Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 May 1924, p. 3

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re...â€" HE uncut GIRL What Mothers Should Do as Their Daughters Approach Womanhood. It growing girls are to become well developed, healthy women, their health must be carefully guarded. Mothers should not ignore their un- settled moods or the various troubles that tell of approaching womanhood. It is an important time of life. Where palior, headache, backache or other signs of anaemia are evident you must provide the sufferer with the surest means of making new blood. Remember, pale bloodless girls need plenty of nourishment, plenty of sleep, and regular open-air exercise. But to save the bloodless sufferer she must have new bloodâ€"41nd nothing meets the case so well as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These Pills increase the supply of new, red blood; they stimulate the appetite and relieve the weary back and limbs; thus they restore health and charm, and bring to anaemic girls the rosy cheeks and bright eyes of strong, happy girlhood. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. o n.o Wise Pat. An Irishman called at a dairy and asked the dairyman if he could supply him with a dozen eggs laid by a black hen. The dairyman was amazed at the ‘lrlshman's strange order, but inform~ ed Pat that he could pick them out himself. Alter Pat had picked out his eggs, ‘ EASY TRICKS l One Hundred Two packs of playing cards are I usually used for this trick but matches, toothpicks, buttons. coins, etc., can be used. You will take fifty of the cards and your friend will take fifty. Then you declare you will show him an obviously fair game at which he cannot win. You claim the privilege of deal. ing first and deal one card. He is to place on that card not more than ten cards. You are to deal alter- nately. the player dealing the 100th card winning. The secret is simple and after you understand it thoroughly you will not have to claim the privilege of dealing first. Always deal on the other fellow‘s cards, enough to bring the total to one more than the next multiple of eleven. As he cannot add more than ten at a time, he will l‘(‘il(:ll a point where he cannot prevent you from deal- ing the 89th card. The best he can do is to deal ten and you will need only to deal one card to make 100. If the other player under- stands the trick you will be unable to win unless you deal first, and deal one card only. the dairyman asked him how he could distinguish eggs laid by a black hen. (Clip this our and paste it. with other [Like scrim. 4n :1 2;:1’xlbook.) "Oh, shure, man,” replied pat, "they're always the biggest." Opportunity is often lost by __.._.;__._ pausing. When the winds fail, take to the The least force suffices to break oars. what is already cracked. fitfiihii‘ililifiivés . e if “As a Stomach Medicine and Tonicâ€"Tanlac is Certainly. Wonderful,” Says» Brock- ville Lady. Adding her voice to the thousands who are praising ’l‘anlae for the re- covery of their health and strength, Mrs. Margaret Cranker, 84 Louis St., Brockville, Ont.. says: “Tanlac is such a grand, good medi- cine and has done so much for me that I will praise it. Following a spell of typhoid fever, two years ago, I was just a shadow of myself and remained so weak I couldn't walk across the floor. Stomach pains and backache TAMA 0 rant car i? tortured me and l was almost frantic (from nervousness. ‘ “My husband, who had used Tanlac 'with line results, persuaded me to try lit/too, and it proved to be just what I needed. Six :bottles helped me back to health and strength and I also gain- v’ed 12 pounds. That was two years ago and l have felt fine ever since. As a stomach medicine and tonic Tanlae is certainly wonderful." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pills, for constipa‘ gtion, made and recommended by the imanufacturers of TANLAC. Save money by using Sl_\_lP Enam- eled Ware cooking vessels. They use less fuel. To satisfy yourself try this convincing test in an 8MP Enameled Sauce Pan and one of equal size made of aluminum, tin Into each pour two quarts of cold water. Place each sauce pan over the fire. The water in the SMP Enameled Sauce Pan will be boil- ing merrily when the water in the other is just beginning to simmer. Save your money. Use SMPc’W/fd “A Face of Porcelain and aHeart of Steel” or other metal. Three finishes: easing. Pearl “'aro. two cash? of pearly-grey enamel inside and out: Diamond “’ue, three cents, light blue and white out- side, white lining. Crystal Ware, three cents. pure