TheRIGHMUNB HILL wamsnms s BENSON-MORDEN, Ltd. Main 2055 132 VICTORIA ST, TORONTO -:- _NO'RMAN J. GLASS This Choice Property \is fronting on the Markham Road, just east of the 0.13. R. An Ideal Location for Gardening and Poultry-Raising “OMOOOOOOOOWOOOQMOOOMOWOOOOO 'DQNQ from $5.50 to~$7.00 Also hats, shirts, gloves, underwear, and etc. For Women and Children we have spring The latest in silk and wool mixtures. 6 Men’s socks for spring, from 50 cts. to $1.50 We have the Holeproof Hosiery for men. Men’s Oxfords in the latest spring style, See our stock of ties, from 75 cts. to $1.50 Robinson Block RICHMOND HILL Blouses 1 ACRE---4â€"RO0MED HOUSE, GARAGE, and POULTRY-HOUSE Rainbow Specialty Shoppe $445 LANGSTAFF Spring is here and the ï¬nest motoring days of the year are but a few weeks away.. A Ford car oï¬ers a splendid means of relaxation after the hard grind of the day’s work. More than that, it gives your family a means of enjoyment and opens the way to many forms of recreation in the open air. And it enables all of you to enjoy the convenience of motor transportation at all times. If you are planning to drive a car this spring we cannot urge too strongly the advisability of placing your order ‘or immediate delivery. Oxfords and Pumps. Easy Monthly Payments $125 CASH See Any Authorized Ford Dealer I)resses Skirts Modern Dancing Taught by f7ï¬e Mutual £1'fe ï¬ssurance Company IS In. Canadian Institution. and is the property uf the Policy Holders them- selxes. This fact, enables you to secure Life Insurance at Oust. There is No Substitute for Life In- surance. Enquiries solicited. C. H. BYAM, Agent, Maple, Ont. 32-6m Phone 232 nppoianenL of a special cummillre which will delve into general agricul- liiml cnntlitiuns in their l‘t‘latlllll tn transponutimi. industry and e\ei'y- Lhing ulsv. Fiom the standpoint ml the liiheinls :my inqu Inward agricultural betterment is t‘Xll'l‘lllUlV welcome. and in this Dal'Ll'L'lllill‘ in- :tnmm the move fll110\VS (Hit, in :- different way, perhaps, just, what \V. E. N. Sinclair, K. 0., cunLL-ndcd fur in lhe’ Legislature lust year. During disuussinns lust session the House debated his resolution express- ing regret that, the Drni'y Government, although supported almost wholly by farmms. had done nothing purlicul u'ly to nsist' the agi-icullnml industry, which the present; Liberal lender maintained was the musL important, in 08.11;.da. ,He urged them in the re- solution to "take active steps Lu im- prove lee condition of the Agricultural industry,†but it was voted down and a Druiy Government amendmeht carried. abandnned night sittings in order LI‘ allow the Committees to catch up in their work, the Government has in- troduced a last, minute: rush at tht- enduf ith week when the Prulnil-‘r hopes to have the House rise. In pre.iuus years the Conservatives have criticized the Drnry Government for bnlding olf hminess until the clusng hours of the Session. when pmpvr cunsideralinn «if lvszislulion i> sv metimes sacriï¬ced to haste. One of the moat, impurtautlhinzs. from a rural standpoint, that the Few guson Government, has done since the Session opened is to provide for the I Although the House has pmctitmliy Studio Pul'lic Accounts Committee dis- domnes duï¬ng the past week have [ovuwhudowed unyunng the ngmhh Lniehasdone.and “hue the ututude of tha Govennnenl "ï¬ght he inton preted as one of determination [u pm Lhe furnnqs Vvhere they can never come back as an nccnputivnal political group,and Hultnfthc Prugres$ves to be that ot almost mute astonishment, the Lihei'uls’ cunnentiuns are directed buward the currection of departmental condition: under which things such as baVe been tesuï¬ed to could have bu ppeiwd .7 STAN. WOODHEAD DANCING Terms on Application Weekly Letter ientre St. W Call by phone or otherwise promptly JOHN R. CAMPBELL We have everything in farmlands and houses. 40-43 $6500, brick house. 7 rooms, 4 bed- rooms, ‘2 acres good land. Large hen boner. $3500, with $600 cash, frame house. good cellar, furnace. hard and soft water. fruit trees. $8800, with $1000 cash, Frame and stucco house. 5 rooms, furnace. wa Ler, electric, fir flunrs throughout, nice lot, fruit trees and hen house. Farm, 160 acres, good buildTngs water and orchard. Will consider exchange on house. WESLEY BOYNTON REAL ESTATE â€" INSURANCE MONEY T0 LOAN 'l'. H. HABBWRE & SUPPUES Limited Phone 86 J. FOR GENTLEMEN â€" we have ties, hats, socks, oxfords to please the average man. Phone 33 Also a good assortment of child- ren’s slippers. EASTER â€" Latest; styles at mod- er‘ace prices. Grey suede, brown suede, patent leather, kid. They are an exceptionally good lot, 1 strap 2 buttons medium heel. LADIES â€"â€" Spring 5 shoes just received. Now to buy a pair. 1 Ply 108 sq. ft. $1.95 per roll 2 Ply 108 sq. ft. 2.45 per roll 3 Ply 108 sq. ft. 2-95 per roll WIGWAM 2 Ply 108 sq. ft. $2.25 per roll EUREKA 2 Ply 108 sq. ft $245 per roll RUBEROID SHEATHING 432 sq‘. {t-i$2.35 per roll Youge & VETERINARY SURGEON, 'l‘hornhill. Bring Your Business to Me and Get Service J. W. WELLMAN Prompt Adjustments of Claims and Prompt Service GENTS‘ FURNISHINGS H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES LIMITED Phone 33. Thornhill, Ont. RICH MOND HILL TARRED PAPER 400 sq ft. $1.10 per roll BUILDING PAPER 400_s‘q:_f1.#85c. per roll CARPET FELT 200 sq. ft. 2.50 per roll ROOFINGS chm-3nd, Richmond Hill We Are Known In All Lines of Insurance] FIRE PLATE GLASS LI FE AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT BURGLARY SICKNESS ., and GUARANTEE OF BONDS . SAVAGE, General Agent OWL BRAND shipment of w is the time By ()111' AT THE POS Thornhill, 0m. General Agents for Farm Maohiu~ ery. Pumps, Etc. TEETZEL BROS We can also supply your wants on Furnace repairs and pipes.j If you are considering the furnace question come in and let us show you our lines. No House too large. No House :00 small. We have a size and model for every oneâ€"5nd the prices are right. ' RICHMOND STREET. RICHKOND HILL Representing The‘Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York INQUIRIES SOLICITED Ofï¬ce and rnsidemm north side Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. Telephone 13. Ring ‘2. (Veterinary Surgeon) Recpnt graduate of Ontario Veterin My College. All class-s of animals treated. Day and night culls prompt- lw “54-..,L.) A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A . A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will he at 'Thp Liberal Ofï¬ce. Richmnud Hill. every Tuesday -fternmvn. Ofï¬cesâ€"Suite 5]] MoKinnnn Bldg, Cor. Jon-dun and leindu Sts.. Toronto Talk-phone Main 3631. MacNaughton & Campbell attended. Ofï¬ce and Tinsmiths and General Agents PHONE 87 W AMBROSE L. PHIPPS R. MACDONALD. B. V. Sc FURNACES AND REPAIRS arristers. Solicitors, E tc. 3-OFFICE BUILDING No Charge for Advice