Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Apr 1924, p. 8

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LICENSED AUGTIONEER "FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales 01 every description. Furms‘, and farm stock snlesispecialtv. Farms bought and sold on commission. Alisules at- tended to nn shortest, notice. and con- ducted by the most uppmved methods. Patronage solicited. ThéRIBHMfiNB HELL FURNiSHING STORE J. H. Prentice I CHEV Brings 37021? friends close to you -:- NORMAN J. GLASS flu- Economical Transporta’tion‘ 415 Bulliol SL, Tornntn. Phone Hudson 1347 w .,..@2;ase in) #51 See our stock of ties, from 75 cts. to $1.50 The latest in silk and wool mixtures. Men’s socks for spring. from 50 cts. to $1.50 We have the Holeproof Hosiery for men. Men’s Oxfords in the latest spring style, from $5.50 to $7 .00 , Also hats, shirts, gloves, underwear, and etc. For Women and Children we have spring Oxfords and Pumps. HE isolation and loneliness of the farm have gone. Friends miles apart are now neighbors. Cities once the mecca for holidays and market days only, are now only a few minutes away. On the other hand, the country places, the beauty spots of nature and the friends in the country are now vithin easy reach of the pity folks. And in bringing this service to Canadians, Chevrolet has gone beyond any other car built. Chevrolet offers quality, depend- bility comfort and full equipment at a price unapproached by any other quality car in the World. More0ver by its low prices and easy payment plan, Chevrolet has further enlarged the group of those who can afford to own this fine quality car, and bring to them the enjoy- ments of motoring to a still greater degree. Before you buy a car at any price, see Chev- rolet. Examine its fine quality thoroughly. Ask for a demonstration. 0516 Ask About The G.I'J.A.C. Deferred Payment Plan 11,0 HILL, Dealer SAMPLES FR EE G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. PAINTING. DECORATING Phone 306. King. Wall flingings _ 0 - Artistic Charm I'emulws nvcesswry fur um- cmuplele H'jm'exuxjun, the pun», and thv time when we \v-mld be ready to be taken buck. A! the time slam-(l she (wine [or us. 11'0de us over, and was very We“ satisfied. Paid the hill and Look us home. That. night; she cnxefully phlislwd us up. nut that it, was necessary, the shoe repairer hud al- ready done that, but shc thought it nu [nu-m to give us an extn x-ul). nt’iux- which she pluct‘d us “hum her hus- bandâ€"who z-Inngs ~11; 1n [ht-saun- ulL-ix' in we mune vim-s undsmukud careful 8x=lluiualiun. l wuld we thaL something “as in stme for us, but what it was going to be it was very hard tn determine. At last she “plus us down. and voic- ing her leugms sxizl, l'll‘chnnce it. I dun’L care what, Hemy says. In my opinion the bums, though Imming very bad, an: nut past repdr. Sn iu [hr (-venihg just hufure her huwbund came hnmu sin: Ln. k us to me uvawq, shm- relmir stone and naked lhv shoe rc- puiwr tn lunk us owr. which Li: (lid, r.\'§ {aiming mu nlefr-vla and Ihe remulics nvcmsury fur um- cmuplem H‘jlnenJlmn, the pm r4, and the time when we w vuld bu ready to be taken to his Ilutlulllg, nut wzh'uliy «Lanny law. Just the )vu-Isu in fact. Nu hnut, whetherhcluugmg(ani.1vtl|1[‘tnn'te:l, 0. In the gu-.;L unwaslmL mu, what hum todcel that he i) ‘nmking things squarely in [he tuc-, twsidcs IL dnesu’L (10,115 A“). 300.3 I" SKIN-11‘. 0111' (TUUHEHIS LOU much. ll. luuk> [Lu]. \euy had. The. whale tlnnhle was caused lhrnugh lhc “an [ml (’Cnlmmiunl Mans uf the man. His Wih‘, Limefltter Lime. tried to show him that there was no sconomy in Wearing at boot until it was all awry. but she was simply \vmting hw- time. It Was the fault of unybud)‘, or anything but him, so we gm. the blame. He lemnvrd us from his feet, npened the back door, threw us out, nnd hue we are. This is my third night. out, and I am far hum cmufulluhlv. Hello! heme comes Sulueone. Un lunkim: mum! I see [he hwy ul' the huuw. blue appeals tn be searching fur smut‘lhing. All! she picks me up, and l “mice lhnL sht- is hulding my umtu in her othr hum], Tanking 1H iuln 1hr: lxilchvn sm- wipvs awry the dint stains and gins us u uut His wife wu: ing Lhisnmmru his lu when: i hr queried own. he and are. said questinn. \I [blew Uu Lake thoâ€"m? how much questinns he phlde lbu‘ how much did in Coat? were, questinns he find at his wife, \VLH‘ plnmed that. the charge was ‘ I‘vnsulnhlfi, that, it had saved buying p new pair at boots, as boots had practically been rebuilt , [but they had but'll repniled at Rolfe Shoeb repair. next dour tn VII Glenk's uffice. by ushue l-vpuirer was attentive an pullH‘ Lo customens respective of their .