Many people think of the stomach as the place where food is digested, but in reality it is the mouth where digestion begins. When food has been kept long enough in the mouth to be thoroughly mixed with the saliva, an important part of the digestion pro- cess has already occurred. When the food is Well chewed it gets mixed with the mouth juices, and this is one rea- son why complete mastication of the food is necessary. Every part of the digestive tract has its own role to ï¬ll in the rocess of digestion. If the mouth oes not do its part by mixing the food with saliva, the stomach is overburdened in doing extra_ work. " What then does the mouth actually do in the digestive process. It con- ‘vcrts starch into sugar through the action .of the saliva. This is one of the ï¬rst steps, and if the mouth does not do this work the stomach has to ‘do it. That the stomach is able and does take on the functions of the teeth and mouth does not alter the fact that this Work of prc-digestion should be accomplished by chewing. For sooner or later the stomach work- ing overtime will cease to do its work properly and when it gives out the owner ï¬nds himself a victim of some a mild but thorough laxative which re‘ gulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus drive out constipa- tion and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make teething easy. They are absolutely guaranteed to be free from opiates and narcotics and can be given to even the new-born babe with perfect safety and always with beneï¬cial results. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co.,l Brockville, Ont. When the baby is ill; when he cries a great deal and no amount of attenâ€" tion or petting makes him happy, Baby’s Own Tablets. should be given him without delay. The Tablets are Si'mpliï¬ed Anatomy. Mary had been spanked by her mother. She was crying in the hall- way when the minister entered. "Well, well, what‘s the matter with 1]] y Good taste springs more from judgâ€" ment than from intellect. Keep Mlnard'o Llnlmom m the house. ‘ WHEN BABY IS ILL brovlnclal Board of Health. Ontario *. unmet†Wm M ‘13:! to answer questions on Public Hexath In“ gm through an. column. Address him at 817mm: Home. 99†Crescent. Toronto. little girl toâ€"day?" 11 It hurts," she sobbed What hurts, my dear The back of my lap.’ The ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY makes finer tea and more of it HEALTH EDUCATHON 30,000 ISLAND; Rï¬iï¬'EE Folder and Time Table showing list of Resorts, Boating, Fishing, Camping, etc. W'hen planning your 1924 Vacation write Box 862, Midland, Ont. Mustard neutralizes fat foods and makes digest. Mustard ena and assimilate food would burden the ‘ BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON GEORGIAN BAY DISTRICT he inquired Llizes the richness of makes them easier to d enables you to enjoy food which otherwise the digestive organs. sort of indigestion. Thorough masti- cation is necessary for other reasons. The longer the food is retained in the mouth and the longer it is chewed, the more cha‘hce the taste nerves have to come in contact with it; and when the palate is satisï¬ed the appetite is appeased and the desire for food goes. In this way one does not need to eat so much food to remove the sense of hunger. The same mouthful of food retained in the mouth for sixty sec- onds will go nearly as far toward satisfying the taste nerves as two mouthfuls retained in the mouth thirty seconds each. It can thus be seen that thorough mastication of food is a preventive of overeating, and it may be said that overeating is one of the dietary sins of the age. The savory taste of food in addition to the motion of the jaws and cheeks facilitates the flow of saliva. It is necessary that the mouth juices‘be incorporated with the food while still in the mouth. Chewing of gum or other substances between meals cre- ates an undue flow of saliva at a time when the salivary glands should be at test. The result is a shortage of that necessary fluid when the next meal time arrives. Old Professor “Emmy†was one of the most absent-minded men who ever lived. One day he went to New York to an important meeting. The train was late, and when he came out of the old Grand Union station he popped in- to a cab and called to the cabby, “Drive fast!†01? they went at a gallop, with the cab swaying from side to side and the professor bouncing about and occa- sionally striking his head on the top. Finally, after a particularly vicious bump he glanced at his watch, looked perplexedly into the unfamiliar street and then, sticking his head out of the window, cried, “Hey, where are you going?" “I don’t know." the cabby yelled back, "but I sure am drivin’ fast!