Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jun 1924, p. 5

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Hr. Barty Morden, Manager of the Sterling Bank hare for a number of years. is being transferred to the Toronto Branch. as assistant to the manager of that. branch. Mr. Morden i. taking two weeks holidays, and will like a special field course with other ufiicers of the regimpnt, before tssuming his duties in the Toronto branch. Hr. Morden will. however, mid; in Richmond Hill. and will carry on with hi: secretarial duties to the loud of Education, ahd his rogimeumlf tcfiyitiu in the Diamct. Capt. H. A. Burro“, of The Salntion Army. Aurora,‘ wishes to announce that. thc West Tol'qnm Silver Band, which is visiting Aurora next week- end. will stop 05 at, Richmond Hill on Snturday afternoon, June 210:. and give a musical programme at ‘ o'clock, on “Public School grounds. Iveryone should make a Ipeciul etfort to be present and hem- this band. lay lending social workers from the nited States and Canada. This conference wil} afford Canadian Social Workers an opportunity to hear addresses and discussions which may not be theirs again for some conâ€" siderable Lime. The National boruucil of Social Workers meets in Toronto. June 25 to 1191322. I‘he meepiglgs will be qddressed The :ulnllul camp meeting of the Henunile Brethren and Christ Church, will be bald 2. miles north of the village of Muikhum. on the 81!: con- cession. in Mr. Wm. Shunk'u woods, from June 27 to July 6th. A boarding taut. will he on the ground. Come und enjoy an old fashioned camp meeting. |1~52 Commencing Monday of this week, Mr. John Grice, who is retiring from business, is holding a. M day Sale of dry goods, ainxllwares. buots and rubbers. in the south side of Victoria Hall. Thornhill. The sale will closo June 30. Sale from S a. m. to 10 p. In. All new goods. Terms cash. 51-52 The Ladies Aid Society of Willow- nlale Methodist church will hold a sale of home-made cooking, candy, a ram: etc.. on the lawn of R. G. L elles. Saturday afternoon of this week, from 4 o'clock. Ice cream and cake will be served. All welcome. The annuul picnic at [he Bradford District Young Peoples' League of the Iothudist Church, will be held at Bond Lake, Saturday afternoon, june 21. A good programe h:_\s [ween arrugged. All r,, ill Léagfiers and friéndé invited. Mr. Wesley Boynwu ms madé' a couple of real estate Sales during'the pawl, few drys. Mr. W. H. Mylks nus purchused Mr. Gm. Sims fine residence COMING En: SPECIALIST. Dr. F. E. Lake, optometrist, m7 Yongu Street. Toronto. at Porter's Drug Store Rich- mond Hull. Friday llfuu'umm, July M). '3 to 8 p. In. Glasses if wquired at right. prices. 51-52 Em Yonge street. and M15. KHEHEhus brought :1 4 room cottage from Mrs. Sharples. Middle and Upper school exams commence next Monday. - June 23. Inspector W. 3V. A. Trench, will preside in Richmond Hill High Schunl. Principal Stewmd of our High School will preside at Scat-bow. Miss Frances Hem-y and Mise Miriam Heisley. nf Uhurchtown, Penn»... are spending n few .rluys with Mr. and MN. Orla L. Heisv, of Victoria Square. They travelled by molar. The Richmond Hill Lawn Bowiing Club will open the season‘s games m-xt Tuesday anemouu up 3 o‘clock. Games afternoon and evening. Flicnds mu invited to The Green. Rev. and .-lrs. A. H. Rowe and {our children, of SLt-nthmore, Alberta, who have two Iuonlhs' vacation. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. '1'. F. McMuhun. Mrs. Rowe's parents. Baseball in the park Friday evening. June 20. Newman-ken vs. Richmond Hill- Game culled at 6.30. standard Lime. Admission 25 cents. York-Simcue League. Mrs. E 0. Tomliuson, of Kcnabecv. Northern Ontario, is upendlng a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Patton, Elgin Mills. Mr. Elder H. R. Heise. uf Gm-luley, was down to 'l‘monto yesterday to attend the funeral of the late George Quen-ie. fox merly of Victoria. Square. Morlguge sale of valuable property at Hon-l Richmond next Saturday, at 3 o'clock, daylight saving time. J. T. Saigeon, Auctiuneer. AA meeting of the Richmond Hill