Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 May 1924, p. 8

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The RIBHMUND HILL FURNISHING STORE G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. SA MPLES FREE Phone 306, King. : rruhxm 95 a MUHASTREET, l 009000999ooooooecso90909.09.9990099099900000.9999...i‘47‘f RICH)“ SoliCItm- fnr : Aurm-n and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King. \Vhitchurch nud Markham. H. A. NIUHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Offices Walter S. J Rest. Phone lill. 520-18 Commissioner, Conveyancer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1924 The next meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall, Vt-llm'e. on Vaughan Council Wall flingings .â€" 0 .- Artistic Charm Are you a Subscriber ? NORMAN J. GLASS RICHMOND HILL Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 { 55 Rit'hmond 5L, \Vest. CE‘Q Tm onto. Nuught-zn Block. Aurora. PAINTING, DECORATING NAUGH With the Strongest Tower Built It's the "Toronto" Selfâ€"Oiling Windmillâ€"requiring "oil only once ayear". All gears operatein a bath of special all affected by neither heat nor coldâ€"every bearing and working part thoroughly and automatically lubricated. If you have a "Toronto" Windmill now. you can obtain this self-oiling feature by interchanging the head and using your present wheel. Most Toronto Windmills, too, can be made absolutely self-regulating in operation. The "Toronto" Tower will stand for a lifetime because it is the heaviest, strongest and best-braced one built for my windmill. See this new Mia nowâ€"or get my booklet. See our stock of ties, from 75 ctsflto $1.50 The latest in silk and wool mixtures. Men’s socks for spring, from 50 cts. to $1.50 We have the Holeproof Hosiery for men. Men’s Oxfords in the latest spring style, - from $5.50 to $7.00 Also hats, shirts“, gloves, underwear, and etc. For. Women and Children we have spring Oxfords and Pumps. SELF-OILING â€" SELF -REGULATING K at 1 (Va nkius TON lock p.11). B. MCLEAN. Ulul'k Rm '9) JENKINS al'ry Nnnghmn . Elgin Mills . thm 44.4 J. Lunau, Agent, Rfchmond Hill PHONE 73»: Now is the time to have your car repainted. The summer is almosL here and first come will he first. served. Consult me regarding prices, etc. Special attention'given to sales 0t every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. Allsales at- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the mustapproved methods. Patronage solicited. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Canudian Tenor and Chair Leadm Soloist, Nurlh Pau'kdule Methndist Church, is prepare-d tn receive pupils in Richmond Hill on Thursdays. Studio, Mrs. N. J. Glass, 2nd door mull) of Methodist Church Particulars can he nlltained by call- ing, Phone 22 Ring 11. 29- All 37S Benefit-1d Aw” \Vest Toronh‘. Phone Junction 0072. [wave Ondm's at, Glenn’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. Full stock of repairs on hand. Look over your machiner and let, us know ht-fm-e the rush starts what your requiwmmls will be. J. 1-1. l’rencice J-Lf COR, ‘V. BENSON TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER Massey-Harris Repairs mail orders will receive prompt attention. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Cor. Arnold & Yonge St. Rear Jones Lumber Co. 42-: 415 Bulliol St. Toronto. Phnné Hudson 1347 W NEW PAINT SHOP Wm. C. Ruttan . M. PALMER ARNOLD & YONGE STS Asters, loose and compact, separate colorsâ€"Heart; of France. Marigold, (Dwarf) . Nicotiana Salvia Zinnia Sweet Alyssum nicinus (Castor 011 Plant) Stocks Balsam Petunia. Lobelia Nasturium Flower and Vegetable Plants Vines ' llvy Geraniums TERMSâ€"Tin percent. of the pur- chase price trx he paid down at the time of sale, balance in thirty days. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale, apply to Naughton and Jenkins. 85 Richmond Street, West, Toronto, Solicitors for the Mortgages. BLYTHWOOD GARDENS 0n the said property is said to be erected, a frame house, eight ronms. collar. furnacv WllLel', electric light. bathroom, gu ige. This property is situated on Yunge Street, a short distance from Toronto, and is on a paved bighn-v. with electric car service and l ydro-eleetxic power and light facilitie. Saturday the let day of June, 1924 AT THE HOUR OFTHR HEO'CCOCK (daylight saving timv} in the after- noon, at HOTEL RICHMOND Village of Richmond Hill BY JOHN T. SAIGEON. Auctioneer, the following valuable property, n~nnoly:â€"Being in the Township of Vaughan. in the County of Ymk, and being lots numbers 124 and 126 on the West, side of Yonge Su-eeL in the said Township of Vaughan, according to plan registered in the Registry Office for the Regisl : y Division of the East and West Ridéligs of the County of Ygrk, as Numl “1'1984. on the West- side of Yonge St, in the Under and by virtue nf powers Ir .0- mined in a certain mortgage WIm-h will be produced at, the time of «la there will be offered for 5:1!9. hy pu: lit; auction, on MORTGAGE SALE lnno 13th. and proceed via Brampton 1" r Gm-lph. Lnnchmn wil} be prmidvd frne at the ct llegv, leaving thoufmr- noon free for sight seeing. The junior Fur-m9 a who have» mgunilufid tlw ex- cursinn. extend an invilution to evt'ry- body inleres‘od in quir-ullme. to attend. For parties of ten or more travelling by train. fare and a. half rates are offered. Guelph is fifty miles from \Vm dbl-loge, and undertavour- able condilions the motor party shnuld arrive at Guelph by noon. For further information write to Tracey Loveless, Scarhom Junction: Rollert Watson, Wondbridge. or R. J. Rogers, va- market. Richnmnd Hill, consisting of pxominent Voung farmers and ill“ Agricultural loprosentative, to complete plans fur 3. Motor Excursion to [he Unt,:u-iu Agricultural Unllege on June l3th. A sppcial two day progmmnm has been :u-rnnged during the Semiâ€"Ue‘nlennial week. especially for fur mm's. featuring a gigantic live stock purudP. floats u’nd department: displays. expprimental p'nte, gmdens. pnnlu v and college authm lties in making the day pleasant and educational. The motor party from Y will meet, at Wallace St bI-idgn. at 8.30 a. m. stand Inna 13th. and proceed Lonfemnr‘e was held Richmund Hill, consisting Voung farmers and MW lepresentative. tn comp Any desiring furthwr infm'r mny obtain it from .