Five in One Family Are Helpedâ€"Mamet and Father Give Details. The value of Taniac as a iamily medicine and tonic is again very_force- fully demonstrated. This time in the home of Mr. and Mrs." Joseph E. Kaake, 2436 Kirby Ave. West, Detroit, Mich, where father and mother and every member of the family have been beneï¬ted by the wholesome and help- ful ingredients oi the famous prepara- tion. Recently, in speaking for herseu and children, Mrs. Kaake said: “For more than a year our three little ones -â€"John, age 6; Elwyn, 4; and Margar- lte, 2,â€"had been so peaked and life less that We were seriously worried about them. Their stomachs were up- set, appetites poor. the color had left their cheeks, their nights Were rest- less, and during the day they would just mope around, taking no interest. in play or anything else. “They began to eat and sleep better almost from the ï¬rst dose of Taiilac, and have picked up now until you couldn't ï¬nd three healthier or more active children in all Detroit. They eat ravenously, the color of health has returned to their cheeks. and they Recent newspaper paragraphs des- cribing the new equiatorial motor road from Nairobi, Kenya, to Mongalla, in the Sudan, furnish another instance of the steady and almost unnoticed open-1 ing up of the Dark Continent, writesl C. Lestock Reid, F.R.G.S., in "The‘ London Daily Mail." Hitherto this journey has been a complicated and roundabout aï¬airâ€"â€" steamer up the Nile from Mongalla to Rejafe, where the river ceases to be navigable owing to the Fola Rapids; then 100 miles on foot, with baggage carried on the heads of porter, to Nimule, at the Uganda-Sudan tron- tier; then steamer again, through a magniï¬cent game country, where Crude Motor Roads Prove to be Great Help in Africa. NIGHT fr ~ MORNING G >1th 7 E"Téwz/mlv 4 ll y'NIGHTea MORNING egg I ESEEKXQHB Eiâ€"Eâ€"Aâ€"ï¬ Emaâ€"Mi A’N’D’ HEALTHY _ , ,AA --_ -»-. -..- lung Inn-r .un-IN‘ l~n rulrnMncn ‘37:- lol Hui it: CARI MOR'MUMNI caculuacysu Doesn't. hurt one um Drop a. little “Freezene†on an aching corn, m- stantly that corn stops hurting. than shortly you lift It right on with ï¬ngers. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle or "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard com, soft corn. or corn between the toes, and the foot callusas. without soreness or irritation. Lift Offâ€"N0 Pain! CORNS speaking for herself (Eff «nu-9 vim Ion? mundoi’ï¬pl V??? afamia «A? .0 amdsaiï¬ewï¬ andvom' fvirï¬fgmi Ask for d “a low muzzdlï¬pfmizz Eamia wéï¬mna just want to I have also up, and it n "As to my Tanlac,†sai can't expres .it gave me. iust want to be on the go all the time‘ [ have also taken 'l‘anlac to bulld me up, and it never seems to fail." "As to my personal experience with Tanlac,†said Mr. Kaake, “I simply can't express in words the great help it gave me. About a year ago I was a victim of boils, actually having ï¬fty- one on me, and was so played out that I couldn’t do a bit. of work for weeks. My suffering was almost unbearable. I cared little for food, suffered with severe headaches and stomach palns. and got so weak and nervous that l {elt discouraged. “Tanlac corrected my stomach disorders, woke up my appetite cleansed my blood system so that the and nothing of the me since. I have lcu. ulDVVunu°‘~â€". “Tanlac corrected my stomach disorders, woke up my appetite, cleansed my blood and toned up my system so that the bolls went away, and nothing of the kind has bothered me since. I have gained 28 lbs., and I eat, sleep and feel like a brandâ€"new man. We have given Tanlac a fair trial and found it wonderful, and it anyone doubts our statement they can write personally. We wouldn‘t think of being without Tanlac." v; ~..._. Tanlzrc is for sale by all good drug- gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 Million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pills, for consti- pation, made and recommended by the manufacturers of TANLAC. great herds of elephants still gaze as- tounded at this strange river-mon- ster till driven off by the scream of the siren. Disembarking, the traveler boards an ancient, excessively uncomfortable lorry, which wheezes up the escarp- ment, taking