Special attention given to sales 01 every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. Allsales at- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the mostapproved methods. Patronage solicited. 415 Bnlliol St". Toronto. Phone Hudson 1347 w LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY 01:- YORK AND ONTARIO {m PHONE 93 “WOWWWW J. H. Prentice TIIBH|0HMOND HILL FURNISHING STORE The Meaning of Chevrolet’s “Economical Transportation†Ask us about the GMA.C. Deferred Payment Plan NORM AN J. GLASS C. N . COOPER Chevrolet is easy to own. Th deferred payments will enable purchase. Investigate the new today. An investigation amOng Chevrolet owners of all classes, shows that it is not only more convenient -â€"but also more economicalâ€"to travel by Chev- rolet than by railway-train or trolley car. The information received gives an average of 30 miles per gallon of gasoline and over 1,300 miles per gallon of oil./ But, more than that, it means that Chevrolet is more economical than any other kind of trans- portation. SPRING HAS ARRIVED IT is more economical to travel by Chev- rolet than by any other means. That is what it means to say that Chevrolet is the most economical form of transportation. This implies, ï¬rst of all, that Chevrolet costs the least per car-mileâ€"that it is less expensive to operate than any other make of car. from $5.50 to $7 .00 Also hats, shirts, gloves, underwear, and etc. For Women and Children we have spring Oxfords and Pumps. The latest in silk and wool mixtures. Men’s socks for spring, from 50 cts. to $1.50 We have the Holeproof Hosiery for men. Men’s Oxfords in the latest spring style, See our stock of ties, from 75 cts. to $1.50 Rakes - Spades Shovels and Hoes for Spring Work Come in and look them over C. N. COOPER PAINTING. DECORATING Phone 306, King. SAMPLES FREE The G.M.A.C. plan of ble you to ï¬nance the ew Superior Chevrolet r. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. Wall Hafngings - O _ Artistic Charm Richmond EHill 0-7“ The Building Inspectm- stated that some parties in the Village were ignor- ing the pi-OVisions of the Building By- law. and suggest that the Council take immediate steps to have the bylaw en- forced. On motion of Councillor En- dean, socnndej by Councillor McLean and c Mimi, the Clerk was inetructed to write the parties in default. notify. A letter from the Hydro electric mil- wnv nolifying the Council that the Railway schedule is according to Day- light Saving time, and asking forin- formation HI to the Council's intention as to making the change of time in Richmond Hill. The Clerk was in- structh to reply to the effect that the (391100“ was consideiing the matter. l Mr. Arnold stated that. there was little or no chance of getting water to his greenhouses and while he was pay- ing taxes for fire protection he Was not getting it. while a chemical engine, such as was advocated would give the protection needed. Mn Dunlr‘p pointed out that the gieenhnuse industry em- ployed cnnsideinhle labor and paid out a. huge amount, of Wages annually; he also stated his opinion that the im- portance of this industry to the. Village deserved the consideration of the Council in the matter under discussion. The Council gava the deputation the assurance that every consideration would be given to the question. ‘ A depuiatiun cnnlmosod of Messrs Mills. Alnnid and Dunlup addaessed the Council wilh reference to the pur- chase of a Chemical F'iri2 truck Mr. Miils SLIE'Srd the possibility of damage to the Greenhouse industry as inning much greater than would he invnlvvd by any other industry in case of fix-9, and the consequent greater necwsicy of a. move effectivn means of fighting fire than we at present puswsgs. Letters from the American La France 00., and frnm Mr. W. A. Duncan, were read with reference Lu Fire trucks. the Ulerk was instructed to write Mr. Duncan. asking fur prir‘es and full particulars of the