‘he fol] offivers: P1‘esidmtâ€"â€"l\lr. vawl Prich. Secxetm‘yâ€"Miss Eve-syn NeiH. Treasurer-â€"1\liss Myrtle Smith The Young Methodist (.‘rl meeting fm evening. Mu arranged to ca nnd hylvv oxga Arnold hns k his splendid The cluh will people of the fre $1M). Uannas Begonias Silver Leaf Coleus Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Peppers. H. DA‘7IS {Cobea Scandeus Farmers Motor Excursion TREET, Phone 108 W RICHMOND HILL Young People’s g People's League of the Jhurch, held their last the sensun on Monday [uy 26w. 'I'hev have curry on snmmew au-tivit-ir-s :anized :L'l‘mmis Club. Mr. kindly MIN-ed the usv of luwn, for this purpose. II he onwn tn an the ynung e Uhmch. Memhexship held I mt wot-k at League 'ork Cnuntv met, Wood~ nrd Linw, on \fm'nmtinn follvwing Richmond Hill Office .- “feet-a) Office). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridge. Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at Out-rent Rate Toronto Office, 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. West F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DELANY BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Phone 99J Oxford Street Phone 128- r 12 SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER mnnnnmumummlmmmwmnnmmmmmwmlnnmlummmmmmmm To add new accounts Bring Your Business to Me and Get Service. T. H. HARDWARE &. SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 - Thornhill,0nt; Potatoes Bought, and Sold. Farmers Produce Taken to Malket Furniture aned. Trucking of all description, Service lmexcelled. He added over 100 new ac- counts in a few monthsâ€" says the business bulkslgrgo at the end of the year. Don’t overlook the vil- lage stores off the line of railways. 'A salesman we know be gan by calling on some of them in a car to make the necessary arrange- ments. He hasn’t seen his new customers since. At an appointed day and hour he regularly calls up each by Long Dis- tance from a list he prepared, and gets their orders. If he is away, someone else carries out the sche- dule for him. His customers like to deal with headquarters. Every Ball Telepfim is a Long Distance Station. TRUCKING Prompt Adjustments of Claimsi and Prompt Service RICHMOND HILL WILLIAM COOK T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES LIMITED Phone 33. Thornhil], Ont. M. J. BURKE 8: S. STANDARD TIRES Regular Price $12.00 TO CLEAR AT $8.95 FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT SICKNESS We Are,Known In All Lines of Insurance HRH PLATE GLASS LIFE AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT BURGLARY EICKNLSS and GUARANTEE OF BONDS . SAVAGE, General Agent SPECIAL ,nnd 50m. 1’ .' A . E Tum,” m Mamet. Any mntmn to quash or set aSIde the I Same or any part thereof must he e‘sfli “an {Vithm three months after the first ,d ‘ p ' publimtinn of this notice, and cannot ‘ ' I be [nude Ihevenftvr. RICHMOND HlLLf Dalrd the 15th dav nf “1931,1924. BV () 111' AT THE POST-OFFICE BUILDING If you are considering the furnace question come in and let us show you our lines. No House too large. No House too small. We have a size and model for every oneâ€"and the prices are ugh-t. IJOEEE‘efl-"Xnfi residence north side Richmond Street. Richmond Hiu. Telephone 13, Ring 2. We can also supply your wants on Furnace repairs and pipes. General Agents for Farm Machinâ€" ery. Pumps, Etc. TEETZEL BROS. (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Vetex-in ary College. All clases of animals treated. Day and night calls prompt- ly attended: --.. '1 ,,A_ _‘.;L 4.1.. Mr. Campbell will he at, The Liberal Office. Richmond Hill, every Tuesday afternmm. Barristers. Sclicitors, Etc. Officesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon Bldg.. 001‘. Jordon apd Melinda. Sts.. Toronto. Telephone Main 3631. BAVARDIES--The Belgian Draft Stallion, 2469~11336, the property of J. G. Einhoden, Eglintnn R. R. 1, will travel through Sullivan's Corners, Dollar, Patterson, Maple. Teston, Elia. Home stable, lot. 12. con. 2, East Ymk. Terms $20. KEYNOTE-Pure-brod Imported Clydes- dale stallion [23399] (20044) the property of Bmves & Bnucnck. will travel through Concord, East York, Kilgour Farm. Markham, Maple, King. Edgvley. Home stable at (Jon- cmd. Terms $17. MacNaughton & Campbell the Ener unfl \Vest Fidinézs of the County 1-1" York, on the 315t day of March 1924. ’ Notice is hereby given that n By-law was passed by the Count i1 of Richmond Hill. on the lOlh day (\f Mulch, 1924, providing for the i<sue of Dahvulmes to the amount of $95,000. for the pur- pnce of Bmidimz imd Equipping a. new High School, and that such By-lnw was registered in the registry office {or Notice of Registration of By-law R. MACDONALD, 'B. V. Sc. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL 46-48 FURNACES Tinsmiths and General Agents PHONE 87 W AND REPAIRS Stallion Register I dav r-f Mny,1924. A. J. HUME, Clerk. No Charge for Advice

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