See Samples of our New Type Faces before sending you r Printing elsewhere ; they suit The remains of Mrs. Petér McKay, daughter of the late Wm. Omdduck. were interred in the Maple cemetery last Saturday morning. Rev. Hugh Mnthuon, ‘0! Toronto. preached in St. Andrew‘s Church on Sunday morning. Duling the service, kindly rnference wan made to the lat. Rev. Dr. Carmichael. who for It v-ninl years Look the service in Lhil Uhurc . on the second Sungy in_May_ 7 7 i Thus was a fair attendtuce IL rt, concert. in the Community Hall [at Thursday evening. Tho Ilflsmun Oren-ctr; of {in pieou loudered excellent music. and seveulchoruaa were way bv the Uhnml class. Rev. 0-. Norman, of Japan, Ind Min Kirkpatrick. of Toronto, nddrPssed tho Methndigg Sr. S_._on_Sunduy gfLerxxoon. Anyone who has neglected to pay thin y'ar- membership to. may reccivo hi. lreu upon paymont. Call to-day. M. Emu. Soc. The llccutive of the Horticulturn! loolety take. this opportunity of thunking Ir. Dunlap. on bohnlf of the members, for his exceeding generosity in daunting the roan for distribution. The race true- hnve been dullwred to the Iecretsry. Each member of the Horticultural Society is entillsd to two trees, and Inn [at them by calling tor them. Let there he an dtlny in ï¬lls u the anoner the trees are plank! use better for them. “Get out of the- (luily grind, ($0 to Church‘on Sunday." Morning Themeâ€"“Troubled yet un- u‘nuhled." lveuinqv Theme â€" "qu-ph â€"â€"~ The Dreamer. ' Sorvicea in the Methodist Church on May 18(1). le hein chm-go of It. Minlupr. AL the qut, men-ting of the Village (louncil it was brought to their notice. Lhntbevural individuulq had trangresscd the new building by-law. II would be well fur all concerned to I‘emeluvu that. applications must be made), and thus save themselves expense and trouble. The regular monthly meeting of 'l‘hurnbill Hurticulluml Society will he held Tuesday evening, May 20, at. 8 Unlock, in the new sohfml building. It is e-xpkctrd that Mrs. Graves, District Srcrelnry uf Women's lnsliLutes, wnll g \e an nddreqs on, "Gardening," Viullyls and strangers will be welcome. Meals wlll be served by the ladies of the Plenbyteriau church, in the Aren. on the Fair Grounds, on the 24th 0! Mny, and not; in the basement. of the church as usual. The noon meal will be fifty cent. as usual. fund the banquet in tube evening, seventy-five Cents. A. A. BOYLE, Secretary. “~47 Mr. Geu. Cowip, Monday evening. wus nominated fur the posisiuu of Trustee for the Union Public Schoul Section. AI there was only on. nominuinn, the Village Uierk declared Hr. Oowie elected to fill the vacancy mude by the resignation of Mr. Rum". first. baseball anie in the Bills- Sqnare League will 0 piuyed in the Park here Lu-mormw. Friday evening, commencing at. 6 o'clock. stundard Limo. Victoria Square will play the Richmond Hill team. Make 11 good start. and win the cup. ’ By June lst we have to move our oï¬ice and entire plant to our yard at Uentre Street Ezrt. and In order In avoid extra handling are offering some special bargains in building materials â€" Tun Jonas LUMBER Uo. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry 8mth announce the engagement. of their second dlugbter, Amy Agnes, to Mr. Rohnrt Mun-bridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Manabridge, of Richmond Hill. the wmrri g u, take plncv m Jul 0. Tho Right Reverend J. Fielding Iweemy. D. D., Bishup of Toronto, will administer me Hnly Rite of Unn- ï¬rmation in St. Mary's Church (0. of E.) on Thursday, May 16,1.L8p. (I). All wclcomo. A meeting of the'LIIdiPa Bowlin‘ club will be held at. the home I'f Mil. A. G. Savage, Friday afternoon. May mm, at I o’clock standard time. llocliuu of officers. The Village Churches will hold their net-vices next Sunday as usual on standard time. but. the fallowing Iundayu on the new time. School! will go ownew lime. Mr. W. H. Pugslry. motorod with relatives to Paris, on Saturday, spent the week-end with his anhew, Mr. W. A. Glass, and family. and returned Monday. ' Victoria Square Amateur Players will give that. rural drama, "Between two Lives," in the Town Hall. Mark- hum, flaturday evening of thin week. Persona interested in the Iprin' Exhibition sbnuld get 8 Prize List (tom the Secretary, Mr. lumen McLean, Arnold Street. Richmond Hill citizens are "quested to put, forward their lime-pieces 0|. hour, before they go to bed flundny Ii'ht. METHODIST CHURCH Mr. Dunlop'u Gil! Ford Coupe with Hassler shock, all around tires good, $195.00 Ford Coupe, a snap, $285.00 Ford 1-2 ton truck, with closed top. $175.00. Ford 1 ton truck. 