Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 May 1924, p. 4

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The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company, Lt’d. have on hand for sale. Cement; drain tile. 3, 4. 5, 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand or Gravel sold by the load or in car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. T. (,OUSINS. AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, A. B0 LFE . Boot and Shoe Repairer Store Next to Village Clerk's Office The Protective Association of Canada. and The Dominion Gaurantee and Accident Co. FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, PLATE GLASS ETC . Maple, Ont. Phone 232 Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of NOTICE is hereby given that Vera. Thelma. Gooderham. of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario. married woman. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next, session thereof for a bill of Divorce from her husband Stuart Wilmot. Gooderham, of the said City of Toronto. Broker, on the grounds of adulteryraud dfsertion. ‘ ‘ thmmxn STREET, RICHKOND HILL Representing The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York ‘ INQUIRIES SOLICITED DATED at Toronto. this 28th day of A m, A. D. 1924. ERA THELMA GQODERHAM, Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. S‘tudio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 30 tf Notice of Application for Divorce I am not using that, as an excuse tor not putting good material and workmanship into my business. neither is it the cause of a. decrease in the price of lenther, which consequently affects the price of repairs. If you question my veracity corroboration is easy tithe Marni-£1.11; R0ad Richmond Hill avgaualt-of-door of the provine. ELOCUTION Miss Marguerite Boyle KMBROSE L. PHIPPS 6 30 p_ m.â€"bnnua 7.30 p. “Irâ€"EV?"i Thursday even clock. (All services 00 S iriow Sunday after Ascensmu .-â€"Sundny Schnnl 0 . [ILâ€"Ev“)ng I’m} 01'. OAK moans HALL . .â€"‘nnday School . m.â€"â€"Evening Prayer. .80 evening svrv: 'l‘h nI-ed "v WHITE LEGHORNS YES I HAVE NO BANANS BUT NOW READY DAY OLD 15 CENTS 8 WEEKS 25 CENTS Strong Sturdy, chicks Best of stock MURPHY Is: ‘D’ONA’LD, 302 Bay Street, Toronto. . 1-1. BYAL‘I ST. JQHN't} CH” last. batch of season CHICKS by her Solicitors, Rod And Gun .uties and advantages of re stressed in the special ne issue of Rod and Gun in In addition to u descripLion 1’s tourist attractions and ints of beauty in the pro- n suggestions for summer l trips. the stories in the mil with fishing and camping Iin Park, with Limbersur- )rlhenlOigtiirioandhunting door stories in other parts OAK RIDGES Standard Time. s GHL'RCH Ascensin‘ll D as an excuse for serviceâ€"'1 Manager A perusal of the annual report of _ the Sterling Bank, which appears on 1- :m inside page shows that institution ‘ to have a sound basic position. The President in his address to share- holders referred to the adverse con- ditions produced by the Home Bank 80 , failure, but expressed the hope that improvement in business is confi- dently expected from now on. In the tactical contest between the Officers of the County of Peel Regi- ment, and that of the York Rangers, recently held at Brampton, the Peel County Officers were pronounced the victors. by the District Commanding Staff Officer. After the game supper, was served to the visiting Officers. in the Brampton Armouries. All of the County Ofllcers of the Regiment with Col. Gibson. D. S. 0.. attended. The Cadet. Corps at the Orphange made a splendid showing before the board of Directors on the 21th of May. and this Corps has now proved itsalf as being a. finely disciplined body of boys, and undoubtedly reflecting great credil to their Matron in charge. For financial assistance in equipping this corps complete in the regimental whites. gratitude on behalf of the Re- iment is expressed to Miss Taylor, of omnto. to Mr. Henry Moyle, of Richmond Hill. to Dr. Lorne Bell, of Richmond Hill and Dr. Rutherford, of Aurora. Cadet Capt. Bert: Grant i to be con- gratulated on his efficiency in organiz- ing the Cadet Team which has emu-- ed in the Hillsbmoksquare Leugue. The team is now fully equipped. and has thus far won from Thornhiil. also Victoria. Square. The Cadet Red and Whites should place Richmond Hill on th§_an. Cadets, stand tn, and'do so. Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Stirling have again given to the Cadet Corps,the privilege of holding a Garden Fete on the grounds of their home.