Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Apr 1924, p. 7

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In making inquiries into the causelloaded" pie-a, l.\ so ...... of the hi 11 rate f M 3 - - -rence as to barely warrant'menli‘m' g o c 1d Doughty or Then there is the careless halalt 0-5 deaths of young children, there must parents leaving the door open and be several factors taken into account. “110‘”ng little toddlers to find their One of these is carelessness on th 1. way out on to the street or road. How epa tpften we read about accidents to chilâ€" Sf Size parent or guardian. Manymren occurring on the streets when ea 5 of children occur from such a‘the thoughtless mother, busy with her Simple reason as the mother carelessâ€" duties in the house, did not even. know ly leaving a pail of water on the floors the child had left the room, thinking ,While she answers the telephone. Theit was busy Wm‘ its to? child may fall in and be sufiocatedzTheSe instances may seem common- before the mother’s return. Others Place» and the reader may think that 've children easy access to tubs of any Pare“t at 811 caleflfl W011” ne’er of; water on wash day and deathllet such an accident occur, yet the Ifrom scalding results. Mortality of annual death rate of children, result- :children who take poisons by mistake,,l“g from aCCidentS due to the cal'e' or medicine at the Wrong time, is also} 95511855 01‘ thoughtlessness 0f Darents traceable to neglectful parents. It is‘i’s an alarming one. only a short while ago that a child in] We read the Other day Of a 10‘ [Toronto died through eating. five or‘months’ old child becoming suffocated six tablets of A.B.S.&C., the commonzfrom stearate of zinc. Stearate of llaxative, which has a small amount Of'zinc makes excellent powder for toilet Strychnine in every tablety but whenluse and also for dusting furniture, 'several tablets are swallowed at once, but While no more harmful than other Become a dangerous poison. I powders it becomes a real menace if Children are ever on the alert fop'it gets within the reach of a young- some. new toy, some strange object to ster's Fiji'ng fingerS- . . . J mm..."an hnw| The Elmpilclty‘ of the cause )f acci- -. -ufl nnnnln SPRING WEATEER HARD 0N BABY The Canadian Spring weakenâ€"anal . day mild and bright; the next new and tigher’ E blus'tery' is extremely hard on the CO’PmiSS baby. Conditions are such that the DOhS' mother cannot take the little one out In 189: (or the fresh air so much to he deslr- eral Of P 8d. He is confined to the house which - Classmca is often over-heated and bnély venti_:a<10pted ‘ated- H9 catches cold; his little lficm “1‘ stomach and bowels become disorder-lpared “1‘ ed and the mother soon has a sick‘thmpom baby to look after. To prevent this sway “D an occasional dose of Baby’s Own In 190 Tablets should be gufen- They regmxciuced at late the stomach and bowels, thus Dre. the” has venting or relieving cows, simple There levers, colic or any other of the many ] idennific minor ills 0! childhood. The Tablets ipubhsng are sold by medicine dealers or by mail ' Edward ‘ at. 25c 21 box from The Dr. Wllliams' Twain's Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont Charm“ ‘ learned Provinclli Boird of Health, Ont-Ho lad to answer quufiom on Public Health mn- Ot. middleton will be 3 man. Address him it Bonding House. EMU-3| an through this col Crucent. Toronto. It was King A-anvni‘pad-da. of Ur, In Messopotamia, who built the oldest building in the world which is still standing. vuuuu...°. He reigned about 4,500 years before the birth of Christ, and the building is thus about 6,500 years old. Ur was the native place of Abraham and the city of Nebuchaflnezzar. The King’s name and Mtle were learned by the chance discovery of a gold scaraboid head, on which they were engraved. â€" For [I parfiwlar people" A J--ILAu-sn" :31 .0- ___‘_,-v , Mr. C. Woolley, leader of the joint expedition of the British Museum and the University Museum of Pennsyl- vania. made the discovery during the excavations, at Ur. The little temple which is the oldest building in the world is at Tel el Obeld, about tour miles from Ur. v Purev! 