Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jul 1924, p. 1

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'Omce and residence north side Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. Telephone 13, Ring 2. _ (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veterin .17 College. All clases of animals mated. Day and night culls prompt- ly_§gunded: 7 Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanship Prompt Service Shop in Winterton's Old Stand, Yonge St. ‘-~4-\-v|\vll u: Canada. andv'l‘liié 7130111313311 Gaurantce And Accident Co. FIRE, AUTOMOB'IFIéE, PLATE GLASS Maple, Ont. AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA House Office Quick Serxiee Phone 174J Box 89 SIMEON JOYCE L.C uumussxoxnn, CONVEYANCER. ETC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc‘ louse Wiring aud Powar Installations Farm Lighting Plants All Kinds of Appliances â€" Fixtures, Motors, Etc. The J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC TENOR ‘ TEACHER OF SINGING Now accepting pupils. Phone 94] for information CHOIR-LEADER AND ORGAN IST PREBBY‘I‘ERIAN CHURCH \ upil of Jose! Lhevinne 31.; Frank S. \Velsmau Studio: Over Mr. E. R. Fort! Tailur Store. lean1 We Repair Anything Electrical GEO. KIDD Dr. L. R. BELL Von. XLVI I. PELHAM CIIAF F EY Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank. HoursQn.m. to 5.30 p.m. Telephone 32 Electrical Contractor , R. ALLISON, L.D.S., DDS PIANO and THEORY Thornhill. STERLING BANK BUILDING Consultation and Diagnosis Free ‘1'otectivie Association of AURORA .50 per annum, in advance . SOUTHWOOD DENTYS'I‘ THDRNHILL VILLAGE Announces the Opening of FiXl‘I Dental Surgery R. Furtner’s Pnan 95 Phone 232 OPEN EVENINGS in Bani-ten. Solicitors. Etc. Oflicesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon Bldg” Oor. Jordon and Melinda. Sts.. Toronto. Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTON FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will be at The Liberal Office. Richmond Hill, every Tuesday afternoon. TELEPHONE 11 M momma; hm. MacNaughton & Campbell Sold at Exchéhi€&:;&§ Mortgage Loans Arranged. Dominion and Provincial Bonds Bought ina A- n..-L_‘_ J -_- REPRESENTING Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada Games to Time,) sumo J.R.HERRINGTON Hill 'a-Squue League Schedule SECOND HALF July Qâ€"Richmond Hill at Thornhill. July 18~Thornhiil at Victoria Square Julv 23â€"Thornhill at Richmond Hill. July 30â€"Victoriu Square at 'l‘hntnhill Aug. Lâ€"Richmund Hill at Victoria Square. Hope girls’ soft ball team had a bad day of it. on the lat. They lost. out at King tournament. Bolton being the winners. They also lost out to Maple girls in the final at; Thornbill by a score of 16 to 2. Better luck to you next time, Len. Scoutfvme ball team play the locals at the town park tonight (Tbuzsday). Don‘t. mist this game. Victoria. Square played a. Hills. Square League game with the locals at, the park last night; they won out, by a score of 12 to 5. Local girls have no "if it hadn't rained " or any other “ifs” to use in connection with their close defeat by Maple at; Thm-nbill. The girls axe arranging for home- and-home games with Maple, Dublin. and other girls teams. Large posters have been distributed announcing the Orange celebration to he held in Richmond Hill, Saturday. the 12th of July. A big parade will be {mined headed by hands, and followed by the children from the Orphanage. and members from variouslndges. In the park, there will be addresses by prominent speakers, good sports and band concerts. Good prizes will be given, and admission free to all. Dinner will be served at the Methodist and Presbyterian churches, and refreshments will he served in the grounds. Everybody welcume to the big celebral ion. SECOND ROUND Willowdule at Richmond Hill, July 8. Richmond Hill at Aurora, July 11. Stnuf‘frille at Richmnnd Hill. July 16 Richmond Hill at Willowdale, July 19 