l Mr. Wes. Boynton, real estate agent. has sold Mr. Suuder’s new house on Baker Avenue. to Mr. Mitchell. Mr. Pelham Ohafley, teacher of, singing has removed his studio to a room over Mr. Fortner's tailoring establishment. Join the Multicultural Society and get the use of the sprayer at oest. superior quality of (run. will prov» lt Wat: Worth while. Yonge street through the village is very dusty. Housewives ere anxiously WllLlllg lol.‘ that cunt [If UII which sometimes arrives rather late in the season. Thursday’s Globe contained a photograveur of Dr. Gr. Elmore Reamen who is severing his connection with the Central Y.M.C.A. to join the Macmillan Publishing Company. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson. of Thornhill, announce the engagement 0: their daughter, Vern Grace, to Mr Charles Scrivcr. of Midland. the marriage to tuke place the folepart of May. The choir ot the Presby torinn Church repeated the sacred cantata "From OIIVet to Calvary." at the owning service last Sunday. There Was a large attendance and both music and singing Were greatly enjoyed. The so-called daylight saving goes into force in Toronto Sunday morning That means that Metropolitan: arm. will also start one hour earlier than at present. Apparently. in Richmond Hill you can "go as you please." An exchange points out that even a hen has u better ideu uborrtadve:tising than some of our Storekeeper-s. It says: “A duck lays on egg and lets it go at that. A hen lays one and advertises the l fact. â€" Hence the demand ftr Hens’ Eggs." Next Week. dialogues such as the following will be in order: Jimâ€"At. what hour do you start work? Jackâ€"At seven o’clock Jimâ€"Do you mean old time or new time? Jockâ€"O, give us a rest! Holy Communion will be observed in the Methodist Church next Sabbath morning. Rev. N. \VelIWood will de- liver the address. This will be followed by Reception Service and Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. All are welcome. Members specially requested. A. vacancy having occurred, by the resignation of Mr. Rainer, a meet- ing of the eluctors of U. S. S.â€" Richnrond Hill, Markham and Vaughan will he held in the Council Chamber, Monday, May 12, at 7 30 p. m. to nonri- nate a candidate for the position of Public School Trustee. Our citizens should remember that the Village Caretaker will make his rounds, commencing to-morrow (Friday) nroruirig when he will take away garhnge such as tins, crockery, etc. H.rve same placed on the street in barrels or boxes, in front of your residence Now is a good time to start to make it clean village. Tire Jones Lumber Co. have sold their propercv on Arnold Street, to O. M. Palmer & Sons. and about June lst will move their office and entire plant to larger and more aommodious quarter-s located on lentre Street nhout a block and tl hqu east of Yonge Street. New sheds are being con< str-ucted. inrii a considerable amount of lumber and other bii'lding material is already on the site. OARDERS â€" Bo-rr ders wanted Apply Mus. E. Rmrusu. 44 ._..â€".. Rural Drama Masonic Hall was crowded Thursday evening when the Y. P. L. of Victoria. Square gitve the play “Between two rlives,†under the auspices of the Richâ€" mond Hill Y.P.L. The parts were well taken. litld the young people of Victoria Square are to be rontzrntulated on their natural ability in sustaining the. charzrctel'sthu'y represent d. Music was given between the arts. and Miss Brown contributed a recitation. A very lively entertainment closed with the National Anthem. BIRTHS Gonwrxâ€"Born to Dr. and Mrs. \V. O. Godwin. Pelt Colborne, Ont, April 24th. Adnugllter, (Jenn Elaine), MACDONALDâ€"At Toronto Western Hospital on Smut-day, April 26, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. A. S. MacDonald. (nee Marjorie Clubine) a daughter. â€"â€"*..