The RIGHMGN HELL FMMSHINE SWBE G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. SAMPLES FR Phone 306, Kin g. 43-tf COR. ARNOLD 8: YONGE S'I‘S Full stock of I‘Ppail‘s on hand. _ Look over your machinély and let us knmv befow the rush starts what. your requirements will be. . H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Ccmmissioner, Conveyancer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate Wall Hafng’ings .. 0 - Artistic Charm Massey-Harris Repairs NORMAN J. GLASS RICHMOND HILL PAINTING. DECORATING Therc's one feature in particular you'll appreciate about Toronto Stable Equip- ment. This is the fact that the "hot" galvanizing method we uscithoroughly covers and completely ceats both the inside and outside of the steel tubing with pure zinc spcltcr. This method makes it absolutely rust-defying and proof against strong stable adds for the maximum periodâ€"while the method or- C. M. PALMER See our stock of ties. from 75 cts.‘ to $1.50 The latest in silk and wool mixtures. Men’s socks for spring, from 50 Cts. to $1.50 We have the Holeproof Hosiery for men. Men’s Oxfords in the latest Spring style, from $5.50 to $7 .00 Also hats, shirts, gloves, underwear, and etc. For Women and Children we have spring Oxfords and Pumps. RustmDefyingâ€"Becaflse Hat Gaivanized STABLE ‘ Tm EQUIPMENT runau , Agent, Richmond Hill, Phone 73] Special attention given to sales ot every descnption. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and Sold on commission. Allsnles at- tended to on slim-test notice. and conâ€" ducted by the must‘approved methods. letrnnaée solicited LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO All mail orders will receive prompt nttention. 37S Berresfum Ave.y \Vest Toronto. Phone Junction 0072. [geave OX'deilr'sdat. Glenn's Drug Store, Richmond Hill. \Valter S. Jenkins Re=. Phnne lill. 5048 TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE dinarily used simply applies a surface coating and goes only a short distance inside tubing. Toronto Stable Equipment will make work easierâ€"keep cattle healthierâ€"â€" bring more profits. Let me explain the many_advan£§ges 0: Toronto S_t_alls, Bull‘Pens. waiter Bowls and Litter Carriersâ€"1n“ get some of the Toronto literature. J. H. Prentice JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER NAUGHTON 8: JENKINS 415 Balliol St" Toronto. Phone Hudson 1347 w N lies Res wry Naughtmx 1313;“: Mills Plume 44.4 Asters, loose and compact, separate colorsâ€"Heart of France. Marigold, (Dwarf) Nicotiana Salvla Zinnia Sweet Alyssum Ricinus (Castor Oil Plant) Stocks Balsam Petunia. Lobelia N asturium Vines 1 Vinch I Ivy Flower and Vegetable Plants MILL STREET 47-tf RICHM For further ditinns of sale, Jenkins. 85 ll Toronto, S‘olici BLYTHWOOD , GARDENS On the said plopeI-Ly is said to he Heated, a flame house, eight mums. cellar. furnace. waiter, electric light. bathroom. garage. This property is situated on Yonge Street, a. short. distance from Toronto, and is on a paved highwuv, with electlic car Service and Hydx'o-electzic puwerand light facilities. TERMSâ€"Ten percent. of the purâ€" chase price to be paid down! It the Lime ofsalo, 1m! mce in thirty daya. For further partic'ulzu's and ennâ€" ditions of sale, -pp1y tn Naughton and Jenkins. 85 If ~hmund Street, West, Toronto, Solicimrs for the Monty-gee, ‘ ~51 Village of Richmond Hill BY JOHN T. SAIGEON, Allctinxw. 2-, the following valuable pwperxy, namelyâ€"Being in [he Towmhip nf Vaughan. in the County of Ymk, uml bQing lMs numbers 124 and 126 on th \vésL side of Yung Street in the said Tuwnsllip of Vaughan, uccnrding m plan registered in the Rrgislly Oï¬â€˜lCP for the Registry Division of the East and West liidings of the County of Yo_rk, us Number 1984. AT THE HOUR OF THREE O’CZUé K (daylight, saving time) in (he an. - noon. at HOTEL RICHMOND on the west side of Yonge St.. in H“- Saturday the let day of June. 19.24 Under and by virtue of powers con- EMned in a cerufln nuntgage which WiH be produced at the (hue ufsnle there will be offered for sale by public auction. on July 23â€"Th0rnhill at Richmond Hill. July 30-Vict,urin Squaw an 'l‘hurnhill Aug. iâ€"Richmund Hill AL Victoria Squme, Games by start at 6 p. m. (Szandurd Time,) sham). MORTSAGE SALE Hill's-Square League Schedule FIRST HALF Jump Gâ€"Richmonll Hill at l‘lxmnhill. June- 13â€"Victm-L1 Squat-eat, Tho: nhill Junv 21â€"â€"Richm md Hill at; Victoria Squaw. july Hill. Geraniums Caunas Begonias Silver Leaf Coleus Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Peppers. PLUMBING. AND TINSMITBING HOT WATER HEATING AXD GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. FIRST ROUND Aurora at