Maple, Ont. FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, PLATE GLASS _ ETC . The Protective Amociatinn of Canada. and The Dominion Gaumntce and Accident Co. All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanship V Prompt Service hob. in Winterton's Old Stand, Yonge St. AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA House Wiring and Power Installations Farm Lighting Plants All Kinds of Appliances â€"- Fixtures, Motors, Etc. We Repair Anything Electrical Quick Service Phone 174J Box 39 Ofï¬ce COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE SI MEON JOYCE, L.C .A. 3‘4: 3115 Shagâ€"Regina (Veterinary Surgeon) Rwegmduute of Ontario Veterin If? 0 e. All clases of animals txeate ~ . I, “neg-8y and night calls pxompbâ€" “93“:de residence north side ‘4 "“'x , u . $08“! residen Ru: lonsueet' I Telephofg, Ring 2' J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC TENOR TEACHER OF SINGING Now accepting pupils. Phone 94] fer information CHOIRâ€"LEADER AND URGANIST PRESB‘ITERIAN CHVRCH GEO. KIDD RMCDONALD, B. v. Sc upil 0f Josef Lhevinne and Frank S. Welsman Studio: Over Mr. E. R. Fol-tn Tailor Store. PHONE ! Dr. L. R. BELL C. H. BYxLRI Von. XLVI.‘ PELHAM CUAFFEY DENTIST Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank. Hourssmm. to 5.30 p.111. Telephone 3‘ i. H. SOUTHWOOD Electrical Contractor PIANO and THEORY . R. ALLISON, L.D.S., D.D.S Thornhill. STERLING BANK BUILDING AURORA Consultation and Diagnosis Free .50 per annum, in advance THURNHILL VILLAGE Richmond Hm; Announces the Opening of E. R. Fortner's PHONE 95 Dental 8 ,5 rgery Phone 232 OPEN EVE. NGS Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. Oï¬lcesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon Bldg.. Cor. Jordon and Melinda Sts.. Toronto. Telephone Main 363]. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTON r; FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will be at The Liberal Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. every Tuesday afternoon. MacNaughton & Campbell OFFICE: CHURCH STREET TEEEPIIONE 11 M Rlcnuoxn HILL -..... ‘4‘ Sold or ExchéhEé-d. Mortgage Loans Arranged in Dominion and Provinsial Bonds Bought EMA A- III..-L__,, J.R.HERRINGTON REPRESENTING Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada TIME TABLE Leave Richmond Hill Le, friends in7 and prosperous lift: A very pretty Weddingr tnok plncn at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Grainger. Richmond Hill. on \Vednesdny after- noon, June 25th, when their elder daughter, Edna. became the wife of Mr. Gem-g0 Uruiukshunk, sun of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ciuickshunk. The bride. lnnked wry pretty in a gown of white flAt crepe. with veil and orange blossoms, and carried roses and mange blossoms. Little Miss Lillis Bond. of Newmarket, cousin of the bride. acted as flower girl. and carried a basket of roses, and Miss Margaret. \Viils. of Toronto, cousin of the gloom. played the wedding march. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Arthur H. Rowe. B.A., of Strathmnre. Alberta, in the presence of a number of rekiâ€" tives and friends. After a dainty buf- fut luncheon the happy conple left, for n ..L-_. 4 5, r,.~.v~ uu. vv\ol,vlll Ull' tario, the bride travelling in a navy blue gown of Canton crop», taupe coat. with bat, to match. Thu Liberal jnins With their many friends in wishing them a long, happy, (Ind nlvnenn..n.u. H61. are ready to receive applications for an agency of their well and favorably known Nursery Pro- ducts. such as Fruit Trees. Small Fruits. Ox-nuluentals, Shrubs, Roses and Perennials. Quality first. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address as above at once. BROWN BROS. COMPANY NURSERYMEN, Limited BROWN’S NURSERIES. ONT. Agents Wanted 9.15 10.00 “.10 11.55 _..,..., vvllylc “:11; AU] short trip toiiminls rip VVestex-u 0n ‘ .L. . -â€"-â€"-ALSO-â€"-â€" FIRE, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, AND Av'romomuc INSURANCE RICHMOND HILL. ONT Cruickshank-Grainger Gas for Ewiractz‘on 1‘ i. 20 12.