Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 May 1924, p. 4

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Ca“ by phone PAPER HANGER ‘ and PAINTER Oxford Street Phone 128- AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA Full stock of repairs on hand. Look over your machinery and let us know before the rush starts what your requirements will be. 43-tf Sand L, 'The Pxovctive Association of Canada. and The Dominion Gaurantec and Audio It (70. FIRE, AUTOMOBILE. PLATE GLASS ETC . Maple, Ont. Phone 232 Artist, Teacher in_ Literature, Expresswn, Readmg, Dram- atic and Humoqrous Sketches, Village Councu, Board of Educnt Board of Trade. Horticultural S. 7 Public Library»â€" b'atmdny evenings Dialect Poems. Professional Gradgatg of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thomhill. Ont 30 tf 5A WE. 35E RICHMOND STREET, RICHKOSD HILL Representing Notice of 'Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that Vera Thelma. Gouderhnm. of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, married woman. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a bill of Divoxce from her husband Stuart: Wilmot Gooderham, of the said City of Toronto, Broker, on the grounds of ndultm-y and desertiml. DATED at 'I‘nronto. this 28th day of A 1‘“, A. D. 1924. ERA THELMé GQODERHAM, ("DI JONES LUMBER C01 PHONE 27 , The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York INQUIRIES SOLICITED ELOCUTIQN Miss Marguerite Boyle Massey-Harris Repairs R. LAME’BEL VETERIN ARY SURGEON, 'l‘hon‘uhill. AMBROSE L. PHIPPS Cor. Arnold & Yonge. BUILDERS SUPPLIES U: AVA. A a..u--__. COR. ARNOLD & YONGE S'IS Pine Lach Cedar Shingles Rough and Dressed Lumber Tn paper C. M. PALMER by her Solicitors, MURPHY & DONALD, 30‘). Bay Street, Toronto. Regular ‘ouncil, Isl; Monm- Educntidu, 13L .\1‘ Trade. 2nd Mnml: .urnl Society, 3rd ibravy~0pen Tm v-ninzs from 7 to Hardwood F1 Building paper E111 or otherwise promptly HE Isl; Mon Meetings by H“ PBELL Wallboard Gyprock Doors ede‘- y and ‘clock. 41-48 BE SURE showe thing but (1 William Be were all arrange farmers . On the/other hand, if we were purely a‘ manufacturing people, the task to please the manufacturers would not; be difi'icult. But when farmers, manufactqrers, miners, fishermen, lu111berlfie11 and other classess have to be reckoned with the work is by no means easy. The debate on the budget in the House of Commons lasted several weeks, and, judging by the speeches for or against, the man in the street could scarcely form an intelligent opinion as to whether the Robb budget would be carried through successfully. or would suffer defeat. After an allâ€"night session, however, the party whips were cracked, and the Government‘s budget was sus- tained by the highest majority on recordâ€"112. Four Liberals and one Progressive voted with the Con- servatives, against the Government{ probably question Zion's Ev. Rev. P. S. Ban-inger. B.D.â€"â€"Pastor. Evening service and sermon at 7 o‘clock. u puma. Subject: “Gun 3 man be a Christian and not be a Church member." Come m hear this vital question answered from Spriphxge. au3\VClCu .llUltl uru»-r~ . All are cordially inCiEéd, especiuily the usual non-church goer. The Young People's Society win hold a. Special Service on Sunday evening, at. 7 o’clock (Standard Time). The Pastor. Rev. H. S. Warren, will be present and will be assisted in the service by members of Central District Council, Miss Crawford, Mr. Davidson. Mr. Davenport. Mr. Hau'on; also a. Sohwist from Toronto. Everybody welcome. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH 5th Sunday after Easter 10.15 a, m.-â€"Sunday School, 11 a. m.â€"Holy Communiun. Oak Ridges H2111 6.30 p. [ILâ€"Sundav School. 7.30 p. m.â€"Evening Prayer; 7.45 p. m.â€"Thursday evening service. Mr. Maul-ice Oldham. Student of Wycliffe College, has been engaged to assist t he Rector in the growing district from the Ridges to Elgiu Mills, and to take charge of the Sunday school and services at the Junction. The monthly ' meeting of the Women’s Institute was held on Wednesday of last Week. at the home of Mrs. G. H. Bynm, MI‘S.W.O. Duncan and Miss Jean McLellan, of Emery, were present and addressed the meet- ing. After the programme, a social hour was spent and afternoon tea SEI‘VE Julcn Owing to ill-health 1 son. has been compe resignation as pastm gations of St. Andrew “ Mr. 0. H. B: with his broth: solo at Mr. Adelina 1m the Conservatory of M of last week. Mr. Erwood Dow arrived from Gull L week ~and are stay] Downey’s. I‘om‘ memhers of Army, frum Lansing he-re tagging. Near] sponded liberally. In an addl' aninn of Sec Samples of on: New Type Faces vbéfore sending y o u r Printing elsewhore ; they suit Miss Mm it m Hearst, 3' 1 1 very clear‘)’ to 172155 a temF tar VICTORIA SQUARE in policies. If our cici: farmers it would be eas a, tariff that; would suit 11 V Lutheran Church, Sherwood BEFORE YOU 0.1K RIDGES m be '653 to the Sherboume evening W hanges 1R1) always has nvs will be anple‘s§oci?ty will hold er tbmé ‘nforcecl MAPLE 11m, spe r at P0. Jousins 3mm Rh ry of M MAJU .mm that last. wee 3f the Salvation wz. spent Saturday x-ly everyone te- Rev. S. R. Rabin- :Hed to tender his 1‘ of the congre- v’s and St. Paul’s. >ent the week-end ort Hope. ‘ s played a piano 11 xke. a vexed 1r citizens be easy to [d suit the been, a 1t \DC Asao~ odist H Ii in 1V H1!” at her effort bent V V hI‘UUUE CAMPBELL, R Oak Buffet. in gum small 1.:u1ndry stove Richmond Street. flame, m 27 R, D. CAMPBELL. H11}. " b‘Un onuyxâ€"u v...” -_ also about. 