Phone 99.1. Barristers, Solictors. 8w. MANNING ARCADE. 24 KING 31‘. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA I‘ELEPHnNE MAIN 811 Cable Address: “Dedo Arthur A. Macdnnald ank Danton Laura. Demon. B. A. Denton, Macdonala c: Denton ' 85 Richmond St., \Vest. Ofï¬ces { Toronto. Naughluu Block, Aurora. Solicxtor for: Aurora and Richumnd Hill. The Townships of King, \Vhitthul ch sud Markham. F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DELANY BARRISTER. Soucrron. No'mm' ETc Toronto Ofï¬ce. 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. West Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce , “ineral Oï¬ce). every Thursday forenoon. Maple. Thursday afternnon. Woodbriéze. Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at, Out-rent; Rate Walter S. Jenkins Res. Phone lill. 5048 Remains open all year and ad- mits students at anytime. Strong demand for our graduates all the time. Right now is a aplendid time to commence a course here. Thor- ough preparation is absolutely necessary to-day and It always pa ys to attend a strictly ï¬rst-class school and not an imitation one‘ High Grade Instruction Only! 05141017†_ _ n DENTIST Oflice Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bulk. Hour39n..m. to 5.30 p.m. Telephone 3 Potatoes Bought and Sold. Farmers Produce Taken to Market Furniture Moved. Trucking of all description. Sex-vice unexceiled. SI MEON JOYCE, LC .A. M PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS Write to-day for flee catalogue W. J. ELLIOTT - mecn’u ----.v.-. LU _. _ L‘. Commissioner, Conveyuncer, I Insurance and Real Estate Yonge & Charles Sts., Toronto Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 TENOR TEACHER 0F SINGING Now accepting pupils. Stedio over Mr Eortner’s Sbnp. CHOIR-LEADER AND ()RGANIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A. C. HENDERSON Pupil of Josef Lhevinne and Frank 8. Welsman Studio: Over Mr. E. R. Forbner’s Tailor Store. PHONE 95 TRUCKING Von. XLVI. NAUGHTON E'Jisï¬kirié Dr. L. R. BELL EQTARK PUBLIE RICHMOND HILL PELHAM CUAFFEY,‘ 'l _._ A. NIU‘HOLLS THORNHILL, ONT‘ WILLIAM COOK M. J. BURKE PIANO and THEORY .50 per annum, in advance Loan at Out-renthRate RICHMOND HILL 1- Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 School Books at The Liberal Office NORTH YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF. my: _L1LLIA_N c. LANGSTAFF: 0330: hours 10 to 12 6t08p.m. Ofl'lce and residenceâ€"Centre Church SLreets Richmnnd Hill E No. 24. House Win ing and Power Instl Faun Lighting Plants All Kinds of Appliances -â€" Fi Motors, Etc. ,, _--..~..., u-uu :nuay. Mr. J. S. McNair, chairman of Patterson School Bnald, addressed the Board, asking the feel of pupils resid- ing in Richmond Hill Union School Section, but attending Patterson school, be paid direct to the Trensurer of Patterson school. The request. was granted. Mr. McNair stated that. com- mencing the first of this year, the fees be 81.50 per month for senior pupils, and $1 for Primary. A [urge number of accounts were passed, and the Board adjourned. Quick Service Phone Central Box 109 ml. a. n. Watson was appointed associate examiner for the Entrance examinations. A “solution was carried to the effect that commencing next. school term the Public and High school teachers be re- quested to reside in Richmond Hill, at least from Mondgy _untii Friday. I]. v “as. "-5-. nuunul 0e (19- ferred until later in the svason; that the Board are not prepared to pur- chase a gramophone for the Public school, and that the resignation of Trustee Ramer be accepted. A motion was made to purchase through Mr. \V. A. Duncan, full equipment for fire extinguishersâ€"one for each room in the Public lchoul at a cost of $14- each, and two at $18 each. The total cost for both schools to be about $196. Mr. Duncan stated that it would Teduce the insurance 5 per cent. It was finally dvcided to lay the matter of put-chase over till next meeting. Mn. J. R. Watson was apnointed (diseases of womtï¬rgï¬d children.) Office hours I :3 p. m.