P;ttâ€"â€"“\Vell, ye see, Oi'm goin' to paint» me house, an' it says on the can, “To obtain the best results put on at least three coats!" Wilson, of Oukville, v Plate on \‘Jnndhine t afternoon. There were “’ith fflVUl'flble wenLhPr we may 9 pect um- 113ml] successful fair Sextuul; of this week. If yuu have a good 3110 horse, bring 1H“) out. if he is spew let. us flee what he can do on the [A truck. A Ciairville family, near Woodbridge: narrowly escaped with their lives when their house tnuk fire in the top storey, Saturday afternoon. The fire. it is be. lieved, miginuted from an overheated chimney. The total damage is esti- mated $3,500, with insurance $1,500. William Cracker. .1 resident of Toronto nil his lifu, died Friday, aged ‘71 years. He was :1 prominent member of the Ontario Jockey Club, the St. George’s Society, and a past president of the York Pioneers. Neighborâ€"“Put, why are you wear- ing so many coats on a hot day like this P" Mrs. L Rev. Mr the Puss years ug other old The new time was ushered in Mou- dny morning by the ringing of the town hall M 7 o’clock. Some uf us had to rub our eyes {he ï¬rst uuu'ningur two, but, by the end of the, week we will scarcely realize Lhe change. The Cadet Corps at, the Orphanage, which has at sti-englh of 35, wille re- viewed officially on Saturday afternoon next by their Visiting Bomd of Directors, and the Corps Will make their official appearance in the regi. mental whites. Kind Ladyâ€"You pnol‘ hungry man! How would you like a nice chop ? Tramp (cautiouslyâ€"[L dc-ppnds, lady. Do yer mean lamb (u‘ wnudshed ? ' ~Boston Transcript. ï¬ml and Meals will be served by the. ladies of the Presbyterian church, in the Arena on the Fair Grounds, on the 21th of May, and not in the basement of the church as usual. The noon meal will be fifty cents as usual. and the banquet in the evening, seventy-five cents. A. A. BOYLE, Secretary. 46-47 in COOPERâ€"HISLOPâ€"On Tuesday. May 20. l9‘24, Eva Beatrice, dungbterof Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hiblop, Lans. ing, to John Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cowper; 0f Willow- ale. MACKIEâ€"At his residence, Richmond Hill, Monday mowing, May 19, 1924, Robert. Mackie, in his 68th year, husband of Sophrimm SmiLh. Mr. Thompson Porter, 31 former Reeve of the Township nf Vaughan. and afterwm-ds Warden of the County of York. died at his residence, Weston Bond, on Friday, Mny 16. The late Mr. Porter was in his 85th year, Hi1 “EI'VC Funeral Wédnesdny. May 21, to Richmond Hill Cemetery. WVXLSONâ€"Iin Igt'untghrun Monday, Cdunter Checkbooks a} at The Liberal Officv. 5 with firm's name etc., hy days' notice. Seq E. R. Former $16.00 up. ’ at“; PLUMBING AKD TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS Maternal May 19. Uxx \\’.J of Richmond Hill Interment, at, F‘ Are you a Subscriber '3 D0 At 110 District 7 inc nudist Uonfurenu THOUHILL, ONT. 19. Dxx w. J C. HENDERSON zuum‘ou, wltu Cnmvron wh )yteriun clnjm ), vi>itved Mrs: friends here I; NE\\'S NOTES fflil MAHRIXGES DEATHS [‘i( ’l Forest Lawn owned , Won \Vilson. furmerii hy giv Ill u Immr ’uLex-sox week. we may ex- Lir Saturday 1. good Show he is speedy suits, from ll {IE Mt ing a few th 9 past phanqnf in stock Ll hunks King turdu )l‘ 5 ud ’ Richmond Hill Motors Victor and every hour. 2145p, m,l:1,~:t cur, Leave Toronto for Newnmrket :1! (3.45 a. m. and then 7.45:1. m. and eveï¬y hour umil ll) 15 p. 111., then last. our 1215 midnight. Leave Toronto for Richmond Hill at 6.15:1. m. and every half houruntil 10.15 p. m.. then 11.15 p. m.. and last, car 12.15 midnight. Leave Richmond Hill for Tnmntn at 6.40 a. II]. and every half hour until 12.10 midnight. Leave Newmax-ket for Toronto at 6.00, 7.00. 