____ Donations Donation! most thankfully received at the L. '1)! B. k 0. Home. Mr. W. Davies, a treat of ice cream for Easter. Mrs. Dr. Langstnfl, number of books. Mr. \Veldon. 5 dozen eggs. Mr. R. J. Bentty, Gorurley, l2 doz. 932" . . . The Mrssres Ellison Henricks. 400 cookies. W. C. 'I‘. U.. 30 doz eggs. Public School. 30 dozen eggs. Mrs. Stirling, books, My, _l. Slleuldown and friends. 30 dozen eggs. , Mrs. Rrrnsome, 2; dozen eggs, bag of . a. valuable and Pearl apples. _ Mr. Johnston, Jefferson, 4 dozen. eggs. . Mrs. Mansbr-rdge. treat of Easter, eggs and candy; also box of chocolates. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bennett, Victoria Square. Bag of apples, 8 sealers fruit, l besket carrots. . Mrs. (Dr) Wilson, 2 bags of potatoes. l MARRI.\GES Roenn’rs-Leoomâ€"Un April 28. at Holy Trinity Church, tVinnipeg. Man. by the Venerable Al'chdeut'nn McElher-an. Gladys Legge of Jctfer- son, Ont.. to “(illiunr (.‘lnules Roberts of Fox, Alberta. DEATHS Honxln~0n the 2nd of Markham, Saturday. April 26, 1924, Mrs. Nancy A. Hornor. Funeral to Hi-ise Hill Cemetery, Gormley. Tuesday. at 2 o'clock. MORGANâ€"At his late resident-c, Thorn- hill, on Friday. April 25, 1924, Samuel Morgan. Funeral on Monday, April ‘28, to St. Paul's Cemetery. Scnrbulo. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"..â€"__. Noted Breeder. Passes Ontario lost a. noted breeder in the person of Peter “7, Hoynton, of Unionville, who passed away On April 10. The latr- Mr. Boyuton was born in Scar-bole Township 84 years ago, but spent most of his life: in Markham. He was pr'orrrinently connected with various agricultural societies and was it Well-kilo“ n breeder of Cotswold sheep and Berk- shire hogs. Deceased is survived by two daughtersâ€"Mrs. H. Hooper. Buttorrvilleâ€"Mr-s. I. Lunau, linionville; and t\vosonsâ€"William of Buttnrnille. and Charles B. on the homestead. NEHI'S NOTES The Ambrose Small case has been settled. Each of the two sisters will receive the interest on $100,0UU during their life time. ' Hon. Dr. R. A. i‘yne, county court clerk and former ministr r of education undir \Vhitni-y and Hearst. govern- ments, has been uppoinlod SilPl‘lll’l‘ ( t T route to srccmd the late Fred Mowat. Clill’ord Scarrow. a teacher on the Aurora High School wall, ended hislife by hanging h irrsr'lf 'I‘oosday at 1er home of his Slslt’l' in North Toronto. It is said he sutfwrr-d from nervous shock in the lite War. Sir William Mulork, chief justice ofl Ontario and former postmaster-g-hero] for Canada, was Monday night elected i chuucvllor by the senate of the Univrrsity of Tor Into. in succession to late Srr Edmund Walker. 9o Auctim Sale Register SATURDAY, MAY 3â€"Aio'tivm mile of household effects, at York Mills. the property of J. A. Batbgatl'. Sale atI 2 o'clock. Terms crush. J. H. ; Prentice, Auz-t. \VEDNESDAY, MAY Tâ€"â€"Auction SHIP ot - household elfcctfl. at the rear of the ‘ Post Office Richmond Hill Sale at. ‘ 2 o'clock. Terms cash. Jul“. Sllgeoo,‘ Aunt. l I Wm. C. Ruttan Canadian Tenor and Choir Leader Soloist, North Parkdale Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupils in Richmond Hill on Thursdays.i Studio, Mrs. N. J. Gloss, 2nd door} north of Methodist Churrh Particulars can be obtained by call- ing. Phone 22 Ring 11. 2).!)- C. 11. B‘YANI Agent for the PELHAM NURSER' COMPANYâ€"Richmond Hill, \Vesl Vaughan and King Townships All Varieties of Fruit and Ornanren'-_ Trees, Roses, Shrubs. and Bulbs. Stand oo Stock. I will take u: re of your interests and give you :r. Square Deal. 21 Bin Phone 232. MAPLE, ON Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that Vera Thelma. Gooderham, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario. married woman. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof fora bill of Divorce from her husband Stuart Wilrrlot Gonderhum, of the said City of Toronto, Broker, on the grounds of adultery and desertiou. DATED at Toronto, this 28th day of April, A. D. 1924. VERA THELMA GUODERHAM, by her SOIlCltOls, MURPHY 6: DONALD, 302 Buy Street, Toronto. Let us give you a" Square Deal We are selling fence belowi mail order house prices. s PRICE 9 line wire. 48 in. high ‘22 in. stay 5‘20. 9 line wire 48 in. high 165 in. stay 58c. 5 line wire 48 in. high 2‘2 in. stay 47c. 8 line wire 43 in. high 165 in. stay ï¬le. All No. 9, hard steel wire U-Bar post price 54c JOHN ESPEY. PhonelZSâ€"r3. RICHMOND HILL 413-15 AUTOMOBILE» PAINTING NEW PAINT SHOP M Now is the time to bore your car repainted. The sunrmvr is almost here and ï¬rst (‘t‘illt' will br- tirst. Served. (.‘onsull. me regarding prim-s, etc. ‘V’. 1% EC N 98()N (For. Arnold rk' Yv nun- St. Hoar john-s Lumber Co. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 37R Br-rrosfoid Ave.. \Vest Toronto. l’llono jurrrtion OUTZ. l.l‘--\‘o Orders at. Glenn’s Drug Store, Hi. turmoil Hill. r NENTY-FIYE YEARS' EXPERIENCE A l mail orders will receive prompt attention. 42-47 m- 0‘“: T faugbnn Council 1.,“ Municipality of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall, Vellore. on MONDAY, MAY 5,1924 at 10.80 oclock J. B. MOLE-AN. Clerk .‘7ï¬â€™e Mutual £1’fe ï¬ssuranee €0mpany [S a Canadian Institution, and is the property of the Policy Holders them- selves. This fact ennlwles you to secure Life Insurance at Cost. There is No Substitute for Life In- suiaucr. Em) iiries solicited. C. II. BYAM. Agent, Maple, Out. ZZZ-filo Phone 232 SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER Oxford Street Phone 128- r 12 T Before Buying a Used Car Call and see the following cars which we have for sale cheap: Slightly used Ford, 4 door Sedan. l‘ord Coupe. Ford Speedster. Ford Half-ton Truck. Chevrolet Touring Car. Richmond Hill Motors 4448 43-44 Specialfomas} Fifty gallons of Gasoline and two gallons of Cylinder Oil given with every pur- chase of a new Star Gar Richmond Hill Motors next meeting: of the Council of the ‘ To Parents OPEN a Savings Account in this Bank for each " child the year it is born. Make small deposit regularly, and when college da 5 come, the 112% site funds are ready and the e ucation will not a drain on the family purse. THE STANDARD BANK 0" CANAM RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, M..._ . W. G. BEDFORD, Manage: QUALITY SHOPPE Elgin Mills- Millinery, Dry Goods, Ladies Wear Spring Millineiv now on display, \Ve are ready with a toll litre of the newest and ,‘ polar Styli-s in IIat.~', or will make to order two-1: )oor taste. and will Mll"l l. ~’-x AIADI’. or SOLI) by I'H. I'lninl‘il‘S â€"â€" A in (have and \Vnrners, none irassiervo. “OHIERY m Hot-proof, Mercury, and other Well-known makes of Lisle Silk and Silk Hml \‘Cool \VOOln‘ â€" Lady Ramsay in all the newest shades. Floss, and yarn for hosier v. NEl‘K WEAR â€" Lingerie. fancy goods, silks and D. M. U. for Working. It lmrrrtifnl lino r-f ginglrarns and trimmings. cottons. linens, linen roller and tea towelling, prints, etc. "QI'A LlTY AND SERVICE," our Volto. \\'e do not st It at. cost: it can't be done, but we can. and will meet any hone~t competition. â€"â€"TRY USâ€" Mrs. Norman Batty Trench Block letter. AIM) full linl‘ “if double knitting, Phone 53 (Tiliicyicomparc all much falls with Niagara. New Spring Suits I am prepared to meet your spring demand for suits and overcoats with the latest spring goods, either in ready-to-wear or tailored to your measure, Right: Here, No Factory \Vork. All ready-to-wear suits or trousers altered to ï¬t you free of charge. Odd trousers from $3 .50 up. Ladies blue serge skirts made to order irom $7.50 up- Ladics suits of blue serge madeâ€"to-order $35.00. CLEANING AND PRESSING SATISFACTORY DONE E. R. FORTNER Ladies and Gents’ Clothicr and Tailor. Richmond Hill , I Bisque 45.