(about 1:;- Blocks East of Yonge Street towards the C. N. R. Station), where we have installed up-to-date machinery for Mill Work, and have a much larger and better stock than we have ever carried before, and will now be in a position to ï¬ll all orders received with promptncss and despatch. THE JONES : LUMBER COMP’Y E WISH TO ANNOUNCE that we have sold our property on Arnold Street owing to its being entire- ly inadequate for our business, and by June lst we are moving our entire plant to Removal Nutice 2 High Grade Instruction Only! ELLIOTT \{gmfflzï¬z/ : Ofï¬ce Trench Black. two doors north of Stnndmd B-mk. HoursQan. to 5.30 p.m. Ten-phone 32 Ofï¬ce and residenceâ€"(79mm and Church Streets Richmond Hill Phone No. 1%. Ofï¬ce hours 10 to l 0 to 8 p. m. Remains open ail year and ad- mits students at any time. Strong demand fur our graduates all the time. Right. now IS a splendid time to commence :1 cum-no hex v. Thor- ough preparation is absolutely necessary tu-day and it nlway- pays to attend a strictly ï¬at-clas- school and not an imitation one. 0. I. RUDDELL, DE. PM. DR. M. B. WELLWOOD ‘ TENOR, TEACHER OF SINGING Now accepting pupils. Phone 94] for information CHOIR-LEADER AND ORGANIST PRESBYTEIUAN CHURFH Writ: {0-day for free catulcgue VOL. XLVI. Yonze as Charles Sts., Toronto W. J. ELLIOTT - mecuuu . OFFICE: ABOVE DA was STORE Dr. L. R. BELL Hours: 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. Except, \Vednesday PHONE 117 Consultation Free at the Ofï¬ce PALMER CHIROPRACTOR PniAM CUAFFEY Ofï¬ce Hours: 10-12 DR. J. P. WILSON Oflicezâ€"(‘entre St. West ‘ RICHMOND HILL .50 per annum, in advance.) WE WISH TO THANK all those who have favored us with their busi~ ness in the past, and again respect- fully solicit a fair share of their future patronage, which we can assure you will receive our careful and immedi- ate attention. DENTTST Phone 83 CENTR E STR EET Phone Ox :m d Quick Service Phone 124J Box 109 House Wiring NORTH YoxaE ST., RICHMOND HILL. DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF. Ofï¬ce beings : 10 a.tu. and 6 :8 pan. SIMEON JOYCE, L. DR. LILLIAN\C. LANG-STARE; (diseases of \yoqmn and children. [\u-- n try by the Hymn-Elect: ic Commission. The fry are arriving from Luudnn. Because of the (-anm- depth of the lake it. is believed the ï¬sh will Lhrive in the lake. thus affording good ï¬shing at the park. The Hydm controls lhe Mell-npnlitan. which. in turn curries pickniikers to Bun_d Luke, hence the “'ill those interested ple that until furthel Ilulice the will he held at 11 n. In. and 7 new time. 11 n. m.â€"Dr. Chas. H. 1 Central India. will glvn an - .u u“ nuul Caz Dr. Scotblenve's flJ'leia in June. 7.30 p. m.-â€"â€"Thv Minister will preach Thp data of the supper tn {waiven by the Hmno and Sch-ml (‘luh is June 611). Please keep that, date free. louse VViling and vaer Installations Farm Lighting Plants All Kinds of Appliances â€" Fixtures, Motors, Etc. Office lmurs Phone 100. Pupil of Josef Lhevinnc . and Frank S. \Velsmun Studio: OVer Mr. E. R. FUI'LI Tailor Store. PHONE I “’9 Bond Lake Stocked. With Pickerei HGHMONI DRS. LAN GSTAFF MOSHE AND SCHOOL CLUB Electrical Contractor Repair Anything Electrical RICHMOND HILL H. Eéurnwoon ’IANO and THEORY Presbyterian Services lipâ€"Dr. thf. )5. Scot}, Inf ,1: , pill? gTve an add‘ziess‘ L-stgd please note u 1,, Essentials, Unity: E. R. Fortner’s PHONE 95 uuce the services In. and 7.30 p. m.. On \Vednpsday, May 28th. the York County Holstein Breeders will be hold- ing