Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Jul 1924, p. 3

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That pin-fall was perhaps the most significant and widely heard of any in history. Without being warned to silence. every person in the high- domed, wide-winged hall heard the pin as it struck the woodwork. Thousands of wireless listeners hundreds of miles away, also heard. Specially designed artificical stone walls made the sound clear, distinct, and without those hollow echoes which characterize old (high-vaulted build- ings. That pin-tall sounded an en- gineering triumph in the long-neglect- ed science ot ocoustics. A pin was dropped on a desk by Dr. Gano Dunn in the course of his ad- dress at the dedication of the new building of the National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council in Washington. He that riseth la'te must trot all day and shall scarce overtake his work at night. Aspirin is the trade mark Canada) of Buer Mannructl «enema: or Salicylic.“ He has visited in this way places as far apart as Christiania and Mel- bourne, Montreal and Cornwall, and Stockholm and Cairo. When the pin sticks into the ocean the originator of this decidedly novel plan allows him- self a second try. Last‘year the pin indicated the Vale of Cashmere, in India, whither the brewer made his way. The previous year he found himself obliged to visit Germany, while the year before that a town not fifty miles from his home was the hoiiday resort thus chosen. Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and lOOâ€"Druggists 0f unusual holidays few can have occasioned more interest than that of a retired American brewer now visit- ing London on his way to Greenland. ' At. his home in Milwaukee he has a globe of the earth’s surface. \Vhen his annual holiday is due he takes a hat- pin and, giving the globe a spin, sticks the pin into it. Where the pin s-ticks, there the brewer goes! which contains proven (Eirections Say “Bayer Aspirin” INSIST! Unless you see the f‘Bayer Cross” on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phy- sicians for 24 years. V Accept only a W Bayer package It you are weak and run down you can begin getting new strength to- day by taking Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Sold by all druggists or sent by mail at 50 cents a box by writing to The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ~ i r118A finished the second box I could feel that they were helping me. By 'the time I had taken [our boxes more I was a well woman and every symp- :tom of my trouble had disappeared. It would not be possible for me to say too much in favor of this medicine, and I always recommend it to run- down people, and have seen lt prove just as satisfactory in other cases.“ 1 People who are pale; languid, with palpitation of the heart and shortness of breath at slight exertion are suffer- ing from thin, impure blood. If they have the resolution to take the right remedy and stick to it. they will find new health and strength. The remedy that can always be relied upon is Dr. Williams’ Pink l‘ills. With every dose they improve and invigorate the blood. and this new blood means health and strength. Mrs. A. Griffiths, Pierson, Man, is one of the many thousands who have proved the value of these pills. She saysâ€"“I was so badly run down in health that I was almost bedfnst. The least exertion would leave me breathless. I suffered from headaches and backaches and had no appetite. i could only drag about the house and found even ligh‘t housework almost impossible. I tried several remedies but they did not’do me a particle of good. Then a. friend "came for a. visit and she urged me to Ltry Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When I Show in Pale Faces, Tired Feel- ing and Breathlessness. I‘HE SYMPTMS 0F HIPOYKEHSHEB [€1,000 Broadcasting a Pin-fall. Holidays by Chance. Aicept onl‘ qgure V at Mono} registered In see the Lets you genuine safe by exertion suffered hes and 11y drag 'en ligh‘t I tried Brooklyn’s bobbed-haired bandit has been landed in prison. The record of crimes committed by this dare-devil young woman has occupied the front page of all the daily newspapers for some weeks ast. What is the record back of all tiis‘hectic career that led to prison? It is a sorry story but one too often told. The young girl, Cecilia Cooney, had no proper upbringing. She was born on the East Side, the squalid section of New York City. Her father was a drunkard. She was reared in neglect. Sometimes she was cared for by the children’ssociety and sometimes she slept in the coal-cellars when there was no other shelter for her. As a child she had to live by her wits, and growing upfishe lived with As a countenance is made beautiful by the soul’s shining- through it, so the world is beautiful by the shining through it of a Godâ€"Friedrich Hein~ rich Jacobi. to sleep A harbor there is in the rushes, A harbor all safe and sure With scarcely a bough that brushes The pool to a rippling lure! Then meadows there are out~spreading Where tuft/s of sea-rice grow; And a. convoy heading, heading Her fleet of yellow and snow! â€"Leslie Clare Manchester. take born mot} The and whatéver men she chanced to fixeet.icha Finally, she adopted as her philosophy wor the emmemorial attitude of criminals! t V “What the world does not give me. I ent.