~~' Read inside pages. The publiahrr regrets riat sevelal news items handed afternoon out for want of spare, High and public Schools close to- day. Thursday, to l'<'-l|p(‘ll Monday, the 28th of April. Good Friday. to-lnoll-ow, will observed as a holiday. with service in many of the churches. A car of cement iii 1 ire-d ; also mdels taken for soed col-n direct from the grower kind. 95 per root. gl'l’llllnllllhn, This st-eit corn is [llt‘ hrsl proriilalilo. Al the Elevator, Victoria Square. Y. 1’. I.., will give the play “Bolul-‘eti tu'o Linda" ill the Mustlllic Hall, Thursday evening, April 24, l» by Illt' Richmond Hill .llchest “it . Mal y Flillay, ltl. [Caster Du -' and 11 a. ill I' ’5’ ’ ll I‘JVI‘IISUHK Special $1st The“ fillltlH'itlg have bl'i'll l‘r’i'nm. mended to the Fé‘lii'i-(‘illllnlixsiolwls as County (,‘OHSllclllt'S for the Townâ€" ship of Vaughan: Harry (‘hlilnll'lm Maple; Htllllllt'l Il'vlalld, Kleillbul‘u: Rollelt E. Dean, ’l'hol'ollill; Tliolllsls Rowntree, Woodblidgr l’. O. The Boald of Tladr held, their montth llll'Pllllg ill the Council Cllalnbei‘. Mondry evening. .\lr. \Valkel', of the l'llderwlitms Assuri- atioll was pl't‘st‘lll, and gave a number of suggestions relative to 'our file eqtlipllient and watol-wulks. Q 'hl.“oillilllillioll H a. m. l p. m. On Friday evunilig of this week. the Sacred Cantata "Olivet to C.tl\‘:ll y," J. H. Maulldel'. will he [endured by a lull choir ill the Richmond Hill Presby- terian Church. Supper will be serve-ll in the school room at (S p. ill, Sacird Concert at 8 p. 11). Come and blilig your friends. The Girls and Junior Auxiliny's of St. Mary’s C. of E.. are holding a Bazaar on April 26th. in the Masonic Hall. Also on the same evening a Musical play siltitled “Our Minister‘s Birthday,†we; be presented by the yonng peoplbgKeep the date open and watch f got play. 41-42 The Ag i iciety met Satur- day aflet President, Mr. Francisfl The report of vthe 'colni wise the [ladies work wa‘ . .and the Society suggestedN/Vork be added to, the prizeh‘ï¬t. . McLean reported. . That the ladies of the Presbyterian chnrch Would prepare the banqurt on the evaning of the Fair. \ ‘ Alrangelnents are now complete for the Eastertide Dance to be held in the Masonic Hall on the. evening of Moll- day next, April 21. under the patron- age of the Ofï¬cer Commanding and Oflicers, County Battalion, York Ranger’s Regiment... A Toronto 0r- chestra will be in attendance, the floor is to be especially prepared. and the matter of the decorative scheme is in charge of Cadet Capt. Bert Grant. of the Cadet Corps. The dance is worthy of the suppOl t of all, proceeds of which will be in aid of the sporting fund of the Cadet Corps. Capt. Mor- den being desirous of fully equiping a juvenile team to enter the Victolia Hillsbl'ook Square League. and al~o to establish a fund for the rebuilding of the swimming pool so greatly enjoyed last year by the Cub Cadets of his Command. t 1 NR MAPLE .