3 tons of Timothy hay. Apply 0‘ L. HEISE, Elgm side Road, Gormley P. 0. Phone Stouffville 6112. 46â€"47 Mr , 7w ,, W embroidery, headin Work. Called for and delive P. 0. BU}; 149. Village. ___._.._._._.â€"-â€"-â€"â€" RED TO LAYâ€"White Leghm-ns, chicks now ready. Day old, 20 cents, 10 days, 25 cents. Hatching Eggs 5 cents. L. BOOTH, Markham 46-47 Rudd, Richmond Hill. W "HOIGE GLADIULA BULBSâ€" From spikes 5 feet tall. Prehlily shaded, pinks. reds and scurlets. $1.U0 dozen. E. W. MOYLE, Langscaff, Phone Thornhill. 46-47 7”. _ ___ .._ I“ ,- fhornhilL WA FOR SALE OR RENTâ€"Frame house - with stone foundation, cellar, wired. and large lot. Easy terms. Aim for sale, oak sideboard, hand carved. good extension table, oak, 1 3 pieCe bedroom suite, spaings and mattress, nearly new, 1 good Brussel run: 9 x 12 ft., 1 Velour couch. I. D. RAMER. 45â€"47 ______._.___â€"â€"â€"â€"_ ,, 1)AINT-â€"~A bargain in paint, $1.00?» quzu-t, as long as it, lasts. Send in your order early to J. A. ROSE. Maple. 43.48 OR SALEâ€"4 W. Bownn 29, Yonge SLIe FOR SALE-A Valuable team of mares, young and sound, weight 3,000 lbs. One is reglbtel'ed. BEDFORD PARK FLORAL CO. LIMITED. 39-tf “Now wxite' USED CARS NOR SALEâ€"A I)in RICHMOND HELL MOTORS YONGE STREET Tenders for Coal ‘ OR SALEâ€"Green W new. Size 10 fL.£ RS. l. H. JACKSON, 1‘ OR SAngg cons of Educntion 80 tom! :1 Ion: egg : the school: The lowest < necesurily accept Tend-rs 1‘ Mord”. "P Chairmun'o’f ianugemont Comlittee “cl. ASTURE - Custom grinding, flour J Poultry feeds and grits. in large sacks; also 63h. c: lawns. gardens and plants. Buch hay an Deliveries Tuesday and 1t 0R, SALEâ€"G cod 7 buggy. App‘y TANTED ANTEDâ€"~SPWing. King about Well Worth The 1919 Ford Coupe 1918 Ford Coupe 1918 Ford § ton truc Alf )19 Ford Coupe $285.09 )18 Ford Coupe $195.00 )18 Ford § ton truck $175.00 )2] Chev. Touring $975.0!) :hildl-en, m; n n I] 01H Following Orders Ricbtm egg 817.9 t‘nc 1 size Anthra ~6hr late!- J“ G. H. buxom M Eâ€"Seed field pease. J. WMAN, Brooklunds, Stup Stxeet. Phone 44 r 11. 41-(f. By the month for 27, con. 2, Markham. 21.1., R. H. 1, Richmgnq Iilx L Daisy churn. goo used two months, golden finish: {11‘ Jared by Secretary IJune 2nd. and dilnfi d0 bunfingt een Wilton rug. like 10 ft. 3 inch by 9 n. SON, Imseview Ave. )n G and rubber tire 39px;, H. A. TUTT. 46-47 R. H uy l delivered. Apply a 46-41 flour and feed. grits. Fertilizer ’ 63h. cartons for and pwted uy and straw. V and inday. ‘llt I] the teacher. hvwe learned dnn‘b SRY 35“?" Hill huu nie hande lady dressmaking, Alfalfa. [my Money 1' tan [he delivered in tender not flats for 47-43 44 Modern Dancing Taught by A large shook of Funeral Furnishing Kept at; the above places RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE You hear it everywhere that the 13g new OVerland is the most automobile in the world for the money. A bigger engine1-bigger powerâ€"silky actionâ€" in a car you‘re proud to own. I WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers When it comes Overland 0WD! tires and upke< long life of fai Other Overland models: All prices f.o.b. Toronto. RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. Studio : Centre St. STAN. WOODHEAD DANCING n it comes to real pleasure, nobody gets more out oi an automobue man land owners. Overland is at once ajoy and a saving in gasoline, oil, and upkeep from the first day you own it, on and on through a long, life of faithful service. 1 Car that s are flow-"gas an flan-«sensible Star is the SH. car that costs less to, buy and costs iess to maintain C. M. PALMER 8: SON Cor. Arnold and Yonge Sts., Richmond Hill THE ARISTOCRA?’ 0F LOW-PRICED o. Terms on Application ar that span economy Vin-gas and 0H consump- sensible tire siZe. The S the smart appearing Asia for a demonstration ,s: Roadster I621“ axes extra. 378 Berresford Ave.. \Vest Toronto. Phone Junction 0072. Leave Orders at Glenn’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Canadian Tenor and Choir Lender Soloisn, Nurth Parkdule Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupils in Richmond Hill on Thmsdays. Studio, Mrs. N. J. Glass, 2nd door nurth of Methodist Church Particulars. can be obtained by call.- ing. Phone 2'." Ring 11. 29- Touring $710 JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Champion Wm. C. Ruttan )4 an automobile than ’ARS Sedan $1,

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