Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jul 1924, p. 5

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The undersigned has a. number of household articles for sale. Including 1 sideboard. 2 cupboards,2irnn hyds, 1 wardrobe, 1 China cabinet, and a number of other articles May be seen Monday, July 1%, and following days during the week. MRS. W. H. MYLKS, Elisabeth Street. 2-3 Village Council. lst Monday Board of Education, 155 Monday Board of Trade, 2nd Monday Horticultural Society, 3rd Tuesday. Public Libraryâ€"Open Tuesday and Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 o’clock Dear Sinâ€"Kindly permit me, through the columns of your paper, to express my gratitude and thankfulness for the kindness shown to my family and myself. in our recent bereavement. and also for the many beautiful floral tributes sent by the kind neighbours and friends. Thanking you again. I remain. Respectfully yours; S. 1. Shepherd. Monday was a day of accidents on Yonge Street. It seemed almost, im- possible to control motor cars on the slippery pavement. In the evening a fine Packard driven by ladies skidded into a. Hudson, smashing the latter. and then ran on to the railway track. The cars Wei-e towed into the Baldock garage. It is said the repairs to the Hudson will amount to $700. Richmund Hill. July 7, 1924. T0_The Editor of The Liberal. Next Sunday afternoon at 3.15 o'clnck, Riclwale Community will welcume Mr. John Kell, who will act in the capacity of minister of Richmle Community Chulch. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to the Community at large to be present at this service. A Gospel Tent, has been pitched on Mr. Amos Wright.’s lawn, corner of Yonge and Richmond Streets. Meet- ings are held every evening in the week, with the exception of Saturday evening. The services are being con- ducted by Messrs. Gillespie and Nugent.evangelists: services commence at 8 o'clock. The services last about. an hour. The Minister will conduct both services. Dr. L. R. and Mrs Bell and son, George, accompanied by Dr. Ruther- ford and Miss F. Brodie. of Aurora, left on Monday for Fenelon Falls. Where they will holiday full' a few weeks. The editor must thunk Mr. Alkmi't Jones. of Elgin Mun. for the finest box of suuwberries he ever saw or tasted. They are of the Glenmnry variety, the flavour was delicious, and every berry was solid to the core. The berries weue unifuun in size. and measured fxve inches iu‘circumference. u -***'"a*'* Intelligfently. The Sunday school meets at 10 n. m. 11 a. In.â€"Suhject, Limiting Godâ€" Igpgmntly. Miss Phyllis Rnoth, pupil of Miss Verdylla Doner, was successful in pass- ing her Introductory piano exami- nation with honors ut the Tux-unto Conservatory of Music. .Cnptv. Ilzuty Murder), letumod from Ca mp Niagara on the Lake, on Monday last, having suncessfnlly qualified in his Field Officuis’ Course fur the qualification uf Major. Miss Marjorie Martin. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Ross, sinp ‘22, has gone ahmnd for her sumnwr vac-a Ciun. She will make an extended tour nf [1,9 continent. Miss Lillian Perch, a pupil of Mr. Adelmo Melecci, pusscd with honoxs elementary piano examinatinn at the Toronto Cunsorvnun'y pf Music. Mr. F. J. Mnnshridrxe leaves 30-day for a two Immths' \‘iiit to his old home in Southampmn, England. He will sail from Montrth on the Montrmr‘. Members of the Women’s Institute and any others who dunntml fruit, to the Oxphauuge may get their empty jars by calling at Miss Moyle’s. Mrs. D. \Vntsml and Miss M: Watson have eons-Tm Brechin spend a couple of weeks at J. Watson's summer cottage. Miss I Tylldnll Store 1 T'yndull, nf \Vinn visit with l‘blrltiVOS Miss Alb: from the attending: th As we; Daniel St 76 It 1030‘ Wood Store. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH p. Vm.â€"Suhject, Limiting Godâ€" Ll CARD OF THANKS nth "I Ill) Private Sale nL '1?! [‘yndnll. dunghtt the lutv Dl' \Vinninea'. is I )LP 119 at Th nszhtel Lh Hf HI l1] (many 0‘ Mul'itim vlt D1 of M l‘ Mn The results of the lower School ‘ Examination for entrance to Normal) school are not yet available. They will I be published as soon as announced, by the Department of Education. I JAMES STEWART. Principal. Failed in the subject indicated:â€" Mox'ris Jack (Lat). Gordon Johnson (Lam, Jean McDonald (Lam), Robert; Moore (Lab), Helen Murphy (Lat.). Cecil Nichols (E033). Pearle Robinson (Eng), \Villard Simpson (Geom.), Stanley Snider (Lat) Gifi'ord Summers (E112) Keith Ball. Margaret Battersby. Harding Burnaby, Frances Dmry, Beatrice Chinnery, Elh Donne. Faith Emerson, Laura Gee. Mary Hedging. Rupert Jackson, Arthur Jared, Nora Juhns, Vera Nichols. Lewis Sims. David Skinner, 'Irene Smith. Nona \Varren, Muriel \Vatsnn, Geraldine Wesley, Basil Hughes, Ambrose Beadle, Ruth Robinson. The following have failed in one subject (indicated in brackets) and will be promoted to Form II, but required to repeat the subject in which they have failed in Form Izâ€"Fi-auk Booth (Alg.). Tom Carter. (Lat). Evelyn Deb"errnri (Alg‘). Matt [in Johnson (Lu! ), Harry Jones (Lat.). Constance Montâ€" son (Lat), Wm. Mylks (Alg.). Janet Riddel(Eng.), Murvin Risebiough (Fix), YLiOIet Shepherd (Lat), David Stixling av). ‘ Similar lists for promotion from Form II to Form [[1 follow. Passed:â€" Mr. Frisby presented a Hill for medic- al attendance for his son, for injuries receiVed by him in the arena last winter. The Council agreed to investi- galqgle matter, and decide \Vh'ltflliuld be do 9. Form 1 to Form II-Isobel Anderson, Johnson Armstrong, Tom Armstrong, Grace Arnold, Howard Atkinson, Marion Ellis, Fred Greene, Bert. Hammond, Bertha. Hopper, Hilda Hord. Dean limes, Jacob Koning, Evelyn Killips. Louise Lockharr, Mildred Mackie, Grace Moore, Marion Rainer. Frnser Smith, Violet. Steers, Ivy Smith. Goo. Thomson. Zilpah Topper. Evelyn Young, Clifforfi Winger. The Council held a, special meeting on June 24th fur the purpose of Upvll» ing tenders for the (:onslnmiml nf dmins on parts (If certain strevts in the Village. . Tenders \vme received‘fm-m eleven different firms. That of Shear- dmvn :md Brilneil was “scouted subject tn appmvnl 0f Cnnmy lmuds Gnunnissinn. The Council held regular meeting July 7. A drputution \vns present to discuss the njvisahility of institming proceedings with a view of regulnlirg the motor trvnffic through the village. A footpathlon Yonge street both noth and south oft e village was suggested. Also that motor vehicles he prohibited from parking in the village. The Upuncil favored the idea. and suggested that the townships of Markham and Vaughan he asked to co-opelate. A reswlution was paswd asking the Ratepayers Association and citizens generally [0 ch operate with :he Council in the building of a Welcome arch and otherwise decorating the villng on the occasion of the Orange demon- stration to be held here on the 12th. The x-ee‘ve reported that he had seen the County Road Uummissioners in the matter of Centre Street east. draining. and that the Commissioner: would visit the village on the 18th of July for the purpose of looking over the ground. The Reeve and Cnunnillor Pngslpy were appointed tn attend a mpsting (If the Highway Advisux-y Committee. on the 16th of July. The clerk was instructed to order one tank of mad oil to he applied not later than Thursday, and also [nubâ€" taip the price of “No Parking" gigus‘ The following pupils have passed the exgmimttionjor promotin from: A large number of accounts were ordered to lw paid. Sunduy Suhtml was held on the Church grounds on Friday aftvp’nnnn. Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Caliguiy. pmachvd in St. Andrew's Church on Sunday and announced I he pulpit. vacant. There was a gnod attendance at the- concert and dance in the Community hall on the evening of Dominion Day. 11'. Walter Lloyd had his buggy badly dunmged by being“ rnnfiintt-hby, an automobile nn lhv night ufJuiy list. The gills' and the boys’ classes (nflhe Methodist, Sund- y Schmul had a picnic [0 Bond Lakeo ‘Satmdayaftr-mrmn. MI". Geo. Bone passed away on Saturday evening, after u ioug illness. The funeral took place on \Veduesday, the service being conducted by Officers of the Salvation Arluv. duys Miss Mary ya With Mi “)6 annqu High School Promct'aon Results VILLAGE COUNCIL. MAPLE mning issp Ireuejzn'vis mic 0f [he-I 'us held 1): ul nrti hirh ll) ill) Intvr). Iria n Mal) tt£ SR. I to JR. IIâ€"Al'chie Bull. Earl Bull. Jenny Kerswill. Charlie Burnett, Bessie McNair, Dannie Kerswill, Joe Gaga. JR. II to SR. IIâ€"Eila. Kerswil], Norman Burnett. Dorothy Chapple, Clayton Moses, Stewart, Burnett, VgctorLFaylog, Ruth Sage: JeaE‘Kfamgill: $11.. 171 to JR. IIIâ€"Velma Carson Erma Ciliubiue,’ JflCk__Gailer-hle.__ JR. III to SR. III-Kathleen Hodgins, Agnes _B_urneL§. Ranked according to merit. JR. IV to SR. IVâ€"Uharlie Allan, gugh Topper. Kathleen Moses, Charlie ibb. SK III to IR. IVâ€"Geox‘ge Riokwcod, Florence» Rickwood. Class A Thelma Shields (h). Marian Scriviner (h), Lilli Nooak (h), Bertha Fol-rest (h), Elinor Boyle (h), Jack Bersefordlh), Tommy Gillings, Edna. Wade, Charlie Hanson, Junie Tuttenham, Mildred Hmvorth. QUE. NOO‘dk, Dick Patrick, Lillian Horton, Jimmie Lee, Waller Coveyduck, John Stung, Bobby Richauds, Billie Murgolts, Billie Buchanan. Gladys Stamford, Morley Chedzog, kathleen Kelly. Recommendedâ€"Charlie Bailey. B class tO'A class R'uth Tennyson. Seluh Smith, Marjory Brillinger, Fred Carter, Walter Date, Victor Scott, Ellen Chilaw. Lon-nine Burns. Geraldine Sanderson. Hebert-4 Leech, Isobel Han-ct recommended. C. class to B. class Henry White, Bobby Hall, Alex Patterson. Lloyd Hilts, DorothyBeid, Clayton Denby. LnuiseGraham. Percy Bailey. Edith Deadmun, Freddie Urben, Maggie Bodnar, Ernie Euler" sun recI Ralph Frist rec., \Vallace Graham rem, Phyllis Oldfield, rec., Myrtle Homer, rec., Reeta Bailey, iec.. Elien Petehmgc, 7 Some ' will ' be recpnsidered in September. C class4Frank Boduar, Billie Richards, Mgry VGrub. SR. I to JR. [I Sheila Beresford (h), Sandy Kelly (M, Harry Jenkins, Cora. Em merson, Bruce Armstrong, Maude Buchanan. Leslie Kendall, Hamid Young, Marjorie Lowery. Rec.â€"Elsie Paris. JR. I to SR. I Ruth Davis (1)). Telford Hilts (h), Frances \‘Villowghby (h), Rvay Hopper (h), Leonard Harris (h), Bertha Dicken- son (h), Matthew Healey (h). Emma Margetits, Ana: ~r_v Mahoney, Helen l-Verlkor. Graccg‘rillingvr, LaWI-ence quvorth, Louie Russell. Metro F‘orchuk, Lenore Glass, Margaret Rumble, Catherine Stanford. Fred l'uLLenham, Randolph l’liinney. Audrey Patrick, Queenie. Urban. Lloyd Reid, Harry Corner, Donald McKenzie, Yoaine R;.l)i|la.rd, Marjorie Mc- Uutcheon, Patricia Smith. Room VI. To Ist, book Carlie Allen, Ted Allen. Murray Blanchard, Margareb Frisby, Biil Graham, George Hawkes, Joe Mills, Elwood McLean, Gordon McKenzie. Gordon Readv. Ruby Sayers, Richard Sayers, Fred Taylor, Frances Teetzel, Eleanor Wallis, Margaret White, Henry \Villiams. ' SR. 11 to JR. III Noreen Hawm'th ([1), MAP Sheppzud (h), Dorothy Duncan (1)). Marley Snudeis ([1), Eleanor Dn’n-y (h). Bernice Henley, Austin Tuck, Mary Fnrtuk, Metro anak, Mzw Plewmun, Hui'nld