VOL. XLVI. PELHAM CIIAFFEY TENth TEACHER 0F SINGING Now accepting pupils. Studio at. the home of Miss Heisc. CHOIR-LEADER AND URGANIST PRESBYTERIAN (‘III'RCII SIMEON JOYCE, L.C.A.IVI. PIANO and TH IIORY Pupil of jomf Lhevinnr] and Frank S \Velsumu Studio: Over Mr. E. R. FoI-tuer’s 'l‘ailnr Store. Puoxn 95 _‘_ Dr. L. IR. BELL IIENT‘S'I‘ Ofï¬ce Trench Block. two doors north of Staiidnid Bank. Hours 9 mm. to 5.30 Telephone 32 H. A. NlCHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Oonveyancer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate RICHMOND HILL WILLIAM COOK THOMAS DELANY 1 p. U). F. GORDON COOK BAIuin-I'ren. SOLICITOR, NOTARY E'rc Toronto Ofï¬ce. 8’16 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. IVest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (' Liberal Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridqe, Saturday fox-enoon. Money to Loan at. Out-rent; Rate Walter S. Jenkins J. Harry Naughton Res. Phone Res. Elgin Mills “II. 5048 Rea. Phone 44.4 NAUGHTON & JENKINS Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 ' 85 Rivhmoud St†\Vest. TulunlO. Nuughtun Block, Aurora. Solicitor for : Aurora and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King, \Vliitchuich and Markham. Ofï¬ces { .Deaton, Macdonaia c: Benton Barristers. Solictiirs, &r. MANNING ARCADE. 24 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, CANADA. I‘ELEPIIOXE MAIN 31! Cable. Addie~sz “Dcdo Arthur A. Macdnnuld Frank Drnton Laura Danton. B. A. A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING IIO'I‘ \VA'I‘ER. HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL. ONT. TRUCKING Potatoes Bought and Sold. Farmers Produce Take-n to Market. Furniture Moved. Trucking of all description. Service unexcelled. Phone 99.]. RICHMOND HILL M. J. BURKE High Grade Instruction Only! LuoTT MW Yonge & Charles Sts., Tomato Remains open all year and ad- mits students at any time. Strong demand for our graduatrs all the time. Right now Is a splendid time tocumuience a course here. Thor- ough preparation is absolutely necessary tO-elay and It always pays to attend a strictly liIst-class :ClluOl and not an imitation our. Writeto-dny for free catalogup. W, ]. ELLIOTT - PaIxctrAI. -____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" l Masonic At Home A plnnsunt Social function was held I in Masonic Hall last evening when the 'Int-mheI-s entertained thrir wives and lulv friends at their annual Ladies INiIzhL At Home. the I’Vcning tho mcmhcrs and guests were received hy the Muster, Mr. H. II. Lung, and ‘lmng, :Intl :Il‘tci‘ II aoci tl ll-Illl' all were invited to the lowrr hull where 11'- ircshnients \I'm'u H-rvrrl. 'l‘hc song< ,und mll‘lt'illSt-‘ll'lllllllln‘ “‘Hl'l: much 9nâ€" juyetl. I’uttt'd plants lion) tho Green- ,lIo-Ises did lllllI'll to lwuutify thv appearance oi lllv‘ Innltzu Room, and the I'i-l'rwlimcnt hull was tastefully dvcnrat ed . The r‘ntci-taiifmout consisted of piano Swlus by )liw Butt: wprano solo-z hy Miss Ina .