Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jun 1924, p. 3

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fins. KNOX SUEFERED FOR oven THREE YEARS St. John Lady Was Nervous and Had Severe Indigestion That Caused Intense Pain. "It has been nearly two years since I took Tanlac, but I am more grateful to the medicine than ever for I have felt just fine to this very day," recent- ly declared Mrs. Lena Knox, 61 Hil- lltmi Street, St. John, N.B. "For three years, indigestion and nervousness caused me such agony it beggars description. I was actually afraid to eat; at night I would lie awake nervous and sleepless (or hours and finally became so weak and thin I was almost a shadow. “But Taniac gave me a splendid ap- petite, calm nerves and a digestion that is simply perfect. I sleep the whole night through and haVe gained such weight, strength and energy that I always feel at my best." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- glsts. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Monks in England enjoy a remark- able immunity from cancer, tuber- culosis and influenza, according to re- cent investigations made by the Min- istry of Health. It is because they eat no meat in the monasteries, but consume a great deal of fresh vege- tables and fruit? Dr. S. Monkton Copeinan, of the British Ministry of Health, has “been making an investigation at the Car- thusian Monastery at Cowfold, near Horsham, Sussex. He states that so far as he has been able to ascertain, the monks there appeared to be extra- ordinarily healthy. He pointed out that no meat was eaten in the monas- tery, but the monks eat a great deal of fruit and vegetables. Green salads are among the most important items of their diet. Like the monks on the continent they also make large dietary use of dandelion andrchieory. “There is no doubt,” said Dr. Cope- man, “that middle-aged people should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables like the monks. Most of the monkg at ébhfiilliiie middle-aged, but there are some old ones. I saw one who is nearly a hundred years old employieidi BABY’S OWN TABLETS ALWAYS KEPT 0A HAND Mrs. David Gagne, St. Godfrey, Que., writes:â€"â€"“I_ have used Baby’s Own Tablets for my three little ones_and have found them such an excellent medicine that I always keep them on hand and would strongly advise all other mothers to do the same thing.” The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which quickly relieve consti- pation and indigestion. break up colds and simple fevers and promote that healthful refreshing sleep which makes the baby thrive. They are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Col, Brockville, Ont. Bugâ€"“Hear you're going to dance.” Hopperâ€"T‘Wel]. yes, a hop!" Opinions have “never produced a thing; facts have been the basis of the world’s progress since the beginning. M inard's Llniment 'for Spralns. Light and wireless waves travel at a rate of 186,000 miles a second. No Monkey Business Drawer Provlnoml Board of Health. Ontulo I. nudism]: will be glad to answar qnuuonn on Public Health 3“ an through this column. Addreu 111m a: spam Home. 891418 Mat. Toronto. HEALTH EDUCATION Of Course. Hear you‘re going to give a THE DIE-LR BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON E CO.. Wiarton. 0 on carting stones.” Dr. Copemani added that convents are not so free from disease and that there is a good deal of consumption in convents, espe- cially in the very poor ones. The pro- curator of the monastery states that the ministry has begun a detailed study of the dietary habits of the monks with a view to applying their frultarian principles to the treatment of cancer. The opinion is steadily gaining ground among medical auth- orities that the kind of food we eat has a great influence on our health and our freedom from, or Susceptibil- ity to disease. : Dr. Adam Wright, Chairman of the Provincial Board of Health, Ontario, has given this matter of diet as a preventive of cancer much thought. He holds the o inion and it is gaining ground, that tie prevention of intes- tinal stasis is an important factor in the prevention of stomach and intes- tlna cancers. nu.“ V...“ As cancer seems to be increasing in this country, according to statistics, it is readily seen that the question of diet in fighting this dreadful malady is extremely important. Rediscovered Port on Persian Gulf. The site of Jenra, the mysterious port on the Persian Gulf mentioned 2,000 years ago by Ptolemy, geographâ€" er, and since lost sight of, has been re- discovered in ruins by Captain R. E'. Cheeseman, former private secretary to Sir Percy Cox, British High Com- missioner at Bagdad, who has just re- turned to civilization after a trip into unknown Arabia. He reached the oasis of Jubrin in the Great South Desert, the first Euro- pean to penetrate there, and found it inhabited by a tribe living in Stone Age conditions. Capt-din Cheeseman's exploits were made possible by the re- lations ot the