Board of Trude will be held in the Council Chamber, this (Thursday) evening at 8.16 o'clock. Rev. E. Payne will he the preacher at. the anniversary services at, Vintnria Squm-A- next Sunday at 2151\nd730, Itanduld Limo. :I‘ho exuminuliuns {or eulrnnce to High schools and Collegiate Institutes are svt for July 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Miss Stella L. Ht‘il Square, h-fL on Frid: Ueuter and Buffulu, N Rev. A. 1. Fun]. of Yonge Street Methodisc Church, has been elected President. of the Toronto Conference. EveryhOdâ€"y-fielcome at the Victoria Squme picnic next! Suturduy. Come along, and besure to tnke your basket. Reeve T. H. Trench isvattending the June session of the County Council, which opened Monduv. Young ladies base-ball practice to- night, at 7 o’clock. July Pictorial Review now on sale :3 The Liberal Store. Ht-ise. of Victoria uy fur Clarence China, Cut Glass, Grocerles and Confections Corner of Yonge & Richmond Richmond Hill Phone 86] ' ' J. W.» Wellman All are urgent! cordially invited to mini» occasion in l On Sunday, June 22nd. the Rig-livale Community Church will lw olfin-ially dedicate-d. at which ceremony a large altendanco is muneslly desiiud, The dmlicatiim Sin-vices will take placenc 3 30 afteinnnn. and 7 u‘clnck cwning, daylight sm ing time. The Cnrivilln choir and Tlmrnhill (nlchvstiu will furnish music nu this Occasion, and it is expected a gieut many of Toronto's leadingcitizens will be present. The afternoon services will be con- ducted by Rev. Lavelle Smith. first minister of Richvule Community church. The awning service will be conducted by. the Rev. H.8. eren, of Rich- mo‘nd Bill. vale. The Matron wishos to thank, Mrs. Hendricks. of Gnrmley, very much for rhuhaib received through the kindness of Dr. Langstufi'; also Miss Moyle, Mr. Shem-down and nthers who did not. give their "nines, Mrs. Stevenson for flowers, and Mrs. Plewman, 8 loaves of bread and roses. Flowers are an welcome and hiightens the home so much that, when dnnaling them the giver has no idea nf the happiness Hwy give. The L.T.B. and Orange Hume. Boys and gixla arelunking'fm-wurd tn the glorious 121b, counting the days fur its arrival. Every child has been invited In come and join the Emwd, and at present, the home mo caring for 118. The coming IZLh nf‘luly prmnises to be a lively (lay in Richmond Hill. All the Orange Lodges in (lentw York District will he represented. Should the weather be line there will likely be more than 1000 Orangeman and their friends. A procession will bu formed a short distance smith r-f Richmond Hill. heude by hands. and including the children from the ()rphunge at Blgin Mills. Arriving at the Park a good programme of sports and speeches: will take place. The Ladies' Aid of both the Methodist and Presbyterian churchvs will furnish meals at the churches. and booths will also be (m the grounds. Agents {or Bruce’s-fligh-Class Chocolates and Candies Have a. fine assortment of China and Cut Glass Suitable for presents Water sets of 7 pieces, Star design, $1.30 per set Grape and Orange designs, $1.35 per set Cut Glass Berry Sets, $1.35. This is something new and very pretty Cut Glass Olive Trays. 75c. and 90¢. each Sherbets from 82.20 per halt dozen \Vater Glasses, Grape design, 10¢. each China Cups and Saucers, solid patterns, 35¢. each A large variety of other designs from 60c. up.‘ Milk Pitchers from 50c. up. Salts and Peppers, Vases Etc. Etc. r 7 7 7.. _..-. -......3‘.. n.1,” Lflflbb Evening service and sermon at o'clock. Subject: "(Jain came to town again A“ mo cordially invited. Zion's Ev. Lutheran Church, Sherwood {he Rev. RS. Buringqr. B. 1).. Pastor Boys running shoes, caps, Jersey sweaters all at very reasonable prices. The 12th in Richmond Hill Boots and shoes, with a good line of Oxfords and Ladies shoes. Special prices in Khaki Pants and Shim. GENTS’ FURNISHINGS Yonge & Centre Streets . & M. STEIN tgrgentlf x'equsted and ', June 22nd. the Richvale Church will b“ 0|Til:i:illy which ceremony a large a mmeslly desiled. The n-ices will take [Macech n, and 7u'c100k cvvning. ha- 1 ;.