Richmond Hill at Newman-ket. July-26. Richmond Hill at Stouffville. July 29. Aurora. at. Richmond Hill. August 1. Newman-ken at Richmond Hill. Aug. 8. Senior Baseball Schedule FIRST ROUND Stouffville at Richmond Hill. July 3 Willowdale at: Richmond Hill. July 5‘ -â€"ALSO-â€"â€" FIRE, ACCIDENT AND chxxssa. AND AUTOMOBILE lxsuaaxcz: OFFICE : CHURCH STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONT (Continued from back page) Orange Celebration Sporting Notes GM for Extraction start at 6 p. 111. (Standard PHONE : 61 “In Essentials, Unity; in Non Village Council, lst Monday Board of Education, lei: Monday Board of Trade, 2nd Monday Horticultural Society. 3rd Tuesday. Public Libraryâ€"Open Tuesday apd 1 Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 o’clock. MACDONALD-At the Woman’s Hospital. Toronto, Friday, june 27. 1924, to Dr. and Mrs. R. Maudonald, of Richmond Hill, a daughter. ,' V__~ â€"~-u-- nu uuL’ ulfluC- A reading was given by Miss Francis Drury. ‘ Rev. A. W. Craw B. A.. of King. will preach at, 11 and 7.30 o’clock. The Sunday School meets at 10 a. m. The Congregation is indebted to Mr. George. Sims for supplying a long- felt want, in a. fine new sign-hoard. erected inst weak on the church lawn On Thursday of last week the monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the school-room of the Presbyterian church. A very oxcellont aper on "Our Medical Missions in ndia," was given by Mrs. A. L. Phipps. In her closing remarks, Mrs. Phipps told us what a wonderful opportunity for Prayer, Sacrifice and Service. the Mission Field nflered us. Mrs. McIntosh and Miss Moyle. added to the interest: of the meeting by the remarks they made. On Wednesday. July 9, Richmond Hill Lawn anling Club. will hold their second annual one-day Tourna- ment on their Greens at, Richmond The Hon. Geo. S. Henry's silver trophy will be presented to the rink winning first prize. The cup Wthb must be returned to be played fUl'llL our Anuqu Tournament will finally become the property of the club winning it. the greatest number of times in gen years. In addiiibafigéughe four valuable prizPs to the three winning ,M‘“ , . _ ,_~ .~.----IAJE lllllk'. There will be four games ( ends each, which will comme a. In; sharp, (daylight savit Gamps on the plus system. Entries which are limited rinks will be received up to Tuesday. July Shh. A: me annual meeting of the York and Peel Counties W.O.T.U., held at Stoufl’ville last, week the following officers were appoinued for thecurrent ear: y President, Mrs. Western, Newmu-ket. Vice.-Pres., Peel County. Mrs. Lynd, Port Credit. Vice.-Pres., York Lullaby, Mrs. McMahon. Richmond Hill. Cor.-Sec’y., Mrs. H. J. Charle‘s, Aurora. Rec.â€"Secy., Mrs. ‘V. J. Mnthers, Stnufiville. Tream, Mrs. Brillinger. Newmarket. L. T. L. Sec’y., Mrs. A. L. Phipps Richmond Hill. u _ ........ J ucrcunuufltu yesterday forcnoon to learn of the terrible accident that befel Mrs. S. Sheppard. She was walking north- ward on Yonge Street, a short distance north of the village, when she was run down by a Mr. Hathaway. 0! Chatham, who with his wife and niece, wele mutol ing to see a friend in Aurora- The motorist apparently lost control Of \his car. and dashed over the rail on the truck. The injured woman was con- veyed to Dr. Langstafi's office, but died shorth afterwards. It, is understood an inquest will be held m-xt; VVeduenduy. At OsbaWn on Dominion Day, a bnwling tournament. commenced M 11 a. m. and lasted till 2 n. m. Wednesday morning. A rink from this village were runnersaup for the McLaughlin ti-ophy and were awarded dressing gowns. The following are the Rich- mond Hill players: A. G. Savage. L. A. Hill. A. E. Glass, G. Willis, skip. 'iAt a mixed tournament on the Village Green, Monday evening. the first of the season, first prizeâ€"~cupl and saucersâ€"Was won by {be following rink: Miss Endean, W. H. Wellman, Mrs. N. J. Glasu, H. Eudean‘. skip. The village and vicinity were shocked gunman" At the unnua meeting “I D-..l 1‘, .. .-. A, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Regular Meetings A Gowned Quadette Officers Elected m to the cup. three sets of )le pI-iZPs will be presented winning rinks. ll be four games of twelve whiqh W_ill_ commence at. 10 Fatal Accident (daylight sdfing time.) p_lus system. BIRTHS .. THURSDAY, JULY 3. 1924 Bowling i. Tournament iimitefl ti) (oz-Ly -Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity Mmmfl. Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL See me about a house and lot on Oak Avonue. Small house and good sized lot on Rumble Ave., great bargain, small payment down, monthly after, Beautiful residence and grounds in first class shape, all convenience town water, Richmond Street. A good cheap Brick Clad House and three acres on Lucas Street. Rough cast house stable and 14,} acres on Mill Street. A bargain. First-class building lot 50 feet front- age on Richmond Street and through mCentre Street. Will sell at a. bar- gain. Easy terms. $525 will buy a splendid buiiding lot on the West side of Church St. All kinds of Lumber, Lath and Shin- gles. Flooring, Sidings. Mouldings, etc. Window Frames. Sash and Doors made to order. Dealers in Gyproc and Fibre- Board, Asphalt Roofing. Shingles. Felts. Etc. You will b. pleased with our prices and promptdeliveiy. Let us have your enquiries. Quotations gladly furnished on request. W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. ‘ 85 Richmond St. West. Offices { Toronto. Naugbtun Block. Aurora. Solicxmr for : Aurora and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King. \Vhitchurch and Markham. 378 Berresfom Ave.. West Toronto. Phone Junction 0072. Leave Orders at, Glenn's Drug Store. Richmond Hill. Walter S. Jenkins Res. Phone lill. 5048 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail ordeys will receive prompt attention. Service and Satisfaction Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond Street Richmond Hill H. A. Nicholls Barristers Solici‘or Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER NAUGHTON & JENKINS . Innes 8: Sons The Real Estate Man PBO‘SES :-Office, 87 J. Yard, 13-3. For J. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 D. L. & W- Scranton Coal, tbs best. bard coal shipped from U. 8. screened before delivery, as the price is advancing every month a: the mines. Order your Winter! Supply now at the Elevator. COURTESY QUANTITY CLEAN LIN ESS Some folks hope for the best -Onr customers get: it We havea good supply of feeds such as Bran. Shorts, White Mid- dlings, Shumacker Feed. Full-of-Pop Egg Mash, the highes‘ recommended egg mash on the market, also Scratch Feed, Cement Tile, Hardwall Plaster. and Lime. J. ‘I'. SAIGEOIV Maple Lxcensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice. and at reasonable rates. NORTH Yomm Sn. RICHMOND HILL. DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF. Oflice hours 8:10 sum. and 6 :8 p.111: DR. Ll-LLIAN C. LANGSTAFFH gdiseanes of women and children.) @ffice hours 1 : 3 p. m. Phone 100. From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept, a number of pupils in Piano. Vocal and -: Theory. -:- Richmond Hill, Friday and Saturday For information Phone 110. Mus. MYLKR. omc'e hours 10 to 12 a.m. and 6t08p.m. Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M. Office find residenceâ€"Centre and Church Streets Richmond Hill Phonn No. 24. 0. l. RUDDELL, D.C. PILC. DR. M. B. WELLWOOD OFFICE : Hours : Hours: 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 13.112. Except Wednesday PHONE 117 Consultation Free at the Oflflcv PALMER CHIROPRACTOR Oflioe:-â€"Centre St. West: RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Oflic'e Hours: 10-12; 6-8‘ I, D Ramer DR J. P. WILSON DRS. LANGSTAF F NOTICE [Single copies, 3 cts. Patronage solicited ABOVE DAVIES STORE No. SERVICE

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