither heat or coldâ€"every bearing thoroughly and automatically lubricated. New oil is required "only once a year." If you already own a Toronto Windmill, I can give you this self'oiling feature by merely inter- changing the head and using your present wheel. Most Toronto Windmills. too. can be made absolutely scli» in operation. . Tile “Toronto” Town will sign! for a lifetime 66mm: 1'! is (In: tirari'csl. strongest and cost-braced on: [will for any windmill. :1, J. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill. Phone 73] SELF-OILING NTo ' - “33'; Sr." RD WINDMILLS ‘ engine is faithful as the tides. l l Sim (‘iir Models for 1113 i, now ready for delivery . I ’ . ' ) . '. ' ‘ ’ 2n: .itliieieiiirnt (it the, iiim r car industry this your The " Ve'v ‘ .'i.)l '. '..'u.~ . 'K - ‘ A/.eiirs shirt .ii is .is ,gricut an advance in the pi‘ogiiss of motor thinsporiation :is lllO orig Hill 3211‘ (‘iii‘ introduced last vciii‘. :ll't" ilw ()Tllel’llill- . . w . . . . ri10”:\01\'h(‘l'lt‘s ’ Hurt :ii~ luis :ill the H :iinislo pl‘iml' of pri‘llii'iiiniico :llillllV'. Although iiitri’riluccd oiilv last ‘_\ mt,, (illgl. .il Nari ,n has tlt‘l]l()n’<i.l‘;ll,ttil its iiierirs in tho 5.0ii'icr- ofovci‘ lflfHJHH ouiiers all over the World. And the, “ New .. S,.:,\.H\;,. ".. .., ' ‘ ' Lites tun (.ii has gitatcr claim to popularity [min the old. orlviinrzigosot the (.lil, lere 1 SPECIAL TOURING AND SPECIAL SEDAN IN ADDITION TO REGULAR MODELS You are cordially invited to visit; our Showrooms and to i these models, now on display. nape!“ ,RIQHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. DSTâ€"A spare tire, rear light, and l license plate, No. 55-321, on Tues- day night, between, Brown’s CornerI and Elgiii Mills. either on Kennedy l SATURDAY Auction Sale Register R‘in-j ‘ , APRIL 19â€"Mortgage solo Road Mill'khdm Sldt’r‘md» "1' Yong" of two houses i , ' _ , n Mi . , ' St. Filidt’l‘ [‘19‘359 ““UfX Lmemil per cent; down hnluiii: hills? rd): ls“ omce ni- Mrs. (I. E. Martin, R. R. l Sale M230}, m‘ 3 T 3.; . A y ' No. 1. Markham. 42 i . ‘ dgtm” “CL SATURDAY. APRIL 19â€"‘â€"Auction sale of horses, cows. iiiipliaiiients. etc.. lot 3 con. 4, West York, the property I'E A. l.‘ Durston Estiite. Sult- at 1 o’clock. 'l‘eriiis 7uionihs. Pi entiti- & Pientice. Aucts. OST~In Richmond Hill, on Friday, i [J April 11th, ucnllie Pom. Findrr' please notify THE LIBERAL OFFICE at once and save trouble. 42-43 l OUNG GIRLâ€"Would like to secure _. - A) - light house work. attend to tele- TUESDA" APRIL Z‘TAUCH‘m 5‘ pure-bred slim-thorn cottle, Siiin pm," Ul.\yntlllg children. Apply Farm J . ‘ H ‘ 0 . etfeisun, the )1‘) ext LIBERAL 0111‘“ 4“ I}. H. Wt’ldi‘n. Sula filb‘go't‘TflCk. ‘OR SALEâ€"Six choice Yorkshiie 1,:ggfic90A‘V”P”‘5' P'e'm” ‘l" sows. one Yorkshire boar. A ' ' “at fpw um loiisiafllay, No. 1 clover. 10” SATURDAY. APRIL °6~A - ' 4- bushels muiigolds. Lotus L. NICHOLS- horse, implements niiiiullihriiifol’d 43-44 :lfifcis,l Richmond Street. Richmond . . . . i1, 1- ie pioiierlv of Gen Re” \OH. bAlll‘Jâ€"Jal't‘y do"... 5 mos m. ‘ - . ' "W" v v ‘ v ; ._ so the house lll|(l ~ix ores ifl‘ I. h old. ADI”) lv- LO“ M“- H"“' Terms cash. Sui; :t- 2 li'cl'i‘i‘z-lL iiiond St, Richmond Hill. 42-44 Percy Fun." Allctiumer Wm Are you a Subscriber ? Advertise In The Liberal. S)urgiiii:, iri'c.~istih3e power lives in the bigger new Overland engine, lower that sweeps you up the oddest hills. Power that fascinates \‘uu? Action and energy that give you confidence wherever you drive. - Oceans of powerâ€"and worlds of satisfaction 3 The big, robust Overland ‘ And amazingly lean on gasoline and oil. hvery (lOllill' of the Overlord price buys the biggest possible dollar’s worth of vigor and endurance. You cannot equal Overland power and reliability , at anywhere near the monev '. Call in and look over the new models at our show room. (3. M. PALMER & SON Cor._Ariiold andme 315., Richmond Hill t. l

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