13V 0111‘ _ - _ - 3‘ i ' w V I V I I S ortmg Notes . , 1 p l I Prompt Adjustments of Claims ( Baseball Schedule and Prompt Serv1ce Fms’r ROI'ND . , 5 Newark†a, mgmmd iimjumm} We Are Known In All Lines of Insurance v Richmond Hillat ewmar'er, une 2.x ‘ FIRF PI ATE GI Asg Sf If #11,; tR':h nd I'ill, June- 28. ‘j J: I . Wil‘!)0\:'ill:lelat ii‘it-i'iiï¬mn‘nm. July LI i Ia v AU FOMOBILE SECOND Rnl'xn ACCIDENT ‘ BURGLARY ' Willowdnlo at Richmond Hill, ‘luly 8. SICKNESS and GUARANTEE OF BONDS Sinnfl’villfl at Richmond Hill. July III Richmond Hill at Will-nwlalo, july 1!) Richmond Hill at, Newm uket, July '26, ‘ ‘.:. f“ i. 1_ 2.0. ‘ 3333f?iii-liimfiui:$153332";1. A. G. SAVAGE, General Agent Newtnnrlu-L at Richmth Hill, Aug, 8. â€"-o bait and Where You Want It On my farm of average size at least one hour a dayâ€"~36} ten hour working days a,year~â€"are spent in the irksomc, wearying task of pumping water. 36% days which one of my Toronto Windmills will give you for profitable work. RII'IIMOND HILL AT THE POSTâ€"OFFICE BUILDING Hill's-Square League Schedule .Inm- 2lâ€"RiflliiiibiilinlllAllIill at Victoria i Runn I “"5â€de Hi“ "t‘ A'" ““"' Ml" 1" Bring Your Business to Me and Get Service. No Charge for Advice l "8t 01' -recreationâ€"â€"besides supplying running water ' Square‘ _U* _ 7_#_MH_ F. GORDON COOK THOMAS “Elâ€"ANY Wherever you want lt- .bï¬cfml,’ HALF . Potatoes Bought and Sold. BARRIBTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY lira The one bothersome task. that of oiling the windmill in all kind. 0! , “£5â€? 2“V'°‘°““' “W†“t “"““""’"d ‘ Emmi†Pym; Take" to Market £93m; Offlgegfgfeg‘e‘lgg‘s‘,3"â€de- weather. is overcome in dioToronto Self-Oiler, which requires fresh july lâ€"Richmond Hill at Tliornhill TL‘l‘lg‘giï¬gn‘f Emigwipmn a R? h 'c inaonhm ‘Oéï¬ce _ “new gil only “once a year. Friction and wear are practically tholished. JU'Y 15*:1h‘mllhillfl xlclth-‘Si‘lgalre Service unnxcelled ' 0mg?) ï¬zzy Thursday {era‘an ' ' - ' 1 23* 1 'n ; I, ' om i I. ' ' 1- * ' ' ognttiomwmdnulls. lot; can be made absolutely self-regulating III {31; 30__v"(:)t:::.£:9‘;na‘tillra‘hurnhi“ Phone 99.]. RICHMUND mu, Maplp, Thm-sdaynflornmm, . . Aug. lvâ€"Ricbmond Hill at VlULUllt Woodhridue Saturday fore-noon. The 'Toronto" Tower will stand for a lifetim ' ' ' e because 8 :0 ~ g Square. J. Money to loan at Current Rate heaviest. strongest and best-braced one built for any windmill. Games to start at 6 p. in. (Standard Let me exphm why I believe this is one of the biggest mannich 4 Tune,; sham. lmil‘imLiiiri:a, Agent, Richmond H11}, phone 73 .~.. r"°â€Â°":_ff°da"°" Tl HI & , I w k _ $53.:33.223232;mittthis: Phone 33 - Thornhlll. Ont- - _ __..__ o __4,_ volunteers representing wen-y seclinn _ Massei-llarris Repairs '7 if???3311i“?