Puhuc Satuxdpy attu- fnm was and BED) to L1 two NQTLQE ‘ CALDWELL & PATERSON Geo.Caldwell, Lorne Paterson and bl'nth WPH‘ I am not using that as an excuse for not putting good material and workmanship into my business. neither is it the cause of a decrease in the price of leather, which consequently affects the price of repairs If you question my veraciny. corrobo alien is easy at the immuu Mr. G and c: this SE“ Store Next to Mr. E( reside“ llwny I W lie n Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company, Lt‘d, have on hand fm‘ sale. Cement, drain tile. 3, 4, 5, G and S in. Culvert. tile 12, 1'5. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand oervel sold by the loud or sale. RICHMOND STBE 1) on lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for Bmu'l‘] Bn‘rrd Hm tic Wish to state they zufe prepared to do all kinds of carriage and wagon work, Automobile wood rubber tires at the Satisfaction and work and Trench Works. reasonable prices assured. Give us a tried Villa Representing The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York Aftm A. R() LFE Boot and Shoe Repairer re Next to Village Clerk’s Office \y Sunday I. Enlhxwiug AMBROSE L. PHIPPS Yonge & Charles Sts., Toronto From now until Sept. 2nd, when our Fall Term opens. First-class Instruction in all Departments, Accounting. Stenography, Type- writing‘ Secretarial. General Improvement, Banking Com- mercial Teachers’, and Business Courses. Enter now. \V. j. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAU Write to-day r nu ilk“ dward (3“ A SUMMER SESSION! ls Held in the Popuiar INQUIRIES SOLICITED di Mr. Glover's Dea‘h ELHOTT Regul hi T. (.OUSINS. Ill Satisfaction and prices assured. and be convinced. 33 of on] Iver, for I thmnnd “91 noon \ attack 0 hul'n i†ET. RICEROND HXLL Th 1' free fri w h Hi f pn De' nil m abalogue. 1 um my 5’ his 831-: eumouin ,‘(Hb‘hil ( Mann rk iu h a 3rd El. I‘S ger they have : and 1 (l)â€"â€"The women the bars as thev Liquor Stores. tha‘ [M (2)â€"-“It \vnuld be easy to get cunvxc- Lions against the men who viuiate the leuvundera. private Sfllk‘ system; for the Government would have no rea- son f-n- sheltering them. (3)â€"~There would be more arrests for drunkenness. No business wants to penalize its own customers. The Govâ€" ernment being the liquor seller, and the town constable ï¬nds the dual capacity confusing. When :1 doctor makes a mxsume m; buries it. \Vhen a pmmber makes a mistake he charges twice for it. \Vth a, lawyer mï¬kes a mistake it is just, what, he waMed for be hasa ._n AIIAII “noun iDenton, Macdonald a: Denton w J V. _ , chance to try the case allover again. \Vhen u judge makes a mistake it becomes the law of the land. - \Vhen a preacher makes a. mistake nohody knows the difference But, when an editor makes a mistake. Good Night Kâ€"Montrenl Gazette. inc; con wm JOHN R. CAMPBELL Call by phone or otherwise promptly J. F. Burr Phone 82w JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 BUILDERS SUPPLIES 24 KING ST. “‘39:, T A large stock Kept at, Arthur A. Macdonald F.