General Agents for Fï¬rm Machin- ery. Pumps, Etc. TEETZEL BROS. We can also supply your wants on Furnace repairs and pipes. If you we considering the furnace questinn come in and let: us show you outlines. No House too large. No House too small. We have a size and model for every oneâ€"and the prices are right. FIRE, AUTOMOBIFLéE, PLATE GLASS E . Maple, Ont. Phone 232 The ProtPctive Assnciatinn of Cunudu. and The Dominion Gaul-untee and Accident Co. C. H. BYADI AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DELANY BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY E'rc Tornntn OffiCP, 816Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. \Vest Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce .- uiOerï¬l ()fllcc). every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afternnon. Woodbridge. Saturday forenoon. Money to loan at Current Rate SIMEON JOYCE, L.C ’I‘ELEPHONI? 11 M J.B:HERRINGTON ties. . vioâ€" Established 1710 Old Established Companies with Good Records. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, AUTOMOBILE. PLATE GLASS. BURGLARY, ETC. Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada Now accepting pupils. Phone 94] for information CHOIR-LEADER AXD ORGA NIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Government Bonds and Other Money to Loan on Pupil uf Josef Lhevinne and Frank S. \Velsman studio: Over Mr. E. R. Farmer's Tuilnr Store. PHONE 95 Tinsmiths and Geneul Agents PHONE 87 W The Sun Fire Insurance Co ofnlhendpmï¬ng- VOL. XLVII.’ OFFICE; CHURCH STREET PELHAM CIIAFFEY J. 'R. ALLISON, L.D.S., D.D.S TENOR TEACH ER OF SINGING WILLIAM COOK PIANO and THEORY STERLING BANK BUILDING .50 per annum, in advance.] 'wzsultatz'on and Diagnosis Free Established 1869 THURNHILL VILLAGE Announces the Opening First Mortgages Dental Surgery Securi- OPEN EVENINGS Oak Avenue. Small house 'and good sized lot on Rumble Ave., great bargain, small payment down, monthly after, Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL $525 will buy a splendid building lot on the West side of Church St. Rough cast house stable and 1% acres on Mill Street. A bargain. A good cheap Brick Clad House and three acres on Lucas Street. Beautiful residence and grounds, in first class shape, all convenience, town water, Richmond Street. m First-class building Int 50 feet front- age on Richmond Street and through mCentre Street. Will sell at a bar- gain. Easy terms. The House and Lot; on Yonge Sc., formerly owued by the late Mr. Hughes, for sale on easy terms. Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 85 Richmond St.. West. Ofï¬ces Toronto. Naugbtun Blnck. Aurora. Solicntor for: Aurora and Richmond Hill. The Townships of King. \Vbitchurch and Markham. A large stock of Funeral F Kept at the above pl: \V‘ Res. Phnné lill. 5048 The service at 11 a. [1). will be con- ducted by Rex: Alexander MaGiHivn-ay D. D. and at 7.30 p. m. by Mr, Rnhert Scott, assistant at. Bvdfox-d Park Church. Sunday School 10 a. m. RICHMOND HILL. THORNHUJ. ANE UNIONVILLE A slippery roadway lpd tn another accident at. 'l‘hnrnhill last Thursday evening. Two ccrup9s turned out of the" Golf Club grounds. zvne hPhind the nther. The second car skidded going down the hill, and althnugh the driver in the] first car tried to get out, of the way, [may only succeeded in getting entangled. Both coupes overturned and were badly smashed. Mus. Simp- son who was driving (me of the cars oscnped injury. but. her passenger, Mrs. Halliday, suffered cuts and bru’ses. which were attended [(1 by Dr. C. P. Johns. Lator in thv evening she Was driven to her home in East Tux-unto. Announcement of the speaker. at the North York Liberal picnic to he held at. Markham 0n the 16th of August, has been made by Hon. Duncan Marshall. They will H? the Prime Minister. Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King: W E. N. Sinclair. Lender nf the Provincial Liberal party. and Hal B. McGiverin, member for Ottawa. Undertakers and Embalm'ers 'altng S. Jenkins NAUGHTON 1i 'Jis’ï¬kiNé RICHMOND HILL. ONT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Real Estate Man me about a house and lot on Liberal Leaders at Markham . A. Nicholls WRIGHT BROS Gas for Extraction Cu: Wrecked Mflé PHONE : 61 "uneral Furnishing above places J. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 “In Essentials. Unity,- in Non- ‘ ,, ,.~_,.- -- ,. JR. 111 to SR. IIIâ€"Wm. NobTe, Marjorie Webher. Jack Henderson. Geo. White, Florence $Vells. SR. '11 to JR. IIIâ€"Wm. Banks. Laurie Cairns, (Nellie Bull. Edward Fee, Sidney Teaxe equal}, Berkely Ball, ) Gordon Morning. JR. II to SR. IIâ€"Harry ‘Varman, Dorothy Frewin, Pgter Brownl Eric \Vurmau, Eileen Freddery. To the Second Class~Edward McLea‘a, Wm. Morrison, James Rollinson. Edna. Jones, Alexander Peters, Elennr Craw- ford, Arthur Frewin, Jack Hill. SR. 111 "to JR. lVâ€"Jessi- McLean. Evelyn ‘Varman, David Cairns. (Wanen Reuman, Evelyn Mowing). 1- It! .._ 0* III I'V The fnilowing is the result of the final examinations for School Section No. 2, Markham and Vaughan. The names of those who passed are in order offtanding: The_ following sports have been arranged for: 2 Base-bull Games, 2 Girls’ Ball Games, Font Ball. Volley Ball, Races for Juveniles. Open-air Dance in the evening. Admission 25 cent: : children 15c. A programme of sports has been arranged and the committee wish to stress the point. that this is a day for recreation. Let, everyone come out, and spend a day with their neighbors and friends that, proï¬t and pleasure mgy be thP result. It is the desire of the different committees that the citizens of the village 19nd their cu-o eration in making this year’s Field By a real hoiiday. The Hydro Electric Picnic and Dance vi" the Employes. Metropolitan Division, held at Bond Lake. Tuesday, was it must enjoyable affair. although the min during the supper hour in- berfex't'd with the baseball game. The races for men, wumeu. boys and girls, were well contest-“d. and ca‘used lots of fun. A. good programme of sports was well managed by O. L. Wilson, S. F. Livingston. Mr. Mott. Mr. Edey. \Vm, Rose, and other members of the committee. The pleasant outing was brought to a close by a. dance in the pavilion. One of the unique features of the musical programme at the Exhibition this year Will he a mouth organ com- petition. There will be three clï¬sses, one for children under 12 yeLirs, one for competitors under 16 years and a thiid for compétitors who will use single hole 20 reed instruments. A gold, silver and bronze medal will be awauded to the first three winners, t-especiiiely, in each class. The con- lvst. like all other musical competitions at the Ex., will be under Lhe manage- ment: of the Canadian Bureau for the Advancement of Music. A rink from our club represented Richmond Hill at the annual LuWn Bowlim.y tournament at Brampton on Tuesday and \Vednesduy of last week. They stood the battle for twndays and qualified for the final game for the Williams Trophy, and Were defeated by Kew Reach. of Toronto by only four shots. Our boys were presented with four haudsomeMoox-crof! flower bowls. The following is the rink: A. G. Savage, jumes McLean, G. Moodie, A. E. Glms, skip. The ï¬i‘izes wigs- and sauners, nail files: and pink candy, sweet as honey. The following are the winners in the local tournament Monday evening: First; Plize Second Prize D. Hill A. Bales H. Swnzer Mrs. Wright: J. K. Agnew H. Little N. Glass. skip P. Hill, skip. Specialâ€"Mrs. W. Tranch, W. Snedden, N. Battynfl. Eudean. skip. mL_ Are You a Subsa'iber ? Do not fail to see the Ford Travelling Moving Picture Exhibit in the Park this. Thursday, evening. See the advertisement on page 8. York Rangers Band in attendance. Every- thing will he- free. and everybody is in- vited to come and bring the family. Be here at 8.30. daylight saving time. Richmond Hil Field Day and Civic Holiday Moth Organ Contest Again to the Front Something New S. S. No. Hydro Picnic Lawn Bowling .. THURSDAY, JULY 31. 