Btoanoxo STREET. RICHKOSD Hm Repxesentiq “(Mutual Life In“ Company oi New flak Geo.Caldwell, Lorne Paterson Visits Maple and Teston Monday. Wednesday and Friday afternoons and evenings each week NOTICE CALDWELL & PATERSON Drop a. card or phone Hudson 1802 J. BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS NEATLY REPAIRED AT THE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR GOOD WORKMANSHIP ( REV.) A. F. MACKENZIE DOCTOR OE CHIROPRACTIC JONES LUMBER co Comer of Yonge & Richmond QUICK SERVICE Work done while you wait. Store next to Village Clerk. Wish to state they are prepared to do all kinds of carriage and wagon work, Automobile wood work and rubber tires at the Trench works. Satisfaction and Give us a trial and be convinced. méQnd um Phone 86] J. W. W’ellman GENTS’ FURNlSfllNGS AMBROSE L. PHIPPS W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAY Write toâ€"dny for free catalogue From now until Sept, 2nd, whpu our Fall Term opens. Firstclass Instruction in all Departments, Accounting. Smnogmphy, Type- writiug. Secretarial, General Improvement, Banking Com- mercial Teachers'; and Business Courses. Enter now. Yonge 8L Charles SCS., Toronto PHONE '27 BUILDERS SUPPLIES Centre Street East Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Rooï¬ngs Gyprock Tar paper Wallboard reasonable prices assured. 167 Belsize Drive, Toronto A SUMMER SESSION! INQUIRIES SOLICITED ls Held in the POpular â€"â€" Consultations Free â€"- line of Oxfords auu Mum shoes. Special prices in Khaki Pants and Shirts. ~Boys running shoes, caps. Jersey sweaters a“ at very reasonable prices. Boots and shoes, with a good line of Oxfords and Ladies Building papa;- The 1061:] baseball nine met Thornhill. at the home field. in an ill- conLesbed game on Friday night. The result was an easy victory for the visitors. The game however did not prove to be nearly so thrilling as did the pugiliutic effort. staged afterwards, between two of the prominent, officials comprising the personal of our Hille- Square management committee. Their countenances however were not seriously marred, thanks to the timely intervention of a. local father. whn entered with the roar of a Lion and I The greater portion of the fair six of our town have left on their annual treck to Lake Musselmans, where they purpose spending two glorious weeks, free from the onerous tasks of feeding chicks and gurueringbleck cgrrants. .ll'riiss Mildred Collard is spending a few weeks vacation at, Victoria Square, before returning to Chicago, at which place she spent the greater part, of last yegr. as a Nurse in_t.rain_ing. _ The majority of the farmers in this vicinity have watched, with a grin of satisfaction, the last loads of hay dis- appear Eityinjhgixlbafns. V Ii: VZioB Church last Shnday after- noon, Mrs. Trimble and Mrs. French sang a, duett very acceptably. Next. Sunday evening Mr. Young will ive an exposition of the hymn: "RocE of Ages." The subjo-ct, (or next Sunday morning wm be "Thou shalt, love the Lordâ€"with all thy h_eart.'_’ The preacher; then pointed out how prophecies will fail. because all in time, will be fulfilled; tongues and all wonders of conversion will cease, for the time will come when all men wil l be converted, and knowledge shall vanish away, as mist in the full light, of day. but; love will not fail but grow more beautiful and perfect, the nearer We_ get to the heart of the GLod of love on love. But its glory is other than literary, beautiful us it may be when so considered. Its chief glory is that it belongs to Christian experience, and to Paul. its crowning glory is its all-pervading durabilityâ€"“love never faileth.†7 > 7_ "One of the literary treasures of the Obvistian Church," said Rev. E. R. Young. in thé Newtnnbrook Church last Sundazevening. is Paul's pfmygIeric Rev. E. Ryerson Young's stories of pioneer life begin in but, week’s "Onward." Conditions that met the early settlers are revealed and show how many a religious sortiety was formed. log churches built; and young recruits won for the ministry. Young and old will read these Canadian stories Withrdeiight. I. t the law. were often drunken brawls. And yet the electors will soon be asked to cast their ballots and say whether they wish the present law wiped off the statute books to be replaced by Government sale of liquor. beâ€" cause some people insist on breaking U]. lqu uvvvu . The same question could be asked regarding the celebration in Rich- mond Bill. And Newmarkat and Richmond Hill are not exceptions to the general rule. Years ago when liquor was sold openly, celebrations and fall fairs and other gatherings The Newmarke‘ Express-Herald in in issue following the 12th of July, asked the following question: "Will anyone kinle tell us whether it was because of the O.T.A. or in spite of the O. T. A. that the Orangemen’s celebration ‘in Now- market on Saturday in which per- haps 10,000 people pnrticipated in s the mhst. one form or another, wa orderly and the most respectable (oiebration of its kind in the history of the town ?