a. sale of Breeding Stock at Rich- mond Hill. Every effort. has bot-n made to make this a quality 1.119. The inspector, Mr. R. 51. Holtby. appointed by the Dominion Government, has in- spected and approved all the offerings. He states, “I have ins acted all the offerings for the (uk County Breeders Sale. and found the breeders willing lo contribute good animals and trv and get away from the common plan of putting in what they do not want themselves. Only Ly )ical females under 10 years with suun udder: and bulls from record dams, warp. con- sidered. A rigid lnspectiou wu made and in many cases the breeders Allowed me to select, lhe best in their stable. The fifly odd head select-d are above the avenge, as to individuality and the buyers I am lure will appreciate the breed and type of tho diï¬erent consignments.†Th. Holstein Club. wish it known that most. of the offerings am from herds in accrcditation, whilc some of the bulls molbfrom dams with recon]: as high as 84 I. A hem-w invitation is exténdéd to anyone who Would wish to come and Join with the class. Cthan' of Cmn'mittees Membershipâ€"Mrs Arnnld Socialâ€"Mrs. Graingex' Devntionulâ€"Rav. Mr. \Vellwnod Visiting and Floralâ€"Mrs. anper. After election. refreshments were served and n social half hour sppnt. On Tuesday evening. May 1311), the Fidelis Adult. BihliA Glass of tlerich~ mond Hill Methodist. Sunday School, met in the school room, fur the election of officers for the coming year. AfLex' an opening pl'uyer by Rev. Mr. ‘Vell- wood. the officers were elected as follows: Leaderâ€"Mr. Plewmzm Presidentâ€"Mr. Gee Vice-Presidentâ€"Mr. Jones Secretaryâ€"Miss E. L- Barker Treasurerâ€"Mr. Finch Publicityâ€"~Mr. Finch. Auditorsâ€"Mrs. O. L. “Wright. Miss Endeun. RdJ-vahment Connâ€"Mrs. aner. Mrs. H. Innes, Mrs. Palmer. Programme Connâ€"Mrs. B. Moxt- son. Mrs. \Vutson, Mrs. H. Endeun, Mrs. McMahon. Pianistâ€"Mrs. O. L. Wright. At a meeting of the Richmond Hill \anen's Institute he!!! at the hnme of Mrs. McCugue, on the 14th inst. the following officers WH'G elected fur the current year: Plesident~Mrs. Plewman. 1st Vice-Pres.â€"~Miss Mnyle. 2nd View-Presâ€"Mrs. C. Kersvill. 'Fl€:1s.â€"-â€"MI'S. McCagllP. Directorsâ€"Mrs. Uouk, Dx'. Lillian Langstalf. The (Huh, I eager to further the interest r-f thv Jvrsey BIGPdQ‘l'S damned Inn dollars tnwmds the Axum-u Show. 'l‘ne «lnss m I‘end:~(Bcst three Jersey Fem'xles, who have never won prizes at 'I‘nrnntn Shows.) First prize $6.00, second prize $400. The. York Jersey Breeders Club hold their Annual "19“!ng at, Rirhnmnd Hill last week. Mr. Reg. “Food, of Aurora was alerted President. and". strong Exvcutivé nf Bwedm-s 1hmugh~ riut, the County. was appointed to the strong Expcutivé of Bweders through out, the County. was appointed to the Committee. On or almuL june 19th, the club is planning to hold their Annual Summer Picnic at; .1 point in the-snuthem part of the County. polish up a littlemux‘e cm usual. Of course, lhe fr premises must luUk \VPll. smue of ymn- frivnds shnu the back-yard, be sun: [In corrvsponds will) the front The suggestinn “Clean Up" applies to all towns :md \‘iilugns, and at all sensonsof the ymuu And it pm-ticni-lrly applies to Jdchmond Hill jllst now. Tn-mm-rmv. Victoria Day. we are (‘X- pecting many nid friends to visit our tuwn and attend mu 75th annual Fair: Thv 43rd annual cnnventinn (l Vaughan Township SahhaLh School Aswciutinn will he hvld in Zion Lutheran Church. Shel‘wuud, \Vcdnes- day. May 28. There will he thrvo