‘h‘ott: \‘iolin Sl'll'Cl ions by Miss Hrlun Staph-lord; roinir wings hy Mr. Brut Lloyd; and clog dancing by Miss Mala-l Utllll't‘ll. DIIinz the evening 1 hemty Vote of thanks was moved by. hits. '1‘. I“. McMahon, Set‘tllliietl by Mrs. A. L. Phipps, expressing on l)t‘llitlf of tho ladies their "ppl't‘cilltltltl of tho (‘\'I-Il- ing’s entertainment. replied assuring the ladies that the Masons looked fol-Wald with a great deal of pleasure to this annual social event. On motion of “'or. Bro. T. H. Trench, seconded by V. \Vnr, Bin. '1‘. Lamon, R. Wor. Bra. .1. H. Dunlop was waimly thanked for the beautiful roses dnnatrd, and for the valuable assistance rendered on all Masonic occasions. thanked for the artistic decorations of the hall. A very pleasant evening was brought to a close hy a dance. BUss LINE T0 and From TORONTO Busses leave Richmond Hill for Toronto ci'ery hult' llclll' ~ on the hour and half lisur. Bussesleave North Tot‘ort) Terâ€" minal for Richmond llill every hall' hour â€"â€" on the hour and half hour. I'IIiS'ItcLASS SERVICE sun on) FARE l 28 Scots m: 0. I. liUiiiiELL, none PALMER CHIROPRACTOR " OFFICE : ABOVE DA \‘IES STORE Hours: 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.ru. V Except \Vednesdny PHONE ll? Consultation Free at the Ofï¬ce DR. J. P, VVILS’DN Ofï¬ce hours It) to 12 6 to S p. In. Ofllce and rusidenceâ€"Crntxe and (lhurch Streets Richmond Hill Phone NO. 24. nun. and DR. M. B. WELLWOOD Oflicezâ€"Ccntre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Ofï¬ce Hours: 10-12; 6-8. l DRS. LANGSTAFF l NORTH Yoxon ST.. RICHMOND HILL l DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF. V Ollice hours 8 : 1t) a.m. and 6 :8 p.m. Illt. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF. I (diseases of women and childran I (lll'irt- hours I :3 p. m. I Phone 100. School Books at l I The Liberal ‘ Office \VIIIN‘hIflf‘I: , m‘ “x “Z Bro. Lang. I In the curly part of 3 l I I l l Bro. H. Mordcn was also Bwavrnyâ€" “In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in allthing5, Charity." TIIORNHILL bâ€"â€"â€"-. A "cl _v intrrwt .n; n'lIlI'I-ss WM given in ll‘lltll‘lllllll [In I i-‘ultntrnl Stitrirtv 'l‘III-‘Il I_\' t‘\'l'illllLr till I I~l wI'e'L'. li\‘ PHI-t: 'l'ninli [\lll', w." li‘l'lllll. A iIuInhI‘I'ol' \'0I_\' liIII- ~liIlI-4 ~1n \\ Eng :Iiiiiiin-mvtit at s \l .l‘li' t'l .xrt :w and orI-Igreeus for lI\\’II~' l!--\\' 'l' in}, Is, \vaI- Vt‘l‘V ll..,.; vlllll \\‘l't‘ enjoyed by IIll llll'\(‘ltl, -â€"â€"~â€"- Q o .â€" Richmond Hill Public School Report M .QIIINIII- Elvinâ€) 5H. IVWGI'IHI' l’Ii'I~. (:1‘111'gl‘ Plew- nun. h'ii.liwl Xi'an" l’r-Nll Iiillilllï¬ H'cl'nw li..'..~. .ln" Andie-y Tuck. _\ll-III I’llt'v‘IlI, l'mhr-l Irwin-I, \Vultci' .\I.I<OII, tl-â€"\\Iiil I'n'»r, K'nnwth lhaylmn, K IEIIII'I‘II ‘Il IllI'Z‘V, l‘lii‘llw i-ilnx's, Vlt‘lln ,\l« iquII, I’r'IIIk llmvlnni, (‘lnI-z-nv'e l‘IIw. llmml-l llirk‘ l\':IIlIiI~>-n Moiiis, l'vi-Ir hwng _\ll'IcIl (ii-:Iiiigv‘t'. IIlu I‘illll' llit'll. l.-Ili""tl Iil\tlil. Lillian liuinhlv, I).Itxrlll\' Atkinslui. lzt. l\' t‘lni~tI'n~I Anderson, Margaret I‘lvuumo, Nullit' 'I‘Iniwii. Muljolie Tyndall, I-lllltW‘ Innitzslutl‘, \ViIIIIie Mont, Ayala llvidw, Donald Frislny, Dorothy IIIt’k, C-Iimcn Lowery Mernie III-lmkay. Annie Uovcyduck, Marian Kidd, Vincnut. O'Luary. J. R. \VA'I‘sON, Principal At the home of his sonâ€"In- lzuv, ,luincs Lunau. L'niom'illo, on Satmduy, Apiil 19th, 191â€, Peter \Varncr Boyntnn, in his 84th year. Funeral Monday, April 2tst, to Thoruhill Cemetery. Cooz-EII-Ou ApIil 19th, at the resi- dI-nce of her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Plowman, Stop 27, Richmond Hill, Maria Roy Cooper, widow of the late Thomas Onoper, in her 84th year. Funvral from :Iliove address Mou- day, ApIil 21%. to Laurel Hill Cemetery. Bolton. FR.