é=1133é“:‘t%"‘if;‘?:-£"8é‘£ï¬â€˜â‚¬Â¥ PLYMOUTH BINDER TWINE Firemen'a Volunteer Assnriation. “_ Iill. 5048 Res. Phone 44.4 ie new n in: ur use 0 a ra- Funsmk “mama†hand. NAUGflTON s, JENKINS mga'niiniion,p itpwill ism-k! to MBdal feet per the and that greater efficiency may Look over your machinery and lot, Barristers Solicitor Notaries he “mined by the wmms volunteer ‘6 ‘6 u us know before the rush starts what Telephme Adelaide 2108 departmpnu. it is 5mm“. Prenmi_ y " " ts 'Ilb- , .I . a i . u u u slim". EM 550 W $14.00 Lil tn) :k, . ' ho . 5%. v 43-“ con. ARNOLD a; YONGE S'I‘S. Sulicxtoruioi'l: (C mm l?32:;"t:?.‘.’"=’b; “glide ggï¬isr'ï¬g recall: '3: F D NE A ' l - ' , . ' :7 .‘ 0 _____-. $33313?Taft?ï¬g.t‘fï¬?§§‘2€;ï¬th.3. Gilt Edge 650 feet 3 1 5.50 per 100 lbs. ' afictinenr‘e: Preiid'enlt‘ieg‘i'eii Dtozeletll‘liii: “ u “ râ€"-- "â€""’_3:'*~‘â€" “1' molten. First Vice-President, " v. - of - JOHN T. ANDERSON ï¬li?a.ï¬lf“£§i"3'mfiï¬i’Irfeefs‘lfii...I T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES LIMITED HAND TUNER 32:23:â€; Secretnry. R. Browning, Phone 33. I I Thornhinl Ont. 378 Benesfmil Ave.. \Vest Toronto. Phone Junction 0072. SAMPLES FREE I Lem-e Orders at Glenn's Drug Store, ® PHNTING. DECOR‘TING l Richimmd Hill. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE Phone 306. King. All mail orders will receive prompt G‘ H†oakR‘dgesp'O' g ‘ CDNSTANTLY IMPROVED ( J. H. Prenticé H. A. NICHOLLS ' ’ BUT NO- YEARLY MODELS - FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO \ NOTARY PUBLIC Specigl attention given :0 s31? 0t f ', “ Dodge Brothers Motor Car retains I» _ , 53:53 sziigsr2%tégi2'ity.érflnigbliuigiii its basic design year after year. ‘ : » I 00111311591009!) conveyance". Em and sold on commission. Allsu'lles at- . I t - J - tended to on shortest notice, an con- m 1‘ ve n v .. In'umnce and Real Esum ducted by the most approved methods. . _ p O S are ma e an RICHMOND 11th ‘Patronagesuncnea. . stantly, but there are no radical, annual changes. -â€"___.. i I l y the. rapt.1 dePredation-loss which I iii . Thls 901le protects owners from I y '1 s l invariably attends the periodic V Hi; announcement of new types. ; see our StOCk 0f ties, from CtS. t0 Y also Brothers to I . . i The latest in silk and wool mixtures. V effect an appreciable saving in ' Men’s socks for spring, from 50 cts. to 81.50 -' ' ' manllfacturei and this saVing is 3‘ . We have the Holeproof Hosiery for men. ’ {ï¬lthffully rfeturmlad to a’tlhe buyer m _ c ' it}: .31 Men’s Oxfords in the latest spring ’style, 6. mm 0 surp us v ue‘ ‘ .-:“A 1’ Ii .v a.- Dodge Br :2. M t c M od «xi-xi; - . i from 35-00 to $1.00 in four a]t:m:triavec:1::a ngzgtoizndgar. " I ""17 U Also hats, shirts, gloves, underwear, and etc. For Women and Children we have spring Oxfords and Pumps. c. M. PALMER & SONS. Dennis -:- NORMAN J. GLASS -:- “WWW C. N. COOPER SPRING HAS ARRIVED Rakes - Spades Shovels and Hoes for Spring Work Come in and look them over C. N. COOPER Richmondtnui PHONE 93 ‘ WWW AAAAAA- I