‘ Statistics from Ottawa show that in 1923 553,977 pounds more Green Tea were brought into Canada than in 1921, and 906,728 pounds more than in 1922. The reason given is that the ï¬ne quality. Green Teas of India and Ceylon have displaced the inferior Japan and China Greens which, due to their low price, were imported heavily some years ago. Salada Tea Company is the largest importer of India and Ceylon Green Teas. GREEN TEA IMPORTS ‘ LARGER. T00 Fast for the Professor. The draw: W'ith hum That in The warm-leaved maple's paler spray Enmesh with sound the trees. T cmg bold wrought; a fern-Yam dell; Sky-errants patterning the fell; A pipit in the grass; ghy, wistful bmoks that croon all (1 Unloosed kine twining horns in play High hawks that circling pass. The thrush’s ti When cool airs And banks are One Reascn Why So Many Woâ€" men Are Weak and Run-Down. The work of the woman in the home makes greater demands on her vitali- ty than men realize, and there is al- ways something more. to do. No won- der women's backs ache, and their nerves are worn out. No wonder why they get depressed and irritable, suf‘ fer from headaches, and always feel out of sorts. But of course all women are not like that. What is the differ- ence? A woman with plenty of healthy red blood in her veins ï¬nds work in the home easy; her vitality is at par. This points the way to health in women who feel run down and depressed. Make new rich blood. You can do it with Dr. W'illiams' Pink Pills. These pills have the marvellous property of building up the blood and toning up the nerves. That is proved by the case of Mrs H. Eppinger, Scott Street, Vancouver, B.C., who sayszâ€""Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills brought back my health and strength and restored my nerves to normal condition after other medicines had failed. It was af- ter the birth of my second child that I became so anaemic and nervous that I thought I would lose my mind as well as my strength. i tried several medicines. but got no relief until I was advised to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. After using a few boxes of these I could see a change. I felt stronger; my appetite was better, I slept better, and my nerves were ‘stronger. I continued the use of the pills for some time, and again found myself a well woman, and I can sin- cerely say that my health has since been the best. I can cheerfully re- commend the pills to all weak, run down women.†You can get these pills from your druggist, or by mail at 50.cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Fellows, you are casting pebbles in life's ocean day by day, Words and thoughts and actions drop- Iiing, seem to vanish by the WW: But, as ripples from them widen, each one hears another soul, Either nearer God or farther from Life’s eternal goal. True, when words and actions vanish they are gone beyond recall, But they leave in silent motion waves of sweetness or of gall. Influence. You have seen a little pebble in the water lightly thrown, And it vanished, oh, how quickly it was out of sight and gone; But the ripples from it widened, stretching outward more and more, Never ceasing in their motion till they reached the other shore. 'Tls a solemn thought, oh, weigh it; none can live to self alone; Lives of others are made brighter or made darker by our own. E'en the thought we fully cherish, hidden deep within our hearts, By a power unseen some good or evil doth impart. Then guard with care the influence you are leaving day by day, For ’Twill aid in moulding other lives when yours is passed away. The Invisible ear drum invented by A. 0. Leonard. which is a miniature megaphone, ï¬tting inside the ear en- tirely out of eight. in restoring the bearing of hundreds of people in New York city. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafnesa and head noises, and it does this so successfully that no one could tell he is a deaf man. It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated or wholly destroyed natural drums. A request for information to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437. 70 Fifth avenue. New York city, will be given a prompt reply. adv: Blood flows thn'mgh the bones of very young children almost as freely as through the veins. T00 MAM MM} CARES Tie ‘uch of risk; a radiant ‘iend that lifts affectio: graces friendship’s na king bc may His Beninâ€"g Restored. rush’s tender evening trill, :ool airs hush the hedges still, nks are green with flame. D. Thompson, in Country Life ugh Delights. h; a crescent moon: nnolence of noon, stir of bees, outâ€"when young the a fern-fann'd ml} h i g‘n trill ETTAWA EMPLQYEE SAYS mam MET WEN TEST Lee Tells How It Restored Strength and Overcame Stomach Trouble. "If I should live to be 100 years old up 17 lbs. besides. In tac: I will always praise Tanlac (or the strong and well now as in splendid health it has brought me," is been sick a day. I will gl: the grateful statement of William Lee, ' Tanlac to anyone wanting 218 St. Andrew St., Ottawa, Ont., a more about it from me." well known employee 0! the Public Tanlac is for sale by all Works Dept, of this city. 1gists. Accept no substitutt “Nine years of stomach trouble million bottles sold. brought me down to only 103 lbs.. a mere skeleton of myself. I suffered Tanlac Vegetable Pills, about all the miseries that go with.pation, made and recommen indigestion and got so nervous thatlmanufacturers of TANLAC The Coming Education. “How can I teach your children gentle- ness, And mercy to the weak, and reverence for life, V , Wheu by your laws, your actions and “ your speech, I You contradict the very things I teach? Avoid