Bxcnxom) STREET. RICHKOND HILL Representi' “I. Mutual life I“ Campmy of New fork The Maple Shnd. Gravel and Brick Company, Lt'd. have on hand for sale. Cement drain tile. 3. 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Cultert tile 12. 15. 18 and 250 inch ~ (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand 01' Gravel sold by the load or in 091* lots. 'UQ‘dar posts and telephone poles for sale} ’ T. ( OUSINS. Geo. Caldwell, Lorne Paterson Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick AMBROSE L. PHIPPS .NOTICE CALDWELL & PATERSON W. J. ELLIOTT - ‘PRINCIPAI‘ Write today for free catalogue. From now until Sept. 2nd, when our Full Term opens. First-clue Instruction in all Departments. Accountin . Stenography. Type- writiug. becretariul, General Improvement, Banking Oom- mercia! Teachex‘s’, and Business Courses. Emer now. Give us a trial and be convinced. \Yisb to state they are prepared to do all kinds of carriage and wagon work, Automobile wood work and rubber tires at the Trench works. Satisfaction and BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS NEATLY REPAIRED AT THE ROLFE SHOE'REPAIR GOOD WORKMANSHIP QUICK SERVICE Yonge & Charles Sts., Toronto Work done while you wait. Store next to Village Clerk. INQUIRIES SOLICITED Cor. Arnold 8t Yonge. JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 BUILDERS SUPPLIE_S_ A SUMMER SESSION! ls Held in the Popular V “HIKE UUuuuu, hâ€. -.--._ Board of Education, lat. Monday Board of Trade, 2nd Monday Horticultural Society, 3rd Tuesdav. Public Libya'ryâ€"Open Tuesday and Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock. reasonable prices assured. PLUMBING ANDJ‘INSMITHI) HOT WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL. ONT. Cedar Shingles Rooï¬ngs l‘ar paper Village qupcil,ulet Mom: Pine Lath Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring LLLIOTT Building paper . H E N DE RSON Regular Meeting: Wallboard G y prock Manager Doors Sash aw A large stock nf Funeral Furnishing Kept 5t the above places RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE TELEPHONE Mux 311 Cable Address: “Dedo Arthur A. Macdonald Frank Denton Laura Dentml. B. A. 24 KLva S'r. WEST. Tonox’ro, CANADA Denton, Macdonald 5: Benton MULHOLLAND & SMYTH Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 30 tf WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic andanmoquus Sketches, Dialect Poems. Prgfessional Graduate of SATURDAY, JUNE 21â€"Farm stock. implements etc., lot 8, con. 4, Vaughan. 5th line north of Edgeley, [he property of Homencrea Ltd. Sale at. 1 o’clock, standard time. Terms 5 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. The deéeaseci was born Sept. 13. 1851, Age at death 72 yem'stonths and 12 days. Two brothers and one sister survive her. also the following childrenzâ€"Rev. Seymour Conper, of Galt. Emerson, of Brampton, LOUIS and Linnie, of Sher- wood, and Mrs. H. U. Keffer, also of Sherwood. Interment took place in the Lutheran ngetgry. May 29th Funeral services were conducted at her late home and at the church, by theRev. P. S. Baringer. pastor. The great number who came to p their last; respects [0 the decense _'bnre testimony to the honor and esteem in which she was held by all. The community as well as the church has lost, a devoted servant and f1 iend. - On Sunday. May 25th, Mary Ann Cooper, widow of the lamJnhn Cooper, entered into eternal rest. Death came suddenly at night due to healt failure, following u day of devoted service in the House of the Lord. The deceased was a life long resident of Sherwood and a. member of Zion’s Lutheran Church. BARRJSTERS. Soucrrons, ETC. Toronto OEice : 2498 Yonge St. It; would. certainly be a mean man who would enter suit against; another who had befriended bin], if the casualty was purely accidental. but if the accident is the result of carelessness or reckless driving on the part of the motorist. he should be held responsible for the injury in- flicted. Probably the law had better be left as it is at present. ELOCUTION Miss Marguerite Boyle The Daily Star strongly objects to the law, and contends that it should be changed. It takes the ground that; the giving of a ride to another is a friendly act, and argues that; if a person accepts a ride he should also alcoeph the risk. SAFETY FIRST 11; appears that, according to Canadian law, if a motorist gives a free ride to a person, and Lhe latter suffers an accident while being driven in the car. the owner of the auto will be liable for damages. of w; Ten thousand citizens of the world are visiuing in Toronto this week. The Rotarians represent twenty-eight nations. Their slogan is “Peace and Good-Will.