The Maple Choral Class under the Ridership of Rev. Mr. Ruberts, of King City, was awarded second prize hat \Vednesday night at. the musical competition in Massey Hall, Rev. M: Roberts and the class are to be con; The funeral of the late June Bell. be- loved wife of Mr. \Vm. McBeth, tonk placa on Monday to Mount Pleasant cemetnry. The sympathy of all is ex. tended to the husband and mmin in their and bereavement.“ _ SR. IIIâ€"John .Wilsou. Margaret Duncan, Dunald Boyuwn, Harold Roake. Jus. Kai-swill. (Ralph Mackie, Maurice Patton equnl.) Alice Innes, Rosie Wuodhead. Isobel Sanderson. Nelda Davis, Mary Kirkland. Irene Deadman. (Anna. Phipps. Oecil Tuck equal,) Jenn Hall, Teddy Bennett, Helen Brillinger. Isnbcl McLean, Marjorie Gminger.’ Dorothy Mason. Grant Innes, M. Thumpsnn. Lillian Patch. Beryl Sandal-Sun. Hazel Cald- well.‘ Beatrice Unldwell.’ "Absent, for one or more examination!) F. E. RICHARDSON. Teacher. jl. IVâ€"George Hard. W. Rember, Vera Morris. Chas. Lendrum, Agnes Robinxon, Bessie Scrivener. Lucy Savage, Tom Coveyduck, Verna McLean, L-nrerne Wright,‘ Fred Sanders‘ The Easter "bank-offering meeting of the W. M. .. of the Presbyterian Church was held in the choir room on Tuesday, April 22nd. A most interest~ inn and instructive paper on “Central India and Its People." was given by Miss Moyle. A solo was sung by Miss Margery Atkinson. Thank-offering collection $64.75. The Richmond Hill Fire Brigade is pleased to acknowled e the receipt of A $25 cheque from Mr. gercy Brillinger, following the fire that burned one of his barns, hay.etc. Mr. Brillinger feels sure that his other burns and outbuild- ings would have suffered a similar fate but for the good work of the Brigode and willing workers. Yonge street and other sheets in the Village were gaily decorated Friday morning when the caretaker and his nssnstant went their rounds to collect the garbage. It. is hard to conceive Ihut such a collection of tins and crockery and refuse of various kinds can accumulate twice a year. Special meeting of the Junior League, Monday, May 12m at 4 p. m., to be held in the Methodist School room. An address will be given by Mrs. 'I‘l'lvett, a returned Missionary from China. Alw :\ gond programme will he‘given by the mo-mlwrs ul the League. Eu-ryhnily is ct-ldinlly united to spend u pleasant hum- with us. Unmeand lwlp the league, by your pl'PSellce, Uuuw and hvnr swim-thing guud. FAITEFULLâ€"On \Vednesday‘ Apxil 30, 102‘. M, 150 Ramleizh Ava. Ton-unto, to Mr. and Mrs. F. Faithful“. (nee Vera Olubine.) a daughter. A large number of ladies from Rich- mond Hill, attentiod (he Missionary tea at the home of Mrs. N. Smellie, of Thurnhill, lust Saturday. They re- port an excvllent pregramuw, the chief feature being an informal talk on Mission Work in China by Miss Dickâ€" son who is home nu furlough. Remember that May 11th is to be observed as "Mother’s Day." Honour mother by wearing a. flower to her memory and by attendance at church. In the Methodist Church at 11 am. there will be a mvthei’s choir and an appropriate address. Strangers spe- cially invited. A meeting to nominate a candidate kw the poflï¬on nf Pubï¬c Schnm Trustee. will he held in the Council Chamber, Monday evening, commenc- ing at, 7.30. This wilth f0llnwed by a Council meeting at which the questiun of new time vs old time will be din cussed. Capt. H. A. Burrell. the nlficer in charge of The Salvation Army in Aurora, will he in town this week in connection with the Army's annual Self-Denial effont. The walk of the Army needs nu introduclinn. Kindly have your donatiun ready when the Captain calls. The annual meeting of the Women’s Institute will he held at the home of Mrs. McCague, on \Vednesduy. May 14th, at 8 p. m. Election of officers will take place. Afull attendance is requested. Prize Lists for the Richmond Hill Exhibition will be ready for distribu- tion Saturday. Parties interested who do not roceive a. copy may gen one by calling up the Secretary. Mr. J. Mc~ Lean. Rev. J. \V. McIntosh attended the regular meeting of the Toronto Presbytery on Tuesday. Hon. EM. Black. Provincianroasurer‘; of Manitoba, was a week-end visitor at i the Manse. ‘1 Richmond Hill Public School Report BIRTHS MAPLE eééifizg’ï¬iï¬Richmond Hill Motors Ford Coupe with Hassler shock, all around tires good, $195.00 Ford Coupe, a snap, $285.00 Ford 1-2 ton truck, with closed top, $175.00. - Ford 1 ton truck. 