Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Jul 1924, p. 8

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G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. TheRlBHMUND HILL FURNISHING SJURE SAMPLES FREE PAINTING. DECORATING Phone 306, King. Benton, Macdonala e: Demon rl.‘hornhill . Call by phone or otherwxse promptly 43-tf COR. ARNOLD & YONGE STS ( rthur A. Macdonald ank Denton Laura Denton. B. A. JOHN R. CAMPBELL Look (7th your machinery and let us know before the rush starts what your requirements will be. Barristers. Solictors. 8w. MAfiNmG ARCADE. 2 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA. TELEPHONE MAIN 811 Cable Address: “Dede H. A. NICHOl/JLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Conveyance-r, Etc Insurance and Real Estate Wall flingings - O - Artistic Charm Full stock of repairs on hand. Massey-Harris Repairs NORMAN J. GLASS VETERINARY SURGEON, RICHMOND HILL With the Strongest Tower Bullt 2 WI the “roman” Selfâ€"Oiling Windmillâ€"«quirk; “oil hnly once OM". Allgennopemtein n bath of Ipcclal oil Affected by neither but not coldâ€"ev beating md w thins thoro ly com ticull Initiate?“ ugh ‘ w ‘ ’ If you luve a “Toronto” Windmill now. you can chain thin cellâ€"oiling future by lnterclunging the and min: yoga: ‘whgl. "Mank‘Toronit: 600. an an e ule o: -regu fling opcntian. The "Toronto" Tower will “and for u lifetime because it In the heaviut. 0mm! Ind best-braced one built low In! windmill. SuthinvaiBnowâ€"orsetw The latest in silk and wool mixtures. Men’s socks for spring, from 50 cts. to $1.50 We have the Holeproof Hosiery for men. Men’s Oxfords in the latest spring style, See our stock of ties, from 75 cts. to $1.50 from $5.50 to $7.00 Also ‘hats, shirts, gloves, underwear, and etc. For Women and Children we have spring Oxfords and Pumps. C. M. PALMER SELF-OILINGâ€" SELF-REGULATING . Lunau. Agent, mcnmond Hill PHONE 73; Special attention given to sales oi every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. Allsales at- tended to on shortest notice. and com ducted by the most approved methods. Patronage solicited. Phone 99 J. Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 30 tf 415 Balliol St” Toronto. Phone Hudson 1347 w. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR comm? 0F YORK AND ONTARIO Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of ELOCU TION Miss Marguerite Boyle Artist, Teacher in Literatpre, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, MULHOLLA ND & SMYTH COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhill. Potatoes Bought; and Sold. Farmers Produce Taken to Malket, Furniture Moved. Trucking of all description. Service unexcelled. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Toronto Office : 2598 Yonge St. Phone Hudson 3408. 26-f5m TRUCKING . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC M. J. BURKE . Prentice RICHMOND HILL HERRIES FOR SALE â€" 0rd q Solicited. Apply Mas. W. HARWâ€" sm, Richmond St., Richmond Bill. »'-S G. Plewman (Ham), 0. Price, J. Robinson. L. Rumble. P. SavaxaP,M. Sims, I. Stephan, H.Tooley. A. Tuck (HgnJ. A. Wilson, V. Wingrl‘. The following candidates . were successful! at the High School exxuminutmns at Richmond Hill : L. Baker. 8. Battmsby (Ham). I. RPanchard, F. Brnyhnn, K. Braybon, J. Brown. F. Dunco. T. Canning, 0. Garter (Hon), P. Collins, A. Coleman. D. Curtis. M. Denni», G. Dnner, A. Duncan. E. Gamble. D, Gee (Hon), P. Glass. L. Gohn, A. Grainger, D. ick (Hem), L. Hndgins. J. Hopkin., C. James, E. Lashex- (Hon), K. Mahoney, W. Mnsnn, L. McOague, J. Mchan, K. Morris. D. Moses. G. Pill'ifl.‘ (Hum), Harpooning of a Whale off Pacific Coast :-: Canada’s Inland Waterways The Story of a Grain of Wheat :-: Ford Age :-: The Power Thought Built The Germination of a Kernal of Corn :-: Demonstrating Forduon Factory Operations These Pictures are of Interest and Educational Value to All, and will be Shown Under the Direction of Ford Motor Company of Canada. FORD TRAVELLING MOTION PICTURE EXHIBIT Featuring Ford Production and Manufacturing Methods SEE THE GREAT FORD FACTORIES AT WORK l Richmond Hill's young lediel teem of ‘eoft ball pleyers had the best of it in the game with Meple girle it the town park on Thursday evening lest, winning ; out by a score of 19 to 18 with In inning { to spere. It is certainly a credit to any district team who can defe-t that Itrong Maple team of loft ball playen. 'l‘hey Ire exceptionally Itrong in different positionl. but more especially at first bese, the player at that position being exeeptionally good: Now that the Rich- mond Hill girls have struck their stride some splendid game! can be looked for. In future home games Yours Truly gulranteee that, every spectator will have a splendid view of the game and that vililing players and home girls will not be crowded or joetled along the base linoe. And the guarantee stands. Lansing Local Juniors won their pme in splenâ€" did fnhion from 'l‘hornhill on Tuesday evening, the score being 12 to 4. The collection taken up ($11.01) was a record {or the league. OPEN - AIR "I? PICTURES Two games with Dublin girls next week (home and home). It is expected that the first game will be played at the town park next Monday night. early closing night. but watch the blackboard for nnnounccment. FREE FREE FREE 12th YORK RANGERS RESERVE BAND IN ATTENDANCE COME AND BRING YOUR FAMILY EVERYBODY WELCOME RICHMOND HILL PARK Sporting Notes COMING- COMING H . S. Entrance PIC'I‘URES ‘VIIJL BE SHO‘VN Thursday, July Blst Weather conditions being unfavorable, alternative arrangements have been made for use of the Rink FILMS 1‘0" BE AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER . Baldock Ltd. 1 Gold Medal 650 feet $15.50 per 100 lbs. Superior 600 feet $15.00 “ “ “ Extra 550 feet $14.00 u “ “ BRANTFORD TWINE Gilt Edge 650 feet $15.50 per 100 lbs. Gold Leaf 600 feet$15.00 “ “ “ ‘ Bring Your Buainess to Me and Get Service. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING V AND GENERAL REPAIRS PLYMOUTH BINDER TWINE AT 8.30 P.M'. T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 - Thornhill, Ont. A. C. HENDERSO} Prompt‘Adjustments of Claims and Prompt Serv1ce A. G. SAVAGE, General Agent RICHMOND HILL THOR} Phone 33. We Are Known In All Lines of Insurance FIRE PLATE GLASS LI FE AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT BURGLARY? SICKNESS and GUAPANTEE 0F BONDS NHILL. TEA’RDWARE & SUPPLIES LIMITED ONT. SHOWN BV Our AT THE POST-OFFICE BUILDING PAPER HANGER and PAINTER IOxford Street Phone 128- r 12 SAM. SHEPHERD Thornhill, Ont. No Charge for Advice Richmond Hill

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