“All you have to do is to buy a plant, know how to run it, front end to back end. Then hustle around and get copy. First you must get all the. local and general news. You will find the local news spread almost everywhere about the townsite. and you are expected to be most everywhere to lend the fleet- ing items. And another important thing-you must. or are supposed to, make an effort to collect the money. pay the bills and keep everybody in good humor. And the most important is never to leave out of the paper the name of the important ones, and also never to put them In when they should be left out. You will learn this trial: after you have been bowled out a few timea.’f Country Editor Tells How the Trick is Done. Cannington, May 21â€""Anyone can run A news aper." says the Cannington Gleaner e itor, who proceeds in the current issue: Th-e following were elected officers for the current year: Presidentâ€"Mr. Semple. Vice.-Pres.-â€"Mr. Lundy. Sec.â€"Treas.â€"-Mr. Blackstone. Executiveâ€"Messrs. Hogs. Harvey and Seim. At the noon hour the visiting members were guests ntluncheon, of the publishers o! Alliston Herald, Tottenhum Sentinel. and the Beeton World. The price list was revised, and the rincipnl speaker of the day was Mr. flay Szwles, Manager of the C. W.N.A. Votes of thanks were tendered the \Vomau’s Institute for the use of the Public Library. and the newspaper men who supplied the luncheon, and Mr. Jackson. of the Newmarket Era. was presented with 8. Fountain Pen, it belt). his birthday. The meeting was held in ‘the Memorial Public Library. a neat little brick building. erected by the Woman’s Institute of that town. The following newspaper men were resent: Messrs, Elliott, Alliston; emple, Totteuham: Smith. Creemore; Walls und Maclaren. Barrie; Seim, Bradford; Jackson and Harvey. New- murket; Lundy. Aurora; McMahon. Richmond Hill; Wright, Mt. Forest: \Villiums and Hngg, Collin‘gwood; Cook, Beeton; Blackstone, Orillin. There was a good attendance at the Spring meeting of the Simone and North York District Press Association held at, Allisthon on the 23_rd 9f May. A splendid meeting was held in the Hntel. The nominations were. Manager, Mr. Charles Glover. Sec.-Treas.â€"Miss D. Hart. Coach and Captainâ€"K. Blanchard. The practices are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesday the practice was in full swing, when 21 girls turned out. The byword, keep the good work up. \Ve are making two teams this year, Junior and senior. Come along and boost, the game. Vill Ige Council, lst Monday Board of Education, 15!. Monday BnaI-d of dee, 2nd Monday Horticultural Society, 3rd Tuesday". Public Lilnaly Open Tuesday and Saturday evenings t1 om 7 to 9 o “clock Large congregations greeted two former pastms in the Methodist Church last Sunday. Rev. P. M. Peacock, of Willowdale, preached in the morning, and Rev J. C. Cochrane, of Newmarket. in the evening, Miss Aileen Atkinson contributed a violin solo in the evening. The friends of Tesbon Sabbath School purpose holding their annual gag-den party on Wednesday. the 25th ofjune. Anniversary Services will be held on the previous Sunday, June 22. Fuuher notice Inter. The Home and Schnvl Club Supper will be held in the Public School pon Fliday. June 6m. Suppei w.ll he SPIV- ed flum 5.30 to 730. followed by a sing songund snciil hour. Evexyone welcome. Admission 25c. Mrs. J. H. Dunlnp is at, present; at her pzu‘ents' home at. Nflshllzl, N. H., where her mother is serinuely in; last reports wme of a. more favourable nature, some improvement having been made. A concr‘rt will he [hid in Parr-ville Church giIen by the Uunville Chuix, J_uII_e_ lULh. Admission, adults SOC éhildl'eu 15c Mrs. A. K. Butchmt of Detroit, with son and duughtel. have been visiting J. H. Dunlop. dining the pnst week She was fnlmnlly Mnhel Dunlap second daughter of Mr. Dunlup. Tu) Farmersâ€"Order yuur Seed Corn at. [he Elevator. This swed cnnws dir- ect; fun†the grower (Ontario grown) and is Lhe best; seed obtainable. There will be u. meeting of lhe Lawn Bowling (Huh in the Council Chamber this (Thursday) evening at, 8 o’clock. Important husmess. Mr. and Mrs, Mchgue and Mr. and Mrs. Fm-luer motmod to Kitchener Saturday. spent the week-end with l'elutivus. and returned Monday. The VVUHIPH'S Ins a garden party fur this date open. Division Court, will Tuesdayâ€"Ahe- King's h Press Meeting at Alliuon Anyone Can Run A Paper Young Ladies’ Baseball Reguhr Meetings iLutv aw planning June 2151. Keep I! he held next. birthday. Richmond Hill Motors SPECIAL Comer of Yonge & Richmond China, Cut Glass, Grocerles and Confections Richmond Hill Phone 86] J. W. Wellman A solo was Ireland. Mrs. Taylm‘ told us many interesting incidents in her pen-Sum! experience among these people and how great, the numbers were ready to receive the wonderful stony nfjesus and his love, but. how few the laborers were. She asked us to realize their great. need, and to do our share in sending out “Laborers." \ Thursday. Mny 22nd. A\ most interesting and instructive tall; was given by Mrs. Taylor. (at present. home from Central India.) on [he "Ingmberinzs of [he Christniu Church in India." In her talk Mrs. Taylor. madethe following quotations: lst “That in these “Ingatherings†or “Mass move- ments.