‘ Phone 100. .. -vv... -A u. unt‘uuLnl‘l‘. bï¬ice hours 8 : 10 a..m. and 6 :8 p.11) 0. l. RUDDELL, D.C. Ph.C DR. M. B. WELLWOOD nection with the‘M-r‘ï¬her' Sunday morning in the Church. IIIâ€"Il-Il al _ , Mathewâ€"and fathers your children next S and help to make the pI-ossive. 7 It is exppmed that [hp ordinance of Bnpfiaim will he adrlpinirsts-rod in con- nnann ..-:‘L - ' OFFICE Consultation F‘ PALMER CHIROPRAOTOR Ofï¬ce:â€"Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Oï¬ice Hours: 10-12; 6-8. Hours: 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m Exuept Wednesday PHONE 117 DRS. LAN GSTAF F Electrical Contractor RICHMOND HILL. ONT BOARD OF EDUCATION Repair Anything Electrical RICHMOND HILL . J. 9. WILSON mic and High school be de- ltil later in the srason; that -d are not; prepared to pur- gramophone for the Public ad that the resignation of Lamer be accepted. : ABOVE DAVIES STORE Presbyterian Services . SOUTHWOOD day until Fridaiy. ' ' McNmirz chairman of Ann ‘ree at the Ofï¬ce u 1,, Essantials, U "5‘? ~' her's Day sex-viéé the Presbyterian: Installations a.m. and ‘ixtureï¬ a and Phone Service at the home of her daugter, Mrs. G. H. Stiver. Uniouville. on Sunday. May 4. at: 1.30 p. m. Inter- ment after service in the Lutheran Cemetery. HOSHlLâ€"On Monday, May 5, at her late residence. Langstaff. erkham Township. Mary Jane Van Horne. wife of Almer Hosbel. in her 66th yegr. Funeral Saturday morning. May 8, to Newmarket R. O. Cemetery. BURKHOLDEB-At Uninnville on Thurs- day, May 1, 1924, Agnes Thompson jenkins. relict of the late Daniel Burkholder, i_n her 76th year. | The annual meeting of the W. C. i 1‘. U.. was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wm. Cook. Re- ! ports were recaived from the ofï¬cers l‘and superintendents of departments, . showing that a very successful year’s 'wnrk had been done, and much in- terest shown in the activities of the society. The election of omcers result- ed in those holding office last year. lheing elected for the same positions i for the ensuing year' A pretty wedding took place in St Mary's the Virgin, Westninreland Ave" at. 7 o’clock on Wednesday evening, April 23rd, when Lily Flurrnce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bahon,nf Toronto, was married to Mr. Ruhert Owen Bnyd. son of Mr. Daivd Boyd, of Kilworthy. Ont. The Easter decorations made a chm-mirg settinay for the ceremony which wns cnnducted by the Rev. Gannn Hurt, with Mr. Oswell Boyd as best man. The bride was given away by her father, wearing n. gown of ivory cantnn crepe with silver trimmings. A coroner, of orange blossoms held her long tulle veil, carrying a bouquet of cnla lillies and ferns. Miss Lillian Bll'bel' as brides maid wore a dress of peacock blue, carrying orpheliu rpses. Mr. A. E Clark played the wedding music and Mr. Neil Campbell, sangfljntil) dur- the signing of the register. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride. After a dainty buffet luncheon the happy couple left by motor for Brautfnrd vimGalt. the bride wearing a preity brown dress of canton wool with hat, gloves and shoes and stockings to match: also a hand- some scarf. The out-ottuwn guests were from Clairville. \‘Voodhridge, Muskoka, Kilworthy and North York. McBE'rHâ€"At the home of her daughter, Mrs. (D11) Leaning-(Jan 1n, Sc. Clair Ave.. Hamilton. Jane BF“, beloved wife of William McBeLb, of Maple, Out, in her uixly-eiglh year. MURPHYâ€"At \Vhitchurch. nn Thms- day, May I, at. his brother’s residence. sixth concessiun nf ‘ \Vhitchurch, John Murphy, )age nf Chicago. "Our Ministers Birthday" will be hvld in Victurin Hall, Thornhill on Friday, May 161b, under the auspices of the VVomans Auxiliary of Trinity church. Play will he prpsentod hy the Gil'lS Auxiliary and Choir of St. Marys Church, Richmond Hill. Kepp the date open for an enjoyable evening. l Admission adults 25 cents, children 15 1 cents. Bills will be out in a day or two announcing the 75th Anniversalyaof the Richmond Hill Agricultural So- ciety's Spring Exhibition to be held in the Purl: Saturday,~ the 24th of May. Over 82,000 will