Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jul 1924, p. 7

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EUGENE 'LEPAGE GIVES TANLAC FULL EREHT Stomach Trouble Vanishes and Montreal Man Gains 14 Lbs. On Four Bottles. “Since I began taking this wonder. tul Tanlac I seem to be getting young- er every day. I have gained 14 pounds on tour bottles, and everybody speaks about how well I look." The above statement was made, re- centl)’. by Eugene Lepage, proprietor Prince of Wales Hotel barber shop, Montreal, Canada, one of the most ex- clusive bonsorial parlors in this city. Mr. Lepag-e further said: “Stomach trouble had almost com- pletely wrecked my health. I was a. mere shadow of my former self and so run-down and nervous I thought I would have to give up my work. “Tanlac soon had me eating every- thing, sleeping like a log at night and feeling as fine as one could ask to feel. My only regret is that I did not learn l-bout Tanlac long before I did." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. ‘ What do you want to know about ublic health? Is there any particuâ€" ar phase of the work that interests you? These are questions that I canl only answer if you write and tell me. Sometimes I get very good sugges-‘ tions from correspondents who want to know something definite about a communicable disease or the question of pure water, child welfare, goitre, and many other topics of interest to the public. A few days ago I receiv- ed the following interesting question: “What is the difference, if any, be- tween scarlet fever and scarlatina? What are'thc symptoms of these dis- eases? Is it the law to quarantine scarlet fever cases for six weeks? Are there any after-effects of measles?” There is no difference between scarâ€" let fever and scarlaLina. The latter nanie is only used by the public tp denote a mild attack of the disease, but it should be kept in mind that a mild attack is just as infectious as a more severe one. The symptoms are sore throat, headache, rise in temperâ€" ature, nausea, vomiting, “strawberry tongue,” swollen neck glands and the rose-red,_ or_ pin-point rash: Statistics from Ottawa Show that In 1923, 553,977 pounds more Green Tea were brought into Canada than in 1921, and 906,728 pounds more than in 1922. The reason given Is that the fine quality Green Teas of India and Cey- lon have displaced the inferior Japan and China. Greens which, due to their low price, were imported heavily some years ago. Saladn Tea Company is the largest importer of India and Cey- lon Green Teas. Courage. The wise and active conquer diflicul- ties By daring to attempt them; sloth and folly Shiver and sink at sight of toil and hazard, And make the impossibility they fear. -â€"Herrick. It is fine 15w f0 quarantine scarlet GREEN TEA IMPORTS LARGER. Provlnclal Board of Health. Gnurlo U. Hiddloton will be glad to snare: quuuou on Public Hum: all am through um column. Addrou M- u Imam Home. Spa. (haunt. Toronto. HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON fever cases for a period Of about Six weeks or until all discharges from the nose, throat and ears have cleared up? The after-effects of scarlet fever are middle-ear disease and kidney disease. These should be carefully uarded against, for in the case of mi dle-ear disease, deafness often results, and in the case of kidney disease the patient sometimes becomes a semi-invalid for life. As regards measles, the most com- mon after-effects are pneumonia and tuberculosis. The coryza or cold in the head which is generally one of the early symptoms of measles should never be neglected. The infection may spread down the bronchial tubes and cause bronchoâ€"pneumonia. Tuber- culosis also results not infrequently from an attack of measles. The high death rate from measles should be a warning toAparents and guardians not to think of the disease as a trifling one that the child will eventually get and soon get over. It is really one of the most serious disease of child life and no matter how mild the symp- toms may be, a doctor should always be in attendance to guard against the possibility of serious complications. Pride. Why do I rise at the dawn’s early Light, To clean the car after a rain? When I'm pedfectly sure it will be, b& fore-night, Quite dirty and dusty again. Why do I hasten to give it a bath, To polish it after a ride? I'd much rather follow the easier path, But I can’tâ€"it's a. matter of pride. Why do I hunt for a rattle or squeak, In a. inost inaccessible spot? Why am I willing to work flor a week, When the weather is terribly hot? It's not that I love all the grease and the grime; That’s something I cannot abide; Moreover, the job takes a Lot of my time. It‘s merely a matter of pride. A man may be known by the car he Wm keepâ€" The way that he keeps it, I mean; Perhaps it is one so remarkably cheap. Or else an expensive machine. It isn't the money expended that counts, ‘ It isn’t the price that's the guide; It’s really the care that he givesâ€"that amounts - ’Do the strength of his personal ‘pride. 'I‘anlac Vegetable P1118 For Constipation. Made and Recommended by the Manufacturers of Tanlac. Pay your ouboflown accounts by Dominion Express Money Orders. ngh leingf Early mountaineers, says the lead- er of the third attempt to climb Mount Everest. feared lat they should col- lapse at an altitude much less than that which warranted any such tear. He believes that almost anyone can re- main for long periods at heights of twentyâ€"one thousand feet or more it he is not afraid. When European men were supportable at the top of Mont of science were debating whether life Blaneâ€"at an altitude of less than six- teen thousand feetâ€"there was a road over a pass in India nineteen thous- and feet high that had been in con- stant use for centuries. Minard's Llniment for â€"â€"Harold S. Osborne Rheumatism. Is a Bountiful Supply of Health-Giving Blood. Sufferers from what medical men speak of as nervous debility find them- selves tired, moms-e, low-spirited and unable to keep {heir minds on anyâ€" thing. Any sudden noise hurts like a blow. They are full of groundless fears and cannot sleep at night. Their hands tremble, the legs feel as if they will give away following a. walk or any exertion, and the mind is greatly disâ€" turbed by the most trivial incidents. Doctoring the nerves with poisonous sedatives is a terrible mistake. The only real nerve tonic is a good supply of rich, red blood. To secure this new, rich blood use Dr. William’ Pink Pills which have a direct action on the blood and through it stimulate every nerve and organ in the body. Mrs. Alpheus Merritt, Fenwick, 0nt., gives her experience with this medicine as follows:â€"â€"“I had a nervous breakdown and was in the Welland County Hos- pital for some time. As I was not im- proving my husband took me out and took me up to my mother's. I doctor- ed there but it did not help me., Then I returned home, and was again under a doctor's care, but with no better re- sults. I would tremble and get numb all over, and the least noise would af~ tect me. I was quite unable to do my housework, and was in a terrible con- dition. Finally I was advised to try Dr. Williams” Pink Pills, and am thankful that I did so, as after taking about a dozen boxes 1 was again a healthy woman. I have used the pills since while nursing my baby, with equally good results, and I strongly advise other ailing women to try them." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont He Fer-got. Mike and Pat were “gentlemen ot the road.” It was not often they were lucky enough to secure such satisfac- tory quarters as they had on this par- ticular night, but a kind-hearted gentleman had given them a very cosy bedroom over the stables». When the pair were comfortably lying in bed with the light out Pat sud- denly got up and strucke. match. He had a. good look around. then blew out the match and lay down again. “Why did you do that?" asked Mike. "011," replied Pat. "you see, I forgot whether I blew the candle out or not, so I just looked to see." Hand a pack of cards to a spec- tator and turn your back. Ask her to shuffle the cards and then to select one of the last ten cards in the pack, remembering its number from the bottom of the pack but not disturbing the order of the cards. Ask her to hand you the cards. Face her and put the cards behind your back. Ask the once tator to mention any number! be- tween ten and twenty. Whatever number he mentions. count one less than that number from the bottom of the pack and put them on the top without disturbing their order. Bring the cards into View again and call to the spectator'a atten- tion the fact that no one excepting herself knows just where his card was. Ask him to observe that you do not manipulate the cards in any way and then ask her to tell you the number from the bottom the selected card was. The best way to clean the glass on your automobile is to dip a clean cloth in gasoline and lightly rub over sur- face. Then use a dry cloth. Mlnard’s Liniment Relievcs Paln. Starting with the number follow- ing the number she gives you. count to the first number she gave you, dealing off a card for each count. The last card dealt will be the selected card. It you follow the instructions, the trick will work itself. 5'. (Clip this out and paste it. with other of the series. in a scrapbook.) A REAL NERVE TONIC EASY TRICKS A Card Mystery Pieces of Eight. Hidden treasure has always acted as a lure to the adventurers of the world, but, though treasure hunts are many, treasure findings are few. Trinidad is believed to be a “mine of treasures.” Much of the wealth of the richest of the South American cities was conveyed to that island by the sea rovers who plundered the main- land. In a great cavern in the cliffs on the Auckland Islands lies the General Grant, which was! wrecked In 1866, with 50,000 ounces of gold on board. It, is known that the hulk is still with- in the cave, but expeditions from Aus- tralia and New Zealand have been baffled by the undertow and the great combers. Somewhere in the East River, US.- A., is $2,500,000 in gold. It has lain there since 1780, when the British fri- gate Huzzar, carrying money for the Royal forces engaged in the American War, struck a rock opposite the upper end of Randall Island and sank only a hundred yards from shore Lovers of romance, too, will find food for dreams in the thought that on the mainland of Panama is a great store of gold hidden by Sir Francis Drake after he had sacked the city of the same name. The treasure was never retrieved, and no one knows where to look for it. About the Busy Bee. The busy bee may not be so busy as she ls supposed to be. Entomologists who have been checking the flights of a number of marked bees have found that each insect makes on an average only five or six trips 9. day for honey, and that each trip lasts only about flt- teen minutes. Between trips a bee spends half an hour or more in the hive and gives at least half a day to uninterrupted rest. Moreover, it up pears that the hardest workers live about three weeks, whereas some of the lazler ones survive for five months. The discovery will be a great comfort to members of the Sons of Rest every- where. No Monkey Business [ml your fowl: with ch»Llce. One SDDUCINOI gnu-mead to hop your (owl. In. from 11:9 for .â€"â€"e=: in manila. The flamingo is _the only member of the stork tribe that builds a nest of mud. These birds, which live in large flocks, sleep standing on one leg. will mun you Dioâ€"Llcu mm- clem :0 (mi. 200 town. When n. I411“! pay postman 31 mt! pounce. Monty but 1! It fills. Serra! bow to can u: of m E“ Wan . - mcubm ud wonderlul new seen how to rid your placo of rats. mics and tophm without me use of In)» or poison: ten: he. with ouch box. Agents wussed. THE DIEâ€"LICE CO., Drawer 55, ' Wlam Cuts & Bruises Heal quickly after a (re applications of “Tobacco of Quality” SMOKING TOBACCO 31$ Maw Unansz paper Just drop us s end; we our‘arwrwer 7' a Mflaflafi E Fore!!!" ad Aum‘wrdmr allow: naln (ndk ruler ‘ Manufactured by IMPERKALTOBACCO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED fie A“? [in all I3 FOUR TIMES SEALED SENL} NO MONEYâ€" Wlartbn, Ont. Japanese Practicing Thrift. From the wealthiest to the poorest. thrift is being practiced in Japan as a national rule to enable that country to recover from the recent euthquako and fire. The British Erfipire occupies 13,- 653,751 square miles. ANTED â€" CAR OWNERS T0 send for our Big Free Catalog!" showing 101 bargains in Auto Sup- plies. It will save you monsy. Send for it toâ€"day. Canadian Auto Shops. Box 154, Niagara Falls. Ontario. [Was Greatly Benefited by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound “July-A ...... , v..- medicine before my Eaby was bornjand it was a nggqt‘ he‘lp‘to me as I was vet! L, J A._ L-1_- :L lb was a: 5n“... orly until I hgaâ€"Etgrted to take it. I Just felt as though 1 was tired out all the time find would hz‘iyg rvgleak, faint BEFOREMY nut; umv u... B 115. My nerves would bother menu- I could get little rest, night or da . I was told g a friend to take Lydia Pinkham’s egetable Compound, and I only took a few bottles and It helped me wonderfully. '1 Would. recommend it to 7 7L-L 'r _-_ L- gnu-.- -u” . any woman. I am doing what I can to recommend this good medicine. I will lend that little book you sent me to any one I can help. You can with the great- est of pleasure use my name in regard to the Vegetable Compound if it W111 help others take it.”â€"Mrs. HARVEY MILLI- GAN, Sydenham, Ont. It is remarkable how many cases have been reported similar to this one. Many women are poorly at such times and get into a weakened, run-down condition, when it is essential to the mother, as well as the child, that her strength be kept up. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is an excellent tonic for the mother at this time. It is pre ared from medicinal _roots gnd‘herbsba‘n dog's LLVAAA u.vuu....... - "V -- ._ _ not contain anyharmffilhfiiég ft ma be taken in safety by the nuramg mo er. Classified Advertisem ents “mph In): Fr“ by It“. Addrcu Culadk Depot: " Cnuem. P. 0. Box “16, Hanna]! Price Soap 26c. Ointment 25 and 504:. Tulch fie. Try our new Shuvin' Slick. Clear the pores of impurities by daily use of Cuticura Soap and oc- casional touches of Cutlcum Oint- ment as needed to soften, soothe and heal. They are ideal for the toilet, as is also Cuticum Talcum. “ I Lried many different remedies but found no relief. I almost dc- spaired of help when I tried Cmicum Soap and Ointment and in a short time I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Annie Fischer. Box 45. Hutton. Saskatchewan. “I had pimples on my face for several months. They were hard and large. and the skin was sore and red. The itching and burning almost set me crazy at night and I lost a grut deal of sleep. The bwgking out caused disfigurement 0n Face. Itched and Burned. Lost a Great Deal of Sleep. IUTICURA HEALS LARGE PHVIPLES Sydqnhgm, 0mg. Tf‘I took you! 7Aâ€" L-__ __J ISSU E No. 27â€"'24. BABY GAME

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