Doesn't hurt one mu Drop a. nun "Freezone" on an Idling corn. In- stantly that corn stops hurting. than shortly you lift It right on with ï¬ngers. Your drugglst sells a any home of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufï¬cient to remove every hard corn, soft corn. or corn betweenlho toes, and the toot calluses. without soreness or irritation. A man who was about to start on a ten-mile walk with one of his young sons ï¬rst prepared some twenty white balls about the size of baseballs, made of excelsior wrapped in white paper, and numbered them consecutively in plain black ï¬gures. He also bought several small gifts, none worth more than ï¬fteen cents, and numbered them in tbevsame Way. All the greatest admirals and gen- erals, British and allied, who fought in the war, have contributed their sig- natures. Lord Ypres “afï¬xed his auto- graph on the battleï¬eld of the Marne in September, 1922, on the occasion of the celebration of the Marne victory.†There is a foreword by Field Mar- shal Earl Haig, of Bemersyde, remind- ing all that by “readiness to help liv- Ing ex-service men, the depth and sin- cerity of our respect and gratitude to- ward the dead; toward fallen com- rades of ours, who, dying, left homes and dear ones destitute; toward those gallant lads who fell on the threshold of life can best be manifested." It contains a collection, which has never been paralleled, of autographs and passages written in their own hand by the most famous people of the day and by representative leaders in every department of human activity. Numerous illustrations, cartoons and caricatures, many of them in colors, add to the lure of the book. The British Legion Album. just pub- lished, is a book of unique interest, says a London dapatch. No such volume has ever been produced be- fore, and the proceeds of the sale will be devoted to the beneï¬t of British ex-aervica men of all ranks. Making a Game of Walking. NOTED MEN’S NAMES WRITTEN IN BRITESH SflLDEERS’ ALBUM Lift Offâ€"No Pain! Then before he began the walk he Make Cuticura Soap. Ointment and T11cum your evexyoday toilet prep- arauons and watch your skin and hair improve. The Soap ‘0 cleanse, the Ointment to heal and the Tal- cum to powder. Staple Sub hm by MAI]. Address Can-dim D at: “ Quinn. 2. 0. M3 ION, "GEN." '92. So- ZEc. Olnnnentfl undBOc. Tnlcmn 3:. B ' r1 our new Shaving Stick. Cuticura Cares For Your Skin And. Hair CORNS Fine, brisk flavor! Best of all in the ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY T" A third game is the Progressive Hike. The leader lays out a course that includes several stations from one quarter to three quarters of a mile apartâ€"stores or residences of ac- quaintances. On a preliminary trip the leader leaves at each station oral or written instru’ctions where the hikers are next to proceed. As a rule the storekeepers or householders are quite willing to relay the instructions. It lends interest to have waiting 9t some stations presents like a bag of doughnuts or a box of cookies. Experience has proved that such plans add enough zest to make hiking plan a re: a. group is to make the hike, i_t is a good plan to have a designated ball tor each member, so‘ that, althsugh all search for the balls, there is no scramble at any point. has and that With What i This game the man and his son named the Recover. They discovered afterwards that it is well adapted to amus a group of boys if the members take turns in hunting for the balls. They also tried other similar games, one of which they called the Hide and Seek Hiker The leader takes a large- scale map of the surrounding terri- tory and lays out a walk 'of as many miles’as the group wish to take. He then places the numbered balls at dif- ferent points and indicates their situa- tion on the map. If he finds it hard exactly to indicate the situation on the man, he uses helpful symbols, such as R, for “close to read," T, “near a tree,†or H, “directly in line with house." I! Before he started on the hike with his son, he told the boy that he had scattered the balls and that ï¬nding any of them would bring a reward. On reaching home the boy would be en- titled to take the gifts that bore the same numbers as the balls he succeed- ed in ï¬nding. The boy succeeded in ï¬nding ï¬fteen of the balls, and what otherwise might have been to him a somewhat tedious walk became so in- teresting that he reached the end 211- most before he realized it. ' rode over the route of it in a motor car and threw the balls out at different places. but all on one side of the road. Among the famous actresses is Miss Ellen-Terry with her large, legible script. The Victorians make a deep impression. Thomas Hardy’s signa- ture is as ï¬rmly written as any young man’s. In the page of Belgian names is that of Cardinal Mercier, who signs with his title in English, “Archbp. of Malines," and of M. Max, the honored burgomaster of Brussels. Before he died the venerable Fred- erick Harrison framed a last message to English men and women entreating them: “To help all service men to enâ€" Joy a ï¬tting life at home.†Lloyd George writes: "Never in any generation have so many young men faced the torments of mutilation and the terrors of death for their country’s honor and for the redemption of man- kind.