8.00 and 9.00 a. m., and every half hom- 11.00 p. 11)., then last; car 11.35 p. m. Leave Sutton for Turonto 6.50 and 9.20 a. m., then every hour until last cat 10 20 p. m. W. R. ROBERTSON, C. L. WlLSON Cars leave Toronto for Scbomherg 7.45, 9.45 a. m., 3.45, 6.15 and 8.45 p.11). Cars leave Newmarket for Schmuberg See Us For PRINTING China, Cut Glass, Grocerles and Confections SPECIAL TWO DAYS OF BIG HGLIDAY SALE mum-1mm AEEIVE and PRICED General Supt. FOR PRESENT WEAR Agentsior Bruce’s High-Class Chocolates and Candies zer h an Have a [ï¬ne assortment of China and Cut Glass Suitable for presents \Vater sets of 7 pieces, Star design, $1.30 per set Grape and Orange designs, $1.35 per set Cut Glass Berry Sets, $1.35. This is something new and very pretty Cut Glass Olive Trays. 75c. and 900. each Sherbets from $2.20 per hall dozen Water Glasses, Grape design, 100. each China Cups and Saucers, solid patterns, 35c. each A large variety of other designs from 60c. up. Milk Pitchers from 50c. up. Salts and Rppers, .Vases Eta. Etc. 8.00. 10.00 a. and 8.20 p. m )pen Tu ;nd Sat J." & M. STEIN H mmhil "ii 'ia Day, Dominion Day Toronto Civ1c Hohday Fifty gallons of Gasoline and two gallons of Cylinder Oil given with every pur- chase 01 a new Star Car Youge & Centre Streets TIME TABLE Our Groceries are always fresh 41 Come in and see our stock RI 4.00 p. m., 631') JG Supt i Boot and Shoe Repairer PUBLIC NOTICE is horoby given that a Court of Revision of the Aseess- ment Roll for the Township of Markham .will be held in Victoria Hall, Union- ville, on‘ Court 0f Revision MONDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1924 at 2.30 o'clock p.111. to hear and adjudicate upon all comâ€" pï¬iints against the Aswssment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Markham for Lhe said year1921. All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accord- ingly. G. A. M. DAVISON, Clerk of the said Municipality. Unionville. May 7, 192}. 46-48 All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanship Prompt Service Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand, Yonge St. Court of R evision Maple ccordil TOWNSHIP O TOWNSHIP GEO. KIDD erll COUNTY OF YORK Municit unic Richmzad Hill OF VAUGHAN lit MARKHAM of the f the lit David Hill, Dealer, Richmond Hill Use Bank Money Orders _ I am prepared to meet your spring demand for sults and overcoats wrth the latest spring goods, either m ready-to-wear or tailored to your measure, Right Here, No Factory \Vork. All ready-to-wear suits or trousers altered to ï¬t you frce of charge. Odd trousers from $3 .50 up._ Ladies blue serge skirts made to ogdcr from $7.50 New Spring Suits Richmond Hill Trench Block Hillel TABLE LINEN Nets, and Marquise-tie. HOUSE DRESSES, APRONSl CORSETS. ALA-GRACE and in the most Popular Styles We have BEDFORD Ladies suits of blue serge made-to-order $35.00. CLEANING AND PRESSING SATISFACTORY DONE. you calm GOI -:- E. R. FORTNER Time)? My com are al automobfl P ' MCl$HQhHI€I§BYé§é UA STAN we" as safe. The charges. excl are: $2.50 and under. ï¬ve cents; cents: $10 and under 530. ten cents cents; $50. eighteen cents. W353 Mrs. Norman Batty "They compare all canals with Panama, You can ES, APRONS, and SATINETTE OF CANADA HMOND HILL BF you want to remit any amount up to ï¬fty mber that Bank Money Orders are inexpe e. The charges. exclusive of Revenue CURTAIN MATE} Ladies and Gents" Clothin and Tailor; get Money Orders It Any branch DA ies Wez MU EGENEBAL/ THE 1n \VARNER’S; and BRASSIERS INTS in Kcvcnue stamps. under $10; ncvél under $50. fifteen Phone 53 f thin Bank REE Phdne 5 don-r... IIVC U II