C. M. PALMER :34: con. ARNOLD a YONGE 51's Full stock of repairs on hand. Look over your machineny and let us know before the rush starts “but your requirements will be. JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 HEYD, HEYD, SHOREY &NEWMAN. 614â€"516 Confederation Life Building Toronto. Solicitors for William Jnhn Tnylm‘, the above named applicant. 41-45 â€"ï¬D:kTED ut th “it’sv uf’I‘m'ontn, in the Gnunty of York, in the Prm‘inm- of Onturin, this Sth day uf April. 1924. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ilml “'illinm Jnhn Taylor, uf the (:in :1 Toronto, in 111“ Umtu «If Ymk. in the Pl'nYim‘v :nf (lntnlin, street. cur Conductor. will apply to lhe. Parlia- ment; of Canada. at [he presmt Session lherogf fur n Bill nf Divluw from his wife Ethel May 'l‘uylur. of the City of I‘m-onto. in the County (.f Yolk, in llm vaincenf Ontarimvn the grnlmds uf ndultm y and deserlinn. Notice of Application for Divorce ' "rr'y ~ at, the present SPQSiUl) thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her husband William Gemge Smith. Collector, of the City of Toronto, on the grounds of udulterv and desm'tiun. rut, Toronto, this 26th day Uf March. A. D. 1024'. LOUISA ELIZABETH SMITH NOTICE is hereby given lhut Louise Elizabeth Smith, of the City of Toronto. in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Married \Vomun. will apply to the Parliament: of Canada, Car. Amold& Yonge. j Notice of Applicatlon for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that Alexander Cruickshank, of the City of Toronto, in the Uoumy of York, in the Province of Ontario, Esquiie, will apply to the Pullinment 0t Canada at, the present Session therent’ for a Bill Divoree from his wife, thm Louise the said City of Ornickshunk, of Toronto. on the ground of adultery and dpsertion. DATED at Toronto. in the Province of Ontario. this 213: day of March. 1924. ALEXANDER CRUICKSHANK, Notice of Application for Divorce sale The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company, Lt‘d, have on hand fur sale. Cement. drain tile. 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement, Brick Sand or vael sold by the load or in car lan. Cedar p‘us‘s and telephone poles for BUILDERS SUPPLIES 43-tf Massey-Harris Repairs 3331101, Gravel, Tile and Brick and new work. including Ellltt boxes, Also putting rubber carriage wheels. Wish to announce that bought the curring»: \vurk‘ Trench 8L Son, and will be p do all kinds of CARRIAGE. and BLACKSMITHI‘N‘G Rough and Dreued Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Roofings Horticuï¬ï¬ml Society, 3rd P-uhlic Libraryâ€"Open Tm Saturday evenings from 7 to I‘ar paper Possession May Come and try us We want; your work GERMAN 8c LENNOX. 802 Bay St, Toronto. Ont. 39-44 Moderate prict‘s. Work promptly done Village Council, lst Monday Board of Educution, ism Mun Board of Trude, 2nd Monday Horticultuml Society, 3rdT n r m..,._..4 MUR'PH Y 5‘ V Caldwell and Paterson Building paper hy hm by his Solicitors. Regular Meetings T. COUSINS. lY & DONALI) Street,'l‘uxonto. 40-44 RICHMOND HILL. ONT ‘Ulil‘itlll's n-iuge \vurks nf Wm 1nd will he prepared to Wallboalfl 1924 Gyprock that they ham §.3}ir7ruesdnv- l‘uesday and to 9 o’clock. MSnduy Manager WAGON. REPAIRS .d« livery tires on 4OR SALEâ€"1 Grandfather clock, 7 over 150 yeals nld,for quick salu :30, keeps pelfect timp. Apply MRS. N. BAKER, R. R. No. lRichmond Hill Ont. Phone 45 R 31. Richmond Hill. \V'Tlini". « It". lr'm mud etc, l‘l'lmil't'd. Box Hill. Flu-1w Central. \‘7ANTEDâ€"MU stmng BMSHIHI†fun< tn put the park in condition on F1 iday night. All nld players and any new ones are requested to turn out to the initial practice on Saturday after- noon at 2.80. ( Ult'K SERVICEâ€"H. H. South- wnnd, Rosm-imv Ava, experi- m 1] ell'Clli('ii'll. Power and light \\"'1in2‘, c [(-JIr'mmnds, :n1(lapplian(~v~‘. etc, try-Hired. Box 109, Richmond Hill. Hn-nv Central. 