white inside and out. with Royal Blue your kitchen. Take hfih Signboards Needed. "Well, hero you are," said the doc- tor, "a pill for the kidneys. a tablet for the indigestion. and another pill for the nerves." “But, look here, doctor," said the patient, “how will the little beggars know where to go when they're in- side?” M... BABY’S mu unfus ALWAYS, [hill in Hill) Mrs. David Gagnc, St. Godfrey, Que, w'i'iteszâ€"“l have used Baby’s Own Tablets for my three little ones and have found them such an excellent medicine that I always keep them on hand and would strongly advise all other mothers to do the same thing." The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which quickly relieve consti- pation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and promote that healthful refreshing sleep makes the baby thrive. They are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvillc, Ont. _.‘-_._.__...‘ o Wembley’s Naval Battles. The Navy is represented at the Bri- tish Empire Exhibition. A special water stage, seventy feet, wide. has been erected, and on this indoor ocean ships take part in representations of famous battles. Two of the most important British victoriesâ€"the Armada and Trafalgar â€"â€"are depicted with remarkable detail. It is impossible to portray the battle of Jutland in the same way owing to the immense area of sea over which it was fought. It has been decided, however, to illustrate the Navy’s part in modern warfare by typical episodes of a naval action of to-dny, and the storming of Zeebrugge is presented in full detail. Spectators survey the whole history of the evolution of the ship of war and of the merchant ship, shown in a pro- cession of vessels each of which is modelled upon its famous original, from the Mora, AD. 1066, to H.M.S. Hood, AD. 1920; and from the high- pooped, square rigged merchantmcn of the Normans to the steanleiveil steel cargo boats of to-day. “wag- Gave Wife as Royal Token. In the early days of Virginia the head of all the allied tribes of Indians was Powhatan, father of Pocahontasi In Powhatan was centred all govern- mental powers. He had a royal ret~i inue as bodyguard, composed of 6|) or: 70 of the most stalwart and fearless: Indian warriors. His subjects plantcdl all his corn and gathered it for him, when it was ripe. He had a large tree-E sure house of many valuable posses,l sions, such as skins, copper, paint and 1 heads and arms of all kinds, and hel had to himself the responsibility of many wives. ' Most of the wives he left at home when he made excursions. but always carried with him two or more where; ever he went. He is said to have had? 20 sons and 12 daughters When for“ any reason he became tired of a wife? he gave her away to some of his? friends as a token of his royal favor. : Powhatan had little relish for theé coronation ceremonies that were in} flicted upon him, and it is said that he accepted the gifts sent by the king, of England with some a1iprclieusiori,‘t believing that in some way or otherl he would be obliged to give an tic-f count of them. r i i l l i ~__...__.' a Buy your outfitâ€"town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. , -â€"_â€".â€"o._.__ __ Danger of Blow Torch. l Do not permit painters to burn off1 old paint with a torch. There are several inexpensive liquid paint rc movers on the market which will do the work better. \Varn plumbers zml repair men to exercise every precau- Jtion in using blow torches or heater; about a building. Carelessness cf workmen has caused many fires. Our church was recently set on fire when a blow torch, used on the bottom of a ldoor, ignited paper on the other â€"C. P. S. t) __.¢_____ Ask for Mlnard‘e and take no other. The New House. Nothing dark or sorrowful Haunts the new house, And not a shiny cricket Or a quick-eyed mouse. They are long sunny windows A wide fireplace, And sweetsiuclliug woodwork, Yellow like lace. We will bring the little house Talk beside the fire, Laughter on the stairway* All its heart‘s desire. Something eager calls to us In every room, And it's all like a garden. “'0 are living into bloom. That which is to be established once for all should be considered long. Classified Advertisements Ultb‘, BEAUTlFULLY FLUFFY. carded wool; sample, enough light comforter; one dollar. Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ont. CHICKS FROM FAMOUS laying strains. Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Wyandottes, $20 a hundred. Safe arrival guaranteed. Chas. Gillespie, Balsam, Ont. g. Keeps EYES Clear, Bright and Beautiful 3‘. which i i better." Writ M rincCo Chicag forEv chool: â€"Rose Henderson. 