\sEI:â€"~Ou Thursday. April 17, 1924, at In r lnic residcnrvm-r, 236 Emerson Avenue, 'I‘urontn, Olive Irene Dibb, “'Il‘v of William Fraser. Fulw't Into the IUNlKlUllCt‘. (It her futhrr, (it-oigv I) llll‘ ,lei'l'rison, on H ItIIIIl .y. Apiil ID, to Aurora (it‘lut'iviy. Wacoâ€"4 .â€" Thanks Expressed Capt. Ilai‘tv .‘IIIX‘tlt‘ll would take LIIIS tiii'IIOI tun ty of gruiously thanking all [tunic wuo .w kindly assisted in lllrilx’lilg III. the lint-mt dotinz. ethasuct‘t'as LII I. Ii \\.I<, lmlil by “My (‘1' putrnnugc with th I l)lr\.tlillng IUIITL lll(‘It'llJt'lll \VI-Iiihu. t'IIIitHllIllIS' and :Ilu) by support. o.her- niw. 'n‘hlu linumuully lllk‘l’tLlll'llx \\'L‘lk‘ tilupnoiuting the succch truly l't“.".lltle’l the hind ellol‘t put fwlll by the (Ltd ts. To the ttuty nrti.tic lll't'lllillltlll of the Illlt‘liOI' (-l the hull, citric-II out in the I'egiIIIt-Iit.nl Ctlll)lll‘>‘ is (Illt‘ to t‘udet Capt. llert(iiant,who ua< il>~l>l€nl by Svigt. L'zttlct \VOIIJ- heatil. Allnn Duncan. Donald llIck. Divul milling, Pvte Sawigc. and Flt-Willi!" (ire-aura. Au ilpllt‘tulilllI n is also expressed to Mr. Ernest, Dirkin- Sou for assistance I't‘lltlt‘l'rd; e-lso to Mr. lIaI'I'v b'. Stirling, in his Oiigiuul lighting etftâ€"cts, which added so llIIlt‘h to the enjoyincnt. of the evening. The Codi-t oidcilics drtiilcd pelltil’nlr'Ll their duties cythIlIly. LIeut. Col. Gibson was not. aide to attend at the last moment, a: alsu- his udjutunt. but the Regiment was I'r-piesrntutl hy Lieut. Strung, Mrs. Strung ac- companying her husband. â€"â€"â€"...â€"â€"â€"._ MAPLE â€": The Methodist, church was well-filled on Sunday evening at the selvices under the auspicas of the \V. 31.5. A ver iIIIpI-essive seIInIIII was pl‘eut’llrd "y lit-V. Dr. Daniel, (If dclferson. and spt‘cial music was rendered hy the choir. An Eister thank-oil'rring oi SSI was giVeII. Ali-s. IRcV.)A. Luuuu gave an ad- dress at the annual meeting of the l\\'. .\l. S. at the home of Mrs. \V. 0. l McDonald, At the close of the meet;- I in): «‘lltHl‘tlUl‘Il tea was seI-Vrd, | The two houses that \vme offered for sale on Saturday \Vt‘l'e subject to a reserve bid unl \Vcn» not. sold. Easter SeriCI‘s were held in St. Andrea's and St. Stephen's t‘hurcllr: till Sunday, .\lr~.). B MILPIIII is in St. John's lluspital TUlOniU, alter undergoing a >t‘l ions upemtioii. .\II.;tInl Mm ('has. McDonald and .\II. GIIIdrn M-tIIOIInl-l, of forum“, wow \isiiing Iiieutls here UVCX' the IVrI-k-cml. l’I‘rvaI/Itiuns 1r;- heing Ill-'IIIP fur the lIuildIng of sen-rd tl\\Cill[I5’ houses h-u w dill Ing the suinm» l'. MI. and .\lI.