-a.nk Demon Laura. Danton. B RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANII UNIONVILLE 10. l' Cor. Arnold 8: Yonge. WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers Toronto City posing the 1T VETERINARY SURGEON, 'l‘hornhifl. me their of the l) Buckwheat for seed. Flour and feed, grinding. The best poultry feeds: grit, and char- ctï¬l. Baled hay and straw. Deliveries Tuesday and Friday. If Pine Lash Cedar Shingles Roofings Far paper tough and Dressed Lumbe Barristers. Solictors. J MANNING ARCADE TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dedo a doctor Hardwood Flooring (6 than the old hul' sysLem. guple in Vancouver have 5? would welcome the re )at, in preference to what and they give as reasons : )men would not frequent thev do the Government Good Night ! um'e Building paper \V hesLitation r Council are proposed i1â€. isoeciullv in of Funeral Furnishing the above places 1t easy to get convic- meu who viuiate the ate sale system; for would have no realâ€" v makes a mistake he we-H i] HS unant ORON 1b]e muc Tl Wallboard ‘l u nmvn nylmx' bu Gyprock 1H incr 11 1K H Doors 1nd gorously ease in ELOCUTION 5 " Miss Marguerite Boyle I Sash suy‘in In a 1 uuted 48â€"19 Patiun vs anakâ€"Prr $75. Judgment for 131' Murphy & Beynon vs. W and store gunds $20 39. full. Defendant Lu pa Frénch vs. Beckettâ€"Adj Kemp Metal vs. Cowiesc Stonehouse vsj-r ‘A'_Sh‘â€" Tb'ere J U Dialect Poems. I The Prott I Canada, and '1 Professional Graduate Oflaud Accident Owen A. Smiley Studio. 1 _ Address Miss Marguerite UREALTOJ Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30 tf Maple, Ont. 0R SALEâ€"Comfortable bousv; lot. 40 x 140 feet. MRS. A. ENDEAN. Centre St Richmond Hill. Phone 61 \v. 2055. W , ‘ UMMER COTTAGE T0 REN'l‘â€"â€"At \ Lake Joseph, furnished. Apply Box 83, Richmond Hill. 49 OR RENTâ€"4 Roumed cottage and lot 64 x 135, Richmond Hill. $15 monthly. Owner BENSON-MQRDEN, Ltd., 133 Victoria St.,Tm-ontd. Main acre 10C. URALLON ER Hi1! OTEL PROPERTYâ€"The property known us the Queen’s Hotel, in the Village of Ceokstown, is forsuln, Apply on the premises. MES. JAMES COULTER, Cunkstown. 49â€"61 Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, sale, price $30 per lUUU at nosemwn Ave†North Torpnto. Phone, or can and see. W. J. LAWRENCE, 1974 Yonge 813., Toronto. 48-49 be closed Thursday of each July and August. good condition Church St . water, Int. moud Hill MRS. W. L 0R SALEâ€"A valuable team of mares. young and sound, weight 3.000 lbs. One is registered. BEDFORD PARK FLORAL Co. LIMITED. 39-tf Dnmini AST[ and Service in h. 10R SALPf;Th1‘ee large com-age ngd pantry. and l 0W AND PIGS FOR SALEâ€" GEORGE HILL. Oak Ridges, 49-50 ‘OR SALEâ€"2 hens and 1:? chicks. ‘H lecu, Elizabeth St, Richmond ' 49 FOR SALE~â€"Seed field pense. J \V. BOWMAN, Brooklands, Stu; i, Yonge Street. Phone 44 r 11 4l-lf ‘IRL'S BICYCLEâ€"7 Ffll’ gleam ARRVILLE mufï¬ns lLE ()’()mm( was one committal, 10 days. JE FOR SALEâ€"About 2500 good second hand 3 in. tile for price $30 per 1000 at Roseluwn North Torpntp. Phone, or can L X’ METHODIST Division Court I“ REâ€"Good past [LLE MILL~This will will closed! \Vednesday and of each Week (Inning June, August. A. WILSON, Pmp. Easy tex’lns. A J GEN SL, Thumhill. 1‘ h con. Apply tryâ€"Claim e Assuram court to a hmlist hear-d by H mere (m Tm CHURCH Ch ure for horses lenty of zond Lugban, Ric}l~ the premises 48-50 a1le quarter 18. r __AP[)1Y SUE creation Jl'( 'H( W 11.53:, 4849 {{gply frame \Vésf‘ 1‘00 I“ lune )1 49-52 m FIRE, AUTOMOEITIEE. PLATE GLASS The Prote Canada. and T and Accident 1 C. H. BYADI tAll Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanship Prompt Serv1ce The Protective Association of c a 9 Canada, and The Dominion Gaurantee = Shop “1 Winterton s and Accident Co. I Stand, Yonge St. AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE } ASSURANCE OF CANADA The Emweaza Cam Borer l' 5 “3% RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond Hill, Ont. .4 issociation of nion Gaurantee Phone 232 Boot and Shoe Repairer GEO. KIDD \Ve Str sive the Win