Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 May 1924, p. 4

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Cedar pa sale. We want, your WC Come and try us. Possession May 1: 48v“. RICHI‘ The Maple Sa Companv, Lt'd: Cement, dx'ain t Culvert; tile 13. s’AM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER Oxford Street Phone 128- r 12 OETGB'EE iii; 12. 15.18 and zu 1 (30 inches in length) Also Cement, Brick Sand or Gravel sold by the load in car lots. Cedar masts and telephone poles Wish to announco that they have bought. the carriage works of Wm Trench 86 Son, and will be prepared to do all kinds of CARRIAGE. \VAGON, ‘ "" A "VCMI’I‘HING REPAIRS Notice of Application for Divorce uv ul- .- and. BLACKSMITHING and new work, including: boxes; Also putting rub carriage wheels. Work promptly done. JOHN R. CAMPBELL 09.11 by ruuuu u”,â€" __.., 7 Saturday evenings from NOTICE is hereby given that Vera Thelma Gooderham. of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario. married woman. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at. the next session thereof for a bill of Divorce from her husband Stuart Wilmot Gooderham, of the said City of Toronto, Broker, on the grounds of adultery and desertion. DATED at Toronto. this 28th day of A ril, A. D1924. ERA THELMé GOODERHAM, Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brig]: Notice of Application ior Divorce NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that William John Taylor, of the‘Uity of Torontn, in lhe- County of Yurk. in the Pruvince of Ontario, street car Conductor. will apply to the Parlia- ment of Canada. at the present Session thereof fur a. Bill of Divorce from his wife Ethel May Taylor. of the Qity of Tqronto. in Lhe County 0 1", ._:‘,.‘ .J [\non-ln 1‘" vl'] Yorkiin Eh; VPrbVince nf Omar-id. on {be grounds of adultery and desex'linn. 7 . .. m . , __.. 11-h. ..£ .n.-..5,. ... w- b.‘._..__ ,, _ DATED at the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, this 8th day of April. 1924. HEYD, HEYD. SHOREY & NEWMAN. 514-516 Confederatiun Life Building, Toronto. Solicitors for William John Taylor. the above named applicant. «1 1-45 JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 Moderate prices. Village Council, 15h Monday Band of Education, lst. Monday Board of Trade, 2nd Monday Horticultural Society, 3rd Tuesdav. Public Libraryâ€"â€"0pen Tuesday and ’ ’ " '1 to 9 o'clock. “‘n rnm gm Full stock of repairs on hand. Look over your muchiuely and let, us know before the rush starts what your requirements will be. VETERIN ARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Cor. Arnold 8: Yonge. BUILDERS SUPPLIES Caldwell and Paterson Massey-Harris Repairs Pine Lam Cedar Shingles Roofings Far paper Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring by her Solicitors, MU HPHY & DONALD, 302 Bay Street, Toronto. 00E ARNOLD as YONGE 31's phone or otherwise promptly Rogular Meefinl' C. M. PALMER May 1, 1924. RICHMOND HILL‘ Sand. Gravel and Brick d, have on hand for sale. I tile. 3. 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch Building paper COUSINS. work. ng auto-delivery rubber tires on “Ito Wallbo‘u‘d on hand G 3' prock and Bripk Manager Doom load 0! Sash ONT have 44-48 for When Miss Agnes MoPhail, the only lady M. P. at Ottawa. gets up before an Ontario audience and points to what she may think would be im- provements in our school system, she is quite within her rights as an interested citizen. But does it not seem 5 little out of place to go to the United States and belittle our laws. yubu v n -â€". more adaptable for handling and dis- p‘ay. This Magazine, being Purely Canadian, should be in many Canadian home: in preference to some other magazines that are published in another country. A Canadian Press Despateh, dated May 3, says that Miss Mchail in a public address at Washington stated that “the school text books of Canada require disarmament" “History and Literature as taught to Canadian youth. teamed with war sentiment, and idolized the warrior.” We all know that the