be.offered in prize! for horses, cattle, sheep. swine. ladies work. etc. The special nttmc~ tionl include a 2.30 trot or pace, and a. classiï¬ed race for purses to the value of $300. Also competition in Hun- ter, and Jumper-s. A ID(II;St9["banllet will be held in the New Arena, commencing at. 6 p.m. when outstanding Speakers will give addresses. ' Funeral Wednesd Thornhill Cemetery. Richmend Hill Horticultural Society feels that it has this year a very special premium to pro-smut, to its members. Mr. J. H. Dunlap having donated rose bushes. which will he disuihuted to members in good sland- mg. The dosing meeting for the season. of the Home and School Club. will take the form of a supper nn June 6th. Please rPn)(-n1l)el'lhe datP. Par- ticulars announced later. Mr. Dunlop's Generous Offer Home and School Club 75th Anniversary A Musical Play Boyd -â€"Balson DEATHS in N art-Essentials, .. THURSDAY, MAY 8. 1924 Ma r $4600 will buy on easy terms an eight room brick house, lot 100 feet frontage, garage, good garden, all kinds of fruit on Richmond Street. This is a real good buy. l Rough cast house stable and 11‘} acres on Mill Street. A bargain. I A good cheap Brick Clad House and three acres on Lucas Street. List too large to fully advertise. I No charge for transfers. Loans, Insurance, Notarial Work as usual. Yonge St., RICHMONDIHILL Liberty ; in all things, Charity $525 will buy a splendid building lot on the West side of Church St. All kinds of Lumber. Lath and Shin- gles. Flooring, Sidings, Mouldings. etc. Window Frames. dash and Doors made to order. Dealers in Gyproc and Fibre- Board, Asphalt Rooï¬ng. Shingles. Foltl. Etc. You will be pleased with our prices and promptdelivex y. Let us have your enquiries. Quotations gladly furnished on request. W. H EWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Toronto Office : 2498 Yonge St. Phone Hudson 3408. Richmond Hill Office : Wesley Boyn- ton's Real Estate Ofï¬ce. Yonge St. A member of the ï¬rm will be in Richmond Hill every Tuesday. 26-6!!! MULHOLLAND & SMYTH OFFICE: CHURCH STREET TELEPHONE 11 M RICHMOND HILL Sold or Exchanigd. Mortgage Lozns Arranged. Dominion 1nd Provincial Bonds Bought QAIA A- B‘--L__.., A Mutual Life Assurance Co of Canada J.R.HERRINGTON Service and Satisfaction Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond Street Richmond Hill â€"â€" ALSO-â€" FIRE, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS. AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE . Innes & Sons The Real Estate Man . A. Nicholls REPRESENTING PHONES :â€"Oflico. 87.]. Yard, 13-3. Chick Feed, Puruia Chowder and Blatchford Egg Mash. Cement, Hardwall Plaster, Lime and Tile always in stock, The very best Hard Coal in Nut, Stove, Egg and Pen. Now is me time to order your Coal for next winter. AT THE ELEVATOR A full supply of Purity, Maple Leaf and Royal Honsehold and Pastry Flour, Bran, Shorts, Gluten, Crack Corn and Scratch Feed always on hand. TRADE MARK REGISTERED Leghorns: J. W. BOWMAN Yorkshire: STOP 29 YONGE St. PHONE 44 r 11 R. R., RICHMOND HILL, ONT. $10.00 per 100 100% Fertility Guaranteed SPECIAL Pmcms 0N LARGE Gamma (ALL EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID) EGGS FOR HATCHING BABY CHICKS- Single Comb White Leghorns Custgm Hatching COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. 1! REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE J. T. SAIGEON Maple Lxcensed Auctioneer for tho Countyof York. Sales attended to on nhortelt notice. and at reasonable rates. From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept it number of pupils in Piano, Vocal and -: Theory. -;. Richmond Hill, Friday and Saturday For information Phone 110. MRS. MYLKs. Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L T. C. M. J. EDWARD FRANCIS? NOTARY PUBLIC OUR CAPACITY IS 5,280 EGGS EVERY THREE \VEEKS BROOKLANDS I. D. Ramera J NOTICE $25.00 per 100 till end of April 820.00 per 100 rest of season 1007, Live An ival Guaranteed Thornhill. $5.00 per 100 eggs [Single copies, 3 cts Patronage solicited No. 45 Saturday 110.