The great parade is on Monday morning at 10.30 o'clock First of all, a real wild animal circus in I 1924 acquisition. having beau imported from lho woxld's greatest wild animal train- ing quarters at Stellinghen. Germany. Included in these displays will be found lions. tigers, leopards, polar and grizzly bearsâ€"even trained oatriches will be seen in Addition to the Sparks group of sixteen "Rotation" horses. the two elephant. herds. fancy gained and pos. ing horses. the Bibb County Pig Circus, Captain Tiebor's seals, and hosts of others of a. novel nature. The circus proper opens with an elaborately “aged. 3 lacle. "Echoes from the’ Rgi‘n'of ing Tut." in which all of the Sparks Circus will be in Toronto, on Monday and Tuesday, August 4. 5, afternoon and evening. under huge masses of canvas. The finest circus ever made by the ingenuity and courage of men. will parade and show in Toronto. 7 7 7 7 Richmond Hill Park is one of the re- cognized camping grounds on the map for tourists. Two larged motvr cars were driven in Monday evening. tents were erected. and the night comfort- nbly spent, The men and women had tone from \Vest Virginia by way of New York. They left: early the next. morning for \Vaubaushene. Mr. and Mrs. Berry. Newton Brook. 250 fresh eggs. Miss McNair, clothing. Mr. R. J. Beatty, Gnrmley, rhubarb. Methodist Church, Richmond Hill, pies 5nd ca‘kves. :- The children and directors of the hume as well (IS the Matron, also wish to thank the 18 gentlemen who so kindly conveyed the children to Aurora. to Church. The drive was: great delight. Mr. Nicol, Elgin Mills. large quanti- ty of lettuce and onions. st. Bennett. flowers and lettuce. The donations are a great help to the home: vegetables and fruit are very mggh apprepiuted, Rev. J. \V. McIntosh will preach at 11 and 7.80 o’clock. This will be Mr. Mclntnsh’s last Sunday before leaving for holidays. The Matron nnd Board of Directors of the L. T. B. & Orange Hume desire to thank one and all for making the 12th of July 0. real feast: of happiness for the little ones under their care. It, was indeed a red-letter day, and every child was on the grounds but a wee baby who was too young to enjoy the fete, and the home at the present is aging for 11. children. . n. ers. T. W. Stephens, Aurora. 8 dresses. 7 r "tugs-51:8 7 Harman. Daniels. and McCachan. 11 lavely quilts and 25 sealers of fruit. a.n_d pic‘kje: "Mr; 'Stevenson, flowers, rhubarb and. clethjpg- _____ wM12773. MféMillan. Aurora. 5 bags of po_t_atnes_.‘ "v n. I A,,,, n ' Endenn Nurseries, large quantity of flowers for the 12th. Mr. G. Cmvie, 1 quart of oreumi Mr. A. Jones, Elgin Mills, crate of beg‘ieslï¬ gloat Lreqt. At the Lawn Bowling Tournamentnt Stonflville. which was ï¬nished on Fri- dny, 3 Richmond Hill rink captured 4th prizeâ€"gold cuff links. The pla ers were: Geo. Gee, J. McLean, Rev. 3&- lersby, G. Muodie. skip. Mr. and M15. Edgar R. Sandersnn and daughter Muriel, of Ruseview Ava, left Friday for a. motor trip with her Eister and husband Mr. and Mrs. J. C. O’Donnell. of Buffalo, to visit their sister Mrs. Glen Robbins. of Olean, “'i‘rlï¬zn’ks are given to Mrs. Plewmnn, for 8 loaves of bread. Macintosh. Richmond Hill. rhubarb. Miss Moylc. rhubarb and flowers. “Ian’s. rFm-sythe. Maple, 2 dresses and bloomers. A friend, Maple, 3 pr. hose, 6 handker- chiefs. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hmzhes and daughters, Helen and Edna, nf Windsor, were the guests of Mrs. “7. Harrison a few days last week. Mr. Hughes was a delegate to the Masonic convention recently held in Toronto. Mr. Harry Legge and Mr. J. A. Greene have generously donated two beautiful silver cups to be competed for in a local howling tournaman The conditions will be giVen later. Don't fail to see the Motion Pictures to be exhibited in the Park next; Thurs- day evening at 8.80. in connection with the Ford Factories. For particulars see advertisement on page 8. Miss Héx-hel‘tu Baker has successfully passad with flrst’rclass honors the ele- mentary examination in piannforte at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Mr. Milton Gordon has returned to his home in Kellogg, Idaho, after spending the past month with his mother hue. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shear-down Have removed to Bowmnnvillo, Where Mr. Sheardown has secured a position. Mr. J. M. Walton. Mayor of Aurora, was last week elected Most V‘Vortby Patriarch of the Sons of Temperance. Mr. H. Paterson has purchhsed M15. Pbillips' house on Ruseview “Avenue. Congratulations, Harvey. Mr. J. R. Watsnn, of Richmond Hill: has been ap oinled Principal of Hume. wood schoo . Toronto. L. T. B. md Orange Home Presbyterian Services Spuh Circus 816 Federal Building. 85 Richmond Street West, Toronto. Solicitor for the suid Executora. 4-} AN D TAKE NOTICE that after- such lest mentioned date the said Executom will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or ‘ersons of whose claim notice shall not ave been received by them at the time of such distribution. DATED It Toronto this 18th day of luly. 192$. Act. R. S. 0., 1914, Chap. 121. that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the Estate of the said Alexander Malloy, who died on or sbout the 18th day of February, 1924, at the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, are required on or be- fore the 26th day of August, 1924. to send by post, prepaid. or deliver to N. A. C. Malloy and Lawrence Malloy, Maple, R. R. No. 1, Ontario, the Executore of the said Deceased, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars in writing of their claims, a. statement of their accounts. and the nature of the security. if any held by them. M r. O. Rohei‘lrsi gagâ€"Hig-l‘1;3;:|‘fwi;(l)~§;8 ep=nt Tuesday of this wee-k at Sunny- .:4. m..,_ , side, Toronto: The Second Instalment of Taxes for 1924 is due on August lst. Discount of 5 p.c. Allowed when payment is made on or before August 15th next. A. J. HUME, Clerk. NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or deliveled to the persons mentioned in sections flight and Nine of the Ontario "Voters’ List Act†the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the lust Revised vAssessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipnlity at Elections for Mémbers of the Legislative Assembly and tl'lat the said List was first posted up in my office at the Village of Rich- mond Hill on the 19m day ufjuly, 1924, and remains therefor inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to late of the Township of Vaughan. in the County of York, 7 Rï¬iï¬red 7132111978!) pgceasedtr Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to Luke immediate proceedings to have the said errols corrected according to law. A. J. HUME, Clerk of the said Municipality, Dated this 24th day of July 1924. 4-5 A beneï¬t football game for Mr. John Orr Wan played at \Vood bridge last Thursday evening between Kin City team and the Oakwond team of $0M")- to. The game resuLed in a scoro of 2-1 in favor of the former. Mr. and Mrs; (Midiâ€"e "banging, of Hamilton, 0hin.. spent the week-end Wi_t_h thgigbg'uther. Mr. T. A. Cousins. Richmond Hill, July 2%. 1924 pursugnt AU)" Segï¬qu uf the Trustees: Miss Olivia Mueruarrie has been engaged as teacher for thejunior room of phe publiq school. Mr. Fred Cnoï¬er had his} foot crushed by a railroad tie falling on it one duy last. week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Cousins attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Wm. Button in Torynto'pn Mongay._ The following pupils of Maple public school have passed the entrance exam- inationl : Mona. Cousins (hon) Murray Downey. (hum) Murray Downey. (lon.) Bert MathewsonJessie McLean, Hazel Rumble. Hope Methodist Sabbath School held its annual picnic at Bond Luke on Saturday. Everyone enjoyed the afgrnqoy's qports. animals. performers. premier dancers and a large chorus‘purticipute. Asa fitting finish to the all-feature er- formance. a genuine English ox Hunt. introducing real Irish-bred high jumpers, broad jumpers. and perfectiy schooled fox-hounds. will replace the old-time and very dangerous chariot races usually In be found with other circuses. Don't forget the date. Toronto. Monday and Tuesday. August 4, 5, Exhibition grounds at Duffel-in Park Race Course. IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of NOTICE IS VHE'REVBY GIVEN, TAXES NOTICE TO CREDITORS VOTERS’ LIST, 1923 Municipality of the \_’i_ll_a>g97 nf RICHMOND HIEL ALEXANDER MALLOY WILLIAM UOOK COUNTY OF YORK MAPLE Each bender must. be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 p.c. of the amount; of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada and bonds of the Canadian National Rail- way Company will also be accepted as security, or bonds and cheque if re- quired to make up an odd amount. By order; S. E. O’BRIEN. Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, July 12, 1924. EALED TENDERS addressed t the undexsigupd and endorsed “Tender for seed laboratory, Toronto, Ont .†will be received until 12 o’clock noon (daylight saving), Tuesday, July 29. 1924. for the conatl‘uction‘of a seed laboratory for the Department of Agriculture: a.t_ Tomntoz Out. Plans and Specification can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the offices of the Chief Architect. Depart- ment of Public W’orks, Ottawa, and the Resident Architect, Department of Public W'orks, General P. 0., Toronto. Ont. Temiers will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the De- partment and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. Carrying a Full Line of Dry Goods. Ladies and Children's Ready'to-Wear: Also Gents' Furnishings All Kinds of Sewing Neatly Done. O'rdels Taken for Cleaning and Pressing. l 1919 FORD ROADSTER In Running Condition TERMS CASH _ E. W. WOODS & CO. Adel. 3228 49 \Vest Richmond St BY VIRTUE 0F MECHANICS’ LIEN. held by Arthur Wurd against one Sinclair. we win svll Wishes Ln Annmince that She Is Now Open for Business in the South Section of BAILIFF’S SALE Mrs. L. Page Will spoil your summer and mnko your company distressing to your friend: unless you get relief. Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Molt people feel better from the ï¬rst dose. Your druggist will refund your money if: $1 box does not bring relief. Ab- solutely harmless. Generous amp]. for to in stamps. Templeton. To- ronto. nu RAZ-MAH Box Browniesâ€"$2.05 up Folding Autograph: Brownie:â€"$9.30 up That's one-half the story. The other half is that they make these good pictures easily. From our complete stock your youngster can select just the Brownie he wants. Here also is the ï¬lm to ï¬t the Brownieâ€"for we have depend- able ï¬lmâ€"Kodak ï¬lmâ€"in a size to ï¬t any camera. Brownies make good pictures HAY FEVER at 11 mm. (Daylight, Saving Timr) OLR MOTTO “ Quality and Courtesy Almlys' For Sale by Porter’s Drug Store Summer Asthma Victoria Hall, Thornhill At Robertson’s Garage FRIDAY MORNING JULY 25th. 1924 Porter’s Drug Store RICHMOND HILL Rear 293 Genrge Street TORONTO, ONT. Advertise in The Liberal. See Our New Stock of Pitchers, Decorated and Plain Colors, from 50c. up. Decorated Teapots â€" Various prices. Lustre Bud Vases, 60c. each. Lustre Rose Bowls, $1.00. Cut Glass Water Sets, 7 pieces, from $1.30 up; Sherbets, from 40c. up. Also Heavy Cut Glass Berry Bowls, from $5.50. Kitchen Ware, Mlxing Bowls, Bakers’ Pudding Bowla, Jelly Moulds, Pie Funnels, etc., etc. China, Cut Glass, Grocerles and Confections QUALITY SHOPPE Millinery, Dry Goods, Ladies Wear are neady to receive applications for an agency of their well and favorably known Nuxsery Pro- ducts. such as Fruit Trees. Small Fruits. Ornament/Ms, Shrubs, Roses and Perennials. Qualify first.- Satisfaction guaranteed. Address as above at. onca. BROWN BROS. COMPANY ' NURSERYMEN, Limited BRO\VN'S NURSERIES. ONT‘ All ready-to-wear suits or trousers altered to ï¬t you free of charge. Odd trousers from $3 .50 up. Ladies blue serge skirts made to order from $7.50 I am prepared to meet your spring demand for suits and overcoats with the latest spring goods, either in ready-to-wear or tailored to your measure, Right Here, No Factory Work. '. G. BEDFORD, Richmond Hill Now and Then New Spring Suits] Trench Block Agents for BruceTs Chocolate: and Ice Cream Semi-Porcelain Cups and Saucers, from 15c. up. All Spring and Summer Hats in stock, at half price for the next 10 days Come in and get a bargain Ladies suits of blue s'erge made-to-order $35.00. Yonge & Centre Streets CLEANING AND PRESSING SATISFACTORY DONE} Open a savings account with this Bank now. THERE will be an added zest to your en‘J ent to-day if at the same time you are esta ' ï¬nancial backing for tomorrow by gradual] ac- cumulating savings. Youth can spare what 01 ago will need. STAN BAN K RICHMOND HILL BRANCH. . R. FORTNER Ladies and Gents’ Clothicr and Tailor; or CANXDA . STEIN A large stook of Funeral Furnishing Kept, at the above places THE RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE H. PATERSON WRIGHT BROS. Undertaker/s and Embalmers HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING AUTO PAINTING P1101] e 635 I’ll o n o, Richmond Hill Phone 53 Phone 5 Mnnagez