†Ask tor Mlnard‘n and un no other. Among the quotations or original thoughts are the words of Prof. Gil~ bert Murray's touching appeal: "These are they which came out of great tri- bulation; surely they shall not hunger any more.†At those same celebrations he obtainâ€" ed the autographs of M.‘ Poincare and General Maunoury. who opened the battle with the Sixth French army and began the great stroke at the German flank. Marshal Foch and Marshal Jot- fre sign In closely similar hands. Rise 11 ‘brown And An :nnuts or a box of cookies. iperience has proved that such 5 add enough zest to make hiking a1 game, though otherwise it often so little attraction that many boys girls miss the physical beneï¬ts rls mis; confers ains wait done this ake cloud 1rk v wil agabondia. with. golden shoes. silk and shining gear. tinsel Show to lose 1 road far, far from here! whit ian M foot hing 11101!!! I one mile ac- trip this min way No man can be cheated out of honorable career in life unless cheats himself. Believe in your and your capabilities and you will be cheated. Begin new forms of work or play moderately. Moderation in physical exertion for the ï¬rst few days of a vacation will make a great difference in the actual results of the vacation. It will also make a vacation far more beneï¬cial in its results if the daily programme be arranged so as to pro- vide a period of complete relaxation and rest, if not a nap, after the noon- day meal or before the evening meal. any city 1! To get the most out are. vacation one should have a rest as well as a change of scene and recreation. Ex~ cessive physical fatigue whether from work or play is dangerous. Fatigue means a tired heart and weakened di- gestive organs, and it lowers resist- ance to Infection of any sort. Many a vacation has been spoiled by unusual fatigue, with over eating, and many a vacationist returns home suffering from an infection which would never have occurred had his natural powers of resistance not been lowered by gen- eral bodil); fatigue. You can get the pills from your drugglst, Ol' by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medlclne Co., Brockvllle, Ont; The fact that one woman is bright- eyed, rosy-cheeked, strong and cheer- ful, while another is pale, weak and depressed is due more often than other- wise to the condition of the blood. The way to remedy this depressed state is to build up the blood, and for this purpose there is no other tonic .can equal Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. A lease in point is that of Mrs. Melvin Abra, Graveley Street, Vancouver, B.C., who says:â€"“About two years ago i was a very sick woman. I seemed to be wasting away and getting thinner all the time. I grew so weak that the doctor sent me to the hospital, but the treatment there did not help me and I returned home. Then I tried a num- ber of tonics with no :-better results. At this stage my mother came to me, and as she is a ï¬rm believer in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, she started me‘ on this medicine. I can only say thati they did wonders for me. I began to get new health and strength after I had taken a few boxes, and day by day this improvement continued until I was again well and able to do all my housework, and I have not had a sick day since. I cannot recommend your pills too highly and urge those who are looking for health and happiness to give them a trial.†Keep Mlnard‘a Llnlmont tn the houu. Is One Who Has the Rich, Red Blood of Good Health. Payment for articles advertised in is column should be made with Do- inion Express Money ordersâ€"A safe ay of sending money by mall. The ï¬rst handful of cards you throw on the table includes one of the two cards you put on the bot- tom of the pack. If his answer is “No†you will know that the se- lected card is one of the three other cards. The cards may be returned to the pack. The next handful of cards inrludes one of the other cards. If It is not the selected card. the next handful will, of course, contain it. Madrid has the higl (0117) this out and paste it. with other 0/ the series. in a scrapbook.) Throw several cards on the table and ask him to tell you whether or not his card is among them. Do ‘his several times until his answer is "Yes." You will then be able to name the card he seiected. ’l‘his trick requires a little prac- tice, but it is well worth it. Well presented. the trick is more mysti- fying than the description suggests. Show four cards to a. spectator. asking him to ï¬x his mind upon one of them. Do not display them mo longâ€"just long enough to en- able him to see one of the cards plainly. Put two of the cards on the top of the pack and two of the cards on the bottom and put the pack behind your back. THE CHEEIIFUL WOMN // EASY TRICKS Which Card urope Jd ,elf To Gain Weighti D‘ruggis to rebuild bitlon in tired-out peop pkge. Arrow Chemicz St. East, Toronto, Ont The children of the world will hence- forth be under the protection of the League of Nations. The International Bureau for the Promotion of Child Welfare has been working in Brus- sels under the auspices of thirty gov- ernments and of various national or- ganizations, but with the consent of the members the Council of the League has authorized the concentra- tion of all child-welfare activities in a special department of the League at Geneva. During one year a score of whaling boats operating from South Georgia killed five thousand whales, the oil from which ï¬lled 200,000 barrels. Six barrels represent a ton, and as Whale oil sells at from $50 to $125 per ton, the catch of this fleet was worth $2,- 500,000. No time is wasted returning to port! with a “catch.