apparatus specified in his letter. A Communication flom the Canadian Des Moines 00., Ie painting the water tank was received, to which the Clerk was instructh to reply. A request hen) the Salvation Army, «If Aulw ra. was read asking punnissiun to hold a tag day on May 24.11, was read. On motion pal-mission was granted in as far as Ibe Council hnd authority in the maltrr. Major Blaney addresscd the Council with a View to having needed improve- mean on the Richmund Street drain- age. he uï¬ered to deepen the ditch in front, of his own plopeI-Iy pmvided the Council would continue the wmk to the proper Millet. The Council assured Major Blane-y that this Work was cuntemplated for the near fu’lne. An application for elm-Hit power was wad from Mr. J. F. Burr. and “ms laid over until next, meeting of Chum-i]. A quuisition from the waterworks aupelintcndent for meters and other material was read and on motion the Clerk was instructed to procure the material needed. A petition signed by L. 'l‘eetzel and 125 others was read asking the Council to proclaim daylight saving in Rich- mond Hill to coincide with Toronto dates for the same. Messrs Mylkl and Cooper addressed the Council on behalf of the Loyal Orange District Lodge of Centre York, with a View to having an assurance that the Park Grounds and Buildings would be available for a demonstration on July 12 next. The Cnuncil gave its assurance that the Park and Buildings u ould be at [he Lodge's service as re- quested. The Village Building In- spector reported that Building permits to the value of 8255000 had been issued for the innnth of April. 7 1‘ Tho Council met on May 5, 1924, in the Clerk's office, all the members present. Minutes of previous meetings lead and confirmed. \Vill all Badrhall. ramices, ay 12. SECOND Roux!) \Villowdale at Richmond Hill, July 8. Richmond Hill at Aurnra, July 1]. Smuflville at Richmnnd Hill. July 16 Richmnnd H’ll at wlthVddlE’, July 19. Richmond Hill at Newmmkel, July 20'. Richmond Hill at Stoufl’ville. July 29. Aurora at, Richmond Hill. August. 1. Newmarket at Richmond Hill, Aug. 8. Saturday games called at 3 o’clnck Standard Time. All other games called at 5.30 Standard Time. The ofï¬cers Bhosen are Wilbert Cousins, of Maple. president; W. Rnlling. Laskay, first vice-president; George T. Elder, of Elder’s Mills, second vice-president; W. T. Whit- mqre. of Edgeley, secretary; W. Wilda, Woodhridge. treasurer. and quk Buggs und Ed. W. Brown, auditors. The executive will consist. of the officers and one member from each of the clubs nampd. it was decided that the schedule for 1924 should include Woodhridge, Elders Mills. King City, Maple, Thornhill, Tlflstletnyn. Edgeley and Ebeflgrzgr. At the annual meeting of the Wnod~ bridge and District Football Association FIRST ROUND Richmond Hill at Aurora, May 28. Aurora at Richmond HillI June 7. Richmond Hill at Sloulfvillo, Jum- 10 Richmond Hill all Aumia, June 14. Newman-th at Richmond Hill, June 20. Richmond Hill at Newmarker, June 25‘ Stouï¬â€˜ville at, Richmond Hill, jun? 28. Willowdale at Richmond Hill. July 5. Sporting Notes VILLAGE COUNCIL. those who are interested in turn out to all regular Practices to start Monday, Footballers Organize Baseball Schedule \Vntson, Ruby Jefferies, Hugh Mc- Dunald, Victor SLPphenson, Allan Sumner, Phillip Jones, Fred Shelley. Clifford Riddell, Jack Ulupham. Connie Mottelshall. JR. IVâ€"Iemima Dalgelty. Gladys Hooper, Tum Gill. Chrilina Dalgeuy, Georgina. Firth, jelsie Shelley. Jnhn Gill. Dorothy Shelley, George White- law. Raymund \ankm'. JR. Il-Ifâ€"Eslhctl‘ Johns, Bob Eaton, Morley Findley. Kenneth Brillinger. Edith Davies, Ida Graham. Gordon SR. IVâ€"Imla Brilling, Ivan Ground. Harold Echlin, II»; Brillinger,N0rmu Ground. Clark Scott, Fred VVosley, Ethel Gil], Isahesl Farr, Floyd Denies, Edna \Villshire, Beatrice Morning. Kathleen Eaton, Eva Parkinson, Marguerite Echliu (ahsentJ Th9 following is the repmt of the neninr rncm of Thurnhill Publlc School 'OFAPEU; The Woman’s Missionary Society of Vic-[min Sqnme Melhodist Chunch. we having their anniversary service‘s, aflmnm-n and pvening. Mav 11th. Addmssm by a jupanese student of Vivtmin Unllvge. 