‘ A swan on the river is sailing; I see her drift down to the bay! A convoy, she, unfailing To craft that know not the way! Oh, white the sails that are going To an isle in the waters below; And golden the paddles rowing In the calm of file stream‘s still flow! The The' spring was late in coming, The flowers were very shy, When in my Devon garden fair ~ The sweet West Wind swept by She The W The Sir Henry 1mbert«'1‘erry photo- graphed while leaving Buckingham Palace, followin’g an investiture of members of the Order of St. John. Ah 3e pixies through the soft red earth Thrust up their small green spears, [1, would I had the magic touch or West Wind'and her tears! â€"â€"â€"Janet Read. 16 dropped some tears in pas What magic in them lay hat on the wall japonica Leapt forth in crimson spray 16 violets just tinfolding Were startled into bloom; 1e witch in the g‘enistabush Waved high her golden broom er could fiéithe father had V8! had been an } In a Devon Garden. HEALTH EDUCATION Provincial Board of Health. Ontario Hlddloton will be [Ind to answer qua-unn- on Public Health 3» “n through this column. Addreu him .2 Indian Homo. SDI“. Cnsoont. Toronto. . He nevs suimorted The Fleet. BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON the passing, dru W11 :1. was Her It is a sad story all the way through. The mother, heartless and indifferent, the father, a drunkard. What is the likel fate of the children of such arents . Just what we see here, a ife of crime and then the pri_5_on. .Character-building, ' uprl htne ' honesty and decency. are pro nets 0 heredity, but they are also products of environment. The famll life, the home circle, must never epart from our country or its doom is sealed. A nation’s greatness depends upon the character, uprightness ‘ and trust- Worthiness of its eople. , What a lesson t ere is here for par- ents to learn. What a clarion-call it is for them to bring up a child in the way he or she should go. The care of the child does not cease at weaning- time or when it goes’to school. Intel- in the morning he aroused and: sent out on the street to beg for penmes to bily their father whiskey. Half the time they were scantily clad and had very little to eét. “How does he succeed in putting over those raw deals?" Buy your out-of-Eown supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. The main line is usually open for the fellnw who travels with a full head of steam. No season of the year is so danger- ous to the life of little ones as is the summer. The excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand the baby may be beyond all human help before the mother real- izes he is ill. Summer is the season when diarrhoea, cholera. infantum, dysentry and colic are most prevalent. Any one of these troubles may prove deadly it not promptly treated. Dur- ing the summer the mothers' best friend is Baby’s Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brock- ville, Ont. Mlnard's Llnlment for Rheumatism. SUMMER HEAT- EARD 0N BABY .‘orthiriess 01 1 What a les ntsrto learn 5 for them t my he or sh‘ '(C'lip this out and pasfe it. with other 9/ the serieggL in a scrapbook; “Don’t know ; but you must admit Here is a simple stunt with which few are acquainted but which is decidedly interesting. Write the digit "9" on a slip of paper and put the slip face down on the table. Ask a iriend to write on another slip of paper any number he likes and to mul- tiply it by nine or any multiple of nine. When he does this, he will show you the product and you will show him the slip on which you wrote the’digit “S.” Then it is your job to show him that his product really totals nine. Here are a few examples but you will have to look carefully some- times to avoid missing the ar- mngement. The trickster's favorite number ought to be the number nine be- cause many of his best tricks are based upon the mysterious quali- ties of that number. 3x3=27 25x27-621 (6+2,+l'3) 82.54 X72. = 532848 5+3+2+8+4+a a 5g, ld does 11 when it upervisio mradeshi Raw, But Well Done EASY TRICKS The Mystic F igurc n'sion, kindly interest and eship are necessary. even *e days and after if the 1 is to benefit to the full- rental care. If more of [3‘ Spirit, carried out‘ amid nvironment, was in evi- most likely that fewer would .stray from. the ightness and honesty. («3+6 ‘-‘ 3) Thin, nervous, underweight people take on healthy flesh and grow sturdy and ambitious when Bum-Phosphate as guaranteed by drugglsta is taken a few weeks. Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical 00., 26 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. In Russia vagrancy among children is so. prevalent as to shock even peoâ€" ple who for ten years have seen little except suflering. Soviet newspapersI report efiorts by the Government to deal with the evil, but the children are many and the means of caring for them are insufficient. The newspaper Pravda recently estimated that there are fifty thousand vagrant 'children merely in Moscow and i‘ts'suburbs. “Why, doctor, I suppose that Iâ€"But there, I’m still trying to believe that I’m different from everyone else. I'm not! I'm going to have friends as other people have!" And with chin up and eyes shining the boy started at to seek thé great adventure of friendship. â€" Youth’s Companion. “It was a fight of course, but I won. And I learned that people are not to be feared or avoided but to be loved and enjoyed I’m not lonesome any more; you see that everyone calls me doc and how we all enjoy it. Why not live as you go along?" HCOHMiNDED 6' SOLD BY DRUGGISTS t. OPHCIANS inn ton nus 1m. can: boon MVMDII ca. cmuooyu "You can imagine the rest. I had made a ridiculous spectacle or myself. In my confusion I stepped into a patch of sand burs with my bare feet. The pain made me wince; I lost my bal- ance and fell into a muddy ditch. I can still hear those girls laugh! “I hid out in the haymow for two days to think it over. When I came back I told my mother that I had been visiting, and she wisely professed to believe it. As a matter of fact I had visited myself. I reasoned that my tears of other people were groundless and foolish, and that I had been silly to Imagine that the whole world was watching me. The roads and all the world were free to everyone, and I re- solved to use them without fear. SI'JNMNiifi‘I‘JSi ECINDE'R‘S mm . méfigEé ‘. n, â€"- ....--..a nun, my big hands and feet wouldn'! show. Gathering a handful of pebbles and calling to her to ‘huyâ€"huy, bosw!’ I started her off. "The girls came to where I was vigorously driving the animal from her chosen pasture. Then a. clear, loud treble voice called from the house: " “You, boy, what are you my father's cow?’ "One day as I was going downtown barefoot I saw coming towards me two girls whom I knew by sight; they were well dressed and jolly. I thought of skipping down a side street, but I was in the middle of a long block and had to face them. Suddenly I noticed a cow in one of the side yards. Per- haps 11 I could seem to be driving her, I was poorer, bigger, slower in school and more awkward. It was real tor- ture for me to meet peopleyespecially women and girls. "But, doctor, I'm werent; I’m afraid of people. My hands and feet seem so big, and I can’s talk, and 11 I walk into a room I'm sure to an over something. How can I ever get over it?" The doctor looked quizzically at the raw. halfdeveloped boy before him. “When I was your age,” he said slow- ly, “I was about as you are, only worse. After Shaving Rub the face with Mlnard's mixed with sweet oil. Very soothing to the skin. Thin People The Cure for Bashfulneu. The ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY __finer tea and man of K Child Vagrants. doing with I A Chinese editor enclosed a rejec- 1tion slip. when returning contribu- Ltions, ‘which read as follows: “We have read your manuscript with in- ‘finite delight. Never before have we travelled in such a masterpiece. If we ‘ printed it the authorities would take it for a model and. henceforth would ‘never permit anything inferior to it. As it would be impossible to find its [equal within 10,000 years, we are com- ‘pelled, though shaken with sorrow, to ’ return your divine manuscript, and for i so doing we beg 10,000 pardons” This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from roots and herbs, has for f0 years proved its value in such cases. omen everywhere bear willin testimon to the wonderful virtue of ydia E. - ham’e Vegetable Compound. 0 Woodbrid e, Ont.â€"-“ I took Lydia EL Pinkham’s egetable Compound for feâ€" male troubles. I Would have headaches, backaches, pains between my shoul~ ders and under my shoulder-blades and dragging down feelings 'on each side. I was sometimes unable to do my work and felt very badly. M motherb in-Iaw told me about the 'egetabla Compound and I got some right away. It has done me more good than any other medicine I ever took and I rec- ommend it to my neighbors. You at. uite welcome to use this letter as a stimonial if you think it will help some oor sufferer. 'â€"Mrs. EDGAR SIMMONS, . R. 2, Woodbridge, Ont. In nearly every neighborth in every town and citfi in this country there Ir. women who ave been hel ed by Lydi: E. Pinkham’s Vegetable ompound in the treatment of ailments peculiar to their sex, and they take pleasure in passing the good word along to other women. Therefore, if you are troubled in this way,why not give L die E. Pinlo ham's Vegetable Compoun a fair trial. Women Tell Each Other How They Were Helped by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compoiiml THEY TELL THEIR NEIGHBORS But just down below, they they squirmâ€" Like a terrified crowd or He holds his head still-an oblivion. Mlnard’s Llnlment Relleves Paln. He runs on a. line ‘ like a. tight-1 walks»â€" Tda not to Look scaredâ€"nor to m a. talker. No nutter how (ant he may go or stop Until may come to the end of what'l in it Becauabiof-taccatosteps,swpn. Likeab'lsytoedancerwuhdlzzympo //K You may rely-on Cudcum Soap and Ointment tocare fox-your skimsalp, hair and hands. Nothing better to clear the skin of pimples. blotches. redness or roughness, the smlp of dandmfiand the hands ofchapping. Empla Bun Pm by In]. Aachen Canadian X|-,;g:: “Cr-10m, P. 0. 30: II“. Huh-Id." {'nce. So: 25:. Olnmencfiudwc. Taqumfle. W 17 out now Shaving Stick. Rough Fimpiy Skin Clearefi By Cuticura never cease spinning. twinkling ISSUE N0. 30â€"’24. Politeness. Robin. â€"Altred Krenmborz. an angle- twist and

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