2“ ' '” ' ' - '- -â€"-â€"â€"0- 1 Keep Minard’s Liniment In the house. l "’“w ‘ 0 Following Orders. : ., "Now. children,” said the teacher.‘ ’ ' “write down all you have learned For Sum mile? apply Mmard'a daily. about King Alfred, but don't say any- Excellent for bunions. thing about the burning of the cakes; I want to find out what else you .. know; 1 Half an hour later Jeanie handed in ’ .- her effort: 1 ' “King Alfred visited a lady at a cot- tage. but the less sail about it the: â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"4:~~â€"â€"â€"~ iv Better give the grass 8. good startl. before turning out to pasture. Earlyl ; Canada! i sceticscideater of Selicyiicacid grass has little strength, and early pasturing kills it. 1 "cashew We want YOUR Cream. We pay highest price. We supply cans. Make daily returns. To obtain best results Write now for cans to BOWES 00., LTD. TORONTO Chapped Hands or Face Cured by one application of MEDORA CREAM. Leaves skin smooth and vel- vety. Used exclusively in Toronto General Hospital for ten years. Ask your druggist for 50c bottle and pre- serve your youthful complexion, or sent postpaid on receipt of 50c. J. A. MacDonald, th.B., 34 Hogarth Ave., Toronto. jig? YO CAN USE YOUR SPARE TIME OR ALL YOUR TIME. 8 THERE'S M ONE Y [N l T. /A. AND PUT Money in Your Stocking! Money in Your Purse! Money in the Bank 1 Act .t-S our Agent. Sell our 8. 5: E. Superfine Hosiery to yourfricntls, neighbours and ucqunintnncrs. The work is Busy. The goods sell themselves. Any Woman will at once rccugnize the high qu.\l3ty of B 8: Elinxicry. This class of hosiery is not generallyobtainablelocally. Therefore. people are anxious to buy from our agents. House‘s-ich who need more ready cash, schoolgirls with books and dresscs to buy, teachers, men or women, any one can sell B 6': 13 llosicry and make money. At the same time they do it real favor to their customers. \V'i'itc Til-day. B. d. E. MANUFACTURlNG 00. (Dept. '1.) London - Ontario Say "'Bayer”- Insist! For Pain Headache curalgid Rheumatism Lumbago Colds Accept only a Bayer whichcontains proven directions Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of :24 and lOOâ€"~Druggists Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in of Bayer Manufacture c.‘ Mono- Slilll @dgll Face Broke Out in Pim- ples. Were Disfiguring. Extremely Sore. “My face broke out in a mass of pimples that were very annoying as well as disfiguring. The pim- . ples were small, hard. red lumps at first, but lncreascd in size and came to a head. The pimples were extremely sore and tender, and l was very much discouraged. ” I read an advertisement for Cu- licura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. I purchased more, and after using two cach of Cuticura Soap, together with the Cuticura Ointment, I was healed." (Signed) Miss Alberta Moore, Salt Springs Sta., Nova Scotia. For every purpose of the toilet and bath. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum are excellent. Sample Each Free by Hall. Address Csnadleg Depot: "Cutieura, P. 0. Box 2616, Montreal. Prion, Sono‘ibc. OintmentZS and 503. Talcumzfie. Try our new Shaving Stick. wanna” NERWUS WREGK TellsWomen How She Was Restored ; to Perfect Health by Lydia E. Pinkbam’s Vegetable Compound _._â€" Man.â€"“ I cannot speak what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound has done for me. I was a nervous wreck and I just had to force myself to do my work. Even the sound of my own chil- dren )laying made me fee as if I must scream if they did not get away from me. Icould not even speak right to my , ‘ husband. The doctor 2' said he could do nothinrr for me. My hus- band’s mother advised me to take-the Vegetable Compound and I started it at once. I was able to do my work once more and it was a pleasure, not a bur- den. Now I have a fine bouncing baby and am able to nurse her and enjoy do-~ ing my work. I cannot help recom» mending such a medicine, and any one i Seeing me before I took it, and secinr , me now, can see what it does for me. am only too pleased for you to use my testimonial.‘ â€"â€"Mrs. EMILY DAVIS, 721 McGee Street, Winnipeg, Man. Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text- ; Boos u n “Ailments Peculiar to ,‘ Women ’ will be sent you free upon request. Write to the Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co., Cobourg, Out. This book contains valuable information. 0 _. .4 â€"~._. ._..._v.~. lSSUE No. 19â€"‘23. Winnipeg, too high y of

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