him to Masindi, anti next day. if he is lucky, to Masindi Port. Here he ï¬nds other steamers which take him, with a brief railway inter- lude, to Kisumu, on Lake Victoria, whence the Uganda Railway will car- ry him without further changes to Nai- robi. But this journey takes at least three weeks, against fortyâ€"eight hours’ run- 11ng time by the new'road. All over Africa a similar process of aceelera- tion is going on. "Besides the road mentioned, various motor roads run from Nairobi, fostered by that enthusi- astic body, the Royal East Africa Auto- } mobile Association. ' Uganda, Tanganyika, Nyassaland and the Belgians in the Cngo also :have realized the vast possibilities of car and lorry as a means of transport through the heart of Africa. But these African motor roads are not the black ribbons of shining smoothness which the term conjurs up. They would break the heart of an English motorist in ï¬ve miles. One man on the Longido road from Nairobi to Arusha was chased for miles by a rhinoceros; another, in the Congo, charged a sleeping lion, to the great discomï¬ture of both parties, and the writer once fell over a cliff, car and all, because the road had forgot- ten to go on. A-more serious obstacle is that these roads can only be used in the.dry sea- son, and it will take man years to evolve a macadam which will with- stand the African rains. When he does cars will dash about all over Africa and the old happy-go-lucky .sa- faris will vanish with other pleasant leisured things. Commercially it will be a great gain. But otherwise ? is A foreigner just beginning to speak English recently desired a helping of boiled tongue, so he said to the man next to him: “Will you please be so kind as to pass me the language?" An obstinate heart shall be laden with sorroxvs. , Ask for Mlnard‘o and tako no other. r'i‘hke safe way to send money by mail by Dominion Express Money Order. 'esa-iptiw fcle'c almost unbearable. food, suffered with and stomach pains, and nervous that 1 A trick, very popular with stage magicians, may be performed in any parlgr and has the_appearance r_,,~ oi-Jbeing \a far more elaborate trick than most amateur tricksters at- tempt. hâ€... - Three pieces of tissue paper, red, white and blue are shown. The sleeves are rolled up and the hands are seen to be empty except .tor the paper. The papers are set on ï¬re and while they are burning the trickster crushes them in his hands, extinguishing the flames. He rubs his hands together and produces from the ashes of the papers a small silk American flag. The trick requires a little care to avoid burning the ï¬ngers. Most magicians let the papersâ€"each is a little bigger than a cigarette pa- perâ€"burn until only a very small bit remains unburned. Then there A SPLENDID LAXM‘WE FOR THE BABY Mothers should constantly be on} guard to keep baby’s bowels working freely and his stomach sweet, for nine-tenths of. the ailments from which little ones suffer are caused by de- rangements of the stomach and bowels. Baby's Own Tablets are a splendid laxative for the baby. They are mild but thorough; contain neith- er opiates nor narcotics, and are ab- solutely guaranteed to be safe and eiï¬clent for either the newborn babe or the growing child. By their action on the bowels and stomach they drive out constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple levers and make the dreaded teething period easy. The Tablets are sol‘d by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. is little danger The flag is prepared for the trick by being rolled into a very small ball. This islpuahed into one end of a box of safety matches. The box is put within easy reach but placed so that the spectators can- not see the end in which the flag is hidden‘ When the magician takes a match out of the box. he closes it. That forces the handkerchief into one of his palms, The fact that the same hand holds the papers enables him to keep the hand closed with- out exciting suspicion. Making 'it Clear. Bridget and Michael had been mar- ried barely three months, and already Michael had on two occasions arrived home in the early hours of the morn- ing. This did not suit Bridget, as on each occasion she had to come