Ontario school system is by no means perfect. but a fair criticism in our own Provine might produce better results. In the new to msmuu Ottum, Toronto will gm instead of six as at pre ‘haz York will have three stead of four, South Yc appear. I: is understood :5 possible. County bound; be respected. The Canadian Magazine, begin- ning with the May number will be chrnnged to approximately the same as Red Book, etc. Each page will contain 420 lines or two columns_ 210 lines deep. This will make the page 9 x 12. The new size will be r -- a - ,..g‘_.....:,z:a sudden death of J. Walter bully. K. C.. from pneumonia, after one week’s illness, Mr. Curry had made for himself an enviable reputation. He was Crown Attorney for Toronto for several years, and his fearless attack on the poolroom bucketshops will not soon be forgotten. The late Mr. Curry represented South East To- - uh”.- .mA nut/nun vu -_V '_ will not soon be forgotten. The late Mr. Curry represented South East To- ronto in the Ontario Legislature, and less than a year ago he was made registrar of deeds. It will be men by minutes of Vil- lage Council that at the meeting Monday evening apetition of our citizens wan presented asking the Council to proclaim daylight saving to coincide with Toronto dates. No doubt many who signed the petition would preter to jog along by standard time, but when they consider that scores of our citizens live in Richmond Hill, but hold posi- tions in the city, they feel inclined to sacrifice their own personal feelings aid turn their time-pieces on one hour the summer months. People living, my in Bradford, Barrie or other towns at a distance may feel quite independent of Toronto Not so in Richmond Hill. We are governed to a. certain extent. by Toro'nto and the Radial Railvmy in spi e of ourselves. By falli g inio line scores of mothers will be lequired to get ready on'y three meals a day where they now got. five 01' Si“. An Evonhg Tuesday’s THE SAME OLD TROUBLE By simply attaching a Toronto Pumping Engine to your pump you can have running water for every purpose you desire. Think of the time and labor savedâ€"the freedom from tiresome pump- mg. Toronto Engines with direct connected jack are easily, _ but securely attached to the pump. Specially designed for ‘ umping service. Smooth-running and almost noiseless. 5E3:in adjusted to any height of ump. Operate economically on gasoline. An independent pulley on the ‘ )cnnk-shaft makes power available for operating the 3' chum, separator. washing machine. etc. A Tomato Water System. with this direct connected EMIM and Pump jack will give you Ute advantage: of div water um'cc. See me about It or ask me for book. uni-g paper intimates tint iew re distribution bill at Toronto will get nine seats, f six as at. present. Also will have three ridings in- four, South York to dis- It is understood that, as far ._- .n ’ :ONTARIO WIND ENGINE ‘8. PUMF‘ Cughm Let This Engine Pump Your Water County boundaries are to of J. W per: announced the alter Curry. TRAWBERRY PLANTSâ€"Black cur- rant bushes, and raspberry bushes for snle: also a few settings of duck eggs. G. YEREX. Elgin Mills, Phone 249 Maple. 44-46 ‘V ANTEDâ€"General servant. Also gill to look after children. Apply ‘ " ‘ 45â€"46 WANTED-Moman weekly. Apply Yonge Street, Stop 43326. Ln'mnKL OFFICE~ \N Auxuu â€"n F... u. ... , - or light house work. MRS. SLINGSBY, John St, Thomhill. phnnp 1” L 44-48 OR SALEâ€"Indian Scout motorcyclp, model 1921. in good running order, run 2 seasons. reasonable price. Apply G. F. HAWKINS. in care of F. A. CLARK. Gormley Ont., Z§ miles east of 44-45 Richmond Hill. ANTEDâ€"Life Company with Head Office at, Waterloo contemplates opening an Agency at Richmond Hill. One representative wanted for this locality. Good opportunitivs for right man, with District Office supervisinn and assistance. W'rite P. 0. Box 175, Waterloo. Ont. r potatoes, Bell’svue' per bag. 1 spring wagon‘ 3 tons cnw hay at $11 per LOUIS L. NICHOLS, Vic OR SALEâ€"Large bank ha foundation and silo of blocks, includes manure car cow Itanchlcns. Apply MRS. “Braehar”. Thornhill. ‘Un uAuu uu nu“ - _ _ with stone foundation, cellar, Wired. and large lot. Easy terms. Also for sale, oak sidobnurd,hand carved. good extension table, (Mk, 1 3piece bedroom Sllltf’, springs and mattress, nearly new, 1 good Brnssel rm: 9 x 12 ft.. 1 Velour couch. I. D. RAMEK 45â€"47 WAESERg; FOR SALE OR RENT with stone fmln .