7N0 chicory 01' any a this choice coffigg HEALTH EDUCATION poun is best who Keep World’s Mbst Ancient Building. No one is com without b: The Official Baby. Mlnarfiv Llnlmlnt In the 'nouss. He BY DR. J, J._ A- --- Lhel‘,"'said the Sw g forwzu‘d a Dowe tau and weighing ‘ » than two hum beset by s Swazi, '“ powerful 3‘ ing con- '5‘ hundred is , d1 1) d lults; bel loaded" plea. rence as ,t0 Who was the originator of the use 01 finger-prints for identification? M. Bertillion is usually mentioned in this connection, but, as a matter of fact, the credit really belongs to a Bri- ltisdler, Sir Edward Henry, the late Commissioner of Police of the Metro- 1polis. 777 u. --A-_ n-.. PW.-. ‘ In 1897, when he was Inspector-Gen- leral of Police in Bengal, his system of classification ct finger-prian was gadopted throughout India, after an of- ificlal inquiry into its merits as comâ€" pared with those of M. Bertilhon's an- lthmpometric system, which had held Esway until then. In 1901 the Henry system was intro- I duced at New Scotland Yard, and sdnce ‘ then has spread all over the world. There is, however, a mention of identification by finger-prints in a. book lpublished some years previous to Sir .Edward Henry‘s discovery, Mark Twain's “Life on the Mississippi,” A character in this book says that he learned the method “when he was a youth," from an old Frenchman who had been a. prison-keeper for thirty .1 years. First With the Finger-Prints. 1 ALL FOODS-SHOULD BE } SEALED. The medical profession very generalv 1y advocate that all food products should be sold in sealed packages. All clties rigorous-1y inspect butcher shops to prevent meat from being infected, many prohibit milk from being sold ln bulk and gradually this wlll come with everything. “SALADA” was the first to introduce the package idea as re- ‘gards tea, over thirty-two years ago, land “SALADA” is still a little purer rand a little better than other teas. It [has by far the largest sale. Farmerâ€"â€"“So you've nan perlence, have you?” New Nahâ€"“Yes; sir.” Farmerâ€"“Well, what side do you sit on to milk?" New Manâ€"“The outside." Forget the scar reminds The Invisible ea: drum invented by' A. 0. Leonard. which is a miniature megaphone, fitting inside the ear en- tirely out of sight. is restoring the hearing of hundreds of people in New York city. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafnesa and head noises, and it does this so successfully that no one could tell he is a deaf man. It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perlcrated or wholly destroyed natural drums. A request (or intormation to A. 0. Leonard. Suite 437, 70 Fifth avenue. New York city, will be given ,a prompt reply. «in plea, is so common an occur- to barely warrant mention. ;here is the careless habit of leaving the door open and little toddlers to find their on to the street \‘r road. How read about acmdents to chilâ€" :urring on the streets when ghtles_s mother, busy with ‘ner . the house, did not even know i had left the room, thinking mm. mm‘ its tovs or book. His Hearing Restored. get the wougd even though the adulterantfl PaSSedl -“So you’ve had some ex side of a cow This stunt is used by many pro- fessional magicians when they wish to cause a coin to vanish. It requires a little skill but the ama- teur will be able to do it well att- er half an hour's practice. A half dollar is held betWeen the finger tips and thumb of the left hand. The thumb of the right hand is placed under the coin and the fingers closed over it, and the coin apparently carried away in the right hand. When the right hand is opened, the coin has vanished. If you will try the trick. you will observe that when the fingers close over the coin, the coin can he dropped into the palm o! the left hand. The right hand goes through the motion at taking the coin. every effort being made to duplicate the appearance of actu- ally taking the coin. The left hand, in which the coin is “palmed” drops naturally to the side, the trickster having prac- ticed holding it just as it it con- tained nothing. Pay your Dominion E It is fraud to accept not repay. No. 335 How To Make A Coin V anish Fortune can take nothing from us but what she gave us. The amateur will find some difficulty in paiming the coin. In this particular trick it is better to hold the coin between the roots of the fingers and the first joint. The hand will be slightly curved and a natural position of the hand will he obtained very easily. Much of the success of the trick depends upon the manner in which it is acted. Until the mo- ment when the coin is supposed to vanish, the trickster should not just as it the coin were really in the right hand. How Many Pounds Would You Like to Gain in a Week? n you are Ind want to of humus A11 money. iusl 1 EASY TRICKS ,_, AND EB To romo. Ask for Mlnard'a and take no other. (Clip this out and paste a. with ofher a] the series, in a scrapbook.) FIG Beware of Imitations! nly. ba‘ ains Drove rt twelve t rists also means Bayer Manu the public against im lets ot Bayer Compan with their general "Bayer Cross." holesofiifliaaflflitreshing Canada. awn.