Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 May 1924, p. 7

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Crescent. Toronto. “Spring The System Needs As The . Cleaning," Just Home Does. TANLAC Has Been The l for discussion. World's Greatest Tonic By‘ Over I00,000 Persons,= Who Have Testified That Tanlac Has Helped Them; Regain Their Strength and Health. ' i I A large percentage of that result from fatigue. only ones we ever will have. It is most preserve our sight as much as possrb ..__..____ DON'T GAMBLE WITH YOUR HEALTH. DEMAND THE. BEST students. from eye headaches except strain. furrow, who looks steadily at ground hour after hour trying to keep in a straight line and trying not to “bite off” too much or too little earth at each roll of the sod. To do this he Tanlac Has Benefited Thousâ€" ands of Persons Suffering From Stomach Trouble, - - - keeps his eye muscles in the same Indigestlon’ Rheumétlsm’ state of contraction all day long. When Nervousness and Kindred ‘evening comes he often has some little Ailments _ Tanlac IS For bit of ground to finish and keeps on. in the fading light. thereby increasing the strain to which he has been sub- jected all day. His muscles get tired, Sale By All Good Druggists â€"Accept No Substituteâ€". Over 40 Million Bottlesl Sold. How Much Salt in the Sea? At first it strikes one as strange that, although the sea must originally have been formed of distilled waterâ€" ,that is, congealed watery vaporâ€"and though all the rivers that flow into it, estimated to amount in the aggregate to 6,500 cubic miles of water every year, are fed exclusively by rainfall. which is also distilled water, it should nevertheless be extremely brackish, very salt indeed in the Tropics. and less salt at the Poles. Yet it is chiefly the rivers that 9.0- Mrs. Alfred Tranchenloutagne, count for the saltness of the sea. It is Michel des Saints, Que, writes:â€" estimated that they carry something “Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent like 100,000,000 tons of saline matter medicine. They saved my baby's life into the ocean every year, and, fur-land I can highly recommend them to ther, that the ocean holds in suspen-l‘ all mothers.” Mrs. Tranchemontagne's sion no less than 140 billion tons of-experience is that of thousands of salt, a quantity sufficient, if extracted ' other mothers who have tested the cover the dry surface of the earth to worth of Baby's Own Tablets. The a depth of 400 feet. Tablets are a. sure and safe medicine It is believed that 90,000,000 years for little ones and never fail to regu- hnve been reiuired for the sea to at- late the bowels and stomach, thus re- tain its present saitness. lloving all the minor ills from which tired and then when he goes home he often subjects his eyes to further strain by doing chores about the house or barn or reading the paper in im- perfect light. There is nothing that sooner reflects on the general health of the individual than eye strain, for it has a very strong influence on the general nerv- ous mechanism of the body and con- tinuous eye strain may lead in time to igeneral nervous breakdown. ~ The eye is a most intricate piece of SAVED warn w . . «. fifl‘dren suffer. They are sold by Wondrous indeed is the virtue of a medicine dealers or by mail ‘abZS good book. cents' a. box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. __._._¢â€"â€"__ At the Crossroads. A recruit wearing fourteens in boots was enlisted in the Irish Free State army. One night he was included in a rounding-up party, and when the roll was called afterward he was absent. “Has anyone seen Jewell?" asked the sergeant. "Sir,’ said a,.voice, “he's gone up to the crossroa’s to turn round!" _'_â€"¢_â€"â€"__ Value of Insurance. Mike and Pat are sleeping and are awakened by fire gongs. Pat shouts to Mike, "Mike, Tun for yo... in; the house is on fire and the roof is falling in!’ Mike replies, “I’ll not move an inch. I’ll stay right where I am. Sure ’tis meself that's insured against In accidents. Chiropracticaily Speaking. Two colored gentlemen were argu- ing. “You ain’t got no sense," said one. “No sense? Den what’s dis head of mine for?" “Head? Dat’s no head, niggah. Dat's 165' a button on top of yo‘ body to keep yo’ back-bone from unravel- lln'." Drop a little on an aching corn, in- Dpesn‘t hurt one bit! "Freezone" stantly that corn stops hurting. then shortly you lift it right oi! with fingers. Your druggist sells a. tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn. or corn between the toes, and the foot. calluses, without soreness or irritation. ____o.