“ I. 00 6. 40 PHONE: 61 “ I 1: Essentials, Unity Leno Toronto 12.80 1.30 2.15 8.15 4.00 4.40 4.50 5.40 973 m. Deflection or Perennial will. Mrs. Campbfll. Oriental Poppies â€" Mm. Campbell. Miss Switzer. l'orgot-moâ€"notsâ€"Juiss Gibson. Rhubarb â€" Mrs. Grahnm, Mrs. Trench. Grewâ€"Miss Gibson, Miss Brawn. Lettuceâ€"Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Trench. Asparagusâ€"Mrs. Campbell. Onionsâ€"Miss Brown. Mn. Pugsley. Radishâ€"Mn. Campbell. Strawberriesâ€"Mrs. Graham. Batchelor’s Buttonâ€"Mrs. Graham. Daisiesâ€"Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Murphy. Garden Heliotropaâ€"Miss Gibson. Mrs. Kerswill. Long Spurred Columbine ~ Miss Swilzer, Mrs. Trench. Short Spurréd Columbineâ€"~Mies Switzer. Pilik Peoniesâ€"Miss Moylc, Mrs. Plewman. Liliesâ€"Mrs. Pugsley. Mrs. Martin. Pansiesâ€"Mrs. Plewumn. Mr. Walker. Double Columbine~MnL Graham. Miss Switzer. The society is under obligation to Mr. Harry Endean who very pleasant- ly and efficiently acted as judge. The prize lint. (allows: Bonesâ€"Mrs. Switzer, Mrs. Graham. Irisâ€"Miss Moyle, Mrs. Trench. Red Peoniesâ€"Mra. Martin. Mrs. Phipps. A goodly number of citizens. by their prosence. showed their interest in the Work of the society, and their love for flowers, but a lingering hope remains that. more will be present next year. N0 suggestion of "a poor season for flowers" was indicated on Tue-day evening. at, the Annual Spring Flower Show of the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society. held in the! schoulronm of the Methodist church. A splendid display was presented, in- cluding poonies. lilies, poppies, pansies and otheu, particularly iris, which de- serves special mention a. to both quality and variety. The orcth like mauve kind exhibited by Miss Moyle, won admiration from all prelent. In the razetuble section, rhubarb was seen at its tullest, and sevgral plates of cress and beautiful lettuce, but only one each 9! strawherriesrand radishes. ,, 7., â€"». 'lv-- Iv Ill UU HUI“ ulv Hendford, Saturday and Sunday. June 28 and 29. Saturday afternoon there will be a Bucket; Picnic on the Church grounds where varioun kinds of sport- will take place. Special sermons will be preached on Sundav. In the morning at "1.8". standard tiuw, Rev. Balil Thompson, no NRAâ€"h- n...,, ,1 ... . , ............. w", new. unuu inompson, of Trinity Church, will reach, and Rev. 1. U. Gnchrane, of ewmurket, will preach in the evening at 7.30. In the evening the Victoria Square choir will furuilh ihe .unic. for repairs. ,, J.._ -u‘ -III\4I(|I VLLIL'C. A Mr. Bell from Kleinhurg was mntoring southward, and for some reasnn started Lo turn his car north- ward, when he was struck by a Mr. Bell from Toronto. The Toronto car was badly damaged, and was after- wards towed to the Baldock garage rm. "and." “x...- vaU L‘Ulu UNIS happened TUNE-[y afternoon about one o’clock directly opposite the Public Schnog. a_nd Th:_Lib¢ml Ofï¬ce. " ,,__ _.rr..v . u.» Cl' LU was held, and a number (:fnddresges suitable to the snlemn occasion were given. Mayor Â¥Valton presided. Hundreds of curs and thousands of peopfe Were at the Aurora Cemetery last Sunday afternoon. it being the annual Decoration Day. The procession from Aurora. was 1611 by the West Toronto Salvation rmy Silver Band, and the Citizens Band. Art-wing at the Cemetery, an appropriate service was mm nnrl n .......| ..... .cr.