--“ . _ , sl name and Address for sample. ALEX. LABORATOIHES. 334 Bohnn Building xre thin and want to gain Weight; Weak to be strong. I will send you A sample Alexander V'anlnes. absolute): Free. No L, ._._.I. .ruv u‘ out~of-town accounts by Express Money Orders. won; FIG 2.4 what you can- Information. Teacherâ€"â€""Johnny, what genders ?" Johnnyâ€"“Macmine and feminine. The masculines are divided into tem- perate and (ntempel‘ate, and the fem. mine into frigid and torrid.” be Home with. Lift Off-N0 Pain! \__/ Doesn‘t hurt one bit! Drop a little “Freezone” on an aching corn, ln- stantly that. com steps hurting, than shortly you lift it right of! with fingers ‘A‘u- Your druggist' sells a “Freezone” for a few c to remove every hard c or corn between the toe calluses, without sorene; By' bearing with others, Mgre IPhosphate it you want your complexion to clear, eyes to brighten. and skin to become soft and smooth. Thin, nerve-exhausted people grow strong on Euro-Phosphate and drug- gists guarantee it. .Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front St. East, 1 Toronto, Ont. Improve Your fippéfiEfinge Rheumatism Minard's penetrates to the root of the trouble and eases pain. The universal remedy. Seafied Packa ge. (which keeps the tobacco ) in its original condition vu ..â€"- -- ruggist' sells a tiny bottle of e" for a few cents, sumclent 9 every hard corn, soft com. .etween the toes, and the tool without soreness or irritation, Manufactured by Imperial Tobtccfiompmy of C The Tobacco OI Quality are the two you shall A High Grade of Paper. "I want some paper", the small boy Bald to the storekeepér. “What kind of paper?" "Better make it fly paper," was tho reply. "I’m going to make a kite.” _______.__._f PURE, BEAUTIFULLY FLUFFY._ carded wool; sample. enough lig v comforter; one dollar. Woollen Mil Georgetown, Ont. THEY TELL THEIR NEIGHBORS Women Tell Each Other How They Were Helped by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound ' Classified Advertisement: Woodbrid e, Ont.â€"-“ I took Lydia my Pinkham’s egetable Compound for fe- male troubles. I would have headaches,‘ backaches, ains between my shoul- ders and un er my shoulder-blades and dragging down feelings on each side.: I was sometimes unable to do my,» work and felt very badly. My mother- in-law told me about the Vegetable Compound and I got some right away. It has done me more good than any other medicine I ever took and I rec- ommend it to my neighbors. You are quite welcome to use this letter as a testimonial if on think it will help some fini- sufferer. ’â€"Mrs. EDGAR SIMMONS. . R. 2, Woodbridge, Ont. In nearly every neighborhood in every town and mi in this country there are women who ave been hel ed by Lydia' E. Pinkham’s Vegetable ompound in the treatment of ailments peculiar to their sex, and they take pleasure in , passing the good word along to other A women. Therefore, if you are troubled in this way,why not give Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial. i . This famous remedy, the medicinal 1, ingredients of which are derived from ‘ roots and herbs, has for fort years proved its value in such cases. omen everywhere bear willini testimony to ‘ the wonderful virtue of ydia E. Pink- 1 ham’s Vegetable Compound. 0 Young Girls Clear Away Pimples With Cuticura Gently smear the pimples with Cuti- cura Ointment on the end of the finger. Wash ofl the Cuticura Ointment in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water and continue bathing lor some minutes. This treatment is best on rising and retiring. Snap}. Buck Fun by Ina. Addrul Cnn-dlnn Depot: “ Cancun, I 0. Box 2616, Hum-ed." Price So: 25:. Oinunenczsnnd 60c. Talcumflc. ;W U our new Shaving Stick. anadn Limited :53 u filo. 16â€"’24. “I book L_y_dia 33;

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