†The Church finds her greatest opportunity. 2nd That, this is the Church's most pressing problem. 3rd That, it is the Church's most Glorious Proof of Power. Mrs. Taylor told us of the great loneliness of the young converts in Indin, of the willingness of these con- verts to suffer, and of their great, belief 1n the flower of Prayer. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S.. was held in the Manse, on Thursday. May 22nd. Mrs. Muckie nnr] fnmily wish to thunk their friends for the kindness and sympathy extended in their recent sad bereavement in the 1085 of a bus- band and father. Agents {or Bruce's High-Class Chocolates and Candies Have a ï¬ne assortment of China and Cut Glass Suitable for presents Water sets of 7 pieces, Star design, $1.30 per set Grape and Orange designs, 551.35 per set Cut Glass Berry Sets, $1.35. This is something new and very pretty Cut Glass Olive Trays. 75c. and 90¢. each Sherbets from $2.20 per half dozen Water Glasses, Grape design, 10¢. each China Cups and Saucers, solid patterns, 35¢. each A large variety of other designs izozn 60c. up. Milk Pitchers from 50c. up. Salts and Peppers, Vases Mens' Khaki pants for the next two weeks. Boys running shoes, caps, Jersey sweaters all at very reasonable prices. Boots and shoes, with agood line of Oxfords and Ladies shoes. GENTS’ FURNISHINGS Fifty gallons of Gasoline and two gallons of Cylinder Oil given with every pur- chase of a new Star Car Yonge & Centre Streets Presbyterian W. Mnckie nnd fumily wish to CARD 0F THANKS sung by Miss Margaret Our Groceries are always fresh Come in and see our stock Eté. Etc. . STEIN ‘1' Court of Revision Boot and Shoe Repairer PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that :1 Unurt of Revision of the 'Assessnmm Roll for the Townshipuf Vaughan, will be held in the Township I Hull, Vellure. All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good 'Workmanship rompt Service Shop in Winferton’s Old Stand, Yonge St. ivillo, on PUBLIU NOTICE is herpby given that a Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Roll for the Township of Markham will be hold in Victoria Hall, Union- MUNDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1924 â€I, 2.30 o'clock p. m. to hear and adjudicate upon all com- plaints signinst the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Markham for the said y9ar1924. All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accord- ingly. cm k of the said Municiï¬a’lity. Unionvillc'. May 7, 1924. 46-48 to hear and adjudicatu pluints against the Ass the Municipality of (I Vaughan for the said parties inLerested are yake nntice and gave accordinglv. Business 1 Maple, Mm] Court of Revision TOWN-SHIP OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN PUBLIC NOTIL~ GEO. KIDD Clorl ‘IONDAY, JUNE “L 10.30 o’clbcj Municipality of the COUNTY OF YORK Richmond Hill Municipality M" the J, B. McLEAN, I the said Municipality. meeting at 1.30 p. m. v 22, 1924. 4' )UNTY 0F YORK a." A_. M. pAyISON, ested are requested tn and govern themselves .oU O'clock, a1 m. adjudicate upon all cnm ssessï¬wnt Rnlrof the Township of (1 year 1924. All 19‘ 47â€"49 David Hill, Dealer, Richmond Hill I Deposit Your Coupons QUALITY SHOPPE Millinery, Ladies Wear, Dry Goods w. G. BEDFORD, Richmond Hill All ready-to-wear suits or trousers altered to ï¬t you free of charge. Odd trousers from $3 .50 up. Ladies blue serge skirts made to order from $7.50 I am prepared to meet your spring demand for suits and overcoats with the latest spring goods, either in ready-to-wear or tailored to your measure, Right Here, No Factory Work. New Spring Suits MCLAUGHLiN-BUICK MASTER SIX 24-45 You can’t really know this fine car, howeyer, until you have sat behind the wheel. When you have felt the superabundant power; tested the speed and unusual riding comfort; enjoyed the ease of control, on all roads in all weathers, that is afforded by the tested four wheel brakesâ€"not until then will you know all the value offered in this fine car. At first glance, you will certainly appreciate the smart lines, the attractive finish and beautiful appointments of this McLaughlin- Buick. Sit Behind theWheel of this Master Six C-me Ask us About the G.M.A.C. Plan of Deferred Raymegts. Trench Block TA BLE LINENS , CURTAIN MATERIALS. in Madras, Scrims. Nets, and Marquisette. ‘- HOUSE DRESSES, APRONS, and SATINETTE SLIPS. UORSETS. ALA-GRACE and VVARNER’S; and BRASSIERS in the most Popular Styles. Mrs. Norman Batty We have Now in Stock a Full Line of RATINES, CREPES, COLORED VOILES and NORVIANDY VOILES in all Newest, Shades, at Popnlm Plices GINGHAMS, CHAMBRAYS. and PRINTS, which, of course, you cannot do Without. ‘Ve have Now in Stock 2 Ladies suits of blue serge made-to-order $35.00. CLEANING AND PRESSING SATISFACTORY DONE} E. R. FORTNER bavings Departments are 11 Victory Bond coupons will i men! without charge. Let the interest from your in "Standatd". RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, Ladies and Gents’ Clothier and Tailor; or CARRâ€"m; THE vestment earn mom interest in tho Phone 53 Phone 5 Manager.