â€"_~.... A large number of the members of Vaughan Lodge of A. F. & A. 151., visited the Beaches Lodge, Toronto, on Friday night. The mentth meeting of the Women’s Institute was held last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. \V. johnston. After the usual business and a short programme. refreshments were served and a social hulli was spent. ‘ Mr. J. T. Saigoon, is ill Toronto this week, serving on the Grand Jury. Mrs. D. Brown. left last week to visit her sons and daughter in McKees- port, Pa. Mr. C, Robeson is having his dwell- ing house and stole remodelled, and expects to open the store for business Thuisday. May 1. Next Sunday evvniug the annual meeting of the Women's Missionary Soc ly will be held in the Methodist Ohu ch. Rev. Dr. Daniel, ofjefl'erson, will conduct the service and special Easter music will be rendered. An Easter thankotfering will be taken. _ awâ€" Let us give you 21 Square Deal We are selling fence below mail order house prices. PRICE (Hind wheiS in. high 22 in. stay 520. 9 line wire 48 in. high 16‘ in. stay 58c. 5 line wire 48 in. high 22 in. stay 47c. 8line wire 48 in. high 165 in. stay 51c. All No. 9, hard steel wire C-Bar post price 54c. JOHN ESPEY, Elgin Mills. RICHMOND HILL 42-! Phone l'ZSâ€"r S. 7 l‘:. ét‘lg:l:i'<-â€"Gllt‘ll . (MK I p. lll., 730 p. ili.‘ l in \Vedilesdnyl are unavoidably crowded v 7 o'clock, lie Clark Young Wins Geo. l l highest i-llalllpionsllip, Miss Lillian lll ill, of Nt‘\\lll:lll\'t‘i. Wot: Sll‘Ollll honor. The \VllllP‘IS ill the various ,ll‘ll. l Presbyterian Service: â€"-â€".,1 The minister will pri-acll at 11 and The Easter int-“ago \\‘ill be emphasized at both sel Vlch. â€".â€"â€"-. York Junior Judges Hold Contests I 3. Henry Trophy Tho annual stuck judging COHIt'Sl for , Yolk .lullior ’Wirllloll and ~lunior I“.'lllllt’lԤ, was llt’lli at .»\lliol.i, I'll Monday. 'l'hiityloul- [toys competed lll llli‘ stuck judging, n llll» filt_\ _\oung ladies competed in Illl'll' lust Judging contest. ill the lollies r'olltiwt. Miss Chi islinw (ll).i\ ignaud, ol' Kleinhinp‘. with a Hi'tlll‘ or 44.") plvillls ot'a [it Ffll'lt' 51H} \"t'li Illt‘ «loves are as follows:â€" Hlt'llllâ€"â€"I l,l .r't’) 'ill Hill‘ii'l‘. _’ I‘jllll‘l Snider, 3 Oly Fischer, 4 Annie llelllp- t‘akoâ€"l .\l:li;:lli'l “'atson. 3 live limman. 3 iii-la Stein, 4 \Vinnll'rrll .\lil]\ll. School Lunchâ€"l 2 ()ly l“l\L'l‘li'I', l llctaSlnin. llolise illessrsâ€"J Malgiiret Iiiaston, Bessie l.;liilio, I: .\l_\'lrl 'J‘thllp‘on, Z Nl'ltii' ('larit. 3 Kalil- (flaig. 4 Eliza- llr'lll Silidl-l'. > i (ii-rid IIIPS‘SIH‘Qiâ€"I Grace Duncan. ‘2] ‘.\l~ly Melanin, 3 Annie I'Il‘lllplllll. (‘lalk Young. of .