~« You have only to lunk at the boots Henry, to see that the workmanship is gnnd. and that. thé bust. of nmterial only is used. A jealo‘ at this pl said, we“ um. new. or stat us Modern Dancing Taught by particular about Hn lmt, his ft’GL were in visinn. He couldn't see ' lonkvd in the mirm aillk. So he went, forth. his personal “ppm”; the fzmc {hm-em. A in the mu'ly mmni miny night, be m l‘t .__, WW, in; Henry, your home are rather badly worn. 0h! they’ll do u while longerl Rue-l, mid Henry. So he kupt on wenu'lng us. In Lhe memuLime the naill kept pushing up thmugh our heals into our insiuh-a. tern-mg hvlvs in his sucks and hllllillg llistvt‘r. The man didn't; seem to mind very much. His wife dunno-d (he ram-ks, and a piece “I (:nrdhward [)reluand Iin- nails from hunting his fcuL tou much, so it was qmt: all light. He was very careful about. :tclenn made a, gno‘ and Henry, L0 sing (:1 accouslomed ‘1 penfect day \Y in y 1 Led us up \\ hu UW y me yt Studio : Centre St. W STAN. WOODHEAD DANCING ll) HI) The Soliloquy of a Book (BY A. KULFE) lid U \Ve t: it 19 S chain ‘pasm crossvd Henry’s face e of a shoe lepailer. but he Linulinly lonks as if he had pd job. I um very pleased. kissing his wifr, startei [3 he suL down in his l phlce) "This is the end of us the hauls," he asked? )lH‘a, suit] his wife. Mme? Yes-they are your veny t understand y new. tan'L beâ€"y the \Vifl‘. unii '8“. WA 11, suit 11) nut. “'11 Whn 10p; Terms on Application ml \ nrvfu] about, a clean e He.. He was also my angle of his Inn, heynnd his range 01 l (wuld see. that, atme for us, but. (:0 he it was very his fevt when ’1' over thr- kuLcl \\' he ()U lkcd over alnd lll'€ 1Z2 They look they can. Huh-g this teaclnu d us. ly nwail [her who ' to his ‘lr .wcial nwaii- Hmved He got [hem shuu hc( HI him the illld the the 0L fill Call by phone or otherwise promptly $3800, wil stucco house elecnic, fir ' fruit trees nd hen 00 cash. Frame and norms, furnace. water, hroughour. mce lot, urge hen 1 lands 40-43 We have everything in fa nd houses. JOHN R. CAMPBELI Far 16U nun-9s, go buildings water and orch -d. W“ consider exchange on house. FOR GENTLEMEN â€"- we have ties. hats, socks, oxfords to please the average man. Phone 86 J. REAL ESTATE EASTER ~â€" Latest sters at; mod- erlxte prices. Grey suede, brown suede, patent leather, kid. They are an excepbiunally good 10:, 1 strap 2 buttons medium heel. Also a good assortment of child- ren’s slippers. LADIES 'â€".- Spring shoésjust received. I to buy a pair. Bring Your Business to Me and Get Service. on Phone 33 VETERINARY SURGEON, 'l‘hornhil]. WESLEY BOYNTQN Prompt Adjustments of Claims and Prompt Service J. W. WELLWAN 1 “Ply 108 sq. ft. $1.95 per roll 2 Ply 108 sq. ft. 2.45 per roll 3 Ply 108 sq. ft. 2.95 per roll WIGWAM 2 Ply 108 sq. ft. $2.25 per roll EUREKA ' 2 Ply 108 sq. ft $245 per roll RUBEROID SHEATHING ASPHALT ROOFING FELT 432 sq. ft- $2.35 per roll TARRED PAPER RICHMOND HILL GENTS‘ FURNISHINGS T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES LIMITED Phone 33. T hornhill, Ont. STATE _ WRANOE MONEY TO .AN . 2 ()0 sq. ft. $2.25 per roll RGOFENGS 400 sq ft. $1.170 per roll FIRE LI FE ACCIDENT SICKNESS BUILDING PAPER 400 ’sq. ft. 85¢. per roll CARPET FELT 200 sq. ft. 2.50 per roll We Are Known In All Lines of lnsurance,‘I FIRE PLATE GLASS LIFE AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT BURGLARY SICKNESS and GUARANTEE 0F BONDS HI] . SAVAGE, General Agent 1d OWL BRAND r shipment of ! Now is the time [10 BV 0111‘ AT THE POST-OFFICE BUILDING Hill SMacNaughton & Campbell If you are considering the furnace question come in and let us abdw you our lines. No House too large. No House too small. We have 1 size and model for every oneâ€"and the prices are right. We can n!so supply your want: on Furnace repairs and pipes; General Agents for Farm Machin- ery. Pumps, Etc, 'Ofiice and rnsid Richmund Street. Telephuue 13, Ring Mr. Cample will he at Th9 Liberal Office. Richmond Hill. every Tuesday afternoon. ‘ ary College. treated. I): RICHMOND STREET. RICHKOND HILL Representing Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. Officesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon fildgq Cur. JOIdnn and Melinda Sts., Toronto. FEETZEL BROS. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York INQUIRIES SOLICITED R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc. A. CAMERON MACNAUG HTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL AMBROSE L. PHIPPS attended WHEEL? Limiin homhiil, Ont. Tinsmi‘hs and General Agents PHONE 87 W FURNACES AND REPAIRS ( Veter Telephone Main 3631. Qay and night. culls prompt- uute Psidencn north side m. Richmond Hill. No Charge for Advice of Ontario Veterin l clases of animals 1| gen”)

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