‘ Du IA. )Alnrâ€"n u...h...._ H, _ I quart, as long as it lasts. Send in your order early to J. A. ROSE, Maple. 43â€"48 ASTUREâ€"F‘m‘ horses and cattle by the month or the season. Good shade and runnning water. One A “*1" kn EJSEréE'ches of GEO. W. MURRAY. ANTEDâ€"Sewing. dres Pmbrnidely, heading, wonk. Called for and delivere‘ P. 0. Box 147‘ Village. OB SALEâ€"Brick house on Centre St. East. six rooms, pantry and hath, oak floors, finished first-class throughout, summer kitchen attached, fruit, trees and shl'ubbery. Apply to \V. HALL. 43-45 0R SALEâ€"Seed field pmnse. J. \V. BOWMAN, Bl'noklnnds, Stup 29, Yonge Street. Phone 44 r 11. 414?". EED GRAINâ€"For sale, of sved Bamwr (mm; of seed barley. and a q lfpring rye, GEO. T. MCNAIJ 1)LATFORM H‘ALESâ€"F‘t Ohalhnm platfm m scalvs. Hm'mm. Richmond Hill. muuu Ins. u." .0 u hww . . PARK FLORAL Co. LIMITED. OR SALEâ€"A valuable team of mares, young and sound, \ve?ght 3.000 lbs. 0119 is l‘t‘glbtb'l'ed. BEUFORD an LA‘ AINT-e OR SALE OR SALEâ€"Two springers. JOHN KIRKLAND. Richmond Hill 46 Luc nun. . u....._v acres of a Inun. Apgly to MURRAY,W00dbl'idge, . .2. (3-45 A bargain paint, $1.00'a lâ€"F‘m‘ horses _aud cattle Woman to clean one day Apply Mas. MECREDY, Stop 29. Telephone 45 5. A girl as mother helper, ‘lnc ‘â€"A quantity of seed , Bell‘svDepnsit at $1.10 ing wagon, McLaughlin. at $11 per ton, in barn. I" : 7 a ' Vlctorm Square- bank barn. With silo of Cement mre carrier and fly M 35. NISBET. 43-46 dressmaking, aqdingu crochet sale, a quantity nab; a quantity 3 quantity of rNAIR, Jefi'mson 4041‘. Frame hguse Pt ) 1. SH le w; H . H 7d. Apply 4514B 43-45 39'tf Modern Dancing Taught by RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE A large stock nf Funeral Furnishing Kept, at, the above places You hear it everywhere that. in the World for the money. A in a car you’re proud to own. WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers In no other car near the price will you find such deep luxurious comfort as in the well upholstered seats of an Overland, nor will you find the big-car riding ease of Triplex Springs (patented), nor an all steel body wit: long ’asting baked enamel finish. When it comes to real pleasure, nobody gets more out 01 an automobile than Overland Owners. Overland is at once a joy and a saving in gasoline, oil, tires and upkeep from the first day you own it, on and on through a long, long life of faithful service. Other Overland models: Roadster 3710 All prices f.o.b. Toronto. Taxes extra. The Car Come and see the Star and we W111 give you a trial spin. 1 ately in congested city street or on rough country road. It’s a quick running and powerful Continental Red Seal Motor. THE engine responds immedi- nfplv in r‘nndpsfed CitV street Studio : Centre St. W RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. STAN. WOODHEAD DANCING C. M. PALMER & SON Cor. Arnold and Yonge Sts., Richmond Hill TIIE ARISTOCRAT 0F LOW- PRICED CARS every where that. the big new Overland is the most automobile for the money. A biggercnginelâ€"bigger powerâ€"silky actionâ€" Terms on Application 3710, Champion $945. Sedan $1,125. 378 Berresford Ava, \Vest Toronto. Phone Junction 0072. Leave Orders at. Glenn's Drug Store. Richmond Hill. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Touring Canadian Tenor and Choir Leader Soloist, North Parkdale Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupils in Rit-hnmnd Hill on Thmsdays. $710 Studio, Mrs. N. J. Glass, 2nd dom- nm Lh of Methodist Church Particulars can he nbtained by call- ing. Plume 22 Ring 11. 29- JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Wm. C. Ruttan

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