†Floating factories‘ have been established where the blubâ€"f ber can be treated, and so valuable is! this that the rest of the Whale's car- case is often sent adrift, a waste of tons of valuable material. Then news was circulated that the ocean around the Falkland islands in the south Atlantic was “alive†with Whales, and, just as gold‘seekers rush off to any new ï¬eld where gold is re- ported, so the whaling fleets all turned south. To-day the Whale ï¬shery around these islands is more proï¬table than all the other ï¬sheries of the world put together. The Greenland whale ï¬shery, so far as this country is concerned, is almost nonâ€"existent. The harpoon-gun was too deadly, and the “right†Whale of the Arctic appeared likely to become as extinct as the dodo. which contains proven directions Handy “Bayer†boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and lOOâ€"Druggieta Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in cumin) of Bayer Manufacture 01 Mom» neeucacldeste: or Sallcyliclcld "Time and again I have urged TAN- LAC'S use and it always brings the most gratifying results. My own mother, now eighty years old, took TANLAC ï¬ve years ago, has been her standby ever since. Nothing helps her as TANLAC does and she is as strong an advocate of the medicine as I am. Only recently, mother be- came generally run-down. Her stom- ach was disordered, her appetite ut- terly failed her, and she came near having a nervous breakdown. TAN- LAC gave her a vigorous appetite, cor- rected all complaints and left her not only well and happy, but so strong and active that she looks after the lNSISTl Unless you see the “Bayer Cross†on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phy- sicians for 24 years. Accept only 3 We Bayer package “I have direct and personal know- ledge of so many cases where TAN- LAC has restored health and strength and helped weak. runâ€"down people to get on their feet that I know it to be an unusual medicine,†is the emphatic manner in which Mrs. M. E. Chappelle, Blue Mount and Thomas Ave., Wau- wotosa, Wts., a practical nurse of ï¬t- teen years’ experience, pays tribute to the famous treatment. Say “Bayer Aspirin†Nurse With 15 Years’ Experi- ence Urges Use of Tanlac â€"â€"Tells of Her Mother’s Ex- perience With 'Norld’s Fa- mous Tonic. 953% ight to Five Thousand Whales in One Season’s Catch. League Prote'cts Children. s guarantee shattered n with streng thin folks a WWW Em§ WMWI SE EMWELLE SAYS égcept only a and rekin sphate body am- !STRAWBERRY PLANTS. ! Williams Glen Mary and Dr. 4Burrill, $6.00 per thousand, $1.25 per hundred. Premier, Kellogg’s Prize, Marvel and Parson’s Beauty, $1.50 3per hundred. A11 prepaid. Fred W. ;Whitehall, Sub. 10, London, Ontario. i ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN and light sewing at home; whole .or spare time; good pay. Work sent iany distance. Charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National Manufacturing Co., Montreal. Entirely Remedie’.‘ by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Eberts. Ont. â€" ‘ ' I started with cramps and bearingâ€"down pains at the age of eleven years, and I would get so nervous I could hardly stay in bed,/and I had such pains thatI would scream, and my mother would call the doctor to give me somethin to take. At eighteen I mar- ried, and have four healthy children, but I still have pains in my right side. I am a farmer’s wife with more work. than I am able to do. Ihave taken three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound and I feel that it is helping me every day. My sister-inâ€"law, who has been taking your medicine for some time and uses your Sanative Wash, told me about itand I recommend it: now, as I have received great relief from it.â€â€"Mrs. NELSON YOTT, R. R. 1, Eberts, Ont. thousands of women have found relief as did Mrs. Yott, by taking this splendid medicine. If you are suffering from irregularity, ainfui times, nervousness, headache, gackache or melancholia, on should at once begin to take Lydia . Pinkham’l Vegetable Compound. It is excellent to strengthen the system and help to per- form its functions with ease and regu. laxity. 0 Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound is a medicine for allments com- mon to Women. It has been used for such trouble_s for meal-1y ï¬fty years, _a_nq EXBRUBIATING PAINS, ABRAMPS " your old style Ford with a De Luxe Streamline Hood. Write for cir- cular. Burrowes Mfg. Co., Toronto. TANLAC is for sale by all good druggists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. home and visits around, as well. And mother thinks the TANLAC Vegetable Pills are the greatest ever. - "In all my long years of experience as a nurse, I have never known the equal of TANLAC." GHAPPED WINES l’ EYESW? wholesomeimfleiresmng Minard's is excellent for chapped hands and all skin diseases. Take TANLAC Vegetable Pills Classiï¬ed Advertisements NLY TEN DOLLARS. REMODEL ms PM“ STRAWBERRY PLANTS Ã©â€˜Ã©ï¬ l-SSUE No. 22'â€"'24. (IRAN FOR%U}£ ESEELTS