<_ LA. Rose Ieceived I:Iu.;_:I..Iui Iiitrns [I ‘tll tlI~II friends, on DJltlztlJy. II b.1315 I‘uv twenty-ï¬fth anniversary of their wedding. l [Single copies, 3 cts. NOu Conservative Management HE Sterling Batik has scr'vntivc in its nIaIInu-Inr-nt always been docidodly con- n policy which has rmnlII'Il in our IJI’I'SPIII strong; position of Sl‘t‘lll‘ltl‘ Tho Canada, sound thcrt-l'orin firms Whose finds . h 31, «Iva-vsarum . .T REPRESENTING Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada --'-â€" ALSO â€"- J FIRE, ACCIDENT AND Srcxnnss. AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE _o__.. Dominion and Provincial Bond! Bought, Sold or Exchanged. Mortgage Loans Arranged. â€"â€"â€"â€"o-â€"â€" OFFICE: CHURCH STREET TELEPHONE 11 M RICHMOND HILL MULHOLLAND & SMYTH BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. ETC. Toronto Office : 2493 Yonge St. Phone Hudson 3l08. Richmond Hill Ctl'ice : \Veslry Boyh- ton's Real Estate OIIicc, Yonge St. A Incinlwr of Ihe ï¬rm will he in Richmond Hill €‘\'t't y Tuesday. ZG-GIII "V. H EWISQN HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. For and Satisfaction 'l‘n'y L. innes & Sons Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond Street ’ Richmond Hill All kinds of Lumber, Lath and Shin- gles. Flooring, billings. Mouldings. etc. Window Flames. Sash 3 "Doors made to order. Dealers In I? proc and Fibre~ Board. Asphalt Hosting. Shingles. Felts. Etc. our prices and promptdeliveuy. have your enquiries. furnished on request. PHONES :â€"â€"Oï¬ice. 87 J. Yard, 13-3. H. A. Nicholls The Real Estate Man Service Let us Quotations gladly $525 will buy a splendid building lot on the West side of Church St. $4600 will luy on easy terms an eight room brick house, lot 100 feet frontage, garage, good garden, all kinds of fruit on Richmond Street. this is a real good buy. Rough cast: house stable and I; acrcsun Mill Street. A bargain. A ngi cheap Brick Clad House and thl'cc acres on Lucas Street. List NO caai'gv for transfers. Loans, Insurance, Notarial Work as usual. Yonge St, RlCHlIlONDIHlLL rot timing of bettI-r us menu: I l . untrue OF CANADA You will be pleased withl too large to fully advertise.L business conditions ready to offer credit (uncut is conservative. in to Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush I.. T. C. M. From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept. a number of pupils in Piano. Vocal and -: Theory. Richmond Hill, Friday and Saturday For information Phone 110. Mas. MYLKiI. J. T. SAIGEON Maple ' Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on chorus! notice, and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited J. EDWARD FRANCISE NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER, CON VEYANCER. ETC. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhill. “Single White Leghorns Custom Hatching $5.00 per 100 eggs l BABY CHICKS~ $25.0†per 100 till end of April $21).tll)pt-r lUtl rest of season 1003; Live Arrival Guaranteed EGGS FOR HATCHINGâ€" $10.00 per 100 100%, Fertility Guaranteed SPECIAL PRICES ON LARGE ORDERE (ALL EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID) OUR CAPACITY IS 5,280 EGGS EVERY THREE \VEEKS uuooï¬ttuns " RADE MARK REGISTERED l lteghoms: J. w. BOWMAN Yorkshire: STOP 2!) YONGE St. PHONE 44 r 11 R. R.. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. NOTICE A full supply of Purity, Maple Leaf and Royal Household and Pastry Flour, Bran, Shorts, Gluten, Orack Corn and Scratch Feed always I on hand. Chick Feet, Purnizt Chowder and Ill-Itchfurd Egg Mash. (‘cmcnt, Hardwall Plaster, Lime and Tile always in stock, The very hev. llard Coal in Nut, ,t'tovc, 1"†MO Pea. NO» is the ‘tiine m 4rder your Coal for next. AT THE ELEVATOR 1 winter. I. D. Ramer l