Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Jul 1924, p. 1

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General Agents for Farm Machiu ery, Pumps, Etc. TEETZEL BROS We can also sapply your wants on Furnace repairs and pipes. ; If you are considering the furnace question come in and let us show you our lines. No House too large. No House too small. We have a size and model for every oneâ€"and the prices are right. I C. H. BYADI AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA The Protective Association of Canada. and The Dominion Guurzmtee and Accident 00. F. GORDON Cooxr VTI‘HSJIAS DELANY BARRIBTER. Somcu‘on, NOTARY E'rc Toronto Office, 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. \Vosr “fiichmond Hill Ofllce .- Libfll‘fl‘ SIMEON JOYCE, L.C ulchmond Hill Office .- Liberal mce). every Thursday forenoon. Maple. Thursday afternoon. Woodbridze. Saturday forenoon. Money to loan at Current Rate Tinsmitlu and General Agents PHONE 87 W TENOR TEACHER 0F SINGING Now accepting pupils. Phone 94] for information CHOIR-LEADER AND URGANIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pupil of Josef Lhevinne and Frank S. Welsman .fiudio: Over Mr. E. R. For-tner’s Tailor Store. PHONE 95 FURNACES AND REPAIRS PELHAM CUAFFEY High-Class Millinery, Dry Goods VOL. XLVII.’ WILLIAM COOK PIANO and TH EORY $1.50 per annum. in advance , 'R. ALLISON, L.D.S., D.D.S STERLING BANK Cumultalz'on ETI Announces llz'e Announces [he and Diagnosis Free Dental Surgery BUILDING OPEN EVENINGS wâ€"rand~ mg Oak Avenue. Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL Beautiful residence and grounds, in first class shape, all convenience, town water, Richmond Street. Small house and good sized lot on Rumble Ave., great bargain, small payment down, monthly after, See me about a house and lot on (\_I, A, $525 will buy a splendid building lot; on the West side of Church St. Rough cast house stable and 1-; acres on Mill Street. A bargain. A good cheap Brick Clad House and three acres on Lucas Street. First-class building lot 50 feet front~ age on Richmond Street: and through to Centre Street. \Vill sell at; a bar- gain. Easy terms. The House and Lot; on ~-Yonge 815., formerly owned by 'the late Mr. Hughes, for sale on easy terms. ' 85 Richmond sn, \Vest, 0111093 { Toronto. Naugbtun Block, Aurora. Solicxtor for: ~ Aurora and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King. \Vhitchurch and Markham. OFFICE: CHURCH STREET TELEPHONE 11 M RICHMOND HILL \Valter S. Jenkins Res. Phnne lill. 5048 «LB: HERRINGTON ties. Old Establishpd main panic-s with Good Records. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, AUTOMOBILE. PLATE GLASS, BURGLARY, ETC.- m Mutual Life Assurance Co of Canada Money to Loan on First 1‘ Government Bonds and Other Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephoue Adelaide 2108 The Sun Life Insurance Co °2Â¥9999nafing Olfiening of NAUGHTON E'BENKWE‘ Opening The Real Estate Man RICHMOND HILL. ONT Gas for Extraction Esta blished' 1716 . Nicholls Established 1869 J. Harry Nanghton Res. Elgin Mina Res. Phone 44.4 PHONE: 61 u 1,, Essentials, Unity: Mortgages, Securi- A meeting of the Executive oftho North York Reform Association. attended by a committee from the Toronto Men's Liberal Association, was held in Newmarket, Saturday night. In the absence of the President, Mayor Cane, of Newmarket, the chair was taken by Dr. W. A. Sangster, and J. H. Naughton acted as secretary. It 3was unanimously decided to hold a .Libeml picnic in honor of Premier King, at Markham, on Saturdnyu August 16. i i Gognmigtcc Appoinjed. l The followflfg General Committee was unanimously olected: Richmond Hm, Reeve Thomas H. Trench; Stouffville. Blake Saunders. Walter Chester Anderson, Harry Banks, Ila Brillinger, Lela Brillingcr, George Clover (11.), Mona Cousins (h.), Floyd Davies, Murray Downey (b), Harold Echlin, Marguerite Ecblin (h). Isabel Farr, Ethel Gill, Iven Ground, Norma Ground, Evelyn Hayes. Emily Leech. Everton Lund, Bert Matheson, Beatrice Morning. Jean Reamnn, Ruth Reaman (h), Earl Richards. Lorne Robb, Hazel Rumble, Laurena Rutherford, Jamel Sherman, Marion Sparks, Clark Scott. Helen Stong. Doria Tomlinsrn, Frederick Wesley. Edna Wiltshire. 1 Hannah Wray, Jessie McLean. i The following candidates who wruto n! Mgple for High School Entrance wepe successful: l Richmond Hill'l young ladies team will have a splendid outing next Tun- day evening. They will visit Suanylide Beach for the purpose of watching Can- ada’s two premier teams of young lady soft ball playerl break tho tie for first place in the Major League. To- ronto Ladies and the eoiebratcd Hind. & Dauch girl! are now tied and lay that evening. A auction of'uatl a ong the first base line will be reserved for our girls, about 20 in number. Espey'l fin. bul has been chartered for the oc- nasion. Every young lady mult be ah the post offic. at 6 25 p. m. Bun have] at 5.80 sharp. Thore wiil be no waiting for thou not there at the time named. my? ._ special,vconfectionery. y Another mixed local