British with Ibn Baud, Sultan of Nejd. whose guest he was. Twenty-five years ago, Green Tea was more popular than Black, but due to the heavy Importation of poor quality Japan and China Green Teas, the demand {all off. Ceylon and indie started producing Green Tea on a large scale only in recent years. They were of such fine quality and delicious flavor that Green Tea drinkers im- mediately. recognized their superiority and demanded themjn ever increas- ing quantities. Salado. Tea Company is practically the sole importer of Cey- lon and India. Green Teas in Canada. Tanlac Vegetable Pills so For Constipation. Ma'de and Recommended by the "Manufacturers of Tanlac. A philanthropic woman was visiting a. lfinatic‘ asylum. There was one old man there who roused her special compassion“. ' *Hoy long have you been here, my poor man?” she asked. ‘ “Twelve xears." 1 After several more questions she pass that sup: hm 3D! Bacteri facturers GREEN TEA IN GREAT DEMAND. m 1‘8 11 several more I. and her gu l old man v ndent. J SOI‘l‘ Bacteria a are the Her Mlstake. again ;un take eight each the earth Benefit he cried, judge by med ed her [131111 Lumber and bulpwood have for years been looked upon as the chief pr0< ducts of our forests, with the result that little attentiion has been given to the smaller and not very essential pro- ducts. Canada‘s forested areas are represented in so many articles of use that it would be useless to try to enumerate them, but a few outstand- lng ones may be mentioned, says the Natural Resources Intelligence Ser- vice of the Department of the Interior at Ottawa. V British Columbia. estimates that this year 6,000,000 fruit boxes will be re- quired to provide for the province's apple crop. Nova Scotia uses' over 1,600,000'bar rels each year to ship apples, the barrels averaging about 15 staves each. One Nova. Sootia plant last year had a contract for -10,000,000 staves. It requires 12,000,000 new ties each year to supply the Canadian railways for upkeep alone. 'Delephone and telegraph companies use one million poles each year. The coal mines of Nova, Scotia. use one million trees, 01‘ 26,000,000 lineal feet of timber, each year for mine props, The're were over 13,000,000 boxes and packing cases made in 1920, also nearly 3,000,000 cheese and butter boxes. The forests, after supplying all this material, will continue to do so from normal growth, provided they are pro- tected from fire. Forest fires are des- troying more timber annually than is used for commercial purposes. Save the forest and save the woodmslng in- dustries T00 WEAK T0 WALK The Sad Condition of 3 Brandon Ladyâ€"How Relief Came. Canada Needs Her Forests. "I owe my present good health toi Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,” says Mrs. Annie Treherne, Brandon, Man, who tells of her new found health as fel- low‘szâ€""Some years ago I had an at- tack oi' pneumonia. and it left me in a terribly weakened and run-down state. I was unable to walk ior a long time as I had practically lost the use of my legs, and had to be carried upstairs, for I had not the strength to go my- self. I bewme despondent over my condition (or I had tried many reme- dies, which failed to help me. While in this wretched condition a lady triend urged me to give Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills a trial and I procured a'sup~ ply. After taking the pills for a while I could see that I was growing strong- er, and I gladly continued their use until I had fully regained my old-time health and strength. Now it 1 feel at all run down at any time I at once take Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and they never fail me. I can therefore warmly recommend them to others who may be run down.” There is no better tonic than Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills to improve the blood and bring back strength after acute diseases such as fevers, pneu- monla, lnfluenza, etc. Given a. fair trial they will not disappoint you. You can get the pills from your drug- glst, or they will be sent by mall at 60 cents a box by The Dr. Willlams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. ' Now 1:3 the tlme once more, Dear and desired of old, Spring at the 3111 at the door, Slender and young and cold. Scarcely the heart can hold The joy long waited for, Now the magical word is told, And the young Spring's at the door When all the folk are asleep, Save only the feathered fblk. She goes by the hills of sheep, By the lambs and the grazing flock Flowers in the fold of her cloak, And the grey dawn at the peep, The trumpeter Daffodil woke The thrush and blackber asleep. Now in the East and the dark The heai-t trembles and ainga,~ Sings with the llnnet and lark New songs 01 Immortal things. It wakes, it quivers, it springs, 0 heart. that was Winterstark It rises itvbeats it has Wings When the Spring calls in the dark. â€"K9.tha.rlne Tynan Dominion Expresé Money Orders are on sale in five thousand offices through- out Canada. good