'l‘ho choir will be vss‘eted hy the Stoufl’ville Quartette n! 2.30 in lhe- nftm‘nnnn. nnd by the Pike fumilv nf Ziun Melhndist Church of Immaroux 7.30 in the evening. Every- body welcome. Service and Iermon at 7 o’clock. Subject: “Mother. the uncrowned Queen." A cordial invitation extended to all numbers of the community to worship with us. Zion's Ev. Lutheran Church, Sherwood The Rev. P. S. Barinqer, B. D.. Pastor. T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPI. 8 Limited - TI: Phone 33 Ont. Are you a Subscriber ? The ladies aid of this church are having :1 ie social at the home of Mrs. George 00d, on Wednesday evening. May 14th. Ladies please bring pies. Everybody Welcome. Mr. J. A. Bales was appointed assistant at Waterworks pump house. Accounts amounting to $591.94 wele read. and ordered to he paid. On motion Council 'adjonrned to meet on Monday, May 12 at 9 p. m. The chairman of the Parks Com- mittee was requesth to take steps to have the park properly drained, using 4 inch tile. inq them that provisions of the by-law mggt be pomplied with.» AH {hose interos'ted are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Thp stutntnry tax is a: fullmVs: Male doge, it only one $2.00; for each additional dog $3.00 when kept. by the same person. The. tax nu Female dogs is $5.00 for one. nrd $6.00 fur each additional une kept: by the‘szlme pplfmn. Ownere m' hurhmvels of dogs within Richmond Hill arr- hmeby notified that the Village (Yaw-tnkvr will Call during the week lwginning May 12, to deliver dog Lugs and to collect the tax there- 0P. Bring Your Business to Me and Get Service. Public Notice Re Dogs Prompt Adjustments of Claims and Prompt Service RICHMOND HILL VICTORIA SQUARE . 8: S. STANDARD TIRES H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES LIMITED Phone 33. Thornhill, Ont. Regular Price $12.00 TO CLEAR AT $8.95 THORNHILL SPECIAL We Are Known In All Lines of Insurance FIRE PLATE GLASS LIFE AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT _ BURGLARY SICKNESS [and GUARANTEE OF BONDS Business to Me and Get Service. No Charge for Advice Cmvillo . SAVAGE, General Agent A. J. HUME, Clerk AT THE POST-OFFICE BUILDING Advertise in The Liberal. General Agents for Farm Machin- ery. Pumps. Etc. We can also supply your want. on Furnace repairs and pipes. TEETZEL BROS. If you are considering the furnace question come .in and let us show you our lines. No House too large. No House too small. We have a size and model for every oneâ€"and the prices are right. Phone 86 J. FOR GENTLEMEN â€" we have ties, hats, socks, oxfords to please be average man. Also a good assortment of child- ren's slippers. EASTER â€" Latest styles at mod- erate prices. Grey suede, brown suede, patent leather, kld. They are an exceptionally good lot, 1 strap 2 buttons medium heel. LADIES â€" Spring shipment of shoes just received. Now is the time to buy a pair. Yonge & Richmond, Richmond Hill 'Oï¬â€˜ice and rvsidence north side Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. Telephone 13, Ring 2. (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veterin My College. All clases of animals treated. Day and night culls prompt- iy attended: Barristers, Solicitors. Etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Suite 51] McKinnon Bldg. Cor. Jordon and Melinda. Sts., Toronto. Telephrme Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A . A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will he at The Liberal Ofï¬ce. Richmcnd Hill, every Tuesday afternonn. MacNaughton & Campbell Tinsmiths and General Agents PHONE 87 W 0 ur R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc. FURNACES - J. W. WELLMAN GENTS‘ FURNISHINGS AND REPAIRSi