44â€"47 There was quite a glnnm cast over the Tunker Church, when they heard by cab]: of the death of H. L. Smith. one of their leadels in foreign mission work in India, at the missinm whele Clarence Heise and wife. nf Victoria Squat-P, and Miss Anna Steckley, of (ju_rmle-y, are Inhoxinz. The Farmer Ruler Factory is still running full capacity, turning nut rulers and gas measures by the thou- sand. Eid. H. R. Heise and wife were pleased to have four of their grand. children frnm Toronto, to spend the Easter holidays with them. G90. Sheffer. of Sunnidale, who came down to spend the winter with his Sunâ€"in-law, G. T. Hilts. has again re- Lumpd tn his home. Tlie widow of the late Pete-r Baker, has been prostrated with pneumonia fogsnmgtigpa, bug is agilil} recpvex-ing. T114711: was quite a. gloom cast over Gormley, “‘héâ€"ll we heard of the sud- den dvuth fi-mu heart failure of Mrs. Bert Mahley, in her 4151; "year, nn April 18th. On April 19th the widow of the late Danivl Heise died, and on April 23rd, Duvid Dexter died in his 913:, year. ' The fnrmprs are still claiming the pl-nmise given to Noah. While Ihe earth Iexuainth, seed time and harvest shall not, fail, as we,see them busy Lining the soil, and sowing the seed. From time immemorial busses have been operated on highways for the convenience 01 the public. If they are driven off the roads now, it will give the travelling public an idea of one phase of Government Ownership. A deputation of men interested in the operation of busses on the Pro- vincial highways, a few days ago, [waited on the Hon. G. S. Henry, Minister of Highways, opposing the 1 restrictions put upon those operating the buses. According to a daily paper the Minister pointh out that as the law was not yet effective, the men could not speak from experience on that question, and should it not prove satisfactory after Llidl could be abolished . But does it look just right on the part of the Ontario Government to drive the busses off Yonge Street and the highways, by what they call luxury taxes, and heavy insur- ance ? There does not: seem to be any more danger in riding in an omnibus than in an ordinary motor car. Then why compel one to pay insurance and not the other ? OUSE FOR RENTâ€"Apply JOHN BALES, Elgin Mills, Ontario; 44 of my Toronto Windmills will give you for profitable work. rest or recreationâ€"besides supplying running water wherever you want it. The one bothersome task. that of oiling the windmill in all kinds of weather. is overcome in the Toronto Self~0iler. which requires fresh oil only “once a year." Friction and wear are practically abolished. Toronto windmills. too. can be made absolutely self-regulating in operation. The "Toronto" Tower will stand for a lifetime because it is the heaviest. strongest and best-braced one built for any windmill. Let me explain why I believe this is one of the biggest convenience: you can have. On any farm of average size at least one hour a dayâ€"36% ten hour working days :3 yearâ€"are spent in the irksome. wearyigg task of p1_1m_p_1ng “water. 36% days which one VVant Ads. GORMLEY HARD LINES ‘unua, Agent, Richmond Hill LFALFA 6|‘1El)â€"\Ve ~~pecialize in . growing Alfalfa seed of a hardy strain that d- vs nut, winter kIH. “Tile for price and sample. R. F. HICKS & FUN, Newtnn Brook. 41-“ 19 Yunge Sheet K, kinds F. LEI’ARD, ‘UR SALEâ€"Good single home I: lony, ur will vxchange fur a muggy and lmrness. GEO. TAYLOR, Nwhmuml 5L. Hiuhmnnd tlvll. 42-44 OR SALEâ€"Buick house on Gentle St. East. six mums. pantry and bath, oak floors, finished ï¬rst. class throughout, summer kitchen attached, fruit, Lucas and shrubbex‘y. Apply In H . HALL. 4345 ASTUREâ€"Fm- horsus and cattle b the month or the season. Good shade and running water. One hundred acres nf a nun. Apply to GEO. W. MURRAY. Wnodbnidge. 8.3. 2. ‘HOPPING â€" Beginning May lst. Maple chopping will will (.pel'ate on Monday, \‘Vednesday and Friday only. Custumers please note. H. MANNING, Maple. 43-44 b‘UR SALEâ€"Large hank hnrn, with fnundatirm and silo of cement blocks, includes manure carrivl' and cow stanchlcns. Apply Mus. NISBET. "BI-aeharâ€. Thornhill. 43-46 )AINTâ€"A bargain in paint. $1.00 a quaut, as long as it InstC. Svnd in your mder early in J. A. ROSE, Mapl". 0R SALEâ€"Chevrolet, four-ninety touring our, in good under. N. «I. SMELLIE. Thmnhill. 43-44 0R SALEâ€"One fresh milvh now. part, Jersey: also one D9 Lava! cream separatnr, No. 15, gncd running order, \Vill sell fur $25. A]. H. HEISR, Gnrmk‘y, lot, 3, cut]. 3. Whitchmch, Phone 6314. 43-44 ANTEDâ€"Life Company with Hlnd Office at \Vutmrlon enntvmplutes opening an Agennv at Richmond HilI. One rvpresentative Wnntud fm‘ this locality. Good Opportunitivs for righl Inn", with District Offivr- Snporvi<inn and assistance. \Vrite P. O. Box 175, Waterloo. ON. 44-45 ‘A HTAG OR SALE-Indian Scout, motorcycle, mode-1 1921, in good running nrdor, run 2 sz‘asnn<, reasonable price. Apbly G. F‘. HAWKINS. in aura of F. A. CLARK. Gormley Unt., 2% miles east of Richmond Hill. 44-45 O R W F‘OR SALEâ€"Gasoline light outfit, five gallon plessme tank. 1 lrugo outside lump. 1 inside lamp. Slllfaillt’ fm- snnll store or ohnuzh. PHSllV inâ€" stalled. P: ice $25. Apply L.W. HILL, Cnl‘nm- Benson Ave. and Lucas St. Richmond Hill. 44 0 rant bushes, and raspberry hmhps for Sale; nlsn a few sPttinas (if dlu'k eggS. G. YEREx, Elgin Mills, Phone 249 Maple. 41-45 F OR QUICK SAL 1â€"-$3.‘ZHU with 600 down buys 6 rnmned outtagn, 1 acre of land 90 fruit tree-s, applpi, chem-has. plums, pears. Apply WESLEY BOYNTON, Richmond Hill. 44 \‘ ANTED â€"A girl as nidhé?helper, or light house work. MRS. SLINGSBY, John St, Thornhill, phqu 19 I. ‘4-48 Te TRA W BERRY PLANTS BlaL-Vk n-pair, thup fur cash (-1 terms. lephone 30 R 2 Richmond Hill. 44 OR SALEâ€"Chevrolet gar, in good SALEâ€"Seed fieill peas! BO\\'A\IAN, Bl'nuklnmis, Eâ€"I mu plepuwd [u (10 all of carlage nn >I|UI t nnl ive, Elgin Mills, Plume 1161' 12. 41-44 Phone 44 41 St 43-48 If. CUP- Know the conï¬dence this sturdy rear axles inspires in every Overland driver. Enjoy the amazing Overland econo‘ny in oil and gasoline. More miles to the gallon. More service from tires. We will g'adly demonstrate to you the many features that make folks call Overland the most automobile in the world for the money. Snuggle down behind the wheel of this Big New Ovelland.. See how natur- ally your ï¬ngers close on the convenient gear shift lever. Ste-p on the gas. Get the thlill of this hill-conquering power- as you speed up, up and on, over the hills. Feel the deep luxurious comfort of those well nphostex'ed seats. The big car riding ease of patented Triplex Springs. Note the lung-lasting lmked enannl ï¬nish of the all steel body. In the BIG CAR Class The Big New Overland has swept aside the old-fashioned idea that you have to spend a lot of money for a quality automobile. In Overland you get big-car power and bigâ€"cur comfortâ€"and all the easy-handling and low upkeep advan- tages of a light. car. OR SALEâ€"A good 800 acre Alberta ffll'u'. nb‘nl' gund town, on G.P.R.. with good roads, splvndidly watered hy Little Red River. fine new alt-ck. barn with we-ll and pump house. fine hunch of Clydesdale horses: also other stm-k. 100 acres good hush. with splendid pasture. Churches and School cnnvvnienr. Bank reference for en- quiry. HENRY MOYLE. Richmond Hill. 39-14 0R SALEâ€"A quantity of clover hay. and 212.1)ushels Marquis Wheat. JOSEPH GEETPhone 4511, Richmond Hill. 4244 )LATFORM SCALESâ€"For sale Chathnm plqtfou m scales. H. H. HOPPER. Richmond Hill. 43-45 RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. Come and see the Star aridâ€"we Wiï¬l give you a trial spin. THE engine responds immedi- ately in congested city street or on rough country road. It’s a quick running and powerful continental Red Seal Motor. C. M. PALMER 8: SON Cor. Arnold and Yonge Sts., Richmond Hill TheSTAR Car THE ARISTOCRAT OF LOW-PRICED CARS 13.0.1}. Factory Toronto, Taxes Extra at the Light Car Price $710 Touring EED GRAINâ€"Fur sale, a quantity of seed Banner outï¬aquantity of seed barley. and a quantity of spring rye. GEO. '1‘. McNAIu,JeI’r‘erson P. O. 40-tf. “0R SALEâ€"Six choice Yorkshixe sows. one Yurkshire boar. A few tnu louse hay, No. I clover. IOU bushels mnngolda. LOUIS L. NICHOLS. 42-44 OR SALEâ€"Grey driver. 5 year! old. Apply \V. LOWERY, Rich- mond St.., Richmond Hill. 42-“ l' ~ mares, young and sound, weight 3.000 lbs, One is reglatered. BEDFORD PARK FLORAL Co. LIMITED. , 39-“ ?OR SALEâ€"A val_uahle _team_ _of