____ Ask for Mlnard‘a and take no other. a‘“ van: low mental-fob fares to, (é ifamififéfisoaa 0 @Zfldg «iiéewficsico .; antiwar 0 Ask for descripuu. iguanâ€" F. 'I‘ licm’iry. Gen. Asvtfi. Santa Fe Ry. Wt Free Pres: 1411.15. Detroit. Mich. Phone: Mam 6547 his nerves get tired, his brain getsl HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, can". 0:. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mt- ton through this column. Address I Eye fatigue is an important subjectlapparatus and construction. . . man is so the people of this province. are 'unrielahorate m design_ To serve the eye, aware of the dangers to their eyesightmo 1935 than twelve muscles are pro- 1 . f (h tWe 31112:: ,vli1ded. 0f tlfiie (tiweivtele intiportant nerves on y one pair 0 eyesâ€" a- is t at. come 0 irec y mm of us who are blessed with hormaltonathird, or four, are 'vision, and the eyes we have are the of the eye, important therefore that we “'3’, tloiare endowed with good eyfis and if ‘3 care is taken we preserve t em. and not subject it to any unnecessarylthere are many Igitfans strain. For a long time it was thought; and from one canse 01. I that Strain 0“ the eyes OUIY applied to i eyesight becomes not so good as it Scarcely anybodythsuiierid‘should be_ A 0 00 ‘ strabismus or squint to “1017715. NOW we filld tflilat maHY£theri1‘lllS often develops in early life due c asses of people are a ‘ected wit eye‘to' weakness of certain Take the farmer P10“?ng hxs:muscles which from one cause or anâ€" the,other fail to develop as they should ! St. ; l 3 him at sonata; Home. BM“. very delicate in its No machine made by erfect in construction or so the brain, for the service Shortly after the start of life we But by the way, another the There is the question of be thought of. of the eye and thus the more powerful and more developed muscles rotate the eye. out of its proper place and the condition commonly known as squint results. There is a remarkable lack of knowlâ€" edge about the seriousness of squint. Many people have the opinion that squint. in children will right itself if left alone. There are thousands of oneeyed people in this province to- day just because their parents thought they would allow the squint to right itself. Intelligent and proper medical treatment of the eyes in squint is the only way by which one can hope for good results. Never leave a case of squint to right itself. Go to an oculist at once, and especially in the case of young children this condition of squint should be rectified if possible before the child is five years old. If allowed to go longer, the sight of the “turned” eye will most likely be damaged for life. An ounce of prevention in this case is worth a pound of cure. ,â€" EASY TRICKS With Three Dice Many of the best tricks are per- formed by utilizing facts about which few people are informed. An effective little trick with dice owes its mystery to the fact that very few persons. even those who are familiar with dice, really know how the spots are arranged. Ask a person to throw three dice while you stand with your back to the table. Ask him to add the number of spots thrown-the total of the spots on the upper faces of the three dice. Then ask him to turn each die upside down and add to the total of the spots on the top of the dice, the total of the spots which are underneath. Ask him to concentrate on the number. Ajter an appearance of ‘ concentre’fon yourself, tell him that Us total is 21. You will be right. . (Clip this out and paste it, with othgfiol thcflsefir's. in a scrapbook.) 4'.â€" How the English Make Toffee. Mix four cups of brown sugar and half a Cup of corn syrup with half a cup of water, and put on the fire, stir- ring carefully until all the sugar is dissolved. Let this come to a boil and then take off the fire and add four‘ tablespoons of butter. Put the mix- ture back on the stove once more and boil until the butter has penetrated throughout the candy. Pour onto a greased enameled ware tray of any kind and, as the candy cools, mark it into squares. “'hen it has hardened break these apart and wrap each piece separately in wax paper. Incidentally, you will find that the labor of “clean- ing up" is a great deal less if you have used an enameled ware saucepan for the cooking, since even the stickiest; mixtures do not adhere long to its por- ' clain-like surface. .______¢_____. If there is one thing that some of us can thank Almighty God for duringl our pilgrimage through life, it is the faithful love and devotion of our dog‘, and horse friendsâ€"R. W. S. Bishop.l Send a Dominion Express Money Or- || der. They are payable everywhere. The French Government recently gave Pierre Lafarguc, a peasant farm- er. a medal because his family had‘E continuously farmed the same pieCe of‘ land for 1,151 years. Keep Minard'a Liniment In the house. , Say : SafV people strength taken for a short time. pkge at your drugglst. Arrow Chemical cal Co., 26 Front St. East, Tcrmto, Ont. go with '03 lium . dyer s/vo new 0 INT 7/19 lied ' I in oil (77/19 lieayy . man/1b paper a to bring you the full richness ‘and mellow sweetness of thisâ€"’ “Tobacco of Quality” Manufactured by » IMPERIALTOBACCO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED 7 The car. Com-e with me where the soft winds blow, Come out where the wild flowers grow Among the yellow daffodils, Come where the fairies play at dusk 0’ day. When the golden sun is slipping away Down beyond the hills. Come with me era the day grows late, Come when the trash is calling his mate In the morning hours. Oh, come with me to the meadows wide and free, And thy heart shall sing the bird's sweet melody. Among the flowers. -_.â€"â€"â€"-.-â€"â€" The flower of a cemmon milkweed catches and holds a cluster fly that .has come in search of honey. ‘lRRI'l’ATE D BY snwmnnusr ocmnm‘s ‘ RECOMMENDED (7 SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GOPIICIANS wan: iJ.\ l-‘REL EYE CARE_BOOK MUNN: CDCHICAWNM \: f' +, “Bayer Aspirin” INSIST! Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you ,arc not getting the genuine ‘ Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phy- sicians for 24 years. Accept only a Bayer package which contains provcn directions Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and looâ€"Druggists Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mond~ , necticacldestcr of Salicylicscid BACKACH E ! Mlnard’s eases the stiffness, re- lieves the pain. Keep a bottle handy. Nervous Penal That haggard, care-worn. depressed look will disappear and nervous. thin gain in weight Euro-Phosphate will when i ‘ troubles which women have. and is Price $1 per A Recoil. A woman had invited a. few friends to play bridge. “‘I wish they were not coming,” she said to her maid; “but when people ask you out, you must have them back." “Of course, ma'am,” came the reply. “One must retaliate!” Classified Advertisement! URE. BEAUTIFULLY FLUFFY. carded wool; sample, enough light comforter; one dollar. Woollen Mills. Georgetown, Ont. Hair Health S h ampo o d‘regularlywith Q J’CuticuraSoap \ and keep your Scalp clean and healthy. Before sham- pooing touch spots of dan- drufi'anditch- ing, if any, with Cuticura Ointment. Sample Each Free by Mail. Address Canadian Depot: “ Outicurn, P. 0. Box 2616, Montreal." l‘ricc, Soap 25c. Ointment25 and 50c. Talcum 25:. W Try our new Shaving Stick. WEAK.RUN B AND Ailliiii Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound Brought Reiief When Other Medicines Failed 3 Port Mann, B. C.â€"â€" “ I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound because I was tired and run- down. I had head- aches and no appe- .tite andwastroub ed ffor two years with ' ‘* >g~lcssness. I tried 1:. , medicines, but inotning did me an 'real good. While was living in Wash- ington I was recom- mendedbyastranger I to take Lvia E. ' ‘ Pinkham's egetaâ€" ble Compound. I am stron er and feel fine since then and am ab e to do my j housework. I am willing for you to a use these facts asatestimonial.”â€"Mrs. J. C. GREAVES, Port Mann, B. C. Feels New Life and Strength Keene,N. H.â€"â€"“I was weak and run- down and had backache and all sorts of l I found i great relief when taking Lydia E. Pinkâ€" ? ham‘s Vegetable Compound and I also used Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sanativo Wash. I am able to do my work and feel new life and strength from the Vegeta- ble Compound. I am doing all I can to advertise it.”â€" Mrs. A. F. HAMMOND, '72 Carpenter Street, Keene, N.H. Sick and ailing women everywhere in the Dominion should try L (113 E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compoun a .. .,_-____â€"â€"-¢ i fit-3‘6. ~53; 334% -____ ' lSSUE No. 18-424.

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