†Surely this is fitting, when t'wo ‘nations side by side can] point with pride to the hundred years i of peace between Canada and the United States on the American continent. Such meetings among nations must do much to further the interests of peace, and show the folly Barristers, Solictors. &c MAxNING ARCADE. ; Last week's Aurora Bunner very appropriately points out that “This is June, the mouth of brides." and men pertinently asks: “Are you going to join the. matrimonial ranks ?" The suggestion is quite proper, but his friends will naturally say that the editor is bemer at giving advise than taking it. We are sure that his brother editors would be pleased to hear of Charlie taking the plunge. Phone Hudson 3408. W 26-6111 Auction Sale Register Belated Death Notice BAVAnDIEsaThe Bclgian Draft Stallion, 2469â€"11338, the propeny of J. G. Eiuboden, Eglinton R. R. 1, will travel through Sullivan’s Corners, Dollar. Patterson. Maple. Teston, Elia. Home stable, lot. 12, con. 2. East York. Terms $20. KEYNOTEâ€"Pure-brpd Imported Clydes- dale stallion [23399] (20044) the property of Buwes & Boucock. Will travel through Concord, East York, Kilgnur Farm. Markham, Maple, King. Edgeley. Home stable at. Goa- cord. Terms $17. RID TAPEâ€"Imported Clydesdale stallion,_ the property of E. T. Stephens, one mile south of Rich- mond Hill, Yonge street, will stand at his own stable. Terms $15. 0. Stiles, manager. , ___._. --‘.. u-u- vu’un, . “You'll inevex- s’eéVMr. Jones again," said the minister. "Mr. Jones has gone to heaven." The member was back home. looking after his political fences. and was ask~ ing the minister about some of his old acqpï¬aintances. "' “How's old 7171:. Jones ?" he inquired. “Will I be likely [03% lain: (0-day 3" “v “.1†_, Are you a Subscriber ? CARRVILLE MILLâ€"This mill w be closed VVednesdny at Thursday of each week during Jun July and August. A. \Vstox, Pro I LOSTâ€"0n Tuesday, June 3. Brown mare with white face, and hlistered hind leg. J. RICHARDSON, 1587 Yang» Street, Toronto. 50-51 OTEL PROPERTYâ€"The property known as the Queen’s Hotel, in the Village of Cookstown, is fnrsnle. Apply on the premises. MRS. JAMES COULTER, Cunkstown. 49-51 OR SALEâ€"Comfortable frame housv; lot 40 x 140 feet. Apply MRS. A. ENDEAN. Centre St., West, Richmond Hill. Phone 61 w. 49-51 FOR SA LEâ€"A quantity of rte-cleaned seed buckwheat. BRUCE BROS. 3602 Stoutfville. 50-51 To Sell Summer O LET-Four mom suite over store. Apply T. H. HARDWARE dz SUPPLIES, Limited, Phone 33 Thorn. bin, Ont. 51-1 youa f the ‘ mu.1ian.olj 5x19 “"51",? PW}: ‘ before they have town. to give this sewice. .They say they] can well afford to pay fat}.qu Distance calls on weekly, ordem. Letusworkontwith‘ OUSE wmeFm or four days a week. Apply MRS. BARROW, Centre Street East. 51-62 me: can be Sold gm» ceries and Inth by, Long Distance. Some grocers ,(and batches) call up owt-of-town m toms once a week and get their orders.» Deli- yerigs are made by. OUSEï¬ Taâ€"Eï¬i;â€"_(37I'(xnma, ‘Ipply L. B. FINCH. Elizabeth St.. Rich- mond Hill. 51-1 Cï¬ty peoxfle the country for the Sam‘- OR SALEâ€"Three pairs thorough- bred white fan tail pigonns. DONALD SMELLIEf Tnonmm, 5] 1' $150 cash. In good-order. G. K. BROWN. Collmurne Sc. , Thoruhill. Phone 48w, 51 0R SALEâ€"~Goml delivery horse would exchange for cow. Also house and nearly acre of good land, some fruit. Terms M. L. TOWNSEND, May Avenue. Stop 24 Yonge St. 51-52 ARAGEâ€"For rent. G. $000112. Richmond Hill. \ 50-51 Olf§ALE~Fgrd Coupe. _1919 njpdsl Stallion Register OR SALEâ€" Alfalfa and clover. A. E. PLEWMAN, Stop 27 -Yonge St. Residents Want. Ads. and J u 119, PET: I Call by phone or otherwise promptly JOHN R. CAMPBELL ill VETERINARY SURGEON, I‘hornhill. P. C. HILL Dealer - Richmond Hill, Ont. RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond' Hill, Ont. 'Ask us about the GMAC CHEVROLET Compare Chevrolet from the standpoint of appearance and equipment with any other car at anywhere near Chevrolet price. Consider that Chevrolet, by every, test, has proven itself to be the most economical car in the world to operate. PUT Chevrolet to any test you willâ€"you will find that the powerful rugged motor will meet your most sanguine expectations. Let us show you what the Star can do. U the Star is the first in its field to combine these two essentials at a low price. A sturdy engine easily accessible, enclosed in a handsome body. {l‘hese are the reasons why Chev- rolet is the world’s fastest-selling quality automobile. THE ARISTOC'RAT 0F LOW-PRICED CARS UTILITY and beauty-- the Star is the first in Ol’lSldel‘ Oxford Street Phone 128- rli SAM. SHEPHERD Deferred Payment Plan PAPER HANGER and PAINTER 0-1410