1921 Chevrolet Touring,$300.00 Richmond Hill Motors USED CARS Standardized Merchandise handled by us may be seen in other stores, but a study of our frequently-changed Window Display, and a general comparison, will readily convince you of our reasonable quotations. Riolun 0nd Ilill Walter S. Jenkins J. Harry Naughton Res. Phone Res. Elgin Mills lill._§Q48 Res. Phone 44.4 ' 85 Richmond 25L, \Vest, Omen { Toronto. Nguzhtun Block, Aurora . Solicitor for: Aurora and Richmond Hill. The Township. of King. Whitchurch and Markham. Any motion Ln quash or set slide the same or any part then-n! must be nude Vi I t "'6? months after the first publicatinn of this notice, and enmmt be made theleaftvr. Dated the 15th day of May, 1924. 46-48 A J. HUME. Clelk. Notice is hereby given that n Bylaw was pissed hy the Council at Richmond Hill. on the lOLh (lay of March, 1924, provi ing for the issue of Dehenturel to the nmouup of $95,000, for the pur- pnée of Building and Equipping a now High School, and that such By-lnw WIS registered in the registry office for tho East; and West ridingl of tho Cnunty «If Yolk, on the Blst day of March 1921. Notice of Registration of By-law BROWl-Jn loving mpmory of my dear husband, Gvorge Brown, who passed away May 19. 1919. Deop in my heart your memory eliau, And still my 5;: ief in sore: Euh passing year but, nealcr brings The day We w ill Inert once more. Sadly missed; _ WELL WORTH THE MONEY OI-dinuIyLifv.... Twenty Payment l.ilo........ Twenty Year Endowment. . . . Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 FIRST, that in case of death from any cause, the In“ of policy wiil he paid. viz.............................. $5.600 SECOND, mat in case of ACCIDENTAL dean . OUBLE the race of the policy will be paid, viv................... 1510,1100 THIRD. Lhut if tntally disabled from sickness or accident the Umnpuuv will pay to the insured, duning such diu- nhility,A MONTHLY INCOME Ol' . . . . . $100 A $5,000 Policy in the Commonwealth Life and Acci- dent Insurance Company Guarantees : NAUGHTON E‘JE‘N‘KiNé Home of Complete Protection TT E COMMONWEALTH LIFE HAMILTON - ONTARIO W. LUDLAM, District Manager, Box "9, Richmond Hlll Open Trnitnry fur Gnud Agent in York Counly IN HEMORIAM ï¬rw’“ ’7 ' Week BargainW'vZMay 8 W017 "5 MRS. W. DAVIES Our fresh stock assures you of se- curing just the Gold Seal Congo- leum Rug you want at big money saving prices. MRS. W. DAVIES Richmond flil! Pl Gold Seal ANNUAL PREMIUM â€"-Wifc. Clel k bf 1.558513 Elilhvic‘i'ï¬glity. Unlonville. May 7, 1924. 46-48 BAVABDIES--The Belgian Draft. Bullion, 2469â€"11336, the property of J. G. Einhoden, Eglintnn R. R. 1, will travel through Sullivan’s Corners, Dollar. Patterson, anlo. Testnn. Elia. Home stable, lth 1‘2. con. 2. East York. Terms $20. KEYNOTE-Pure-brpd Imported Clydes- dale stallion [23399] (2004“ Hu- prnpvrty of Bowen a: Bunlcnck. will travel through Concord, East Yolk, Kilgour Farm. Mal-Hum, Maple, King. Edgeley. Home stable at. Con~ curd. Tex-ms $17. MONDAY, JUNE 2nd, 192‘ at 2.80 o'clock p. m. to hear and adjudicate upon all com- plaints against the Assessment Rnll of the Municipality of the Township of Markham for the said year 1924. All parties interested ill a requested tn tak. notice and govern themselves accord- ingly. PUBLIC NOTIOE is hereby given that a Court. of Ravi-ion of tho Assen- nent Roll for the Township of Markham will be held in Victoria Hall. Union~ villa. on Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Phone “9 Municipality of the COUNTY 01" to BK Stallion Register fr.‘ A, M. DAVISON. Phone 119 sxm'75 $17275 82'†-a 25 David Hill, Dealer, Richmqu Hill QUALITY SHOPPE Millinery, Ladies Wear, Dry Goods Richmond Hill All ready-to-wear suits or trousers altered to ï¬t you free of charge. Odd trousers from $3 .50 up. Ladies blue serge skirts made to order from $7.50 W. G. BEDFORD, I am prepared to meet your spring demand for suits and overcoat: with the latest spring goodl, either in ready-to-wear or tailored to your measure, Right Here, No Factory Work. New Spring Suits Be Warned Trench Block TABLE LINENS , CURTAIN MATERIALS. in Madras. Scriml. Npts, and Marquiuetle. HOUSE DRESSES, APRONS, and SATINETTE SLIPS. OORSETS. A-LA-GRACE and WARNER’S; and BRAISIIRS We have Now in Stock I Full Line of RATINES. CIE'EU, COLORED VOILES and NORMANDY VOILES, in all Newut Shades, at Popular Prices. GINGHAMS, ()HAMBRAYS. and PRINTS. which, of unru, you cannot do without. Ladies suits of blue serge made-to-ordcr 335.00. CLEANING AND PRESSING SATISFACTORY DONE: inAlhe most, Popular Stylel. (“my as; com ar 1 Automobil P 6"} McLAuthigï¬iï¬â€˜fxliélé KEEPING your insurance papers, deed; berth and other valuables at home until they no gtoflen (I); destrogoed by ï¬re, insteat'il1 all Hi: aety eposit x,is onaparwit “ o ' stable door after the horse is stolen.†' Don’t procrastinate! Ron: I be: 104131 a this M THE STANDARD BANK. nu rAuAnA Mrs. Norman Batty. RICHMOND HILL BRANCHI . R. FORTNER Ladies and Gents‘ clothicr and Tailor: or CARAâ€"DA Phone 53 Mun-get.