Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 May 1924, p. 4

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JONES LUMBER C0 Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram. atic and Humourous Sketches, Rxéuuuso STREET. RICHNUND HILL Representing The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York INQUIRIES SOLICITED NOTICE is hereby given that Vera Thelma. Gauderham. of the City of Toronto, in me Coumy of York, and Province of Ontarin. married woman. will npply to the Parlinmentof Canada at the next session thereof for a bill of Divolce from her husband Stuart Wilmot Good-rham, of (he said City of Toronto, Broker, on the grounds of adultery and (LISPI'UUI). "rumba: Turvnto, this 23:}: day of A m. A. b.1924. IRA THELMA GQODERHAM, Notice of Application ior Divorce Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A, Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ ’l‘hornhill. Ont 30 tf lSaOanadinn Institution, and is the pmparty of the Policy Holders them- ulv'os. This fact, enables you to secure [life Inluranco at Cost. There is No Substitute for Life In- snmnce. Enquiries solicited. C. H. BYAM. Agent, Maple, Ont. 22-8111 Phone 232 C. M. PALMER out 00R. ARNOLD a YONGE 51's. Call by phone or otherwise promptly Full stock of repairs on hand. Look over yam machinery and let us know before the rush starts what your requirements will be. JOHN R. CAMPBELL Cor. Amoldflt Yonge. i SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER Oxford Street Phone 128- r 12 The Maple Sand. Gr Company. Lt'd. have on Uement. drain tile. 3, 4. 6. 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement. Brick Band or Gravel sold by the load or ‘1: car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. T. COUSINS. nvel and Brick hand for sale. "'â€"â€"~nn I Villa” Council. in Hand" Board of Education, in Monday Board of Tradt, 2nd Monday 3rd Tuesdav. Horticultural Society, Public Libnx-yâ€"Opeu Tuesd|y and B‘tulday evenings from ‘1 to 9 o'clock. 7-4â€" Sand, Gravel. Tile and Brine}; BUILDERS SUPPLI ES ELOCUTION Miss Marguerite Boyle AMBROSE L. PHIPPS Massey-Harris Repairs Cedar Shingles Roofings VETERINARY SURGEON, 'l‘hornhill. Rough and Dressed Lumber i‘ar paper ’ine Lath Mutual L'ife fissurance Company MURPHY & DONALD. 302 Bay Street, Toronto. Hard wood Flooring by her Solicitora,‘ PHONE 27 Building paper Run!» Mufinl' Wallboard C y prock Sash Manager 4448 In a thoughtful address delivered before the recent Safety Cmventinn in Toronto, Dr. H. J. Cydy used a phrase that will linger in the min ds uf those who heard him. That pl ram- was “the will to safety” We have all hemd of the "will 0 power” and Dr. (‘ody’s desire. was to [Elllnde both management and men to think safety and achieve it. The reports neeiwd so hr in 1924 by :he Workan's Compensation Boa (1 Indicate that 18,710 acc'rdoms Have been regorted duringthe first four montl s of the year and than the total compensation awarded by the Board in the same period has been 2,071,058.60. This is a very large Fruit grower- havo sufl'ered very lim. dirtetlous from winter weather conditions. strawberries hive come through the winter in excellent con- dition,’ And by pruning and spraying orchnrda. should give a good yield of first-clans fruit. But spring crops are getting a poor start. The seuon in backwnrd, and the henvy ninl during the pest two weeks are retarding work. It in safe to say that in the County of York. not more than half the grain is in the ground. However, with a week of fine weather Ind plenty of sunshine the farmers will still be hopeful. 33811 when in also very promising, the crop in genenl being In excollent c undition. Everybody is waiting for more sunshine. The low meadows are looking fine, coming through the winter in good Ihnpe, with loss "heav- ing" than usual. My community supplies me with law and order, trade, friends, edu- cation, morals, recreation and the rights of free-born Canadian. I should believe in my communiiy, work for it and I wiII.â€"Exchange. I have chosen it after due consider- ation from all the communities of the earth. It is the home spot ‘0 me. My community has the right to my civic loyalty. It support: no and I Inppon it. My community wants my cilizemhip, not pnrtisamhip; friendâ€" ship; not offishness; co-operation, not dissension; my intelligent interest, not indifference. My communi'y is where my homo is founded. where my busineu is located, where my vote is cant. where my children ure educated, where my neighbors dwell, nnd where my life 5 chiofly find. 7 -,1,4 Ul uuuau uu u-u .u. u.-. II: is purcer right 'that this vexed qlonion should come before the L'ouncil year after year. It would be far better to settle the question by a vote at ‘ho municipal elections in Junumy. The Village Council used good judgmnt Monday evening in ac- ceding lo the requent of the 320 pcâ€" titioner: to adopt the Io-cnlled day- light saving time. It. is true there was 9.1-0 a petition in favor of Itnnd- ard time, but the umber of Iignerl on the latter was lesu than oneâ€"third of those on mo former. _ .. Am) TRU r; COMMUNITY SPIRIT THE WILL T0 SAFE FY â€"' Your Water Supply Automaticâ€"Sure % A TORONTO Pneumatic Water System will give you this serviceâ€"noise- leu and be" of all. absolutely auto- matic. Opel-ted by Electric motor or TORONTO Windmill. Continuous serviceâ€" day and nightâ€"always under pressure. Enioy this convenient service now and save yourself and family from the continuous drudgery of pump- ing and carrying your daily water supply. TORONTO Outfits can be quickly installed. Drop in and let's talk it over. Prices and full information gladly furnished. See me (0-day. I. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill PHONE 73 J. A LATE SPRING SETTLE BY VOTE I EED GRAINâ€"Fur SMO, a quantin of seed Banner cabsaquantily 0! seed lmrlry. and I quantity] nf up: in; lye. h‘KU. 'J‘. McNAlR,Jefi'elson P. u. 4(Ltf. {UR SALEâ€"A valuable team (It mules. young and anund, weight 3,000 lbs, Um» is registerei HEUFORD PARK FLORAL Co, LIMITED. 39-” The Liberal for School Books 0R SALEâ€"Seed field pease. J. \V. BOWMAN, Brooklands, Stvp 29, Yonge Street. Phone 44 r 11. 41-ll'. ‘OR SALEâ€"Large bank burn, with foundation und silo of cemenc blocks; includes manure carrier and cow Itanchlons. Apply Mas. NISBET, “Braebar”. Thornhill. 43-46 PAINT-A bargain [in paint, $1.00 a quart, as long an it lasts. Send in your order early to J. AqRUSI. anle. G343 -v-. -u..... V _- , with stone fonndatinn, cellar, Wired. and large lot. Easy terms. Also for sale, oak sideboard, hand carved. good extension table, Nah, I 3pieco bedroom suitP, splings and mattress, neatly ncw. 1 guod Brussel rut! 9 x 12 fl.. 1 Velour couch. I. D. BAMER. 45â€"47 fhornhilll ‘TRAWBEBRY PLANTSJâ€"Blaek . currant bushes, and raspberry bushes, Snider black-berry bushes for 8810; also a few settings duck eggs. and gglcklings. G. YERIX. Elgin Milli, 8. Markham. Phone 2.740 Maple. "HOIOE GLADIOLA BULBSâ€"â€" spikes 5 feet ml]. Prentin shaded, pinks. reds and scal‘lets. $1.00 dozen. E. W. MOYLE. Langat-afi’, Phone Thornhill. 46-47 OB ALE 0R RENTâ€"Frame house witty)‘ smug fnllndatjnn, cellar, mime“ fur horsvs and cattle by the month. A. J. NICHOLS. Gormley R. 11.. lot 21, can. UR. SALEâ€"2 over-coats. one with Boaver ctllar. size M. one with other coll“. size 42, size M is 820. sizo 42 is $10. Bran new. Apply Rich- mond Hill Liberal Office. 46 ._â€"__â€", OR SALEâ€"A new incubator. hot. water, Daniell, 250 eggs; also a pig with 4 small ones. 2 weeks old. §nap. Apply J. Dora”), Box‘ 16. -..__ A R E gi'ns Mill's: RED T0 LAYâ€"~Whho Leghorns, chicks now ready. Day old, 20 cents, 10 days, ‘25 cents. Batching eggs 6 cents. L. Boos-n, Markham R1 ad. Richmond Hill. “5-47 0R SALEâ€"«3 mm 6: Al‘alfa hay: also about 3 tons of Timothy hay. Apply 0. L. HExsn, Elgm aid. Road, Gorsley P. 0. Phone Stoufivillc 6112. 46-47 cum and, win the «hunt duire o! overyono in the coumry m reduce costs, upponrs to offer I hghimlu point of mack in the effort to rednco unnocesury uponul. The safety movement in largely odunfloml in its methods and it, by {nun-in work in our indumien, tho will w Iafety can be developea. than will in few" accideml. whik. Called for and 1 P. O. Box 149. Village OB SALEâ€"Good, rubbor tire buggy. Apply H. A. TUTT. ‘rnhilL «347 ANTEDâ€"Srwlng. drossmakiug, embroidery. beading. crochet :. Called for and delivered. Apply V‘Vant Adi- 4'64! A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE You hear it everywhere that. tle big new Overland is tho most automobile in the world for the money. A bigger enginel~bigger powerâ€"silky actionâ€" in a car you’re proud m own. In no other car nen the price will you find such deep luxurious comfort as in the well upholltered neat: of an Overland, nor will youfiud the bigâ€"car riding ease of Triplex Springs (palented), nor u) all neel body with long lasdng baked enamel finilh. . Modern Dancing Taught by When it comes to real pleasure, nobody gets more out of an automobile than Overiand owners. Overland is at once a joy end 1 saving in gasoline, oil. tires and upkeep from the first day you own it, on and on ‘hrougb A long, long life of {aimfuflurvicm Other Overland models: Rondater 8710, Champion 0945. Sedan $1,125. All prices f.o.b. Toronto. Taxes enra. WRIGHT BROS. Undertaken and Embalmers Studio 2 Centre St. W STAN. WOODHEAD RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. Come and see the Star and we will give you atrial spin. 1 ately in congested city street or on rough country road. It’s a quick running and powerful Continental Red Seal Motor. The STAR Car THE engine responds immedi- afplv in nnndncfnrl Pitt! efrnof DANCING C. M. PALMER 8c SON Cor. Arnold and Yonge Sts., Richmond Hill THE ARISTOCRA’I‘ 01" LOW-PRICED CARS K Terms on Application Touring $710 Wm. C. Ruttan Canadian 'I‘enur and Choir Leader Soloist, Nurth Parkdale Methodist ()hurch, is prepared to receive pupils in Richmond Hill on Thmsdayr. Studio, Mrs. N. J.’ Glasn, 2nd duur nullh of Methodist. Church Pan-Iimilvre can he nbtained by call- ing. Phone 22 Ring ll.‘ ' '19- TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail order. will receive prompt Attention. 378 Berresford Ave” West Toronto. Phone. Junction 0073. Leave Orders at, Glenn's Drug Store. Richmond Hill. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER

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