-.,. Acknowledged Richvale 1 choir and Thnrnhill furnish music nu this it is expected a glent .o's leadingxcitizens \vill Our Groceries are always fresh nthers who did not. as, Mrs. Stevenson for I. Plewman, 8 loaves of es. Flown-s are SO n'nttenld CHE the history of Rich- we in and see our stock I _lohnny'-;“YQ§, in‘a’am. It‘s A boy what. comes to schunl with n. smile on ‘ his lace." Teacherâ€"«“Jolmny. can you tell me wlgap a hypqgrite ls?" General Agents for Farm Machin- ery. Pumps, Etc. TEETZEL BROS. We can also supply your wams on Furnacempairs, and pipes. If you are considering the. t'uruace que’stion com-efm‘and Te: us show you our lin’ek.‘ ‘No House too large.‘ No 1101156 Loo. small. We have a size and modclrfpr every oneâ€"and the prices Rife right. RICHMOND HILL MOTORS 1921 Chevrolet Touring, good cord tires all around, $275.00 Ford Touring with Licence Good Used Cars All kinds of flnur :md millfevds. Try our gonninn whole- wheat fluur, poultry feed, hulod hay and straw. [)9Iivvnvs Tuesday and Friday. 1. F. Burr Phone 82w HOUSE PAINTING AM) PAPER HANGING 13110110, 91 \v $85.00 Ford Touring with License $110.00 Ford Touring 1920, $250.00 Ford % Ton Truck. $50.00 Ford 1 Ton Truck, $175.00 Ford Coupe, $100.00 MA§83m nan-53mm . aAfND RERA’iRS , _ _ _ . . --u wuc IcalutllL‘U of the bride‘s pun-ems, by the Rev. J. \V. McIntosh. on \Vednesdny, June 18. 1924, Amy Agnes, danghcer of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith, to Robert. son'nf Mr. and Mrs. F“. J Mansbridgp. all of Richmond Hill. Tinsmitha and General Agents PHONE 87 W . PATERSON FURNACES Well Worth the Money AUTO PAINTING Phone 625 THE Richmond Hill YONG E STH 12' ET MARRIHHZS MILL â€"At the residence 51-62 Richmond Hill QUALITY SHOPPE Millinery, Ladies Wear, Dry Goods All ready-to-wear suits or trousers altered to fit you free of charge._ - Odd trousers from $3 .50 up. Ladies blue serge skirts made to order tram 87.50 I am prepared to meet your spring demand for suits and overcoats with the latest spring goods, either in ready-to-wear or tailored to your measure, Right Here, No Factory Work. New Spring Suits '. c. BEDFORD, The Investor’s Safeguard for Cohémunity Mafia En Coan of European Com Borer Trench Block Ladies suits of blue serge made-to-order 835.00. CLEANING AND PRESSING SATISFACTORY DONE) TABLE LINENS . CURTAIN MATERIALS. in Madras Nets, and Marquiset‘te. HOUSE DRESSES, APRONS, and SATINETTE SLH QORSETS. A-LA-GRAOE and \VARNRR‘H- and mu “’e have Now COLORED E. R. FORTNER Dominion Department of Agriculture Division of Field Crop And Garden Insects. Entomological Branch, Ottawa, Ont. Plough down all com stubble very carefully. Seed to winter wheat where possible. Write for pamphlet, post free. Cut corn crop low and as soon as it is ready. Burn all corn stalks. Garden sweet corn should all be pulled early and burnt. A Very Important Point This plan , will assist in bringing the Corn Borer under control, but without such co-operation, satisfactory results will. not be obtained. ' No single farmer can expect to keep his corn crop free of the European Corn Borer unless all his neighbours are also fighting the pest. For this reason some sort of co- operation is essential. You can organize your whole neighborhood by arranging a mutual plan of‘ campaign whereby each farmer undertakes to account for the Corn Borers on his own farm. Arthur Gibsonâ€"Dominion Entomologist you cannot do without 1E DRESSES, APRONS, and SATINETTE SLIPS. ETS. A-LA-GRAOE and WARNER‘S: and BRASSIERS the most Popular Styles. H ._.v ..._- ‘vu...uwuuwu In CVCI, Plld’ U of this Bank’s business - and we are in a position to render a complete investment service' Our nearest Manager can give you information regarding any securities you may contemplate purchasing Lu STANDARD SERVICE be your Inucumenl Menard STANDAKQ BANK Mrs. Norman Batty RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, Ladies and Gents’ Clothier and Tailor; or CAN/TM Fitld Lnbonuflr. Stnthroy. Ont. THE , which, uf Write for Pamphlet Phone 53 Scrims, course, Manage; I811 s71

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