l’IHl't/OIL Claire (look, WalterYuung. Dummy Loech, Teddy Philpnt. Betty Williams, Elizabeth Rumblp, Rr‘ggie \Vun'eu. Mildred Rand. Adele Savage, Mary Brillingm. Rec-um mended â€"Jean Middleton. JR. II to SR. [I “A” Iris \Vnudhend, Olive Wilson, Gilbert Forest, Nora Batty, Lawrence Smith, Norman) Saizkfield, Blanche Dewshm-y, Marguerite Manley, Jenn Deudmzm, Herbert Mason. Albeit, Bales. Mlll’lll Clarke, Jack Sheppmd, Alex Foi'buk. .lfionnie Finch. - The? pupils in this/class ate advised to do a little reading every day during the holidays. ' . Rocdunuendedâ€"Alice VVillowghy. Ethel (luveydnck, L‘Iill‘j-Jlie Sanderson, Hugh Carter. Albeit, Mnrtson. .11}. II to SR “‘3” Lola Jones (h), M-ugziret Trench. Alfred Rn:ka Mmguwrite Glass, Edward Arnold. REC.â€"M:U‘VG““H£{S, [van Wheelun. Norman Cook, Phyllis \Vnrslwtyt, Henry Stunfmd. Roy Plewman, Katie anak, Encch Batty, Willie Kendall, jumes Grainger. Recomnwndedâ€"Mary Dmry’, Aileen Beynon, Lillian Burns. Blillingex‘, Mu Recommend Mary Kirkléu \Vnodhead. C‘ Jefferson Public School Promotions Winnifred GiHingsm), D award Morris: Barth-Ltté vle. John Holmkay. . nrmun )nnk, Phyllis rant V6!) DUI) (h) Pror. JR. III hil lea 4 Ire nd, Alic ‘ecil Tuck 1 Hi“ Public Schoo tian Examinations fhn. [I[ An Kn in III Inn Ill 1m Mu nley W 11d nch sxe son rvlti -ice Advertise in Tae Liberal. China, Cut Glass, _Grocer1es an'd Confections UALITY SHOPPE Millinery, Dry Goods; Ladies Wear are yeady to receive applications for an agency of their mail and favorably known Nuxsmy Pm- ducts. such as Fluit Trees. Small Fruits, Ornament-ah, Shrubs, Roses and Perennials. Quality first. SatisfacLinn guaranteed. Address as above at oncv. NURSERYMEN, L'mitod BROWN'S NURSERIES. ONT Agents Wanted; W. G. BEDFORD. Richmond Hill All ready-to-wear suits or trousers altered to fit you free of charge. 1/ Odd trousers from $3.50 up. ,_/‘ Ladies blue serge skirts made to oidsr from/ $7.50 I am prepared to meet your spring demand for suits and overcoats with the latest spring goods, either in ready-to-wear or tailored to your measure, Right Here, No Factory \Vork. Agents {or Bruce‘s High-Class Chocolates and Candies New Spring Suits Have a fine assortment of China and Cut Glass Suitable for presents Water sets of 7 pieces, Star design, $1.30 per set Grape and Orange designs, $1.35 per set Cut Glass Berry Sets, $1.35. This is something new and very pretty Cut Glass Olive Trays. '75c. and 900. each ‘ Sherbets from $2. 20 per half dozen Water Glasses, Grape design, 10¢. each Ch na Cups and Saucers, solid patterns, 35¢. each , A large variety of other designs from 606. up.’ Milk Pitchers from 50c. up. Salts and Peppers, Vases Etc. Etc. J. 82; STEIN BROWN BROS. COM PAN Mrs. Norman Batty Trench Block All Spring and Summer Hats in stock, at half: price for the ' next 10 days Come in and get bargain Ladies suits of blue serge madelto-order $35.00. CLEANING AND PRESSING SATISFACTORY DONE] Yonge & Centre Streets Standard S todian for t} and making RRAF rams-“WWW m , Our Groceries are always fresh valua STANDAWD B. RICHMOND HILL BRANC} Come in and see our stock I“ f‘ . R. FORTNER Ladies and Gents? Clothier and Tailor; )emce ES of this Bank in rural sections render e service to farmers by acting as cus- 1eir sales notes, or by discounting them i collections when due. Note makes the farmer’s financh 0F CANIDA A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places RICHMOND HILL. THORNHlLL ANE UNIDNVILLE WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers THE HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING . PATERSON AUTO PAINTING Phon e 68 13110110 Richmond Hill Phone 53 Manage)!"~

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