‘Iillllit‘ll, won in \'el_\' ï¬ning (‘Illllllt’llllull, “th a mole of 55†It'llll\\'('il ll)’ R, Hoynloll \vit l MN and Lv‘slie (i-lttlllllll\†with {fill loiiits, Tillll Hastings, of Malkhain, l tildl Clzll It Young, not liavillg won [he \‘llet‘lill3 previously, \\'lll bi- sent till Clllcagll International this fall. I The juniol Cup to New Judges wasl \\i>ll\ll_v (lieora'e All-Fagin: who mailcl a loin] of 8‘14 Mnikhalll Town~hip Team of Junior Judges won the medals donated luv \Valden \V. (z‘ardhouse, the team heing‘Geolgv- MrCaguï¬ Nelson Boynlou, and Jul-k Frialiy. Specials in books were won by George McCague, Chas. Rogeis. Nelson Boyntoll. and Jack Petch. The winners in the unions classes are as follows : Beefâ€"l Clare Sanderson, 2 NPISIIH Boynton. 3 Allan B-dsdon, 4 Elton Alulsliong. 5 _I.Petcli. Dailyâ€"l Harvey Collard. 2 Russ ll Boyntnn. 3 Byron Hill, 4 Jack Maginll, 5Flaser Gee. Horsesâ€"1 Jno. Kr‘l]lll‘d_\‘, 2 Dirk Buyrrot‘t, 3 Jim. Hassard. 4 Phillip Fetch, 5‘Alnbrose Canning. Sheepâ€"l Leslie hardly-use, 2 H. Kane, BCliff Playter, 4 Jack Frisby, 5, Paul Snider. Swineâ€"l Lambert Willson.2 Donald Fetch. 8 George- McCague. 4 Chas. Rogels. 5 Eric Moynihan. These competitions were arrangedl by Miss Slinter of the Institutes Branch. and R. J, Rogers, Agricultu- ral Representative. ELOC UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Artist, Teacher in Literature. Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 30 tf EASTER of EGGS Sint‘k du' ted by the mosta AUTOMOBILE i Nl‘HV PAINT SHUI’ W Now is [he Illlll’ to have ‘ your cat rt‘llillllll‘ll. 'l'lli- \ltllllllt‘l‘ is almost hl-l‘e and first t‘JIH" \\lll la- first 5 'ru-d. ('lmsull llll' l'i‘s.:l'ililill;,r pl'll'l'\, all- 7 ' < ‘V . l; HCN S()N (‘or. Alnold & Yollul- Si, Rear ~[ours Luilllwr Co. 43-47 Notice of Registration By-lJaW E NO'l‘ll‘E i: lll‘ll'Ily phoil tll II a RV- l:lw “as pil“t'lI l')‘ the (‘iliiinll if lilt’llllttllt'l Hill on lllt' March, lEIL’l, plm’idillu~ llf [)(‘ltt‘ lll'll ll:i_\‘ lrl lttl' tho isslln llilllt’Sllllllt'fllltl‘llllllll.lEâ€"l.ll‘ll. 2' 'l' the till! litm'e oftuliidilll: :I now High School. and that slit-ll bylaw was re- Kl\l(‘l‘t‘ll in llti' l't-ulxtiy lIfIlt't‘ for the l5a~t and \Vrst iidinizs of the ('onnty Hf Yillk, Oll tilt:I iilst tiny «If l‘Illlt'i‘l. 1924. Any motion to quash or wt :i~ivll' tllr same ol any palt tlloliwl‘ lllllx‘l IIE‘ llili‘lt-witltill llllt’l' illonllls :lx'ii-l' llll‘ first pulllimtion of this notice. and cannot he made thorn-lifter. Dated lll(‘ Hill day or April 192i. A. .l. IiUkili. (‘l.ERK. Q}. Hi. [Brendon 4H) Iiallild Ni†Tl-l‘Hlllll. I‘llltlll‘ lliitl~on Hi? w LICENSED I AUt‘TlONEER amt (‘ilt'N't‘Y HF YouK AND ()NTARIU 4 l~43 Spvcial attention given to mice oi evrry description. Farms and farm sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. Allsall-s at- tended to on shortest notice. and con» pproved methods. Pan-image solicited. C. 11. BYANI .A'rent for the PELHAM NURSER t )M PANYâ€"Richmond Ilill, Wes Vaughan and King Townships A 2! Val ielies of Fruit and Ornanlen' I‘l'e‘, Roses, Shrubs. and Bulbs. ' Stalldaid Stock. « ‘ T will take care of your interests and, give you :1 Square Deal. v 216m Phone 232, MAPLE. ONT Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick The Maple. Sandfbiravel aild Brick Oompanv. Lt'd. hart-4m hand for sale. Cement drain tile. 