sessions -nmrning. Hffm'mznn and evening. The reports to he road, and the addresses to he dvlivewd on Sunday School work, shnuld make a vexy Interesting programme. York Hoistein Breeders Plan Bale York County Jersey Breeders Club Women’s Institute Fideiis Bible Class Imusehuldm- is e in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all 5. Convenlicn .. THURSDAY, (Jan Up 1k Well. but in case 1de shquld step into Idol' is expected t0 mure carvfully than 'he from; nf the 75th a n maul Fail ‘11? the buck Yonge St, RICHMONDzHILL 34600 will buy on easy terms an eight roouLbrick house, lot 100 feet frontage, garage, good garden, all kinds of fruit on Richmond Street This is a real good buy. Rough cast house stable and 1; acres on Mill Street. A bargain. A good cheap Brick Clad House and three acres on Lucas Street. List too large to fully adyertise. No charge for transfers. Loans, Insurance, Notarial Work as usual. $525 will buy a splendid building lot on the West side of Church 3:. All kind: of Lumber, Lath and Shin- gles. Flooring, Sidings, Mouldings, etc. Window Frames. Sash and Doors made to order. Dealers in Gyproc and Fibre- Board. Asphalt Rooï¬ng. Shingles. Felts, Etc. You will be pleased with our prices and promptdelivel y. Let us have your enquiries. Quotations gladly furnished on request. HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. MULHOLLAN D & SMYTH TELEPHONE 11 M Bluuusruas, SOLICITORS, ETC. Toronto Office : 2498 Yonge St. Phone Hudson 3408. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce : Wesley Bnyn- Lou's Real Estate Ofï¬ce. Yonge St. A member at the ï¬rm will be in Richmond Ilill every Tuesday. 28-6m Dominion nd Provincial Bonds Bought QAIA A- II_AI,A I Sold or Exchangéd. Mortgage Loans Arranged J.R.HERRENGTON Mutual Life Assurance Co of Canada W. HEWISON L. Innes & Sons Service and Satisfaction H. A. Nicholls Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond Street Richmond Hill ‘â€" ALIO â€"- FIRE, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS AND AI'TOMOBILE INSURANCE OFFICE; CHURCH STREET )IAY 22. 1924 The Real Estate Man REPRESENTING PHONES :â€"Oflico. 87 J Yard, 13-3 things, Charity ." RICHMOND HILL The very best Hard Coal in Nut. Stove, Egg and Pea. Now is the time to order your Coal {or 110:: winter. AT THE ELEVATOR Pastry Flour, Bran, Shorts, Gluten, Orack Corn and Scratch Feed always on hand. Cement, Hardwall Plaswr, Limo and Tile always in stock. A full supply of Purity, Maple Leaf and Royal Household and Chick Feed, Pumia Chowder and Blatchford Egg Mash. Leghorns: J. W. BOWMAN Yorkshire: EGGS FOR HATCHING $10.00 per 100 1007; Fertility Guaranteed SPECIAL PRICES 0): LARGE 01mm.- (ALL EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID) Single Comb White Leghorns Custgm Hatching BABY CHICKS- COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. 3T0 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE incensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to un shortest notice. and at, reasonable rates. Adeima Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M. STOP 29 YONGE St. PHONE 44 r R. R.. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. OUR CAPACITY IS 5,280 EGGS EVERY THREE WEEKS . EDWARD FRANCIS: NOTARY PUBLIC BROOKLANDS I. D. Ramers TRADE MARK REGISTERED NOTICE J. T. SAIGEOlN Maple “25.00 per 100 ti“ and of April $2000 per 100 rest of season 100?° Live Arxival Guaranteed [Single copies, 3 cts Thornhill. $5.00 per 100 Patronage solicited (‘ggS No. 47