down to admit him. (CH1) this out and pasta 1!. with other or the series. in a scrapbook.) Michael was looking forward to spending the evening of this particu~ lar day in'having a. “few sociable ones with the bhoys," and this Bridget knew. ‘ “Now look here,†she said to her husband at the breakfast-table, “it was two o’clock the following morning when ye came home last night. But I want to be telling ye that if it’s two o'clock in the morning when ye come home tonightâ€"or any other night in the morning, you'll have to get up and let yourself in!" Blue-Phosphate feeds 'the 'n'erves and old people need it to make them feel and look younger. It's the one best nerve builder for weak, nerveex- hausted men and women and that is why drugglsts guarantee it. Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front'St. East, Toronto, Ont. EASY TRICKS Do not in an in nnot recompense DANDRUFF Minard’s a BM Pmpie arlor Illusion an in'stant what an (1 four a week Willie was ï¬shing. “Wiliie!†I}. was his mother's voice, but he was sheltered from the house by trees, and she could not possibly see him. So Willie went on ï¬shing. “Willie! †' Still Willie went on ï¬shing. "Willie!" V Willie began re-baiting his hook. He had just secured the worm when his friend, Bert, approached. “Don’t you hear your mpther caliin' you?†said Bert. “That’s three times she‘s shouted. Aren’t you going in ?†“No,†responded Willie, imperturb- ably. friend. “No,†repeated Willie, disdalnfully. “She ain’t going to whipnobody. She‘s got company; so when I go in she'll just say, ‘The poor little fellow’s been so deaf since he had the measles.’ " VWatches are sometimes very seri- ously affected by the magnetism of their wearers. In most cases those who have this effect are dark com- plexioned. Keep “Won't she Whip Say “Bayer Aspirin†INSIST! Uriless you see the “Bayer Cross†on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phy- sicians for 24 years. which contains proven directions Handy “Bayer†Also bottles of 2 Aspirin is the trad Canada) of Bayer acetlcacldeste: or 821' xelievca both [- ncss. Just rul inscfl in m For 52 Interesfin: sent A.O.l 'l :31; prevent your proper heanng! ‘ :, LEONAgQgAR 01L ---- hurl Deaf Mlnard'a Llnlmont in the house. Willie's Wisdom. Sealed_ Paglia ge Manufagturcci by Imperial Tobacco C‘ Bayer†Boxes of lz/tablets as of 24 and looâ€"Dmggists the nude mark (registered tn Bayer Manufacture of Mono- er of Salicylicucid .A v. The Tobacco of Quality which keeps the tobglcco in its orig’ina/ condition you '2†asked his d Packa ge 'h keeps the tobacco ) vits origina/ condition " ' so iï¬ I/2|b.ï¬n$ . ‘ Accept my 3 Bayer Pï¬aï¬ Two Sir Positives can scarce med without a. skirmish. UR BOOKLET “LADIES’ FRIEND" mailed in plain en- velope, free. Casier 2423, Montreal. Punk}. BEAUTWULLY FLUFFY, carded wool; sample, enough light comforter; one dollar. Woollen. Mills. Georgetown. Ont. Mrs. McMahon Tells How A £112 Found Relief by Taking Lydia E. BAGK AGHED Classiï¬ed Advertisements Chatham, . Ontâ€"“I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound for a run-down condition after the birth of my baby boy. I had terrible pains and backache, and was tired and weak, not ï¬t to do my work and care for my three little children. One day I received your little book and read it, and gave up tak- ing the medicine I had and began taking the Vegetable Compound. rI feel much better now and am not ashamed to tell what it has done for me. I recommend it to any woman I think feels as I do.†â€"Mrs. J. R. MCMAHON, 153 Harvey better now and am hot what it hasdone for me it to any woman I think â€"Mrs. J. R. MCMAHC St., Chaï¬ham, Ont. Lydia E. Pinkham’s nound. made from‘root: ‘ompany of Canada Limited Pinkham's Vegetable Compound CUTE ForChiléyen’sBaths‘ Cuticura Soap is ideal for children because it is so pure and cleansing, and so soothing when the skin is hot, irritated or rashy . Cuticura T31- cum also is excellent for children. XI gnaw} 35c): Pun b'câ€"Do . VCudcun.'P.0.Box 201a, monm Prim, Soap‘ZSe. Ointmentzï¬ and 50:. Talcun Try our new Sluving Stick. LADIES ONLY. EQEJRA by Mail. Adéreu Canadian I, 17.0.3“ 233,; " TERREBLY te to the Cobour . .vdia worth sgucb mods, upon are