tournament was held on the Green, Monday "Von- ing. The folloWing are the prize- winners: First Prize Second Prize R. Johnsnn Mrn. Glenn G. Lasher H. Little E. Barker F. E. Sims A. El Glass, skip Geo. Gee, skip Special~Mz's. Ker-swill. Mrs. Wright. P. 0. Hill. A. G. Savage, skip. The first; prizes were cups and saucers: second Ever shap pencils; ulnar-in I nnnFAnI-u'n... _~_ poisoningflirv; T} said to be the Woodbridge. A Benefit Fpotball Game 'wns played at Woodbridge. Thursday. July 17. be, tween King (lily and Oak wood beams, the former winning by 2.1. The net proceeds, 8250, will be handed John Orr, of Willowdale, :1 member of King City Club. who underwent four oper- ations m the Hospital,_follg§ving blood nrmr......,.. :_. A good programme of sports has been arranged for the annual picnic, under the auspices of St. Mary's. St. Luke‘s. and St. Edward's Churches, to be held on the church grounds. Richmond Hill, on Saturday. the 2nd of August. Thele wil be a midway and other special attractions. Supper served from 5 to 8; on In. can“..-:l Ir " *“r’? to be folléwed b Bills are out announcing Richmond Hill's annual Field Day and Civic Holi- day on Monday, the 4th of August. The programme of sports will include baseball, girls soft ball, font bull. volley ball and races fnrjuvenilea. Band in attendance. There will be an rpen-air dance in the evening. The Hydro-Electric Railways Em- ployees Athletic Association, Metropol- lt'an Division. will hold their annuu! glcnic and dance at Bnnd Lake Park. uesduy, July 29. Races start at 2.30 p.111, Picnic II Muhhun Welcome to Premier 11 Bills are H. S. Entrance at Maple Base Ball Girls' Outing Lawn Bowling n the'han'd. r-Tll'é-Ea-tllll‘o'avi; the fastest ever played at, Benefit Game H. E. R. Picnic in N on-Es'sentials, Union Pimic .. THURSDAY, JULY 24. 1924 Field Day a. concert. Second Prize Mrn. Glenn H. Little F. E. Sims Geo. Gee, skip Vi". Wright, WALL BOARD Is Received W. HEWISON HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Leave Orders al; Glenn'sr Ding Store, Richmond Hill. ' TWENTY-FIVE YEAR 5' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Leave Richmond Hill 378 Berresfox'd Ave.. 7 Toronto. Phone Junction 0072. L. Innes & Sons Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond Street Richmond Hill Liberty ; in all things, Charity un. ,,_,...°-. n. a. oungater and J; H. Ratclifl: Newmarket’, Aubrey Davis: Aurora. Mayor J. M. Walton] Vaughan, J. Scott McNair; Whit- church. Reeve Morgan Baker; King, ‘Thomas Blackburn; East Gwillim- bury. Charles W. Davidson: North Gwillimbury. S. A. Grose; Wood- bridge. Dr. Garnet McLean: Georgina, William Johnson; Sutton. Walker Holburn; Holland Landin , Gar-1y Thompson; Markham. L. Reeor. Russell Reesor. Fred Gowland, Albert Wideman, Pete H. Reesor. A. D. Bruce and Alex. Douglas: Unionville, Delos Harrington and William Noble: Markham Township, Reeve \Vesley Gohn: Toronto, three members to be appointed by the Toronto Men‘s Liberal Association. The meeting Was addressed briefly by Duncan Marshall, Liberal organizer, uh) pronimd his hearty cooperation. The meeting was 'nlso addressed by North York’s veteran Liberal, J. M. Walton. who received a rousing re- ception. In the latter part of the even. ing Mayor Cane, President of the Association, was present and spoke, promising his enthusiastic support. BrillirlggrLDr. W. A Let Us Figure on Your Requirements 11.55 Gyproc AJI. 6. 30 7.00 7.30 JOHN T. ANDERSON CAR OF PIANO TUNER TIME TABLE 10.20 12.45 05]: L23...“ 6.40 . Sangatel; apd J; Leave Toronto .0 Mflmflmm P211234 1 V Mwmwwm A6.7.7.&9. F.“ O: I O! 5.40 COURTESY By Buying under Wholesale ' Prices (at the Elevator) your BRAN. SHORTS, OATS, CORN- MEAL, SCRATCH FEED, BREAD and PASTRY FLOUR QUANTITY (fiLEA NLINESI Save Money J. T. SAIGEOIN Maple Lxcensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to (m shortest notice. and at reasonable rates. Richmond Hill, Friday and Sntl For information Phone 110. MRS. MYLKQ. From the Toronto ConserV'atory of Music. will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Vocal and â€"' Theory. -'- n Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. R 0. I. RUDDELL, D.C. PILC. NORTH YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL. DR. ROLPHâ€" L? LANGSTAFF. Office hours 8:10 a.m. and 6 :8 p.m.» DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFFH (diseases of women and children.) Otfice hours 1 :3 p. 11). Phone 100. Ofl‘ice hours 10 6 to 8 p. m, Office and residenceâ€"Centre Church Streets Richmond Hill I No. 24. OFFICE : Hours : A CAR OF Lump Threshing Coal JUST ARRIVED Hours: 2 Lo 5 and 7 to 8 pan. Except; Wednesday PHONE 117 Consultation Free at. the Oflice DR. M. B. WELLWOOD PALMER CHIROPRACTOR FESY SERVIC- '. D3 Ramer Oflicc:â€"Centre St. W’asn RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Office Hours: 10-12; 6-8 DRS. LAN GSTAF F Patronage solicited [Single copies. 3 cts‘ ABOVE DAVIES STORE - P. WILSON to 12 mm. and and Saturday 3 and Phone

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