1921 Chevrolet Touring, $300.00 The Liberal for School Books BAVARDIES--The Belgian Draft Stallion, 2469â€"11336, the property of J. G. Einlmden, Eglintnn R. R. 1, will travel through Sullivan‘s Corners, Dollar. Patterson, Maple, ’l‘eston, Elia. Home stable, lot 12. con. 2 East York. Terms $20. KEYNOTEâ€"Pure-bred Imported CldeS< dale stallion [23899] (20044) thv property of Bowes & Boucock, will travel through Concord, East York, Kilgnur Farm, Markham, M;lple_ King. Edgeley. Home stable at Gon- cord. Terms $17. The family of the late Mrs. NancyA. Hm-ner wishes to thank the relatives, friends and neighhors for theirflnrul tributes, kindness and sympathy in their recent, and breavement. A meeting of the Curling Club will be held in the club room on Saturday evening, May lath. at eight o'clock. It is dPSil'ed that, as many of the members as possihle will attend this meeting. as it will be the laat meetingof the Season, so that all the business of the year muy he finished up and that the books may he in shape for llw auditors. GEO. C(HVIE. Secwtury. USED CARS Rev. T. W. Neal. General Secretary of the Methodist. Union, preached in the Methodist: Church on Sunday evening. I RICHMOND STREET, RICHKOND HILL} Representing The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York INQUIRIES SOLICITED } Standardized Merchandise handled by us may be seen in other stores, but a study of our frequently~changed Window Display. and a general comparison, will readily convince you of our reasonable quotations. Next. Sunday being Mothers’ Day suitable services will be held in the Sabbath Schools. REV. Dr. Norman, of Japan, and Miss Kilpulrlck, of the Deaconess Home. Toronto. will address the Methodist Sabbath School in the aflernonn. Everybody will he made welcomv. and it is hoped LhPre will be a good aï¬tendance. Gomfnuniou éérvices were held in the Methodist church on Sunday ovgpiug.‘ The Eeachers and pupils of the public school observed Arbour Day. After the work was done a trout was pro- vided. gratulated on their succels. after their faithful practice during the winter months. The adjudicatorn gave some very favorable criticisms on the work do_ne by the class. WELL WORTH THE MONEY AMBROSE L. PH IPPS CARD 0F THANKS Sta'licn Register NOTICE W†W ' We 6k Bargain Ewes-31a}! 8 “3 tolm Our fresh stock assures you of se- curing just the Gold Seal Congo- leum Rug you want at big money saving prices. MRS. W. DAVIES Richmond Hil! Pl Gold Seal \[Let us give you a | Square Deal [S n Ommdian Institution, and is the prunerty uf the Policy Holders them- sehex‘. This fact enables you to secme lulv Insurance at Cost. 'J‘net-e is No Substitute for Life In- sm .mce. Enquiries solicited: f‘. H. BYAM, Agent. Maple, Ont. Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Now is the time to have your car repainted. The summer is almost here and ï¬rst, come will he ï¬rst, svrved. Consult. me romuding prices, etc. Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and_ Humourous Sketches, Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 30 tf 9 line wire 48 in. high 22 in. stay 620. 9 line wire 48 in. high 165 in. stay 58c. 8 line wire 48 in. high 22 in. stay 47c. 8 line wire 48 in. high 16; in. stay 510. All No, 9, hlrd steel wire U-Bar post price 54c f7ï¬e Mutual £ife ï¬ssurance Company AUTOMOBILE PAINTING Phone 129â€"43. RICHMOND HILL 42â€"45 We are selling fence below mail order house prices. ELOCUTION ‘V. BIQNSON Miss Marguerite Boyle Cor. Arnold & Yunge St Rear June-s Lumber Co. NEW PAINT SHOP JOHN ESPEY, Elgin Mills. Phone 232 PRICE 42-47 Spring Millinery now on display. We l\re ready with a full line of the nowast and popular Styles in Hats. 01- will make to order to suit your taste. and will alter hats MADE I-r SOLD by US. .UURSEI‘Sâ€"A 1:1 Grace and \Varners, none better, also full line of n ~_‘w., , w..- v-_â€". Silk and Silk u: d \erI. "' WOOLQâ€" Lady Ramsav in all the newest shades, double knitting, floss, and yarn fnr hnsierv. NECK WEAR ~â€"VLingerie. fancy goods, silks and D. M. C. for working. A beautiful line of ginghams and trimmings. cottons, linens, linen roller and tea toweiliug. prints, etc. ‘u “luv-v u nun-w»: v. nan-Iv QUALITY SHOPPE Millinery, Dry Goods, Ladies Wear Brassieres David Hill, Dealer, Richmond Hill W. G. BEDFORD, All ready-to-wear suits or trousers altered to ï¬t you frae of charge. Odd trousers from $3 .50 up. Ladies blue serge skirts made to order from $7.50 Richmond Hill _ I am prepared to meet your spring demand for suits and overcoats with the latest spring goods, either In ready-to-wear or tailored to your measure, Right Here, No Factory Work. Links in a Chain New Spring Suits "QUALITY AND SERVICE,†our Motto. “'9 dn not sell at cost: it can’t, he done, but we can, and will meet any honest competition. â€"TRY US â€" Trench Block HOS} ERY â€"- Hojeproof. Mercury Ladies Suits of blue serge made-to-order $35.00, CLEANING AND PRESSING SATISFACTORY DONE "They My ' com a, flgiomcbflï¬pslgf 11 4 C guq him-Buick AS every Link in a Chain is an indispensable part and contributes to the strength of the whole, so every branch and sub-branch of this Bank is a vital unit, closely united with all the other branches, and is a link in a strong chain which en- circles the world and guards the ï¬nancial safety of clients. Whey compam .111 “mam falls with Niagara, Mrs. Norman Batty STAN DARE) BAN K 3/; % GENERAL RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, . R. FORTNER Ladies and Gents’ Clothier and Tailor. OF CANADA , and other well-known makes of Lille THE Phone 53 Manage: