Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jul 1924, p. 4

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Boots rind shoes, With :1 good line of Oxfords rind Lurlies shoes. Special prices in Pants and Shirts. Kh zrki running shoes, cups, at very Boys Jerscv S\\'€il[0l'n all reasonable prices. EEEOMEER co PHONE 27 BUILDERS SUPPLIES ,__’â€"- Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Roofing-s Gyprock I Tar paper ‘ Wallboard Building paper “6 entre Street East 3:; r r l ,rilike su‘r‘l‘cr err-yr trnzc NW”: i l l .r l' itlml‘ri sir; inilli 'i'herc mm m - in Mr". , : dents Mn the sircr-m, n.‘ ant in industry. in rim aione iririzra'ry ‘p‘n's. thr‘uixglr ’ Co‘rip'r.s:rr.iori ll rrx‘rl. an :rnnurrl mi. 'l\ dollars for nor-:7 of “in vinyl/ice ill] rglrl‘.' 3 dents :rr.r,l this is l0s<, l‘ r the r-in‘yiojx't'l‘ zitHl 111‘ €‘C~'.(lr'-’li invr-lvingzln-sr r'tiiri- :. .-I'.' is largely :r habit. of mini and lliiO Oilrcrr [mime our: b; :ir‘liilil‘t‘l. "'l‘ninldnr,r milzv“ writ, ilrr'i‘tl'rri‘t‘, produce surety, m ti at. both uninfo- man and Workers should giro , thought to accident prevention to the end,‘ that the awful toll in human. SUfi‘er‘ing and the very consirlcr‘rlrlc sums ofrmoncyxlmt may he reduccrl to a minimum. More safety is a reasonable de- mand of industry in this country and is a demand which butt workers and executives will support“ W. C. T. U. The reguer weekly Prayer meeting;r will be held at the home of Mrs. Al;?J. Phipps, next Tuesday, july 15, art 0.50 p hi. You are invited. fl Maple School Report 8 S. No. 6, Vaughan Names in order of merit JR. IV to SR. IV, Pussâ€"Frances Johnson. Mildred Leather-dale, Murray McDonald. Miriam Bur-inger'. Grace Johnson, Agnes McLean, Myrtle Ash. Rem-Mina Chapman, Ar thur Langraf. SR. III to JR. IV. Pussâ€"Margaret Graham. Irene Routley. Eddie Martin. Rec. ~Howard Mathewson. Murray Malloy. JR. III to SR. III. Passâ€"Tommy .- n Vuvuunnnunmwww. .. 4 L‘H\, l‘l.‘rll .‘\.lll~. ‘1. . r‘. r "‘UR i .‘w.\l.l;-' 3"“ ' :‘ r.i.r‘ .r.l v vfrl' m,_,. . \. .va-m‘ l\:rrnl r \',‘r' -. .39.». . . W :-;:|lrllrl tr- iii inr, l.rr.;.,~l.n‘ :vrr lllll“. \‘r. . .mp1 .,â€".m-:m.. pman "Kw". 7r»-..- NO'l'i‘AlliC'i‘li liliX'i' 7‘ “vi runrr L, ('«~.':.i;:r- rrlr l,:.‘:v SiiLHrr‘, [\lwr lr‘irf sir l.'\ , in:ng pri- .riu mum-1L, krill > I‘ll.:|l‘llL’f‘Hill‘«l|lrif_{‘. .l l-‘ lrmrii.\.~ lit-‘1 Sir-p Jill, Vrmgo 31., lili‘rrtv vll lfl. m5“. GUI? SALE ~()rw ti fruit Fun-"l A c; E. \Vrrrrrl lllll(l\'l', only cut, (we-my liv» ifrw JAY, 215 lb lrirninr- Ax‘r' unbmmm (ill SALEASlnnrllng trap, \Vhrnt, [my , Iillpllrlk; also gnu r-l :rnrl mnrl cur-crush.“ 2 105% Roman Any, 4 LT Vaughan. Tr ironr rr. PuniioRA (Luv lu' sewn or Mr: lr‘l :Ir'Irn“. .r:iir«1i_r.r-‘.ns, lil. ,, 'I‘wr run? W. on lot ill). Invrrrs. Snll‘. Muirlru 2-3 1 ll 1:. 2-3 0 ’3 .â€"'I‘ W RANK; I‘lwklrmk SlrrVr', good baker, in good condition, Mus \VAIII‘ER SHEAHDUWN, RIr-h~ mr-r rrrafiinfis (‘r‘iSilt Box 155. Richmond Hill. EALâ€"{AGE T0 ‘ w. HOUSE 7‘0 LEESix Street, Richmond Hill. mm... mm id Siroet. w ‘2 FOR CO A L ~Tr‘ndors for six tons of egg ('(HII. to hr- (in- livorr-d to Pntlcrsmr school. will be roi- un:ir-r signwl 19. the July ‘erl by iii-day, up JOHN Ilisuw. l0 2 “W Ur-ntre and Elizabeth Hnu‘rsox, Richmond Hill. R EN Tâ€"Corncr Strrets. of 2â€"3 I‘UOHIS. Apply L. B. P‘INCII. Elizabeth 2 tf. ‘TRAYEDâ€"To lot 3‘2 Yonge St., Vin U N. R. truck, two bay lillics. and pasture. Apply ROYSTON. Thornbi‘li P. O. Ouners may remove. by paying for ad, to ARTHUR 1-3 BOOTS AND-SHOES - OF Couper, Ina For-rest. Olive W'hite. Ross Cooper. Failedâ€"George Lloyd. SR. II to JR. Ill, Passâ€"Nellie Downey, Edith MacFeely, George Donerrrl. Marjorie Ingram. Jenn In- gram, Minnie Line. George Chapman, Lillian Montgomery, Chm-lie White, Evelyn Thompson, Margaret Rumble. Recomrnendedâ€" Percy Ash. JR. II to SR. II, Passâ€"Vivian Routley. Mary Johnson, Beatrice McMahon, ldrr Donerul, Clara Chapman, “’innre Pollock. Earl Cooper. Allan Rumble, Fred Foster, Br-ydrm Lloyd. Recom- mendedâ€"Bobbie Manning. JR. I triJR. II, Pass«~Dorothy Reid, Jirn McLean, Aledrr \‘Vhite, Margaret McFeely, Winnie Hadlow, Lillian ALL KINDS NEATLY ,REPAIRED AT THE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR GOOD WORKMANSHIP QUICK SERVICE Work done while you wait. Store next to Village Clerk. MW 00D DRIVERâ€"A driver for sale, , 6 years old, big enough to Work. Good in all harness. Strawberries for- sule. fresh daily. A. E. JONES, Elgin Mills, Phone Richmond Hill, IZTRS. l-tf. ATTERSON SCHOOL~ Teacher for S. S. No. 19, Vaughan. Birthurst Street. mile west of Rich- nrond Hill. Salary $l.000 fortencher with experience. or- $900 without ex- perience. Must have pr-ofcssionrrl certificate. Duties to begin September 1. Applications stating qualifications and experience, received up to Sutur- Hay, July 19. JOHN HISLOP, Box 155, NOTICE CALDWELL & PATERSON Wish to state they are prepared to do all kinds of carriage and wagon work. Automobile wood work‘ and rubber tires at the Trench works. Satisfaction and reasonable prices assured. Give us a trial and be convinced. m Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company. Lt'd, have on hand for sale. Cement drain tile. 3. 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand or Gravel sold by the load or in car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. T. COUSINS, Manuger ‘â€"_.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ A SUMMER SESSION!- ls field in the Popular Yonge 8:. Churles Sts., Toronto From now rrrrtilSept.2ud, when our Full Term opens. First-cluss Instruction in all Departments, Accounting. Strnography. Type- Fuster, Audrey McNaughton. Frances Mntthsun, Dorothy Kerr. Donald York. Harris Mathewson. PR. 0 to In. I-Jessie Doneral, Agnes O'Brien, Allie Forrest, Donald Black, Charlie Robson. Eleanor Cooper, Jackie Chapman. PR. B to PR. C~Harold Foster, Arnold McMahon, Clellund Thomp- son. Gordon Ingram. PR. A to PR. Bâ€"Nellie O’Brien, Gordon Hall. Roy Hull. E. Frances Webster, E. Bertha Care], Assistant. Principal. Robson. Recâ€"Florence Cooper. Geoge .._._.â€"â€" ‘Vaughan Council h..â€" Municipality of Vaughan will be Velloro. on MONDAY, AUG. 4, 1924 at [o’clock p. m. J. B. MCLEAN. Clerk. USED CARS 1921 Chevrolet Touring, $275 One Chevrolet Touring, 875 Ford Ton truck, 3145 Ford Touring $95 RICHMOND HILL MOTORS YONGE STREET room SALE or M“ l R chmond Bill, or phone Maple 459. 8 ,1." -‘- Invited for the week-end â€"by Long Dittmwe It was Thursday afternoon in the country. Hospitable Mrs. Martin seemed dLsap- pointed. The week had slip» ped away before she knew it. No one had been invited up for the week-end and there wasn’t time in which to write. And then she thought pot the telephone â€"â€" Long DXS‘ tame! What an inspiration! In twenty minutes she knew the Smarts would come ~â€" delighted to â€"- and what train they would be on. Splendid! â€"â€" and she had ordered some extra snpphes from her‘ in town to What a. pleasant weekâ€"end she will have â€"â€" thanks to Long Distance! I I'll]? l'r"i"()(,'.’.’. 4. II A ~it,.â€"gp-:.,m...;rpimw nmmnywr‘mvx-Jm:.~:‘n-wrc:1.-KW , , , ,, ., . , .,‘._‘ 0/” 1.0ll'â€"I’/.‘!-’.’I;’I) (Ll/3S {Wuâ€"“7}: . r - q slimming. at low -= p...__..:;-d «" 13 «'5 r byuli , pggfiflése tlfln 1103:] of Its @388 e or servrcc. attractive in design, ll . an. ,. R {2‘8 3 . Let us give you a demonstra- tlon. ' RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109 Richmond, Hill, Ont. pig) Why Chevrolet Can Giv ou Such Extraordinary Value Large scale productionâ€"tremendous sales volume! That's why Chevrolet can give you such extraordinary valueâ€"Lwhy you can buy a fully equipped automobile at such a surprisingly low price. Chevrolet’s wonderful growth in sales ,volume proves that Chevrolet cars make good in service and represent today’s greatest motoring value per dollar of COSt. _ ,L‘owest in purchase price, these Cana- dian built cars also cost less to operate than any other cars built. C1716 See Chevrolet First Ask us about the GMAC Deferred Payment PIan P. C. HILL Dealer - Richmond Hill, Ont. . The next meeting of the Council of the Geo.Caldwell, Lorne Paterson held in the Town Ha". I MULHOLLAND 8; SMYTH ‘ writing. Secretarial, General ! Improvement, Banking Com- ’ . . mercial Teacher-8’,- and Business S , Courses. \ ‘ < _ i BARIusTEns, SOLiciTons, ETC. , 1' Enter now. AT UREAl LY RI‘ADUCED PRICES . Toronto Office : 2498 Yonge St. . I M phom. Hudson 3mg. 2643a) Full stock of repairs on hand. Look over your machinery and let us know before the rush starts what ‘â€" r' * * your requirements will be. A. C. I'IEN DERSON l R. IWACDONALD, B. V. SC. i PLI'MBING AND TINSMITHING a43.“ COR, ARNOLD 3; X'OXGESTS‘ i (Veterinary Surgeon) l HOT \VATER HEATING . l ' . JOHN R. CAMPBELL Write to-duy for free catalogue. , w, J, ELLIOTT _ pmxclpu t‘onsrsirng of WIIILC lugel Taffeta‘ and fine milans; Also Leghorns and : other chic trimmed a. great 7 variety of shades. AMBROSE L. PHIPPS chnrcoxo HrLL Rxcmroxo STREET, , . Ever) H“ at cut price a“ week' Recent graduate of Ontario \‘eterin Ayn GENERAL REPAIRS Representix commencing July 14 to 19, at the: ary College. All cluses (lrlf animslsIk v ’ r . I a ‘ "h i S - I L. r . n The Mutual Life Irma-n Company ll;eldftindcdfy and mi” tm plompt l THOR\HIL O T ‘ VETERINAOY SURGEON; of New ‘York I l Office and residence north side‘ Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. ' I I Call by phone or otherWrse promptly r Are you a Subscriber ? INQUIRIES SOLICITED Phone 28 4 Telephone 13, Ring 2.

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