1924 Essentials, Liberty ,- in all things, Charity 'Oflice and residence north side Richmond Street‘ Richmond Hill. Telephone 13, Ring 2. (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Vete_rin~ ary College. All clnses of animals treated. Day and night calls prompt- ly attended: All mail orders will receive prompt attention. 378 Berresford Ave" \Vest Toronto. Phone Junction 0072. Leave Orders at Glenn’s Drug Store Richmond Hill. Leave Richmond Hill WtR. ROBERTSON, c. L. WILSON Cars leave Tor-onto for Schomberg 7.45, 9.45 a. m., 3.45, 6.15 and 8.45 p. m. Uars leave New market for Schomberg 8.00. 10.00 a. m., 4.00 p. m., 630 and_ 8.20 p. m. Leave Toronto for Sutton at 6.45 a. m. and every hour. 8.45 p. m. last car. Leave Toronto for Newmarket at 6.45 a. m. and then 7.45 a. m. and every hour until 10.15 p. m., then last, cur 12.15 midnight. Leave Toronto for Richmond Hill at. 6.15 a. m. and every half hour until 10.15 p. m., then 11.15 p. m..a.nd last car 12.15 midnight. Leave Richmond Hill for Toronto at ' 6.40 a. m. and every half hour until 12.10 midnight. Leave Newmarket for Toronto at 6.00, 7.00. 8.00 and 9.00 a. m., and every half hour 11.00 p. m., then last car 11.35 p. m. Leave Sutton for Toronto 6.50 and 9.20 u. m., then every hour until last can 10 20 p.’m. Victoria Day, Dominion Day and Toronto Civic Holiday HOLIDAY TIME TABLE are ready to receive applications for no agency of their Welland favorably known Nmsery Pro- ducts. such as Fruit Trees. Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs. Roses and Perennials. Quality first. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address as above at once. R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE NURSERYMEN, Limited BRO‘VN’S NURSERIES. ONT. Agents Wanted BUS 10.00 11.10 11.55 General Supt. 93: @mï¬ï¬‚g? ewe CO p..- U! JUHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER BROWN BROS. COMPANY TIME TABLE 12.45 10.30 P.M. 005 000 41.] 034 Lzaiiiï¬ ocwooc: occcr â€" 999pw99Q> A 28.9.: P.M. 12.30 1.30 2.15 3.15 4.u0 4.50 5.40 6.00 7.35 9.15 Leave Toronto Saph 11.00 11.30 COURTESY By Buying under Wholesale w Prices (at the Elevator) your BRAN, SHORTS, OATS, CORN- MEAL, SCRA'TCH FEED. BREAD and PASTRY FLOUR QUANTITY Save Money Lxcensed Auctioneer for the Countyot York. Hales attended to on shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. From the Toronto Conservatory of Musin. will accspt :1 number of pupils in Piano, Vocal and -: Theory. -:- Richmond Hill, Friday and Satmday For inforumtion Phone 110. MRS. MYLKQ. NORTH YONGE ST., RICHMOND BILL. DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAF-F. Ofï¬ce hours 8 :10 21.11:. and 6 :8 pm: Dfï¬i_L1LLIAN c. LANGSTAFFH Ofï¬ce hours 10 to 12 a.m. and 6fo8p.m. Aéeimo ï¬ielecci ‘and Miss Rosaiiné Bush L. T. C. M. Ofï¬ce and residenceâ€"Centre and Church SLreets Richmond Hill Phone No. 24. 0. I. RUDDELL, D.C. PILC. (diseases of woï¬leh m Office hours ] :3 p. m Phone 100. DR. M. B. WELLWOOD OFFICE Hou rs Hours: 2 Lu 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. Except Wednesday PHONE 117 Consultation [free at the Ofï¬ce A CAR OF Lump Threshing Coal JUST ARRIVED PALM ER CH IROPRACTOR Oï¬ice:â€"â€"Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Ofï¬ce Hours: 10-12; 6-8 DR J. P. WILSON DRS. LAN GSTAF F . D. Ramer J. ‘I‘. SAIGEOIV Maple [Single copies, 3 cts. Patronage solicited ABOVE DAVIES STORE xyorpen and children.) C‘LEA NLINESS SERVICE No. 5