~ the pro- ceeds from which. will begiven to the Cadet Corps spin-ting fund. The loyal support of all is asked, that: our boys may thus have the sportinz advantages, so vital to their manly deyelopment. u p .I,, WAi‘irhrnEér’hVents are under way for the reorganizing of the York Rangers Richmond Hill Reserve Brass Band. (Supt. Barty Mordon will leave on the 2150 of June to attend the Royal Schuolof Infantry at Camp Niagara and to qualify in a Field Officer's Course. JOHN R. CAMPBELL J. F. Burr Phone 82w Tenders for Coal The Richmond Hill Board of Education are asking for tenders for 30 tons egg siza Pocahontas. and 20 tons egg size Anthracite, delivered in the schools. Call by phone or otherwise promptly The lowest or any tender not necessaxily accepted. Tenders received by Secretary, H. Mex-den, up till June 2nd. Chairman 76f Management Commitplee 4 4 The contract has been let to Mr. Sheen-down for the rebuilding of the swimming pool on Percy Bri'llinger’s farm. The pool will be enlarged, and made further complete than last; year. Strict regulation as to cadet conduct and bearing an the pool will be enforced, and it is hoped that the departure in this regard, will meet with the support of all, as was so spontaneously given la§r_ year._ THE HILL EaWJIE-evv‘é} {s-g'eâ€"tlllehéh éadeté, t6 take defeat, without hxtterness, and likewise success without self upprecigtiory. u. lvv \Vlhlvvâ€" ._- _, The Junior Baseball team, under Cadet Capt. Bert Grant, have officially entered the Hill’s-Square League. for the 1924 season. The team will be equipped complete and have regi- mental status as the Richmond Hill Cadets. As: a. rewaxd for this con- sideration, the officer responsible for Cadet organization requests Lhat‘the Cadets é'vé'r uphold the sForting traditions of Lhe_00rps, go pay the Tactical Contest held in the Armouries ab Brampton on Thursday evening. 16th inst., between Lbe officers of the County of Peel Regiment, and the County Battalion. York Rangers, in the map manoevres, the Peel Regiment; were pronounced by the examining district officer as thq Winners. 1 WBi-igfiwENfiWL: Heise has home after spending the Buffalo. N. Y. Mr. L. B. Heise, of Victor left, on Tuesday for De Ubicngo. and poian West. win attend General Confel Abilene, Kansas; also to bmther, Mr. A. J. Heise‘, ex \viH attend General Conference near] Abilene, Kansas; also to Visit ‘his bmther, Mr. A. J. Heise‘. expecting to be, 9way_§ wee'ks. LN. .mtnvmmi Capt._H_a1-ty Mprc‘l‘er} took pal-t in the .L , A .u“.....‘.,.n VETERINARY SURGEON, Cl‘hornhill. Buckwheat for seed. Flour and feed, grinding. The best poultry feeds: grit and charâ€" coal. Baled hay and stmw. Deliveries Tuesday and Friday. G. H. DUNCAN The York Rangers NE\\'S NOTES Victoria Square. I r Detroit, and l Nest]. where he i has returned the winter in 10R SALEâ€"A valuable team of mares. young and sound, weight 3,000 lbs. One is registered. BEDFORD PARK FLORAL Co. LIMITED. 39-tf ASTUREâ€"Good pasture for horses and cattle; also plenty of good water, lot 45, con. 1. Vaughan, Richâ€" mond Hill. Apply on.the premises MRS. W. CURTIS. 48-50 App 69 R F OR SALEâ€"Buhy’s excellent, SLPnHm‘. 11y1 MRS. TEARE, grey reed C(mdi‘ inn. Thor nhill, Phnne 49; OR SALEâ€"Seed field pease. . \V. BOWMAN, Brooklands, Stop 29, Yonge Street. ,Phone 44 r 11. 41-tf. AINT~A bargain in paint, $1.00 a quart, as long as it, lasts. Send in your order early to J. A. ROSE, Maple. 43-48 (Jim-cf) St. ASTURE -â€"By the month for cattle, lot 27, can. 2, Markham. R. D. CAMPBELL, R. R. 1, Richmgnd H1] I A [LE FOR SALEâ€"About 2500 ‘ good second hand 3 in._tile for sale, price $30 per 1000 at Roselnwn AVC., North Toronto. Phone, or call and see. W. J. LAWRENCE, 1974 Yonge S5,, Toronto. 48-49 08T-â€"Monday evening Street, east, or on Yo atlhonse door-key. Finder leave at The Liberal Office. DSTâ€"Ac U. N. R. Station on Monday night, black Uockor Spaniel, Lag No. 8033. Finder please noLify R. S. KIRBY, 2673 Yongo SL. Toronto, Hudson 0115, or notify Mu. TRACY! SLaLion Agent Richmond Hill. Rewm d. OR SALEâ€"«Ilem‘y horse, rising 8 years old. Apply N. J. THOMAS, Phone 45 B 13. 48 PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS FOR SALEâ€"2 Cows for, sale: A. C. HENDERSON IRL'S BICYCLE"â€" For sale, in gopd condition. 0. P. Wylgm $62st 6x16£d Sn, Elgin Mills THORNHILL, ONT. ant Ads. evening, on Uentre or on Yonge Street, Finder will kindly DODGE BQTHERS 48-49 47-48 TYPE- “A S E-DAN Three considerations recommend this Sedan to a wide circle of buyersâ€" A new and substantial beautyâ€"height- ened by many special appointments.‘ A seat depth, body length and spring suspension that have revolutionized the riding qualities of all Dodge Brothers Motor Cars. “ A reputation for intrinsic goodness that dates directly back to the first Type-A Sedan bearing Dodge Brothers name. The Car RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. 1 Car that spell economy arelow--gas and oil consump- tionusensible tire size. The Star is the smart appearing car that costs less to buy and costs less to maintain TWO features of the Star Car fhaf anon annnnm‘r THE ARISTOO'RAT 0F LOW-PRICED CARS SPECIAL A $1: for a demonstration

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