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 in?) (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand or Gravel sold by the load oi “ iil car lots. Cedar posis and telephone poles for sale. T. COI’SINS. Manager â€"-â€"-â€"_.___ Wm. (J. . Canadian 'l'enor a: d Choir Leadi- Soloist, North Panlw'ale .‘II’thl'lll‘ Church, is [)ri'pal'r‘li in l.&l\t‘ pupil Hill utton ' in Richmond on ’I‘hmsdaye Studio, Mrs. N. ~I. lilass, 2nd don» north of Muir-list (lllllrl‘l Particulars can hi- obtained by rall- lug. Phillie 22 Ring; 11. Ill)- & NOVELTIES See our diSplgy of Easter Eggs, etc. Ranging in price from 5c. up A nice selection of China always on hand Our Groceries are of the best quality ,. Agents for Bruce‘s High-Class Chocolates and Candies V J. & M. Yonge and Centre Sis. S T E I N Richmond Hill m l Rakes 0V C. N. COOPER mm C. N. COOPER PHONE 93 SPRING HAS ARRIVED Shovels and Hoes; for Spring Work Come in and look them Spades er Ric {Sud Hill 1' 2 it WW; More Cattle IF your progressive ideas for cattle raising are beyond the ï¬nancial resources at your . command, talk the matter over with the local " Manager of this Bank. STANDARD SERI'ICE aids Production Progrul THE r STANDARD BANK 3 OF CANAR‘; I. RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, W. G. BEDFORD, ~ - - - Manage: QUALITY SHOPPE Millinery, Dry Goods, Ladies Wear E Sprint: Slill'llvly now llll ill~p]:i}', \Vo ‘tll- l't'illl'y' \\ I'll a lllll lilll‘ of the. nowml, ind [lil|ll.ial Slylt“ in Hats, ol will lliako to ()lill‘r‘ltl ~llif. your taste, and iilll .llim hm. MAUI“, ll HUM) Ly l'H, ‘ ('llllNl‘Il‘S .>\ lliilfht‘ .‘lllll “farm-ls, llllllt‘ ll'llt'l'. also filll line of. llrllssieres. “(blink Y v llOll’lll‘lll‘I, Melcuiy, Silk and Silk :il'lll \\ l‘( I_ \thillhr Loly Ramsay floss, and vai n for in Slt’l V. Nlit‘li \\ lIA R â€" Mugs-l in. fancy goods, silks and I) .\ lu-aotit‘ul liili- nl'gillgllainsand tliillillillgs. cottons. tea lowellilig. prints, eto. "QI'ALITY AND SERVICE." our Motto. it at cost: it can‘t he done, but we can. and will meet any honest competition. â€" TRY Us â€" Norman Batty Phone 53 and other “'(‘ll‘klllIH‘ll makes of Lisle in all the newest sllrlilw. llllllllle knitting,- .\l. (K for working: linens. linen roller and “'9 (Ill Ililt st Mrs. Trench Block Whey compare 3:119 cathedrals with Cologne (1116)}, (15“. l com are All AutomobilcPS With 1’ McLalithin4Buicls New Spring Suits I am prepared to meet your spring demand for suits and overcoats with the latest spring goodl, either Right in ready-to-wear or tailored to your measure, Here. No Factory \Vork. All ready-to-wear suits or trousers altered to fit you-xx free of charge. Odd trousers from $3.50 up. Ladies blue serge skirts made to order from 87.50 I up- Ladics suits of blue serge made-to~order 835.00. CLEANING AND PRESSING SATISFACTORY DONE -;- E. R. FORTNER -:- 6. Ladies and Gents’ Clothicr andJailor. Richmond Hill