†, Preparation in being made for the 3rd annual garden party to he held under the auspices of St. Edward’s Church. Lansing, Saturday. June 28. The picnic will be hc-ld on the Bopckb Farm, Finch's side mad west. There will be many athrnctinns. Supper served ‘from 5 to 8 o'clock, to be followed by a concert. noon Vand evéning. un Mr. H. B. Stirling, on Ten. will be served 1 Good orchestra and « gveping. Proceeds i Anniversary A collision helween_two Ford cars . _ _ _ , , , I p“ u hide-ts. szirhvnrnvriéFwi A garden payty will be held, after- ; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; Decoration Day evening. on the: grminda of Stirling, on Domlgion Day. Flower Show HEADFORD Garden Fete LANSING Collision lgrvicetrwifl be held at ., THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1924 sâ€"Mrs. Kersâ€" dancing in the i_n aid of the ffomr 6 o'clnék iYonge SL, RICHMOND HILL $525 will buy a splendid building lot on the West side of Church St. Rough cast house stable and 1% acres on Mill Street. A bargain. A good cheap Brick Clad House and three acres on Lucas Street. List toolarge to fully adyertise. No charge for transfers. Loans, Insurance, Notarial Work as usual. First-class building lot 50 feet from» age on Richmond Street. and through to Centre Street. Will sell at a bar- gain. Easy terms. All kinds of Lumber, Lath and Shin- gles, Flooring, Sidings, Mouldings, etc. Vindow Frames, Sash and Doors made to order. Dealers m Gyproc and Fibre- Board. Asphalt Rooï¬ng. Shingles. Felts. Etc. You will be pleased with our price: and promptdelivez y. Let us have your enquiries. Quotations gladly furnished on request. W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER. Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. ' 85 Richmond St†West. Ofï¬ce: { Toronto. Naughtun Block, Aurora. Solicitor for : Aurora and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King, ‘Vhitchurch and Markham. ‘ Leave Orders at Glenn's Drug Store. Richmond Hill. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. \Valter S. Jenkins Res». Phone HI]. 5048 378 Berresfom Ava, \Vest Toronto. Phone Junction 0072. Service and Satisfaction Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond Street Richmond Hill H. A. Nicholls Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 JOHN T. ANDERSON 'l‘ry . Innes & Sons NAUGHTON 8'. ’JE‘N‘KiNé The Real Estate Man PIANO TUNER in all things, Charity PHONES :â€"Oflice. 87.1. Yard, 13-3. For J. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 COURTESY D. L. 6: W. Scranton COIL the best hard coal shipped from U. S. screened before delivery, as the price is advancing every month at the mines. Order your Winter's Supply now at the Elevator. QUANTITY CLEAN LINESS Some folks hope for the best â€"Our customers get it We have a good supply of food: such as Bran, Shorts, White Mid- dlings, Shumacker Feed. Full-of~Pop Egg Mash, the highest recommended egg mash on the market, 3130 Scratch Feed, Cement Tile, Hardwall Plaster. and Lime. Lxcensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest. notice. and at reasonable rates. mun-nu. wm accept a number bf pupils in Piano. Vocal and -- Theory. -'- Richmond Hill, Friday and Saturday For information Phone 110. Mas. MYLKH. From the Adelma Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L T. C. II NORTH YONGE ST.. RICHMOND BIL]. DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF. omce hours 8 : 10 anus. and 6 :8 p.m Ofï¬ce hours 10 to 12 a..m. 6 b08p. m. mm and residenceâ€"Centre Church Streets Richmond Hill E No. 24. 0. I. RUDDELL, D.C. PM}. Music. kill accept pupils in Piano. (diseases Jr‘kath Office hours I :3 p Phone 100. OFFICE : Hours : Hours: 2 Lu 5 and 7 to 8 p.11)- Except Wednesday PHONE 117 Consultation Free at the Ofï¬ce PALMER CHIROPRACTOR I. D. Ramer Oflice:â€"Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Oflice Hours: 10-12; 6-8 DRS. LANGSTAF F NOTICE Patronage solicited [Single copies, 3 cts. . '1'. SAIGEOIV Maple Toronto Conservatory‘of ill unannm . B. WELLWOOD ABOVE DAVIES STORE women and childï¬nZ) WILSON 12 mm. and No. 52 SERVICE ; 6-8. 3 and Phone