memo”, inquired. “Well, mum. childhood neve when ye don’t memory to be memor plain Mlnard ow is it memory is one L this ‘ Savlng Her Memory. is it that you have such a mom. Norah?" her mistress Liniment for Distemper. Vita Nuova. die ‘11 tell ye. Since a lie have-I told. ave to be taxin' 'ememberin’ what that, or how ye yer There are seven main agencies by which plants are pollmated. namely: Wind and gravity, water, insects; man, special devices and self-pollinating agencies or clerisbogamous flowers. “The wind carries the pollen and at length, it falls, due to gravity. Water, In the case of water plants, carries the pollen from plant to plant. Insects are great pollen cazrrlers. They pass from flower to flower in search of nectar, and carry away pollen upon their bodies. When they vlslt the next flower, some or the pollen is acciden- tally rubbed off, and thus the flower is pollinated. Man may bring about pol- lination by artificial means. He mere- ly transfers the pollen from the plant where it is born to the plant where It is wanted. This is done, usually, in the greenhouses 0! upon special plants. In some plants there are special de- vices for the explosion of the pollen containers which throw the pollen out to other flowers. Self-pollinating or oleistogamvous flowers are those that ‘ never open and must be slelfâ€"polllnalted. ‘That is. the flower can fertilize itself and does not need pollen from another .flour. The Cobalt and adjoining areae of the Timiskaming district, OntarioI have been for several years the chief source of the world’s supply of cobalt. Metallic cobalt, cobalt oxide and cobalt salts are recovered from the treatâ€" ment of the ores and residues derived from the silver-cobalt-nickcl arsenides. How Plants Are Pollinated. [J U 'Keeps EYES Clear, Bright and Beautiful Write MLu'inc C3..Chlcngo.forEchareBook WQME PAIN Minard‘s, the gre ant, penetrates to pain and gives qu" Sealed Paglia ge Manuf:ctured by Imperial Tobaccfiampuy of Canada Limited The Tobacco 01 which keeps the tobslcco in its original condition great counterirrit to the root of th€ rd Package 7/1 [reaps the tobacco ) f1 1 its origina/ condition so in l/zlbdi‘nsr 7 Smoke The wrist watch is usualk} consider- ed a modern development of the watch and clock industry, but Queen Eliza- beth wore the first one about the same time she introduced silk stockings. ‘VANTED â€"â€" CAR OWNERS T0 send {or our Big Free Catalogue showing 101 bargains in Auto Sup- plies. It will save you money. Send for It today. Canadian Auto Shops, Box 154, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Viking, Akaâ€"“From the time I was 15 years old I would get such sick feel. in s in the lower part of my abdomen, fol owed by cramps and vomiting. This kept me from my work ([ hello my par- ents on the farm) as I usua ly had to go to bed for the rest of the day. Or at times I would have to walk the floor. I suffered in this way until a friend in- duced me to try Lydia E. VPlnkham’s Vegetable Compound. I have had very satisfactory results so far and am ree- ommending the Vegetable Com und to {ny friends. I sure] am gla I tried t for I feel like a di erent person now that I don ’1: have these troubles.”â€" ODELIA HOLMBERGBOX 93,Viking, Alta; Mrs. Holmberg Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham’sVegetable Compound Helped Her ., HELP FUR . YOUNG WOMEN Letters like this establish the merits of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound. They tell of the relief from such pains and allrnents after taking it. , most successful in this country, untary testamor If youdoubt 1 in this country. and thousands of vol- untary testimonials prove this fact, If yaudoubt that Lydia E.Pinkham’8 Vegetable Compound will help on. write to the Lydia E. Pinkham ed}- cine (70.. Cobourg. Ontario, for Mrs. Pinkham‘s p_tivate text-book and mm more about It. 0 Classified Advertisements Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- )ound, made from native roots andfllerbs, :ontains no narcotic or harmful drugs, md today holds the record of being the nost successful remedy for female i113 ITBHY RASH IN SPOTS UN HANDS "A red rash broke out in spots on my hands. I did no! pay much attention to it at first, but later the eruption: grew larger and caused so much itching and burning man I could not put my hands in water. The irritation caused me to scrarch the affected parts. “ As soon as I began to use Cu- ticura Soup and Ointment the trouble begun to get better. 1 con- finqu the treatment and now I am completely healed." (Signed) Mrs. H. W. Day. Hillside Farm,Wesley, Me., Aug. 31, 1923. lampln Enh Fun by MAIL Addhln Cunndian De at: “Ontlcnn, P. 0‘ Box 1618. Homnfi." Pr ca SoanEc. Olntmcnflé andfiuc. T-qurn 25c. “- Try our new Shny a Stick. Could Not Put Hands In Water. Cuticura Heals. Cuticura Soap. Ointment an d Talcum promote and maintain skin purity, akin comfort and skin health often when all else fails.

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