†.. . , _‘.___, ‘ but securely was; economical] gunk-duh you can eve running weter for every purpose you desire. Tln 9f the time end labor savedâ€"the freedom from tiresome pump- 5. mg. Toronto Engine: with direct connected jack are easily.‘ but oecumly atteched to the pump‘ Specially designed for ' semce. Smooth-runmng' end almost noiseleu.‘ m jueted to any height of map. Operate economically on gnoline. An indepen ent pulley on the . crank-shaft makes power evelleble for opentin; the plum, eeperetor. nothing mncltlne. ete. iBy siran attaching I Toronto Pumping Engine to your purn .4 Tail. Water 59:“; QM Mitre! «sounded GIVE CREDIT TO THE 0.T.A. Eula! Ml PW Jack will (In m U! rmw d aw My mum. Sn claube (do. VICTORIA SQUARE Let This Engine Pump Your Water NE‘YTON BROOK HOUSE ‘1‘0 LETâ€"Six rooms. Apply L. B. FINCH. Elizabeth Street. Richmond Hill. 2 H. 00D DRIVERâ€"A driver for sale, 6 years old, big enough to work. Good in all harness. Strawben-ies for sale. fresh daily. A. E. JONEs, Elgin Mills, Phone Richmond Hill. 127R3. OOMS TO RENTâ€"Five or six rooms, at, reasnnable rent. Apply on the premises Monday or Thursday. MRS. W. CURTIs, “The Hermitage." 4-6 RTICLES FOR SALE â€" 1 Gurney Oxford coal range, 1 Oak heater and pipes, LWuxdrobe,‘ 1 Washâ€"stand and Bedroom dishes, 1 Wilton rug, 28mall carpets. Quantity of nilulnth. MR5. FETCH, Church St.. North. 4-5 WIGMORE. 0R SALEâ€"Shotgun and Rifle with _ parts. $30, or exchange small gas engine. HALL, Stop 24, Mill Road, Yonge St. 4 OSTâ€"In the green bus, nox-tbound, Tuesday. 8.16 p. m.. Thnrnhiil. a. rubber lined bag, containing two girls’ bathing suits and caps. Rewmd {01' re- turn to DR. 0. P. JOHNS, Thornhill. 4 ‘OR SALEâ€"Jersey and Durham COWS for sale. NEWBOMI. corner Bathm-st and Carrvillg, stop 23. 4 O RENTâ€"7 roamed house, Elgin Mills. stones throw from Yonge Street. Appw to THOMAS BURNS, Church Street, Richmond Hill, Ont. 4 ~-..~_~u OSTâ€"«Gold watb, open face. on Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Finder kindly telephone 30 B 2. 4 BLT-eat. DSTâ€"Wedding ring, he! - Richmond Hill and Langstzw JUlY 12- Reward. MRS. TWE Langstatf. JjVRIGK'E for key, ‘OR RENTâ€"Bungalow on Rich- . mond Street, Central. con- Venlenceé. Apply Amos J. WRIGHT. a strOng personal chimpractic as his down under the 1) mission wnrk. wh Iucceeded in separating them. Noi, words ware however before some spoken which, (owing to their peculiar nltul'e), I shall not be able to set down... We see the middlewuight champion ship who was enabled by his extremely long reach. to drive home ntelling blow. while at a discreet. distance completely screened by several nnâ€"' lookers. The recipient was unable to ball from whence it came. 0R BENTâ€"Huue on Elizabeth street. for rent. Apply to JLE; â€" Cherries Apply L. B. FINCH ARAGEiF‘OR RENTâ€"At o. L. 7 \‘Vriglgt, IZesidence. Apply AMP: rin_g, between for sale. , Elizabeth TWEEDIE. 3-tf (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veberin ary College. All clases of animals treated. Day and night calls prompt- ly attended. Ofï¬ce and residence north side Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. Telephone 13, Ring 2. GEO. KIDD. Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good ’Workmanship Prompt Service Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand, Yonge St. R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc. P. C. HILL Dealer - Richmond 'Hill, Ont. RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Phone 109' Richmond Hill, Ont. HE Star Car is standard in dpeidn nraeonfe an annoor- TheSTARCar 1 design, presents an appear- ance you can be proud of, and has established a reputation for quality and service far beyond its modest price. ' A Quality Car You Can Afford To Own We’ll be glad to demonstrate. _ Chevrolet is a complete carâ€" there are no extras to buy. Chev- rolet offers you everything that you could possibly want in a quality automobile. Chevrolet is continually making new high records for gasoline and oil mileage. .You can afford a Chevrolet be- cause of its low purchase price and its amazingly low upkeep costs. Ask us about the GMAC Defened Payment Plan THE ARISTOCRAT 0F LOW-PRICED CARS See Chevrolet First A. CAMERON MACNAUG HTON FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will be at The Liberal omce. Richmond Hill. every Tuesday afternoon. ‘ ’ ’ Ofl'lcesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon Bldg.. Cor. Jordon and Melinda. Sts.. Toronto. Telephone Main 3631. DENTIST‘ Ofï¬ce Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank. BoquaJn. to 6.30 p.111. Telephone 32 MacNaughton & Campbell Dr. L. R. BELL Barfllters, Solicitors. Etc. 01910