loss when‘ sending money by mailâ€"Use Dominion Express Money Ordersâ€"the safe, convenient, inexpen- sdve way. The violence that others do to us is often less painful than that we put upon ourselves. Say “Bayer†- Insist! For Pain Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Colds This is an easy method of dis- covering the age of a friend. For this stunt. however, it is necessary that your friend be older than you. When you understand the trick you will see that a few changes may be made in the method for use it your friend is younger than you. V Accept only a ‘ Bayer package Subtract your own age from 99. Give this number to your friend and ask him to add his rig; to it. Ask him to take away the ï¬rst ï¬gure of the total and to add that ï¬gure to what remains and to give you the result. Immediately .you will tell him his age. All that you have to do is to add your age to the number he gives you. For example: If you are 17 years old, subtract 17 from 99. That will give you 82. Your friend. who is 20. adds 82 to 20. That will give him 102. Taking away the ï¬rst ï¬gure leaves 02. Adding 1 to that gives 03 or 3. This number he gives you. Add your age to it. 17 plus 3, and you will have 20. which contains proven directions Handy “Bayer†imxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and lOOâ€"Dmggists Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- acetlcacldeater of Sallcyllcacld GHAPPE HANDS (Clip this out and paste it. with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) hands and all skin (1 Minard's is exc< EASY TRICKS How Old Are You? You are 1wcnty -two W seas â€"Longfellow many nights I paced the floor and longed for morning to come. "Tanlac helped me from the very start and 7 bottles brought back my health and strength and ran my weight up 17 lbs. besides. In fact, I feel as strong and well now as it I had never been sick a day. I will gladly praise Tanlac to anyone wanting to know more about it from me." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug~ glsts. Accept no substitute. Over 40 milllon bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pills, for consti- pation, made and recommended by the Select Teachers by Merit. Appointment and promotion of teachers in New Zealand are based on a Dominion graded list of teachers, the best qualiï¬ed individual securing appointment in any part of the Do- minion irrespective of the district in- whlch he or she was previously em; ployed. “Free to you†generally means ï¬nd some one else pays double. I ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN J and light sewing at home; whole or spare time; good pay. Work sent any distance. Charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National Manufacturing Co., Montreal. Pnnm. bEAUTlFULLY FLUFFY, carded wool; sample. enough light comforter: one dollar. Woollen Mills. Georgetown. Ont. Vanished After Using Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound MRS. MISENER’S ' ASHES AND PAINS Ask for Mlnard‘n ï¬nd tak- no other. “ Branchton, Ont. â€" “ When I wrol‘n to you for help my action was mostly prom ted byvcurios- lty. wondered if I, too, would beneï¬t: by your medicine. It: was the most roï¬tâ€" able action have ever taken, I heart- ily assure you, for.“ throu h its results I am re ieved of most; of my sutferin s. I‘ have takensix oxes of Lydia E. Pink- ' ham’s Vegetable Compound Tablets and a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Blood Medicine, and I can honestly say I have never been so well before. I had suffered from pains and other troubles since I was fifteen years old, and during the ‘Creat War' period IWorked on munitions for two years. and. in the heavy lifting which my work called for, I strained mysclf, causing pelvic inflammation from which I bavo suï¬ered untold agony, and I often had to give up and go to bed. I had doctorod for several years without getting per- your medicines. "â€"Mts. GOLDYIIN MlsJ ENBR. Branchton, Ont. Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- cine Co.,Cobourg,Ontario,for‘a freecopy of Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text- Book upon “Aliments of Women.†0 Classiï¬ed Advertisements Sample Bach Yr†hy um. Addross Cnnndiaï¬ Depot: “Outlaws. P. 0. Box 2615, Montreal." Price, SeapZSc. Oinmentï¬nndboc. Tnlcumï¬z. Try our new Shaving Stick. †My trouble began with a break- ing out of pimples at the edge of my hair which soon spread to my fore- head. A! ï¬rst the pimples were very small but became larger and were in- flamed. They itchcd badly for awhile and were eo embarrassing that I hated to go out. My hair fell out. ‘ “ I read an advertisement for Cu- ticura Soap and Ointment and elem for a free sample. I purchased more, and in two or three weeks I was healed." (Signed) Miss Geor- gia McMillan. 1913 Summit Blvd.. Spokane, Wash.. July 10, 1923. inflamed and Itched Badly. Cuticura Healed. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. ISSU ars with when I i. ’ ’â€"Mr: ‘ Jreat Vlar ’ period ions for two years. 7ting which my work ted myself, causing L from which I havo‘ ‘ny, and I often had bed. I had doc'wred 'ithout getting per; n I started to take Mrs. GOLDW‘IN Mlsx