Richmond Hill. June 7. Richmond Hill at Sloul'fville, Jun? 10 Richmnnd Hill all Ant-m :1, June 14. Newmuikcbat Kit-limond Hilly June 20“ Richmond Hill at Newmayke' , June 25 Stoul’fville at Richmond Hill, June 28‘ Willowdale at, Richmond Hill, July 5. SECOND RuUND VVillowdnle at Richmond Hill, July 8. Richmond Hill at Ann-m, July ll. Slouï¬'ville :11? Richmond Hill. July 16 Richmond Hill at \Vill-nvdnlv, July 19 Richmond Hill at Newman ket, July 26. Richmond Hill AL Stoulfville. July :29. Alum-n at; Richmond Hill. August 1. Newmarket at Richmond Hill, Aug. 8. july July A. C. HENDERSON Sporting Notes H. DAVIS Qâ€"Riclmmnd IIill an'Ihm-nhill. lGâ€"Thuruhill :- L Victoria Square 23â€"Th0rnhill at Richmond Hill. 30-Vict,urin Squaw an 'l‘hurnhill iâ€"Richmund Hill AL Victoria SECOND HALF 2â€"Victoria Square at Richmond (Cobea Scandens RICHMOND HILL Baseball Schedule Phone 108 W Tor’onto Ofï¬ce, 816Fedm'nl Building, at 85 Richmond Street. West Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce .uioeral Oiï¬ce), every Thursday fur-911mm. Maple, Thursday afternoon. VVnodbriuleze, Saturday forenonn. Money to Loan at, Current Rate BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY ETC F. GORDON COOK Phone 99.) 331M. ï¬ï¬ï¬‚pflERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER Oxford Street Phone 128. r12 InrmummumnuummuumnunnmnmurmxummmuImuuuummummmmm Bring Your Business to Me and Get Service To add new accounts T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 - Thornhill,0nt-. Potutnps Bought Farmers Pxndm'e Furniturv Muvul, Truckng of A“ du Sex vice unexcellet Don’t overlook the vi!- lage stores off the line 0: railways. 'A salesman we know 55 gan by calling on some of them in a cartomalu Che necessary arrange- ents. He hasn’t Seen '3 new customers since. t an appointed day and out he regularly calls up each by Long Dis- tance from a 1131: he prepared, and gets that: Orders. ' If he is away, someone else carries out the sche‘ dule for him. His customers like to deal with headquarters. He added over 100 new no- !ounts in a few monthsâ€"u says the business bulks largo at the end of the year. Prompt Adjustments of Claims and Prompt Service TRUCKENG Every Bell Telephone 31 a , Long Distance Station. RICHMOND HIM WILLIAM COOK . G. SAVAGE, General Agent T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES LIMITED M I. BURKE Phone 33. FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT SICKNESS 8: S. STANDARD TIRES Regular Price $12.00 TO CLEAR AT $8.95 We Are Known In All Lines of Insurance SPECIAL RICHMOND HILL Ind Sold. Puke-n Ln Matket THOMAS DELAN Ii AT THE POST-OFFIGE BUILDING l: FURNACES , AND l. REPAIRS If you are considering the furnace question come in and let us show you our lines. N0 House too large. No House too small. We have a size and modei for cvory oneâ€"and the prices are ngm. We can also supply your wants on Furnace repairs and pipes. General Agents for Farm Machin- ery, Pumps, Etc. Modem Dancing Taught by 10%;"an residence north side Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. Telephone 13, Ring 2. TEETZEL BROS. (Veterinary Suvgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veterin My College. All clnses of animals treated. Day and night calls prompt, 1y attended: '1 L‘ _::A Barristers, Solicitors. Etc. Oflicesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon Bldg.. Cor. Jordon and Melinda. Sts., Toronto. Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. )ampheil will he at The Liberal Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. every Tuesday afternmm. MacNaughton & Campbell KEYNO’I‘Eâ€"Pnre-bvpd Tmpnrtpd Clydes- dale stallion 23399] (20044) thl‘ property nf Bowes & Buncock. will trawl LIn-nugh Concord. East York, Kilgnur Farm. Markham, Maple, Our RED BAVAlees-fl‘hv Belgian Draft 2469â€"11336, Iho property Einlmden, Eulintnn R. R travel through Sullivnn's Ilnllnr. Patterson, Maple, Elia. Home stable, Int: 12 East Yolk. Terms $20. R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc. prnpm-Ly of Bowes & 'Bunrmck. will travel Lhrnugh Concord. East York, Kilgnur Farm. Mun-khan), Maple, King. Edgpley. Home stable at, C-on- cmd. Terms $17. stuHinn SN‘phPI mom] 1 at, his Stiles. I Studio : Centre St. W STAN. WOODHEAD Tinamiths and General Agents PLATE GLASS AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY and GUARANTEE OF BONES Thornhill, Ont. DANCING ’I‘AI Hi1], Yu own Stu mu rmger PHONE 87 W Sta} lion Register :â€" Imponed Clydesdale the pmperty of E. '1‘. one mile south of Rich- ‘, Yungc stot, will stand n stable. Terms $15. 0. Terms on Application No Ch'u'gc for Advice Stallion 1“men-s! 'l‘eston con. 2. will